
Diamond setting from Adiamor

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Mar 8, 2003

I haven't been here in a while. I was married 3 years ago, and spent all my $$ on her round .86 GIA certed diamond with the expectation that I will upgrade my wife's setting at some point. So she got the $99 dollar 14K white gold solitare setting over at DCD(which I think now is $145).. Well that time has come and I am looking at some really nice settings. We found this one together:

But, I have not heard of this company before.. the setting is beautiful and we have not seen others like it in this price range, can anyone offer info regarding adiamor or Affinity(which is what I think they used to be), and let me know what you think of the setting.

Thank you
Hi mt!

I ordered a setting from them and ended up returning it, the quality was not there, on mine at least. I also know someone else ordered one and returned it. I would definitely see it first before proceeding.
Personally I''m not a fan of that setting ... it doesn''t seem "classic" to me.

Other side view

Front view

the diamonds are all of decnt color (h) and clarity (vs2) so I would think that it would have a nice white, bright sparkle to it.

I tested the look with a round and I think it looks great!

I have never used this company, but if you can return it why not try it?

also what is your budget, and is this a stand alone ring, or will it be worn with a band?

what do you think of this setting?
I just recently bought a semimount from them and am very happy with it, it looks better in person than in the pics. (If you are interested, I can show you it.)

Also, they are very easy to work with through email and good return policy.
I agree with Sophie...if you both like it, try and see what you think. If you decide that you hate it, return it!
Another person here, can''t remember who, ordered a different setting from them (legacy style one) and was pretty happy with it. I''d order it and inspect it throughly with a loup and return it if you are not happy. I would also take it to a jeweler to make sure that your diamond will fit in the setting and call adiamor to make sure you are getting a setting that can hold the diameter stone you have.

Thanks for the feedback.

That setting is very nice. I also checked out the site. They seem to have some nice options. I don''t want to spend over 1K on the new setting, but I am also open to suggestions. Thanks for the feedback. We are going to check out some B&M stores today, however I doubt they can compete with the online folks.

It will actually look like this with our round stone. Any other opinions on this ring or ADIAMOR?


Date: 10/28/2006 11:54:26 AM
Author: decodelighted
Personally I''m not a fan of that setting ... it doesn''t seem ''classic'' to me.
not everyone wants a classic setting LOL
yeah. That was a little rude
Date: 10/28/2006 10:59:38 AM
let me know what you think of the setting.

Thank you
You asked for opinions and then say they are rude when someone is honest?

Since you asked, I don't love it, as it seems dated to me. But I'm not wearing it, so if the woman who will wear it loves it that is all that matters.
Date: 11/5/2006 2:41:46 PM
Author: mtrb
yeah. That was a little rude.. but small people say small can make some types of classic people feel better ...and I really didn''t feel like responding to negativity or negative people..yah Its not worth my energy.

Oh I get it. People who like that setting are welcome to respond but people who feel otherwise should not bother to weigh in?

I actually took the time to go to the website ... download the pictures & post them here so other people could respond & give you the type of feedback you were looking for. Hoping it would HELP you. Out of the spirit of GENEROSITY.

But instead of appreciating that effort ... or my honest opinion ... you choose to call me "small"?

I thought Deco was just being honest, which is what you asked for: "let me know what you think of the setting".

I agree with her that it is a setting that is pretty but definitely not timeless in style. But there are plenty styles for everyones taste, and if she loves it, go for it!
Funny, I was really not intending to respond to the original comment, but as someone else implied, it just was not the most tactful answer. Not that we are all perfect, but when someone is excited about something, the proper thing to do is to offer something constructive which is really what this board has been about since the beginning.
I do understand there are many different personalities here, and everyone does have the right to respond as they wish including myself, however constructive criticism rather than blunt negativity tends to offend less. It was interesting that someone else took the time to voice my thoughts without me saying anything..which is what I was responding to.
I did not mean to attack anyone here. It was not my intent, just an initial reaction to the comment above. I have taken out the offense.
Date: 11/5/2006 4:00:32 PM
Author: mtrb

Funny, I was really not intending to respond to the original comment, but as someone else implied, it just was not the most tactful answer. Not that we are all perfect, but when someone is excited about something, the proper thing to do is to offer something constructive which is really what this board has been about since the beginning.
I do understand there are many different personalities here, and everyone does have the right to respond as they wish, however constructive criticism rather than bluntness tends to offend less. It was interesting that someone else took the time to voice my thoughts without me saying anything..which is what I was responding to.
I apologize for attacking anyone here. It was not my intent, just an initial reaction to the comment above. I have taken out the offense.

I don''t think there was a lack of tact used here. Decodelighted said she didn''t care for it as it didn''t seem classic. That very well could be viewed as constructive. What if you or your wife really did want something classic and didn''t realise the ring would look dated soon -- if it doesn''t already. If you were really looking for opinions rather than affirmation, you would have responded, "thanks, but we prefer the non classic look." To each his own.
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