
Do I just need to be more patient?


Feb 24, 2009
Hi all-

As you may know I have sent my asscher out to be set. I have been loosing patience with who I have chosen to set my stone. When we communicate its NEVER during the day-always at night. I know this particular vendor is very busy but Im not well experienced with the custom setting process. When I do message I know in the back of my mind I will more than likely get a response at night. The vendor has been very very nice and courteous but I guess my question is do I just need more patience? Im not sure what to do? I rather not say who the vendor is-rather have it be a surprise when the final ring is finished. I just dont feel a lot of communication-is what Im feeling wrong???
If the vendor is the craftsman then it's totally reasonable that they are responding at night - after all they're not spending their time in front of a computer.

Maybe it's because I'm from Europe, but I don't usually expect to hear back from people the same day and I'm suprised if I do. So my advice is patience but others from the USA where people seem to have majorly high expectations when it comes to customer service may think differently.
No-its two people. Its a husband and wife team...that may give you all clues to whom it could be.
This is my first custom piece-I really didnt know much about how the process works. I will put myself into check and have more patience. Like I had said the communication we do have with the vendor is always nice-just not much of it.
In my experience with custom work, I am always surprised when I hear back the same day, and with the exception of vendors like Brian Gavin, I would say that communication at night is the norm. Some vendors have full time jobs in the real world, and their etsy or email customers are responded to in the evenings when the daytime job is over. Whether cultivating patience is something you should do is up to you, but if you are planning on doing much custom work where the interface with the vendor is through email, I'd say it's necessary, or you're going to go crazy with the waiting!
If it's the couple I think it is, they both have jobs outside of the home, as far as I'm aware. Some of it depends how busy whoever it is, is. Most of the vendors I've emailed have contacted me at night. The exception being Sally, her convos I received during the day, but it was night time for her. They're probably either working during the day at their other jobs if they have them, or they're working on crafting during the day, and then emails at night. I generally don't expect emails from vendors during the day, and I make myself not expect them during the weekend/holidays, tho I have teased a few of them when I've received replies at 2am or on Christmas etc.
Thank you so much for your responses -it helps. Since this is our first custom I was almost feeling like this was just happening to us. I really had no idea this is really how it is for most people. I feel much better now. Goes to show this is a world I know very little about-and learning along the way. I really really appreciate the feedback.
I think you do need to adjust expectations a bit with certain types of vendors (e.g. Etsy). What phase of discussions are you in, have they started work on the piece, or are you still going through the initial custom design process? As long as they are getting back to you within a reasonable time frame, answering your questions, and being generally responsive, I think you are in good shape. I think I've dealt with the same people, and over the course of a project that took about a month, we corresponded maybe 4 times (on a simple, stock piece.) I wouldn't expect to hear too much once they've actually started working on the piece, because presumably most of your involvement is over until the final approval process. There really isn't that much need for back-and-forth at this point. But on the other hand, it's perfectly fair to ask them for a time-frame, to ease your mind. It sounds lovely, and I'm looking forward to seeing it.
Thank you Selkie-I really appreciate your response. I didnt take into account they may have day jobs and as Packrat pointed out that may be the case. I feel better now having read everyone's input, it really puts things into perspective. Maybe Im just being anxious. :confused:
So I actually just had communication from the vendor and things are going to start picking up a little. I feel better. I will be sure to post pics when I have the beauty on my finger. :D
This vendor usually communicates at night. Their RSS feed is often updated around 10 or 11pm est. Nothing to worry about. Look forward to the pictures.
Thanks beach-completion date will be around June 15th! :bigsmile:
:wavey: any news?
Yes- it may be completed this weekend!!! There was some tweaking done so its taking a little bit longer. ;)

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