
Diamond Thoughts


Dec 13, 2015
Hi Everyone,

I have been looking seriously at diamonds for a couple months. I had found one I was set on, but unfortunately, it sold before I purchased it. I now have my eyes on a new one and just received some pictures.

I am wondering if some of the experts could provide their thoughts:

1.54 Carat
I Color
VVS2 Clarity
No Fluorescence

Depth: 60.5%
Table: 59%
Crown: 34.5 degrees
Pavillion: 40.6 degrees.

HCA score of 1.1

I received the following image from the jeweler and I don't have a lot of experience with this. From what I can tell, it looks good with some small amounts of leakage. The black "arrows" don't seem to have the same shape as some of the other images I have seen online... do they look okay?

Any thoughts you can provide would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

The black "arrows" don't seem to have the same shape as some of the other images I have seen online... do they look okay?
Because the table is large???

There is no significant leakage from what I can see. My uneducated guess is that the diamond will have brightness of 60/60, but still have fire and sparkle of H&M?? I am actually dying to know how a diamond with these proportions performs.
That one is going to be a little headlight. :love:
Headlight as in it's going to sparkle like crazy?

Should I be concerned about the 59% table since it's outside of the H&A table size of 53%-58%?

As in lots of white light return, not as much colored light return. Very bright diamond. I like!
Here's a view of the actual stone. If anybody else has any feedback or thoughts, I'd appreciate it!

It should perform nicely. It's not an ideal cut so it depends on how picky you are. I'd like to know the price to assess whether it's a good value or not. Otherwise I could compare it to a super ideal which might perform better but very well be twice as much.
The cut is great. A 59% table is fine, not high at all. I've seen tables up to 63% perform just fine, as long as the other proportions are agreeable.

The greater concern is the I color. That is when you can start to see some yellow to the naked eye.
The price is $9,400. A lot of the I color stones I have looked at appear rather white especially when put against a white gold band. Does it seems the price is in line with the others I've found.

I'd be open to other suggestions if anybody has seen any better performers!

I was looking at that carat size and there were some better stones for the price but they get quickly snatched up as you have found. Do you have a setting picked out? You could possibly drop to a J is the pavilion/side profile is somewhat obscured by the setting or if you aren't that color sensitive.
I am going with a 6 prong solitaire so there won't be any obscuration - other than from the prongs.
solgen|1450132003|3961443 said:
It should perform nicely. It's not an ideal cut so it depends on how picky you are. I'd like to know the price to assess whether it's a good value or not. Otherwise I could compare it to a super ideal which might perform better but very well be twice as much.

I was looking at an AGS chart based on a 59% table and from what I see, this is an ideal cut. Is there something I'm missing?

firedancer83|1450192081|3961682 said:
solgen|1450132003|3961443 said:
It should perform nicely. It's not an ideal cut so it depends on how picky you are. I'd like to know the price to assess whether it's a good value or not. Otherwise I could compare it to a super ideal which might perform better but very well be twice as much.

I was looking at an AGS chart based on a 59% table and from what I see, this is an ideal cut. Is there something I'm missing?

This was the next point i was going to bring up.
It is good to use ALL tools available to you. Whenever you buy gia ex stone, you ensure it is a candidate for ags 0, and visa versa. This is strategy that rhino at good old gold uses in his youtube videos.
The table is a bit large at 59%. But, the stone is gia ex and potentially ags 0. Idealscope looks good. The diamond picture looks good as well. The pav and crown angle complement each other, and the combo complements 59% table. The stone is a bit unique in my opinion. Stones with 59% table oftrn have terriblr proportions. This does not. I would buy it. But thats me.
AGS and GIA both have broad specs so you can't rely on charts and proportions solely. There are borderline proportions that may qualify as AGS ideal or GIA ex cuts but they won't have quite the same light performance as other ideal and ex cuts. Some will display a bit of light leak under the table. Hence why you still need reflector images to confirm the precision of the cut and the subsequent light performance.
Here is the ASET image I received. I don't have a lot of experience looking at these images so I'm not completely sure if this is solid or not.

Thanks for any feedback you can offer!

please please correct me if I am wrong and crazy... but.. is this ASET from the same diamond??
As far as I know it is, it wasn't taken at the same time, so the diamond isn't sitting the same as it was in the other images. However, when I look at it, it almost looks like it is the opposite image as the white marks line up but are opposite of the other images - almost as though it's a mirror image.
Can anybody provide input on the ASET image? I am looking to purchase this tomorrow and don't want to make a bad buy!
Re: Diamond Thoughts - Should I buy?

Everything I've seen and read makes me believe this is an excellent ASET image. Am I way off? Sorry to keep posting, I'm just literally going to go to the bank in a few hours to make this purchase so I'm hoping some people with a lot of ASET experience can give me some feedback.

I am not an ASET expert by any means but I will give you my two cents. I would buy the diamond on that IS. I have a stone that basically has the same numbers but with a PA of 40.8 instead of 40.6. It prefers white light to colored light but it shoots fire. What is throwing me off is the ASET. It looks like is has leakage under the table... which you don't see in the IS so I guess that is why a previous poster asked if it is even the same stone? Hopefully this will bump your post and get more knowledgeable folks to chime in. Wish you didn't have to make a decision so soon... that's lot of $$ to spend under pressure.
Thanks! Are you talking about the center of the table being green as opposed to red? I did find one article that explained it and doesn't seem like it is that big of a deal - at least according to the article:

One frequently asked question is why the center of a diamond is sometimes red and sometimes green in an ASET and whether a red center is preferable to a green center.

The center of the diamond is called a table reflection, because it is the reflection of the table facet. For any given diamond, depending on the pavilion angle, the table reflection can be red, green, or a mix of red and green on an ASET. For a 57% table, the table reflection turns green precisely when the pavilion angle is 40.768 degrees. Whether this matters or not depends on who you ask. Personally, I think that it’s not a big deal if a table reflection is green and AGS seems to agree because two-thirds of the diamonds in the AGS0 range are predicted to have a green table reflection face up.
I questioned if the aset is from the same diamond because the white leakage pattens around the edge and blue contrast areas do not match those of IS. I tried mirror image and rotated accordingly; something does not look right.

The leakage addressed by the previous poster is NOT referring to the green circle. Do you see the table facet appear pale red or pinkish compared to the rest? I am no expert either to say if this is due to leakage. However, at this point i would wait for inputs from more experts.
I see what you mean about the table, but to me it does look like a reddish color and is consistent throughout the table which I thought was the most important.
flyingpig said:
Do you see the table facet appear pale red or pinkish compared to the rest? I am no expert either to say if this is due to leakage.

Yes this is what I mean. This is a 60/60 style and the arrows looks like it is a 60/60 stone (skinny arrows) but the ASET color is throwing me off. Maybe the ASET was not done correctly or maybe it's normal :rolleyes: sorry I am no help. Buy hey all this back and forth will bump your post up and maybe an expert will see it and have pity on us and chime in :lol:
He did say the light in the back of his van wasn't very good because the windows are blacked out so that could have something to do with it.
firedancer83 said:
He did say the light in the back of his van wasn't very good because the windows are blacked out so that could have something to do with it.

:lol: :D well then I'd say, ASET colors are the least of our/your problem..... but hey, if the price is good .... hurry, snatch it up!!
I was kidding about the van haha :liar: