
Do you brink your jewelry with you on vacation?

Do you bring your jewelry on vacation with you?

  • No, never. None at all

    Votes: 3 5.7%
  • Some, but only my less expensive pieces.

    Votes: 18 34.0%
  • Maybe one or two nice pieces, but that's it.

    Votes: 20 37.7%
  • Yes, this is the best opportunity to wear my fancy stuff, so I bring it with me and enjoy!

    Votes: 12 22.6%

  • Total voters


Aug 6, 2014
Hi All,

Since we're a little slow on posts these days, I thought I'd pose you guys the dilemma I have. I have an upcoming vacation (yay!), which if I am being honest, is a PRIME opportunity to wear my nicer pieces of jewelry that I often don't get to wear at home, as we will have a number of fancy dinners out. But, I'm feeling a bit weird about traveling with my nicest pieces of jewelry. Usually I travel with a few relatively inexpensive pieces, just in case, ya know? DH keeps saying that I should make sure to bring my nicest things with me though, because he would like me to be able to wear it and enjoy it. Like the stuff that would make me (and my household insurance) cry if it were to get lost or damaged (nothing heirloom, just outside of a price range where replacing it would be comfortable).

So what do you do? Do you take your jewelry on vacation with you?
Nope, nope, nope. I never bring anything that has to be packed or carried that could be stolen or misplaced.

If I can wear it, and it doesn't have to be removed to go through security, then I'll bring it. But it does not leave my body.
Only costume jewelry or things I wouldn't be devastated to lose.
No - I wear a simple band in place of my engagement/wedding ring. A simple pair of diamond studs and a necklace, watch and simple bracelet. Things that can be replaced in the event I am mugged. Wear the same pieces throughout the vacation and do not take them off. This way I haven't a need to keep track of many pieces of jewelry. Too risky and I don't want to bring attention to my bling.
I do bring several of my Tahitian pearls with me when I travel. Just can't resist. We tend to take cruises, and I generally keep the pearls in my handbag while traveling and flying. Unfortunately, it makes for a very heavy handbag.
I definitely understand the urge. Many of the nicest places I visit are while traveling so of course I want to show off my best pretties. However, like some of the others here I'm just not trusting enough. I cheer myself up by wearing nice fakes.
Re: Do you bring your jewelry with you on vacation?

Glad to hear I'm not crazy. It's sad though. The best opportunities to glam up and I will be going without!

I've actually been thinking that I might bring my freshwater triple. It's a stock item so not irreplaceable like a more unique strand would be. Plus it feels really dressy and wasn't so expensive that I'd struggle to replace it if something terrible were to happen (without having to go the insurance route). I can pair it with my freshwater drop earring jackets that I can pair with CZ studs. Fancy without huge risk. I'll have to find some fun faux too.
Yes!!! I wear it on the airplane and a few extra pieces in my purse, like a earrings and strands!
I don't travel to much, but when I do I always take a few pieces. I usually pack the pendants or freshwaters. I don't ever travel with any of my truly expensive pieces.
I have upcoming vocation (to New Zealand) this weekend, much that I love to dress up and go to fancy restaurants, I still will not bring expensive jewelries with me. I just don't have much faith in hotel security box.

In the other hand, at least most of the hotel has a security box that I can put in jewerlries or smaller things. I am more worried about my evening dresses hanging loosely in the hotel wardrobe...maybe, I am just paranoid :p
I never travel with anything expensive. But then it depends on the trip. Being in Australia we tend to take 6 week trips .. so that's a lot of and it's just too easy to lose something. I tend to take easily replaceable items and nice big lab diamond studs. ( This is where the big white Edisons come in handy...they look like WSS without the big price tag.) All stuff you can leave in a room safe and not have to haul around with you.
I always take my ER and WB(s). And 2 pairs of earrings usually. And that's it. Depending on where we are going and what we are doing. Less is more when traveling but I always want my ER and WBs with me and I feel naked without a pair of earrings.
It really depends on where you are going , what you plan to bring and what kind of security you have.

I went to Tahiti with costume and wished I bought the good stuff. Took good stuff to Belize and was scared to death even wearing a wedding ring.

I have been taking pearls, even expensive ones on vacations for quite a while. I keep them locked in the suitcase or in a hidden compartment in my purse when not worn. I wouldn't trust a safe in a room, but have used the safe in the managers office at hotels with no problem. No one knows if your pearls are real or not or have any idea their worth. They are worthless in pawn shops so drug addicts won't target you like they would if you were wearing gold.
We're going on a cruise to the Caribbean. So daytime will primarily be beach wear, but there are formal evenings and fancy dinners on the boat where it would be fun to be more dressed up. I think I am going to have to give it some more thought.
I take my ER and stuff that I can wear on the journey- usually my smaller studs, and pendant plus my JbG bangle. I have an Ebel watch I might also put on. I don't take pearls or carry anything else in my luggage. I do have a couple of nice semiprecious items that I keep mostly for beach type trips.
I think if it's insured and replaceable you should take it.
I don't bring all of my jewelry when I travel...but I do plan my wardrobe carefully. I do mostly business travel, so I only bring what I will wear, and utilize the hotel safe (not the one in the room, but their safety deposit box vault). I would imagine a cruise ship has a similar offering.
Frost Me|1458787134|4010184 said:
Yes!!! I wear it on the airplane and a few extra pieces in my purse, like a earrings and strands!

This is me, too.
It depends on the type of holiday I am having.

With a camping holiday, just the bare minimum, just a couple of pairs of costume or pearl earrings, and just a couple of rings.

I would take or wear my nicer pieces along with me for city trips.

My sentiment is that, what's the point of amassing all the goodies and be afraid to wear them in case they are lost or stolen?

DK :))
Tucs|1458934888|4011030 said:
I think if it's insured and replaceable you should take it.

I'm leaning this way. I think I'm going to take a few things that are standard stock items (like my white round akoya strand and my freshwater triple strand) and leave behind anything unique and that would be hard to replicate. I have some non-pearl pieces that would be hard to replace and some of my Tahitian strands would be a challenge too.
I do mostly business travel but I actually wear jewellery more often at work. The key consideration for me is safety... Is it somewhere where it's fairly safe to walk around in jewellery? If yes, then typically I go with my diamond studs that I wear all the time, and a few versatile pieces, mostly single fwp strands and nothing too expensive or attention seeking like t ropes (makes no sense cos the diamond studs cost way more but yeah...).

If it's not at all safe, then I may just bring a pair of fwp studs n necklace just for the work look. But nothing pricey.

After travelling all over Asia, I've realised that there are some quirks. Like in Manila everyone wears pearls so you won't attract unwanted attention if you wear nice pearls (lotsa south sea pearls in the business district). I do think pearls are way more common in Asia. I'll imagine that in Tahiti pearls are fairly common too.
Tucs|1458934888|4011030 said:
I think if it's insured and replaceable you should take it.

I agree Tucs, I missed bring up this point. This is why I don't worry so much.
So packing limitations forced me to cull what I am bringing. I am flush with earrings thanks to a pill box stuffed with cotton balls but only had room for a freshwater strand and my triple. And a few chunky costume necklaces too.

All my stuff is insured too. It's more that I think some items would be hard to replace if lost.
Where do you all go to be so fearful of crime...which is just as likely to happen outside your own front door probably.
Take and enjoy
I'm not so worried about being mugged, but more about losing things. If I'm home, I'm not packing and unpacking and laying bags on conveyor belts, etc.etc. And I don't have strangers cleaning my home, whereas a maid will be cleaning my hotel room. I'm not accusing a maid, but anyone could walk in my room while she's cleaning it and act like it's their room, and I'm sure the maid would not confront them to prove it. I'd just rather only take what I can wear.
I have heard that theft from checked bags is not uncommon, especially since so many people handle your bags and nothing is locked anymore. I've never had anything stolen from a hotel room or a cruise ship cabin, but I suppose it could happen as housekeeping staff often prop doors open (I've come back to find my hotel room propped open and housekeeping is in another room - for efficiency they often do adjoining rooms at the same time). I'm much more worried about losing things. There are so many stops with so many times my bags are open, it would be easy to have something fall out or be left behind.
I put all pearls in carry on or handbag. Most hotels have safes, either in the room itself or via reception. You are as likely simply to lose at home as anywhere
Simple tip, if you take off rings when you wash your hands then hold the rings in your lips, don't put them down by the basin.
I have heard of many ladies over the years who used room safes either in hotels or on ships that were robbed of all the contents while out of the rooms. I don't trust them.
I would not trust room safes either.

Even a largish carry-on bag may not be safe; I've been obliged to check my carry-on on some smaller planes for the last leg of my trip.
Almost got mugged in a vacation in Rome. Will not wear any jewelry that attracts attention. It is not losing the jewelry that worries me, it is putting myself and family in unnecessary danger.