
Diamond Stud Size Help Please....

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Sep 6, 2005
Hi All,
I just recently posted about wanting to purchase a set of diamond studs. After getting super lucky last weekend hitting a jackpot on a slot machine, I have up to $5000 to spend on the studs. I would prefer to stay around the $4000 mark, so I have a little left over to buy something else. Anyways, my question is about size. I am very petite... 5''2" and around 92 lbs. What size would you recommend? I don''t know whether the 1 ctw would be too small or would be perfect. I plan on buying them from a vendor like wf that has an upgrade policy, so I don''t know if I should splurge now and go for a 1.5 ctw set, or stick to the 1 ctw set and upgrade later.

Also, does anyone have any experience with James Allen? They seem to have a wide range of matched pairs that are in my budget.



Apr 30, 2005
Congrats on your win!!

James Allen are a wonderful vendor with an excellent rep here, they do have a trade up policy, but I am unsure of what it is, I will check the website. I am not too sure how it works with pre set earrings, it might be worth emailing or calling them to find out.


Apr 9, 2007
Lucky you--congrats!

I''d vote for the 1 ctw. I had that size and upgraded to 1.5 ctw and wish I''d kept the 1 ctw.


Feb 8, 2003

What is your earlobe size? The bigger your lobes are the more easily you can get away with bigger stones. At least that is my opinion. lol! I'm petite (but not as much as you) at 5' 4" 110 and just got .82 ctw and they look good for my size, but my lobes are huge, so I could easily get away with larger 1.5 ctw, IF I had a regular place to wear them. Since I'm a stay-at-home-mom, the smaller sizes seem to be more appropriate for daily wear.

For your budget, why not get a pair of earrings and a matching pendant?

Congrats on winning the jackpot. Hmmm. . .maybe I should go buy a lottery ticket!

ETA: Be sure to stay under the .50 ct mark per stone. I paid A LOT less per stone by purchasing .41s rather than .51s.


Oct 24, 2006
I'm petite, and I won't go bigger than 1ctw! Partly cos I've got tiny earlobes,and partly cos I think they'd look gaudy and fake on me. It'll also be quite a bit of weight to carry ard for ur earlobes and may cause them to sag prematurely. Furthermore, you're more vulnerable to muggers when you're petite!

P.S. I second MC's idea of getting a matching pendant!


Jun 11, 2007
congrats on hitting the jackpot!

i''m also petite (about the same height as you) and looking for a pair of studs too. i''d personally go for the 1 ctw. i plan to make the purchase from an online vendor but i went to a local jewelry store to try some on just to get an idea for size (i thought i wanted 1.20 ctw.) and the 1 ctw. studs were very substantial on my ears. i tried the 1.20 ctw. and they looked too big on me.

if you have some time, maybe you could go to a local jewelry store to try on different sizes and see what you like best. then make your purchase online.


Sep 6, 2005
Thanks for all the replies. I think I may go and try some on this weekend so that I can get a better feel for what size I want. I didn''t know whether or not you can actually do that. For some reason, I thought that stores wouldn''t let you try them on. I think that I have pretty small ear lobes, but I am not sure... never really thought about it before. Just from shopping around online, it seems that the price difference between 1 ctw and 1.5 ctw is pretty substantial. Maybe I will look for something in between, around 1.25 ctw. It seems to be harder to find though. I looked at wf''s aca inventory and they really do not have any loose stones around the .6 size, they either have .5s or .7s.

Regarding the pendant suggestion... that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. If that doesn''t work out though, there is a great LV handbag that I have been eyeing for some time now...

Well, thanks for the help!


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 7/31/2007 1:47:00 PM
Author: sslkrissi
Thanks for all the replies. I think I may go and try some on this weekend so that I can get a better feel for what size I want. I didn't know whether or not you can actually do that. For some reason, I thought that stores wouldn't let you try them on. I think that I have pretty small ear lobes, but I am not sure... never really thought about it before. Just from shopping around online, it seems that the price difference between 1 ctw and 1.5 ctw is pretty substantial. Maybe I will look for something in between, around 1.25 ctw. It seems to be harder to find though. I looked at wf's aca inventory and they really do not have any loose stones around the .6 size, they either have .5s or .7s.

Regarding the pendant suggestion... that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. If that doesn't work out though, there is a great LV handbag that I have been eyeing for some time now...

Well, thanks for the help!
Here's the thing with trying that, because I did also before I bought online.

Most likely, what you try on will not be excellent cut, so you really won't be able to guage by ct. weight, because they could easily be facing up smaller (or larger). And good luck with them having the diameters listed, or having anything to measure them with. As the last lady I tried told me, diamonds are not sold by diameter, they're sold by ct. weight.
To which I replied, yes, but they don't face up by ct. weight, they face up by diameter.
She din't like that.

I have what I'd call average lobes, and wear 1.16 ctw. They are perfect for every day, and dressy. Definitely noticable, but definitely not too big. I love em.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 7/31/2007 2:06:14 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 7/31/2007 1:47:00 PM
Author: sslkrissi
Thanks for all the replies. I think I may go and try some on this weekend so that I can get a better feel for what size I want. I didn''t know whether or not you can actually do that. For some reason, I thought that stores wouldn''t let you try them on. I think that I have pretty small ear lobes, but I am not sure... never really thought about it before. Just from shopping around online, it seems that the price difference between 1 ctw and 1.5 ctw is pretty substantial. Maybe I will look for something in between, around 1.25 ctw. It seems to be harder to find though. I looked at wf''s aca inventory and they really do not have any loose stones around the .6 size, they either have .5s or .7s.

Regarding the pendant suggestion... that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. If that doesn''t work out though, there is a great LV handbag that I have been eyeing for some time now...

Well, thanks for the help!
Here''s the thing with trying that, because I did also before I bought online.

Most likely, what you try on will not be excellent cut, so you really won''t be able to guage by ct. weight, because they could easily be facing up smaller (or larger). And good luck with them having the diameters listed, or having anything to measure them with. As the last lady I tried told me, diamonds are not sold by diameter, they''re sold by ct. weight.
To which I replied, yes, but they don''t face up by ct. weight, they face up by diameter.
She din''t like that.

I have what I''d call average lobes, and wear 1.16 ctw. They are perfect for every day, and dressy. Definitely noticable, but definitely not too big. I love em.



Jun 11, 2007
Date: 7/31/2007 2:06:14 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 7/31/2007 1:47:00 PM
Author: sslkrissi
Thanks for all the replies. I think I may go and try some on this weekend so that I can get a better feel for what size I want. I didn''t know whether or not you can actually do that. For some reason, I thought that stores wouldn''t let you try them on. I think that I have pretty small ear lobes, but I am not sure... never really thought about it before. Just from shopping around online, it seems that the price difference between 1 ctw and 1.5 ctw is pretty substantial. Maybe I will look for something in between, around 1.25 ctw. It seems to be harder to find though. I looked at wf''s aca inventory and they really do not have any loose stones around the .6 size, they either have .5s or .7s.

Regarding the pendant suggestion... that is a great idea. I am going to look into it. If that doesn''t work out though, there is a great LV handbag that I have been eyeing for some time now...

Well, thanks for the help!
Here''s the thing with trying that, because I did also before I bought online.

Most likely, what you try on will not be excellent cut, so you really won''t be able to guage by ct. weight, because they could easily be facing up smaller (or larger). And good luck with them having the diameters listed, or having anything to measure them with. As the last lady I tried told me, diamonds are not sold by diameter, they''re sold by ct. weight.
To which I replied, yes, but they don''t face up by ct. weight, they face up by diameter.
She din''t like that.

I have what I''d call average lobes, and wear 1.16 ctw. They are perfect for every day, and dressy. Definitely noticable, but definitely not too big. I love em.

ellen made a good point about the diameter/carat weight differences. just want to note that the studs i tried on were HOF.
hee hee. so i think the sizes i tried on were about on point as to what the average measurements for those carat weights should be.

the jewelry stores should let you try on earrings or at least put them up to your ears to see how they look (just don''t say "oh, i''m not going to buy from you. just wanted to try some on for sizing purposes").
or since measurements will vary based on cut, maybe you should look at loose certed stones to get an idea for specific diameter measurements and take note of what size you like, then search online for stones with those numbers.


Feb 8, 2003
Oh, also, I DO really think that size can depend upon your age, too. Younger gals may look more appropriate with smaller earrings (to start out with!)


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 7/31/2007 2:35:59 PM
Author: sugarplum

ellen made a good point about the diameter/carat weight differences. just want to note that the studs i tried on were HOF.
hee hee. so i think the sizes i tried on were about on point as to what the average measurements for those carat weights should be.

the jewelry stores should let you try on earrings or at least put them up to your ears to see how they look (just don''t say ''oh, i''m not going to buy from you. just wanted to try some on for sizing purposes'').
or since measurements will vary based on cut, maybe you should look at loose certed stones to get an idea for specific diameter measurements and take note of what size you like, then search online for stones with those numbers.
Yes, they will let you try on earrings. I did this before buying my pair and just told the sales associate that I was trying out to determine size. She was nice about it. The ones I tried on were cut okay, but they sure had a TON of black carbon spots in them. It was disconcerting listening to her tell me how fabulous they were for the discounted price. I was nice to her, too, and said they were pretty! lol


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 7/31/2007 2:09:30 PM
Author: Lorelei

Date: 7/31/2007 2:06:14 PM
Author: Ellen

Here's the thing with trying that, because I did also before I bought online.

Most likely, what you try on will not be excellent cut, so you really won't be able to guage by ct. weight, because they could easily be facing up smaller (or larger). And good luck with them having the diameters listed, or having anything to measure them with. As the last lady I tried told me, diamonds are not sold by diameter, they're sold by ct. weight.
To which I replied, yes, but they don't face up by ct. weight, they face up by diameter.
She din't like that.

I have what I'd call average lobes, and wear 1.16 ctw. They are perfect for every day, and dressy. Definitely noticable, but definitely not too big. I love em.

sugar, I wasn't lucky enough to try something like that on, but you raise a good point. IF one can try on ideal cut diamonds, then yes, that's a pretty good guage.

And mc makes a good point about age too, although I know there are some out there who throw caution to the wind.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 7/31/2007 3:05:27 PM
Author: Ellen

And mc makes a good point about age too, although I know there are some out there who throw caution to the wind.
ah, yeah, I know, but I''m already planning my strategy for future b-day presents and figured that''d be the best way to get my DH to cave into my many larger diamond demands! LOL


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 7/31/2007 3:12:16 PM
Author: MC

Date: 7/31/2007 3:05:27 PM
Author: Ellen

And mc makes a good point about age too, although I know there are some out there who throw caution to the wind.
ah, yeah, I know, but I''m already planning my strategy for future b-day presents and figured that''d be the best way to get my DH to cave into my many larger diamond demands! LOL
Atta girl!


Mar 14, 2005
To me age and earlobe size are the determining factors. I am 5"2", but I have large detached earlobes with a lot of space to cover and I am also 52 years old. I think my 2.5 carat total weight studs look just fine for everyday wear. When my 23 year old daughter tries them on though I think they look like they are just too much even though she is much taller than I am.


Jan 30, 2005
It''s all about your ears and the size of your earlobes. I found 1.5 ctw was perfect. Stores will let you try them on. You could also get a boxed set of costume ones that come in different sizes and see what you like. This will only help for .5, 1, 2ctw sizes though as they don''t come in off sizes. That way you can wear them for a few days to make sure you like them. I thought I liked the 1ctw but after a year I had to upgrade to 1.5 LOL.

Independent Gal

Nov 12, 2006
I''ll add my congrats to everyone else''s!

I''m also 5''2" (but 105 lbs) and I have (ahem) faux suds that are the same size as 0.7 tcw. They look great! I wouldn''t go bigger than 1 ctw for everyday wear unless you really like the blinged out look.

And I don''t mean to sound like your mama, but since I''m the same size as you, I happen to know that for our height, being under 100 lbs is not healthy (it is considered underweight)! Take that extra $1000 and buy yourself some declicious chocolate!

Make sure you show us your studs when you get ''em, you lucky gal you!


May 21, 2007
I have 1ctw Princess cut studs and would LOVE to have 1.5ctw round studs instead...Just to say, I don''t feel 1.5ctw would be overpowering personally. Shrinkage really set in quick with my 1ctw studs......


Jun 11, 2007
Date: 7/31/2007 2:41:06 PM
Author: MC

Date: 7/31/2007 2:35:59 PM
Author: sugarplum

ellen made a good point about the diameter/carat weight differences. just want to note that the studs i tried on were HOF.
hee hee. so i think the sizes i tried on were about on point as to what the average measurements for those carat weights should be.

the jewelry stores should let you try on earrings or at least put them up to your ears to see how they look (just don''t say ''oh, i''m not going to buy from you. just wanted to try some on for sizing purposes'').
or since measurements will vary based on cut, maybe you should look at loose certed stones to get an idea for specific diameter measurements and take note of what size you like, then search online for stones with those numbers.
Yes, they will let you try on earrings. I did this before buying my pair and just told the sales associate that I was trying out to determine size. She was nice about it. The ones I tried on were cut okay, but they sure had a TON of black carbon spots in them. It was disconcerting listening to her tell me how fabulous they were for the discounted price. I was nice to her, too, and said they were pretty! lol
MC- that happened to me with a three stone ring at a "maul" store. i had no intention of buying anything but just wanted to check out different settings for three stone rings. anyway, the saleslady pulls out a ring and i was immediately turned off. the stones were cloudy, had a bunch of inclusions and didn''t sparkle or shine at all yet she encouraged me to try it on and check this out--she said "oh girl! that is GORGEOUS!!"
she said it with so much enthusiasm that i think she was trying to convince herself that it was gorgeous. yuck! that actually insulted me because i''m thinking "hello! do you think i''m stupid? this thing is far from gorgeous!" that lady was delusional.

BTW sslkrissi, i agree with what everyone said about age. that also plays a factor in what size studs will be the right fit for you.


Sep 6, 2005
Well, I went to a few stores after work tonight and tried on a couple of different sizes. Although I love the way that the 1.5 ctw looked, I am not sure I want to spend my entire winnings on the earrings right now. So, I think for now, I am going to concentrate on finding a set near 1.2-1.3 ctw. The 1 ctw looked very nice also, but I think that shrinkage would set in rather quickly and I would end up upgrading soon thereafter. The 1 ctw that I tried on seemed much smaller than I thought they would. I guess that could be b/c they were not certified and maybe the cut wasn''t great. I want to purchase GIA or AGS certified diamonds for my set with very good or ideal cut, so maybe that will make them appear larger (not too sure about this, but I think I read that somewhere on these boards).

Regarding my age... I am somewhat young (just turned 25), but am a working professional and present myself in a very mature manner, so hopefully I won''t look as though I am playing dress up if I go with the bigger studs.

Independent: You are 100% right about my weight. I have always tried to gain weight my entire life. I eat what I want, when I want, but just cant seem to put on a few extra pounds. I think I am just one of those perpetually petite people. Maye after having kids, I will be able to keep weight on... atleast thats what most people tell me.

Oh by the way... does anyone happen to know whether wf has an actual store that you can go into or are they strictly an online business?

Thanks everyone for your help.


Oct 6, 2004
Congrats! I think 1.2-1.3tcw is a great size! Lucky girl!

I believe you can visit Whiteflash if you make an appointment. I would love to visit them! Are you near Houston?

Stone Hunter

May 12, 2006
Congratulations on your win!!! GREAT way to spend the money but do get the upgradeable stones.

I am surprised that so many people on PS are my height (5''3") or a little shorter!!!! Makes me feel like I''m with the right group of people -- aside from having the same interests! I do agree that the younger you are the more you may have trouble pulling off the larger size stones. But some PSers don''t care and wear cut off shorts and flip flops and VERY large diamonds. That''s totally OK with me and I''m sure I''d be focused on their stones and not their clothes or age. As long as you''re comfortable that''s what counts.

Oh and please post photos of your new earrings when you get them.


Apr 9, 2007
So, do you guys think if I wore smaller studs, I''d look younger?


Sep 6, 2005
I''ve been poking around on the wf and james allen websites, and it seems that James allen has more of a selection in the size range that I am looking for. Their prices seem to be a little better too. Here is one set that I am really interested in:

What do you guys think? Is there really that big of a difference between these and wf''s aca? Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated

Stone Hunter

May 12, 2006
Date: 8/1/2007 11:21:10 AM
Author: katiedid
So, do you guys think if I wore smaller studs, I''d look younger?
YES!!! And I will trade you your 1.5tcw for my .5tcw just to help you out.

Stone Hunter

May 12, 2006
Date: 8/1/2007 12:41:06 PM
Author: sslkrissi
I''ve been poking around on the wf and james allen websites, and it seems that James allen has more of a selection in the size range that I am looking for. Their prices seem to be a little better too. Here is one set that I am really interested in:

What do you guys think? Is there really that big of a difference between these and wf''s aca? Any advice or opinions would be greatly appreciated
The one I could see looked nice to me. But it has an inclusion under the table, you''d want to ask if thats visible with the naked eye and from how far away.

I believe that JA only lets you upgrade for 5 years and the web site says they give you 80% to 100% of what you paid. I''ve been meaning to call and get this explained to me. So that may be why they are cheaper.

I have bought from JA though (ring diamond) and am very very happy with the stone. They were very nice to work with.



Sep 6, 2005
I just got off the phone with JA. I asked whether there is a pricescope discount and whether there is a discount for paying with wire transfer. I was told that they honor the PS price and that there is a 1.5% discount for using wire transfer. Since I asked in two separate questions, I am not sure whether both discounts can be applied to the same purchase. I think that if they didn''t though, they would have mentioned it.

I have my eye on these two now:

I was also told that with diamonds of this size, the hearts and arrows are not really necessary, and that an ideal cut would be just as good. Do you agree? If so, I think that would save me some $$$.

Lastly, JA doesn''t have a martini setting on their website, but they are going to see what they can do. If not, I guess I would have to purchase them from JA and send them to WF to be set. Would WF do that even if you don''t buy the stones from them?



Apr 9, 2007
Stone Hunter--you''re too funny!

I bought my earrings from the dreaded Jared before I knew any better... they were the typical pre-selected/pre-matched stones in their cheap 4-prong crown setting (which I had them change to baskets when I bought them). They had no certification of course. (They try to make you believe that the certed pairs cost them SO much more, so you have to pay more.) I paid right at $3000 for them, which when I look around now, I see was insane. I don''t know what color or clarity they are, but they claim that their earrings are made with "near colorless" (which to me means G/H) but to them--who knows? stones that are SI in clarity. I guess that''s probably accurate--they are very sparkly and beautiful but I''m sure they''re nowhere near ideal cut, so they could be much prettier.

I hate their "trade in" policy--you can trade in your jewelry for something that is at least DOUBLE the price you paid for the initial purchase. What a crock. They could take my earrings, clean them really well, put them in brand new white gold settings, and they''d look like new. I have no idea if they do this or not, but to me, a diamond doesn''t get "worn out" like other jewelry, unless it gets chipped.

Anyway, I''ve toyed with the idea of asking them about trading them for a smaller, certed pair but I have a feeling they''d say no to that.


Sep 6, 2005
Anyone have any advice or opinions on the two diamonds that I posted links for on my posting above (two above this posting)? I am really ready to make this purchase, but want to make sure that I am getting the best bang for the bucks...
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