
Distinctive Gem or Alex Park?


Jan 18, 2014
The political position of some on social media sends me insane. Views on vaccines, and those who pretend that being required to have a vaccine equates to living in a police state makes me want to hit somebody. De-friend them at the very least. But I'll say this for Jon.....

I do business with him on occasion. But I de-friended him on social media due to our conflicting views on various issues that I hold dear. However, because so many of my friends follow him, his posts still occasionally pop up on my feed, and one about vaccines did that just the other day.

It was public, so I posted a clearly conflicting position. His response? He sent me a friend request, bless his little cotton socks!

Jon and I disagree about a lot of things. But we handle it with grace and a live-and-let-live attitude. Separating the political position from the person is essential in these times, which I can only compare to walking a minefield.

Being a (hardline) Democrat voting, pro environment, anti guns, conservative, evangelical Christian means that my ethical and political peer group numbers about...oh, let me think...about....what was that number again?...oh yes, I remember - ONE. I'm pretty sure I could find something I consider to be HUGELY important, ethical, fundamental, or downright imperative to disagree over with EVERY SINGLE PERSON. Yet somehow I still manage to have friends, a social circle, and vendors who I trust and with whom I deal, without compromising my morals or losing my voice. There's a limit, I agree. Hitler, for example, could be selling the biggest, most beautiful diamond on the planet for dollars in the single digits - and I'm still not buying. But somewhere between that - and common political disagreements - I can find enough common ground to be able to interact in a positive manner without feeling I'm selling my soul.

And, knowing Jon as I do, I'd advise people to be careful to separate his political position from his view of individual people, which I've always found to be positive.

My own experiences have taught me to be slow to judge. People's positions are complicated and multi-layered, and even their positions with which I might degree often co-exist in the one person with grace, generosity and deep morality.

People are complicated.

Re the vendors question - I've bought from both. I had one of the most beautiful diamonds I've ever owned for a jaw-dropping price from Alex, and a bunch of lovely things from Jon over the years. During that time, I've also still done business with Good Old Gold. So that hits all bases, pretty much. All experiences were good and the pieces I bought, outstanding. So in other words, after ALL those words...

I'm no help at all!

Thank you! You are very helpful!


Apr 17, 2006
I’m glad OP already made their choice but just to follow up and offer experience to anyone else checking this thread…

Tell Jonathan what your budget is. He will find you something just a little over. Then go with him and pay the little-over because you will be paying for good service and almost certainly will get excellent quality.

I hope this thread stays up because comparing DG and AP will provide good information on the strengths and weaknesses of both vendors.


Sep 30, 2010
Of course not, but “liking”’ the racist comments really sends mixed signals if he called them out after.

:-o While others may disagree, thank you for this! As a woman of color, with means and a great deal of disposable income, who and what my hard-earned money supports is VERY important to me—- especially in these times.
Coming near the end of the return period of a traditional oval I bought (that I LOVE), I literally was planning on returning it today, to buy a DG august vintage oval >5cts with ideal light return, spending significantly more! Especially because he’s from where I was raised and being a PS vendor I have followed for years. Supporting small, good business and all. But now, I cannot in good conscience do so. Don’t know why, and I shouldn’t be surprised, but this hurts. Wow. Unfollowing.
Thanks, again!


Dec 15, 2009
“didn’t want to deal with replies like yours”


You shouldn’t be able to tarnish someone and then run away. Since you’ve already lost Jon business through this thread, I think you owe it to all of us to post what you view as racist. I don’t think you should be able to ruin someone’s livelihood so easily. I. Need. Proof.

It goes beyond political views and gets personal when it’s posting and encouraging racist remarks of the type that has led to the rise of hate crimes against people of my ethnic background. I choose not to contribute to the livelihood of the people who perpetuate that even if others on the internet really like him. I do respect that it’s a choice each person gets to make.

@hmr_mama I posted the original comment that Deja quoted. I deleted my post because I didn’t want to deal with replies like yours, but Deja already quoted me around the same time I deleted my post. I figured at that point that the horse is out of the barn.

I will not be posting the racist content and engaging any further because I don’t need the trauma of justifying my feelings to have them invalidated when the inevitable handful of PSers declare that it’s not racist and some people think everything is racist.


Jun 10, 2020
“didn’t want to deal with replies like yours”


You shouldn’t be able to tarnish someone and then run away. Since you’ve already lost Jon business through this thread, I think you owe it to all of us to post what you view as racist. I don’t think you should be able to ruin someone’s livelihood so easily. I. Need. Proof.

Dramatic much? No one’s livelihood has been ruined. No one “owes” anyone on an online forum anything. If you want to keep working with Jon, that’s absolutely your prerogative and no one can stop you from doing so. If you “need proof” of anything that multiple posters have observed openly on public forum, there’s no one stopping you from following Jon to observe first hand whether his public posts and viewpoints align with whatever yours are. Really no need to make demands of strangers on the internet.


Dec 15, 2009
This forum…shakes my head. So, Jon lost no money by said person saying he’s racist (there’s proof in this thread that he lost a sale from this post)?

What a weak point…dramatic? That’s what people with no argument have for those of us that are trying to see the argument from a logical standpoint. I’m just trying to make an informed decision. I don’t know why my request is so out of line. Calling someone racist is a mark against their character. On an online forum that’s a serious claim.

I don’t need people to “align” with my ideals to do business with them….but maybe you do. I would rather not do business with racists…but no one in this thread will prove that I have.

I don’t have time to follow random people on social media to find out if a vendor is racist or not. That’s what his forum is for…educating consumers.

Dramatic is someone saying they can’t validate their claim that someone is racist by saying they’re too traumatized to show the truth.

Racism is on a whole other level. For me, that’s not something you get to claim without explanation.

Dramatic much? No one’s livelihood has been ruined. No one “owes” anyone on an online forum anything. If you want to keep working with Jon, that’s absolutely your prerogative and no one can stop you from doing so. If you “need proof” of anything that multiple posters have observed openly on public forum, there’s no one stopping you from following Jon to observe first hand whether his public posts and viewpoints align with whatever yours are. Really no need to make demands of strangers on the internet.


Jun 10, 2020
This forum…shakes my head. So, Jon lost no money by said person saying he’s racist (there’s proof in this thread that he lost a sale from this post)?

What a weak point…dramatic? That’s what people with no argument have for those of us that are trying to see the argument from a logical standpoint. I’m just trying to make an informed decision. I don’t know why my request is so out of line. Calling someone racist is a mark against their character. On an online forum that’s a serious claim.

I don’t need people to “align” with my ideals to do business with them….but maybe you do. I would rather not do business with racists…but no one in this thread will prove that I have.

I don’t have time to follow random people on social media to find out if a vendor is racist or not. That’s what his forum is for…educating consumers.

Dramatic is someone saying they can’t validate their claim that someone is racist by saying they’re too traumatized to show the truth.

Racism is on a whole other level. For me, that’s not something you get to claim without explanation.

There’s no “argument.” I’m not arguing with you; I pointed out that if you want to get more information about the comments referenced in the thread you can easily find it on your own. If your goal is instead to argue with other people who are sharing their opinions… that’s probably exactly why those people have chosen not to engage with you.


Aug 18, 2013
There’s no “argument.” I’m not arguing with you; I pointed out that if you want to get more information about the comments referenced in the thread you can easily find it on your own. If your goal is instead to argue with other people who are sharing their opinions… that’s probably exactly why those people have chosen not to engage with you.

I looked. I couldn't find it.


Nov 5, 2017
I don't know the comment(s) in question so it's hard for me to say what I think about any of it, but sure, if someone believes or supports something that I think is immoral, it's good to know so that I can exercise my right to buy elsewhere. However, I really expect there to be evidence because it's so easy to slander someone on an internet platform and hopefully everyone has that same expectation. End of my opinion.

What I do want to point out is that this is the most reasonable discussion on the internet about opposing views I've seen in a long time and it's really impressive that time and time again, PSers have managed to be some of the nicest people.


Mar 28, 2001
I debated answering here because while I do live out my personal beliefs/convictions in my personal life as everyone does, I do not mix politics or political discussions and business. You will not find it on any of my channels whatsoever and you never will.

No worries @phatenigma I've been painted as "racist" before and simply because a person expressed on my personal, not business, wall a political opinion that was different from my own and it had absolutely nothing to do with skin color. I won't get political conversation here either. It's not the place for it and I'm taken aback that a consumer seeking advice would be thrust into this type of conversation on a diamond forum. Note ... you will NEVER find political conversation on my business pages. It's simply not the place for it and if it ever got there it would be deleted. I'll just make this statement so everyone knows what I believe and where I stand.

Like most people who have been on this planet as long as I have you form opinions based on your own personal life's experience. Each one of us are different and unique. RARELY do you find a person who agrees on every single point that you or I will. SO WHAT. In my professional opinion, and this is just me ... when I am shopping a business I don't call beforehand to learn of their political affiliation or where they stand on certain issues even though I have strong feelings/opinions about my own convictions. Simply put ...if a person treats me good, with respect and is giving me a good value for my dollar, I'm a buyer. End of story. If I did learn beforehand that the person was indeed a racist it would definitely cause me pause and to further research the business and if I wanted to give the business my patronage make a more educated choice. I have been doing business online now since 1998 and there are reviews of my business and me personally dating back two decades now of serving not just local clientele but world wide over the Internet which includes 2 decades now on PriceScope. To anyone who would accuse me of racism, I challenge you to show me just one review in over 2 decades online where just 1 consumer felt like I treated them with any less respect, any less dignity because of their skin color and I say this having had people travel from all over the globe to meet me in person as well to serve them from every race, creed, color and religion you can possibly think of. You have 2 decades of material to search among. Find me just one. And if you think I am a different person on my personal Facebook page show me exactly what you're talking about concerning what any friend posted and if you are misunderstanding (or even I) I'm happy to discuss. On my personal Facebook page I allow open debate of just about any subject anyone is discussing or wants to discuss and my 1 rule is not to make it personal and stoop to the level of calling others names and pointedly ... I DO NOT TOLERATE RACISM ON MY PERSONAL WALL IN ANY FORM. So if you think you see something that you perceive is ... simply bring it to my attention and ask me if you are in fact a personal friend of mine. I do not shut my ears or heart to anyone who reaches out to me.

Just a short background on my views of racism if interested.

I was born and raised in the melting pot of New York. Queens specifically. My public schooling reflected this melting pot like no other I can think of. My friends and loved ones and even family cross racial and ethnic lines and if anyone is disrespectful to them because of their skin color I'll be the first to speak out. And while I happen to be white I too have experienced racism growing up and was ganged up on more than once simply because I was white. I'm not looking for any sympathy/empathy but today those same people are dear friends of mine on Facebook. I stand with and firmly believe in what MLK taught when he said ... My dream is that a man will be judged, NOT by the color of his skin but by the content of his character. I make every effort to live this not only in my personal life but also my professional and treat every individual with the same respect whether they are spending $50 or $500,000 and quite frankly in email I don't see any skin color to begin with! If anyone, for the slightest moment think I am somehow a racist, by all means APPROACH ME, show me what it is that's concerning you about me and I'm happy to address it.

With all respect,


Jan 18, 2014
I debated answering here because while I do live out my personal beliefs/convictions in my personal life as everyone does, I do not mix politics or political discussions and business. You will not find it on any of my channels whatsoever and you never will.

No worries @phatenigma I've been painted as "racist" before and simply because a person expressed on my personal, not business, wall a political opinion that was different from my own and it had absolutely nothing to do with skin color. I won't get political conversation here either. It's not the place for it and I'm taken aback that a consumer seeking advice would be thrust into this type of conversation on a diamond forum. Note ... you will NEVER find political conversation on my business pages. It's simply not the place for it and if it ever got there it would be deleted. I'll just make this statement so everyone knows what I believe and where I stand.

Like most people who have been on this planet as long as I have you form opinions based on your own personal life's experience. Each one of us are different and unique. RARELY do you find a person who agrees on every single point that you or I will. SO WHAT. In my professional opinion, and this is just me ... when I am shopping a business I don't call beforehand to learn of their political affiliation or where they stand on certain issues even though I have strong feelings/opinions about my own convictions. Simply put ...if a person treats me good, with respect and is giving me a good value for my dollar, I'm a buyer. End of story. If I did learn beforehand that the person was indeed a racist it would definitely cause me pause and to further research the business and if I wanted to give the business my patronage make a more educated choice. I have been doing business online now since 1998 and there are reviews of my business and me personally dating back two decades now of serving not just local clientele but world wide over the Internet which includes 2 decades now on PriceScope. To anyone who would accuse me of racism, I challenge you to show me just one review in over 2 decades online where just 1 consumer felt like I treated them with any less respect, any less dignity because of their skin color and I say this having had people travel from all over the globe to meet me in person as well to serve them from every race, creed, color and religion you can possibly think of. You have 2 decades of material to search among. Find me just one. And if you think I am a different person on my personal Facebook page show me exactly what you're talking about concerning what any friend posted and if you are misunderstanding (or even I) I'm happy to discuss. On my personal Facebook page I allow open debate of just about any subject anyone is discussing or wants to discuss and my 1 rule is not to make it personal and stoop to the level of calling others names and pointedly ... I DO NOT TOLERATE RACISM ON MY PERSONAL WALL IN ANY FORM. So if you think you see something that you perceive is ... simply bring it to my attention and ask me if you are in fact a personal friend of mine. I do not shut my ears or heart to anyone who reaches out to me.

Just a short background on my views of racism if interested.

I was born and raised in the melting pot of New York. Queens specifically. My public schooling reflected this melting pot like no other I can think of. My friends and loved ones and even family cross racial and ethnic lines and if anyone is disrespectful to them because of their skin color I'll be the first to speak out. And while I happen to be white I too have experienced racism growing up and was ganged up on more than once simply because I was white. I'm not looking for any sympathy/empathy but today those same people are dear friends of mine on Facebook. I stand with and firmly believe in what MLK taught when he said ... My dream is that a man will be judged, NOT by the color of his skin but by the content of his character. I make every effort to live this not only in my personal life but also my professional and treat every individual with the same respect whether they are spending $50 or $500,000 and quite frankly in email I don't see any skin color to begin with! If anyone, for the slightest moment think I am somehow a racist, by all means APPROACH ME, show me what it is that's concerning you about me and I'm happy to address it.

With all respect,

I’m so sorry it ever got to this point. This is my first and last post on pricescope. Ive also reported it to the moderators as a character attack with zero proof.


Jul 31, 2014
I’m so sorry it ever got to this point. This is my first and last post on pricescope. Ive also reported it to the moderators as a character attack with zero proof.

Please dont let this deter you from posting. You did nothing wrong at all and I hope you reconsider your decision to stop posting


Nov 15, 2020
>> Jon is by far one of the easiest, patient, kindest vendors -- this I totally agree. He has been very patient and kind in every enquiry I field. Although I have yet to find my perfect stone, he is someone I will consider working with!


Jul 7, 2021
You may have already made your choice, but I have worked with and purchased from Alex 6 times (once for a lab grown stone) and he has always been great in my opinion.


Jun 16, 2010
I have worked with Jonathan and he truly is as nice, personable, and friendly as PSers here say.

I also wouldn't mind working with Alex, as I know his pricing can't be beat. @LADia, do you just DM him from his instagram account or does he have a different email contact?


Jul 7, 2021
@SCARLETTE I DM him, and he is always speedy in his replies. If you are in the NYC area you could also make an appt to go see him in his shop, but it is appt only.


Nov 5, 2017
@SCARLETTE I DM him, and he is always speedy in his replies. If you are in the NYC area you could also make an appt to go see him in his shop, but it is appt only.

I will definitely make an appointment with Alex next time I’m in New York.


Jun 25, 2019
I've always had very helpful emails from Jon, and look forward to being his customer one day for a lab OEC (FYI, I'm half Asian and I'm only offended by the unfounded accusations here...). I have bought once from Alex because I got lucky lol I would have no issues buying from him again but his bargain stones are snapped up within seconds and if you're approaching him as a new customer, just know 100% what you want.

PS - Please keep posting @phatenigma - In the two years I've been here, this is the only time a post has gone pear-shaped.

Kasey Bug

Nov 9, 2008
I gave Jonathan my budget and what I was looking for and he didn’t disappoint. I gave him free reign to get the biggest bang for my buck so to speak. He located 2 beautiful stiones and stayed within my budget. I would highly recommend Distinctive Gem.
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