
Do you eat like you should?

Do you eat like you should?

  • 10 Yes. There's nothing I should change.

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • 9

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • 8

    Votes: 8 15.1%
  • 7

    Votes: 12 22.6%
  • 6

    Votes: 6 11.3%
  • 5

    Votes: 10 18.9%
  • 4

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • 3

    Votes: 5 9.4%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 1.9%
  • 1 No, my diet could not be worse!

    Votes: 4 7.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Apr 30, 2005
Do you eat like you should?

Since this poll is informal and entirely unscientific use your own standards for 'should'.

This is not a poll on how well people eat.
It's a poll on how well people feel they eat.
I gave myself an 8.

I'd give my SO a 2; he'd probably give himself a 6 or 7. :mrgreen:
But this poll is about judging ourselves to our own standards, be they poorly or well-informed.
I'm a nutritionist, so I should be a 10, but since I work in an environment where most people average a 2, and obesity is prevalent, I find myself slipping, and eating badly a lot of the time. The saving grace is that I don't have any underlying medical issues, and I exercise 5-6 times a week.
Gave myself a 7 here; my diet was absolutely horrible for the longest time but I have since cleaned it up a lot and have been feeling better for it as well as loss of 15-20lb with no exercise changes (well, no exercise at all technically lol)

I still get takeaway once or twice a week and eat processed foods, but that is something I am trying to keep at a limit. I'm of the opinion that when I am going to a grill, I'm not eating a salad with balsamic dressing. For one day I'm going to order some beers, some burgers, some ribs, some wings, finish it with ice cream and eventually undo my belt by a couple of notches :lol:
I might be a "7"
I "feel" that I eat mostly the right things.
I rarely eat processed foods, red meat, or fast food.
I could certainly eat more salads and vegetables.
I cook at home almost everyday, and I am conscious of salt.
I love to bake, and have dessert every day. That is probably the one thing I should change.
I could stand to lose 5-10 lbs.
I gave myself a 7, however, it is unlikely that I would change except perhaps to eat less and exercise more in order to keep the weight down.

DK :))
Oh man, I have a lot of hang-ups about food. Not because I am worried that I'll get fat, but because I have a lot of moral opposition to modern day farming.

I will only eat meat at home, because I will only buy free-range/organic/grass-fed meat and wild-caught sustainable fish. I get venison from my friend's husband (who hunts and processes it and brings it down from NorCal), I buy pastured eggs from our local farmers market and dairy (which we don't eat a lot of) is organic and pastured too. We live in Southern California, so we are lucky to have access to a huge variety of fresh, organic local produce.

At first glance our habits may seem pretentious, but our real motivation is because we don't want to support factory farming, corporate farming and companies like Con-Agra, Nestlé, General Mills and Kraft. We figure that the best way to protest these companies practices is not buying their products.

Our monthly grocery bill is astronomical, but I cook almost all of our meals at home, so it's probably about the same cost as eating out.

I think my diet is about a 7-8. I get points because I love vegetables so we always eat lots of fresh seasonal veggies, and I also get points for cooking at home, so I'm conscious about added fats, salt, etc. I lose points because I know I tend to overeat and overindulge in alcohol and sugar.
I feel I'm somewhere in the middle. I'm pretty good but could do better. I aim for organic and low fat but I also love chocolate and chips.
tuffyluvr|1442362136|3928188 said:
Oh man, I have a lot of hang-ups about food. Not because I am worried that I'll get fat, but because I have a lot of moral opposition to modern day farming.

I will only eat meat at home, because I will only buy free-range/organic/grass-fed meat and wild-caught sustainable fish. I get venison from my friend's husband (who hunts and processes it and brings it down from NorCal), I buy pastured eggs from our local farmers market and dairy (which we don't eat a lot of) is organic and pastured too. We live in Southern California, so we are lucky to have access to a huge variety of fresh, organic local produce.

At first glance our habits may seem pretentious, but our real motivation is because we don't want to support factory farming, corporate farming and companies like Con-Agra, Nestlé, General Mills and Kraft. We figure that the best way to protest these companies practices is not buying their products.

Our monthly grocery bill is astronomical, but I cook almost all of our meals at home, so it's probably about the same cost as eating out.

I think my diet is about a 7-8. I get points because I love vegetables so we always eat lots of fresh seasonal veggies, and I also get points for cooking at home, so I'm conscious about added fats, salt, etc. I lose points because I know I tend to overeat and overindulge in alcohol and sugar.

I admire your wish to source your meat in a ethical way tuffyluvr, but my concern is that if everyone did the same then wildstocks would get decimated all around the world. It's sustainability vs. morality on this issue unfortunately.

All would be made easier if everyone hunted/fished for themselves or went vegetarian if they couldn't :lol:

Do I eat as well as I should? No because I skip far too many meals. I have no idea how that would be rated.

I don't like making lunches, I don't like leftovers, I eat very little packaged or processed food, and I don't like the "for purchase" food options provided in my work environment. And far too often, I am simply too busy to get or take time to eat lunch.

While I enjoy cooking and make balanced nutritious meals using carefully chosen ingredients, if it is just my DH and I--I am picky about eating. Hence I drink a lot of chocolate milk. And Greek style yogurt.

:lol: bhahahahahahaha
At least I am #1 in something :oops:
Do I eat like I should? Yes. When I'm hungry, I shove food in my gob and feel damn lucky that I can. **** the food police.
Nahhhh, I eat too much unhealthy foods... :nono: but at 5' 7" I only weigh about 150 lbs... :praise:
jordyonbass said:
tuffyluvr|1442362136|3928188 said:
Oh man, I have a lot of hang-ups about food. Not because I am worried that I'll get fat, but because I have a lot of moral opposition to modern day farming.

I will only eat meat at home, because I will only buy free-range/organic/grass-fed meat and wild-caught sustainable fish. I get venison from my friend's husband (who hunts and processes it and brings it down from NorCal), I buy pastured eggs from our local farmers market and dairy (which we don't eat a lot of) is organic and pastured too. We live in Southern California, so we are lucky to have access to a huge variety of fresh, organic local produce.

At first glance our habits may seem pretentious, but our real motivation is because we don't want to support factory farming, corporate farming and companies like Con-Agra, Nestlé, General Mills and Kraft. We figure that the best way to protest these companies practices is not buying their products.

Our monthly grocery bill is astronomical, but I cook almost all of our meals at home, so it's probably about the same cost as eating out.

I think my diet is about a 7-8. I get points because I love vegetables so we always eat lots of fresh seasonal veggies, and I also get points for cooking at home, so I'm conscious about added fats, salt, etc. I lose points because I know I tend to overeat and overindulge in alcohol and sugar.

I admire your wish to source your meat in a ethical way tuffyluvr, but my concern is that if everyone did the same then wildstocks would get decimated all around the world. It's sustainability vs. morality on this issue unfortunately.

All would be made easier if everyone hunted/fished for themselves or went vegetarian if they couldn't :lol:

Very true. I also didn't mention that we only eat meat a couple times a week, and I try to make the most of it. If there is anything with bones, I save them and make stock to stretch everything as far as possible. Even during the summer we eat soup at least once a week and if it's too hot for soup I either make stock and freeze it or freeze the bones/carcasses for a later date. We are lucky to have a deep freeze! I know that our culture eats too much meat and it just isn't sustainable. Really, we probably eat more meat than is sustainable, but we are trying our best to do better by the environment.

DH is working with one of my best friend's husbands to learn to hunt and fish. DH and I grew up in Los Angeles where there wasn't much of an opportunity to learn such skills, but learning these things has actually become rather trendy(at least in our circle!). He and I are eagerly learning and hope (one day) to live on a piece of land with minimal impact to the environment
I think we do pretty well.

I always make lunch to take to work (for my dh too) and it is always healthy so we never eat fast food. We eat plenty of fresh veggies and salads and I am back to my vegan lifestyle though in the summer I am a pescetarian.

I do not eat processed foods (for the most part) and get plenty of exercise. 7 days a week cardio and I also do Pilates and some free weights though not enough of that I know so there is room for improvement. I do love eating though so probably eat too much at times but for the most part I am pleased with how we eat and with our activity level and lifestyle.

Our grocery bill is very high due to all the organic and fresh food and high quality food we eat but it is worth it IMO.
I really cleaned up my diet about a year ago and it's stuck. My DH makes waffles for breakfast every Sunday and I allow myself to pig out on chips and ice cream one time a week. Other than that, I eat organic fruits, veggies and low-fat yogurt. About three times a week I eat meat and most of that is chicken. I honestly feel much better eating this way and my skin has cleared up. I guess I could cut out the waffles and junk food binge if I really wanted to eat like I should. Knowing that I get to eat junk once a week keeps me motivated the rest of the week.
I've found a new staple I have almost daily.
I'm unusual in that I don't mind the monotony when I've found something with a good combination of easy, yummy, healthy and cheap.

Costco sells boxes of organic chicken broth.
To it I ad firm tofu, again from Costco, and several fresh veges.
I do vary it with vege choice, herbs and spices: sometimes Italian, Mexican, Asian etc.

Breakfast 7 days a week is oatmeal, but made from scratch ...
Old-fashioned rolled oats bought in bulk at Winco. (I'm going to look into weather steel-cut oats are really healthier than rolled.)
Freshly-ground nutmeg
(no added sugar, honey, or salt)
Raw unsalted walnuts
Costco organic soy milk (has half the sugars that non-fat cow's milk has)
Half a teaspoon of dried cranberries (yeah yeah yeah they contain a bit of sugar, so sue me.)

Now I just have to get off my big fat @ss, and get some exercise.
I voted low, at 4. I skip meals and don't eat enough, yet manage to maintain my weight. I should eat on a schedule and include specific snacks. What I eat isn't that bad, but since I have autoimmune diseases, I feel like more and more I should go vegan or at least vegetarian. I also have no appetite probably due to meds I'm on. Nothing appeals to me ever. If someone were to hand me food to eat at the proper times, I think I would do much better. The thought of having to eat more, and more often, and to plan a menu for a day or a week is an overwhelming thought to me. I usually snack on fresh fruits, and I'm trying to incorporate some nuts for protein. I struggle with eating meat nowadays. :sick:
I have to eat healthy now, since DH was diagnosed with diabetes a few months ago (I wanted to mention he wasn’t/isn’t fat, apparently thin people can get it).

Every meal is carefully balanced to be high fiber, at least two veggies, alternating proteins (meats, poultry, seafoods), occasional dairy. TINY bits of occasional deadly white starch (white potatoes, pasta, white bread). It’s a whole world of baked sweet potatoes, whole grains, various beans, high fiber or high pectin fruits, nuts, oatmeal (yes, Kenny, you want the steel cut), and no fat/low sugar dressing.

Banned are my old friends; chocolate, :o ice cream, Oreos, soda (I Sometimes have 1 can of soda during the day), cake, donuts, pretzels, brownies, all juices, all dried fruit, corn, pancakes, syrup, waffles. If it’s high carb, and no fiber, it has to go because carbs turn to sugar in the bloodstream. GONE - because they are full of sugar - is regular ketchup, BBQ sauce!!, many salad dressings, spaghetti sauce (I make my own now with organic canned tomato sauce). Even 5 grams of sugar in a serving is too much for DH.

DH feels terribly guilty about me adapting to his diet (it’s just more efficient, honestly) and will bring home chocolate, cookies, etc., for me. But really, I’ve lost my taste for super sweet stuff, it just seems to be sugary air now. But some days my blood sugar drops so low, I have a couple of Milanos. :)

We now work out 3 days a week in our new home gym. DD taught me some easy physical therapy exercises, and me - an old lady - is slowly developing a six pack. :shock: DH treadmills several miles a week and lifts weights.

So yes, I eat like I should. And I exercise. I don’t really wanna. :nono:

But I told DH that this diabetes thing is probably the best thing that ever happened to us. :bigsmile: He kinda agreed.
I gave myself a 6 because I eat healthy breakfast and lunch but somehow lose all willpower at dinner and after dinner. I have fruit and yogurt for breakfast and a big salad at lunch. I'll have 2 snacks of fruit. However, come dinner and I'll have a big steak with potatoes and vegetables and I'll have ice cream, cake, or chocolate for dessert. I think I lose all willpower when I'm tired and hungry.

Oh, and weekends are really bad for me. We eat out almost 100% of our meals on weekends and it's usually big brunches and big dinners.

My weight is fine and I do workout 4-5x a week so I think I'm ok overall.

I'm trying to eat more healthy though. I'm starting the Whole Life Challenge with a group this weekend!
I weigh and measure most of what I eat and when I do, I aim for approx. 1300 calories per day. I'd like to say that I weigh and measure everything 100% of the time but that's not realistic. I eat a lot of fruit, salmon, lean proteins, brown rice, and healthier snacks (rice cakes and all natural peanut butter, popcorn, peppers and hummus, cherry or grape tomatoes, yogurt and yogurt bars). I haven't had pasta, chocolate, ice cream, cookies, or brownies in years. We don't keep bread, flour, or sugar in the house, and I try to stay away from things made with high fructose corn syrup. Every once in a while I go crazy and have a plain doughnut, a bagel, or a small piece of pumpkin or apple pie when I'm on the run or out to eat, but it's not often.

I have the food stuff down, mostly, although I need to eat more veggies. For me, the main problem is exercise. I go through phases where I go to the gym regularly but then if something comes up and I can't go one day, I tend to fall of the exercise wagon.
I gave myself a 3 because I haven't been eating well lately and I need to make some changes.

Other people would rank my food choices better but I am counting pretzels and crackers as poor choices.

ETA: Everyone was so detailed. My eating habits were much better and I have slipped, especially in my snack food choices. So because I have slipped so far I am considering myself a 3. Once I find my lost motivation I will recover. :saint:
I had to give myself a 5...been hitting fast food too much lately :o !
I put a 1 haha. I *can* eat healthy, and do sometimes. But most times I don't. A few weeks ago I had pancakes for breakfast. With chocolate sauce. And icecream on top. It was to. die. for. I also love cooking, and cooking healthy is really boring. So instead, its Osso buco or fresh gnocci or proscuito pizza. :love:
I gave myself a 5. Way too much ice cream lately. Hey, does taking vitamins count as eating healthy.
telephone89|1442506530|3928834 said:
... and cooking healthy is really boring. ...

Ah, why did you have to say that?

kenny|1442510268|3928869 said:
telephone89|1442506530|3928834 said:
... and cooking healthy is really boring. ...

Ah, why did you have to say that?
I'm sorry!

Here, maybe some steamed veggies will make you feel better :Up_to_something:


...they just look so ... delicious ...
Mmmm. Thank you. :mrgreen:
Steamed veges may not be as delicious as cheesecake, but living longer is simply scrumptious. :lol:
Not untrue, not untrue at all!