
"Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only...


Feb 11, 2015
I was looking around on Enchanted Diamonds and asked questions via chat. I was interested in Ideal Scope images and some were not available so he decided to "educate" me regarding their use. Here are some of the things he told me. Btw they are definitely not all eye clean and, well, you can read for yourself just some of what this guy had to say:

- Diamond Expert: our cut score does all the work already

- Diamond Expert: well firstly all these diamonds are eye clean

- Diamond Expert: symmetry is pretty spot on when you cut a diamond properly (a negligible worry)
→I understand, that's why cut score is a good start

- Diamond Expert: and light return does not actually vary its predictable
- Diamond Expert: not sure where you are getting this info from
- Diamond Expert: they are all eye clean
- Diamond Expert: and they are all wholesale priced
→that's good to know

→I learned from other consumers, not the actual salespeople
- Diamond Expert: right... most of those people havent the slightest clue about diamonds
- Diamond Expert: trust me Im reading what youre reading
- Diamond Expert: lol
- Diamond Expert: thats why Im telling you
→so u don't see any benefit to Ideal Scope images? Just measurements and numbers?
- Diamond Expert: yep
- Diamond Expert: if you stick to the numbers
- Diamond Expert: youll never be disappointed
- Diamond Expert: every diamond thats cut that way will perform the same way
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Wellllll, as one who has been recommending some of their stones even today, I personally am not thrilled with those comments. I do appreciate the attempt at organizing them with a cut score (for rounds only...won't work with other shapes) even though it is no more than a screener. I do find most of the ones that I have seen that say 100% seem to have numbers that would garner a good HCA score. But I strongly prefer the stones that have extra images/videos of the stones themselves and additional images such as idealscope, etc. because I can narrow them down further. I doubt there are many high risk stones in their 100% category as most of the numbers and images I have seen look pretty good. Since we aren't looking at superideal cuts, then it may even be fair to say that most consumers couldn't tell much difference between their high ranking GIA Excellent stones. But his light return comments were not very accurate. That is why we request idealscope images from any vendor because there CAN be leakage in stones with good numbers. He is generalizing while I am trying to help someone find the best cut stone. If they want to advertise on PS, they need to understand that our focus is helping people choose the best cut stone with their other specs and budget. We do not agree that all GIA Excellent cut stones are equal as it is a broad category. However, to say all stones on the site are eyeclean is impossible...or did he mean all the stones that score 100 are eyeclean (as in maybe they only allow eyeclean stones to get 100)??? I have seen SI stones on there that I would be afraid to recommend because we don't know if they are eyeclean.

All I can say is, don't bite the hand that feeds you (to ED).

To you, advice is to only choose from stones that have some kind of images. I set that in the search function.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Ignore the diamond "expert".

What do you want and how much do you have to spend?
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

They have a nice site....I was on there today, looking at DS's recommendations. Chatted with Joshua, he was fairly helpful. I asked him what he recommended, they were the same stones that DS had pointed out, for the most part, looking at the heart structure mostly and notes of who the cutter was and what work they had done in the past. He gave me a few to steer clear of as well.

Sounds like you were stuck with a know-it-all jerk. I talked to that guy last week. Complete waste of time. Better to just post a note on the chat "out to lunch".

The cut score seems relevant; although some that score kind of low still are under 2 on the HCA, I noticed. One that was 87.8 scored a 1.8 FIC on the HCA. For the most part, it makes sense. I just like that they post crown and pavilion angles without having to click on the GIA cert.

I am amazed that more sites don't post idealscopes/ASET images, or even images period. It really helps sell the diamond, and doesn't take much time. Imagine you were looking for a good used car on craigslist, and there wasn't an image attached. You would skip right over it. I know inventories are large, but paying someone $12/hour to upload images would sell a lot more diamonds. If there isn't an image, I am assuming there is something wrong with the diamond.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

dumbo|1424676850|3836790 said:
I am amazed that more sites don't post idealscopes/ASET images, or even images period. It really helps sell the diamond, and doesn't take much time. Imagine you were looking for a good used car on craigslist, and there wasn't an image attached. You would skip right over it. I know inventories are large, but paying someone $12/hour to upload images would sell a lot more diamonds. If there isn't an image, I am assuming there is something wrong with the diamond.
B/c most of these stones are not in-house. They are cyber stones which are owned by cutting houses halfway around the world.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

I talked with them a few times while looking for my diamond and was told by one guy the diamond I was interested in was eye clean and faced up white and then when I went back to purchase it, was told there was dark spots and it was not a good diamond to buy. I took screen shots of an actual conversation I had with them in regards to SI1 stones. I was not impressed by their sales tactics, luckily I had excellent service by ID Jewelry.


Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Just to clarify he was saying that ALL of the diamonds were eye clean. Some did have images that showed that they clearly were not. If he doesn't have the diamond on hand how can he make this claim? He can't. He also mentioned not wanting to waste my time or his and spent his time trying to disprove my theory that Ideal Scope images would help me choose past the numbers. He mentioned that the consumers that informed me (all of you) didn't know anything about diamonds.

I can go on and on. Needless to say I was turned off and would not recommend this company. I thought perhaps I could find a diamond at a better price than the known vendors but you do get what you pay for so I'll stick with them.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Aren't numbers from gia rounded? So you can't say for certain two stones with the exact same listed measurements can perform exactly the same?

I get what he is saying about, in theory, light reacts the same every time, so two identical stones, in theory, should perform exactly the same. But I mean... Communism works, in theory.

I appreciate you posting this.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Okay, then. Why even waste money advertising here if the tools we use to choose the best stones are totally worthless?? Their prices are very low and that is the only reason I have been recommending them for people who are interested in the best deal and who do not want superideal cuts. From now on I will definitely not be recommending any SI stones there because if they are telling people they are all eyeclean, that is absurd. I realize sometimes the differences in excellent cut stones are minute. BUT, if I am spending thousands of dollars, why wouldn't I want the very best one??!!! And sorry, numbers alone are not enough to make that decision. This reinforces my belief that the extra money I spend on superior stones, upgrade policies, and customer service at Good Old Gold and WhiteFlash is worth every single penny. I think I won't be recommending ED from here on out. I hoped to give them the benefit of the doubt being new, but clearly they do not appreciate being on PS and having their stones recommended by people like me who know nothing about diamonds.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

diamondseeker2006|1424709306|3836957 said:
Okay, then. Why even waste money advertising here if the tools we use to choose the best stones are totally worthless?? Their prices are very low and that is the only reason I have been recommending them for people who are interested in the best deal and who do not want superideal cuts. From now on I will definitely not be recommending any SI stones there because if they are telling people they are all eyeclean, that is absurd. I realize sometimes the differences in excellent cut stones are minute. BUT, if I am spending thousands of dollars, why wouldn't I want the very best one??!!! And sorry, numbers alone are not enough to make that decision. This reinforces my belief that the extra money I spend on superior stones, upgrade policies, and customer service at Good Old Gold and WhiteFlash is worth every single penny. I think I won't be recommending ED from here on out. I hoped to give them the benefit of the doubt being new, but clearly they do not appreciate being on PS and having their stones recommended by people like me who know nothing about diamonds.

Its disappointing that they feel our community is so stupid but still want to use us for business. Don't plan to do that again.

Also, if they think images are pointless why in the world provide any at all?
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

lknvrb4|1424688775|3836813 said:
I talked with them a few times while looking for my diamond and was told by one guy the diamond I was interested in was eye clean and faced up white and then when I went back to purchase it, was told there was dark spots and it was not a good diamond to buy. I took screen shots of an actual conversation I had with them in regards to SI1 stones. I was not impressed by their sales tactics, luckily I had excellent service by ID Jewelry.

Haha, quite condescending
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

diamondseeker2006|1424666869|3836767 said:
All I can say is, don't bite the hand that feeds you (to ED).
+1. Unwise...
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Just want to clarify any misinformation in this thread - I did verify that all of the OP's diamonds ARE in fact eye clean.

The imperfections you viewed are under 3D microscope videos, which are in fact meant to show the inclusions in these diamonds as if they are being viewed under a very high quality microscope.

My personal opinions on IdealScope and ASET is that you can use predictive light performance to gauge the beauty of a diamond, this is my personal opinion of course based on my experience. You dont HAVE to have IdealScope and ASET's to guage the beauty of a diamond, though thousands of our diamonds do have these images, we pull diamonds from the vast majority of suppliers, not all of these polishers offer them.

If you think that the only way to know a true diamonds beauty is an IdealScope and ASET - and that predictive light performance does not suffice, my question is - how does one cut a diamond to get a perfect IdealScope or ASET? So yes, Im in the minority on PS - I dont agree with the majority consensus that its the only way to gauge a diamonds beauty...

Its all based on set parameters and tight parameters that get you there.

To the naked eye - there is a point of diminishing returns... So if there is a drop of light leakage, would a human be able to pick that up? Is that drop of light leakage worth 5-6k more?

These are great tools - its not the final say in a diamonds beauty though. There are much more accurate tools than ASETs, Hearts and Arrows etc - but they arent as accessible - or as ubiquitous as these two tools.

I would rather save my money for my children and grandchildren, towards a home, a college fund, a honeymoon.... This is my personal take on life of course.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424711987|3836982 said:
Just want to clarify any misinformation in this thread - I did verify that all of the OP's diamonds ARE in fact eye clean.

The imperfections you viewed are under 3D microscope videos, which are in fact meant to show the inclusions in these diamonds as if they are being viewed under a very high quality microscope.

My personal opinions on IdealScope and ASET is that you can use predictive light performance to gauge the beauty of a diamond, this is my personal opinion of course based on my experience. You dont HAVE to have IdealScope and ASET's to guage the beauty of a diamond, though thousands of our diamonds do have these images, we pull diamonds from the vast majority of suppliers, not all of these polishers offer them.

If you think that the only way to know a true diamonds beauty is an IdealScope and ASET - and that predictive light performance does not suffice, my question is - how does one cut a diamond to get a perfect IdealScope or ASET? So yes, Im in the minority on PS - I dont agree with the majority consensus that its the only way to gauge a diamonds beauty...

Its all based on set parameters and tight parameters that get you there.

To the naked eye - there is a point of diminishing returns... So if there is a drop of light leakage, would a human be able to pick that up? Is that drop of light leakage worth 5-6k more?

Its a great tool - its not the final say in a diamonds beauty though. There are much more accurate tools than ASETs, Hearts and Arrows etc - but they arent as accessible - or as ubiquitous as these two tools.

I would rather save my money for my children and grandchildren, towards a home, a college fund, a honeymoon.... This is my personal take on life of course.

Just to continue clearing up misinformation, in a previous post with a screenshot of the conversation, you imply that si1 means that the inclusions cannot be seen under a naked eye but only under a loupe. Am I correct to infer that all si1 stones are eye clean, in your experience?
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

My personal experience as a diamond buyer:

2.5 carat and under, Rounds, GIA graded, Ideal Cuts-Super Ideal cuts, SI1+: Ive never bought or sold one that isnt eye clean to date.

Do I still check each and every one before we place the order with our suppliers? Yes
Have I ever assumed one to be eye clean, only to find out its a bit milky or cloudy? Yes and we reject those as a result.

I would say the vast majority of SI1 diamonds rated by GIA under 2.5 carat rounds are in fact "eye clean."
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424713512|3836997 said:
My personal experience as a diamond buyer:

2.5 carat and under, Rounds, GIA graded, Ideal Cuts-Super Ideal cuts, SI1+: Ive never bought or sold one that isnt eye clean to date.

Do I still check each and every one before we place the order with our suppliers? Yes
Have I ever assumed one to be eye clean, only to find out its a bit milky or cloudy? Yes and we reject those as a result.

I would say the vast majority of SI1 diamonds rated by GIA under 2.5 carat rounds are in fact "eye clean."
That's a bold statement... :bigsmile: probably true if most of your customers are as old as I am .
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

I think your signature says it all!!

"its harder to find a mind clean diamond than an eye clean diamond!"

Again, from personal experience of buying thousands of diamonds a year in the VS2-SI1 range - I have yet to see an SI1 diamond or VS2 diamond in Round, under 2.5 carats, that isnt eye clean.

I hope I never do!

In other shapes whats my advice?
I approach with caution when it comes to Cushion Cuts and SI1 over 1 carat
I stay away from SI1 in Emerald cuts, I even advise against VS2 in many cases, over 3 carats I stick to VVS.
Princess - under 2 carats, SI1 is eye clean in ideal cuts from my experience.
Asschers I follow the same rule of thumb as Asscher.

As a rule of thumb I ALWAYS stay away from SI2 completely. Why? Because in my experience SI2 means not eye clean or cloudy.

If I didnt have a cert to show you and asked you to guess which is VS1, VS2 or SI1 the chances you'd be able to pick out which is which, is slim to none.

Again - this is all gained from experience of working with actual diamonds... Most of the 3D diamond videos make VS1 and VS2 look terrifying let alone SI1 - I think this is where this misconception/fear is coming from...

In the online diamond industry we call this the SI1 problem - as the current imaging solutions available scare the daylight out of prospective clients and there is a huge amount of education around SI1 and the imaging - we are working very very hard to solve the SI1 problem - so we can help clients achieve mind cleanliness

Most SI1 diamonds should not affect light performance, or the naked eye beauty of a diamond under 2.5 carat rounds (I stress, in my personal experience in what we buy and sell to our clientele).
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..


I find the language you are using in the chats including phrases such as "lol" and "what does it matter if", and the general condescending tone to not really be professional (though I admit that is inferred by postings on other forums where you and your business partner have spoken more like college students than adult business owners) and I'd suggest that you not communicate that way via chat in the future.

It turns me off as a potential buyer to be spoken to in that way.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424714468|3837007 said:
I think your signature says it all - its harder to find a mind clean diamond that an eye clean diamond!

Again, from personal experience of buying thousands of diamonds a year in the VS2-SI1 range - I have yet to see an SI1 diamond or VS2 diamond in Round, under 2.5 carats, that isnt eye clean.

I hope I never do!

As a rule of thumb I ALWAYS stay away from SI2 completely. Why? Because in my experience SI2 means not eye clean or cloudy.

If I didnt have a cert to show you and asked you to guess which is VS1, VS2 or SI1 the chances you'd be able to pick out which is which, is slim to none.
That ain't saying much since I am a old man now, but 30 yrs ago I would have betted you a $1000 bucks that I can pick out the 2.5 ct SI1 stone with my naked eyes.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

The tools are reassuring for those buying via long distance and who cannot see a selection of well cut stones in person. Would you order a car model you had never seen a photo of? I didn't think so. However, cars of a particular model that you have seen and know the specs for are much easier to buy as they are far more consistently identical than the broad range of GIA ex cut diamonds are.

As to clarity, I once had an AGS ideal cut VS2 stone with eye visible black carbon crystal on the pavilion. So I know for sure they exist in VS2 rarely and certainly occasionally in SI1's (just encountered one in a superideal cut pair I was considering for studs upgrade, in fact. Thankfully vendor was honest to disclose that.). I do also avoid SI2's for e-rings unless a vendor has hand selected the stone for inventory because it is eyeclean and has no negative light performance due to inclusions. Few vendors offer that level of analysis, though.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

diamondseeker2006 said:
The tools are reassuring for those buying via long distance and who cannot see a selection of well cut stones in person. Would you order a car model you had never seen a photo of? I didn't think so. However, cars of a particular model that you have seen and know the specs for are much easier to buy as they are far more consistently identical than the broad range of GIA ex cut diamonds are.

As to clarity, I once had an AGS ideal cut VS2 stone with eye visible black carbon crystal on the pavilion. So I know for sure they exist in VS2 rarely and certainly occasionally in SI1's (just encountered one in a superideal cut pair I was considering for studs upgrade, in fact. Thankfully vendor was honest to disclose that.). I do also avoid SI2's for e-rings unless a vendor has hand selected the stone for inventory because it is eyeclean and has no negative light performance due to inclusions. Few vendors offer that level of analysis, though.

AGS in my opinion and experience over grades both color and clarity by 1 or more so its hard to say what you were looking at by GIA standards.

The tools are really great for reassurance that is for sure - but holding a flashlight behind a diamond and looking at it through a special made scope on a 90 degree angle isn't necessarily the only way. And again, these tools are based on the predictive nature of light performance in diamonds.

I have yet to see an SI1 that isn't eye clean (again mind clean is a different story) in the specs mentioned above.

We should have an "SI1 Challenge" - Im open to hosting it. See how many are able to pick out the SI1 vs VS2 vs VS1.

Has PS ever held such a challenge?
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424717184|3837042 said:
I have yet to see an SI1 that isn't eye clean (again mind clean is a different story) in the specs mentioned above.

I have seen multiple SI1 and one VS2, all under 2 carats, where they were not eye-clean, and I've only looked at hundreds of diamonds.

Now you say you've seen thousands of diamonds, so it brings up a major deficiency here, and disconnect from the reality that consumers experience in the actual marketplace.

It may be that one's eyesight is not very good. In that sense, though, an I3 could be eye-clean to a blind person.

Blanket statement that 'all GIA-graded SI1 under 2.5ct are eye-clean' is blatantly wrong, and possibly intentionally deceptive.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..


The diamonds that *IVE* bought and sold - and again that this is my personal experience in 2.5 carat rounds and under in the SI1 category.

If I see an SI1, 2.5 carat or under that isnt eye clean, Ill surely let you know.

BTW I dont wear corrective lenses - and recently had my eyes examined and have no need for them.

Has anyone recently bought and returned an SI1 diamond that wasnt eye clean? Id love to take a look.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424717184|3837042 said:
diamondseeker2006 said:
The tools are reassuring for those buying via long distance and who cannot see a selection of well cut stones in person. Would you order a car model you had never seen a photo of? I didn't think so. However, cars of a particular model that you have seen and know the specs for are much easier to buy as they are far more consistently identical than the broad range of GIA ex cut diamonds are.

As to clarity, I once had an AGS ideal cut VS2 stone with eye visible black carbon crystal on the pavilion. So I know for sure they exist in VS2 rarely and certainly occasionally in SI1's (just encountered one in a superideal cut pair I was considering for studs upgrade, in fact. Thankfully vendor was honest to disclose that.). I do also avoid SI2's for e-rings unless a vendor has hand selected the stone for inventory because it is eyeclean and has no negative light performance due to inclusions. Few vendors offer that level of analysis, though.

AGS in my opinion and experience over grades both color and clarity by 1 or more so its hard to say what you were looking at by GIA standards.
Really?? I don't mind buying either AGS or GIA graded stones.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Really?? I don't mind buying either AGS or GIA graded stones.[/quote]

I alwwaaayyyyssss recommend having your diamond reviewed by an independent appraiser - as you'll never know what you will find out when a person is being objective based on experience:


So having a paper in hand and seeing if a diamond is eye clean is one thing, but another when doing the testing/checking in the blind. And in the above case the color, when evaluating the diamond without paperwork or prejudice you might have a very different outcome.

Ive personally downgraded a few AGS stones on color using a calibrated master CZ set. It makes me harder to recommend them without inspecting them first. Of course GIA has the same issue but in my experience much less common.

"Groupthink" is inevitable in a forum such as this - as outliers with differing opinions usually give up or quiet down or are too scared to voice their viewpoints:

Keep an open mind :)

And I appreciate being compared to a college student in this business - some of the most valuable, disruptive and consumer focused businesses have come from college students - or people who think and act like college students.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424717762|3837047 said:

The diamonds that *IVE* bought and sold - and again that this is my personal experience in 2.5 carat rounds and under in the SI1 category.

If I see an SI1, 2.5 carat or under that isnt eye clean, Ill surely let you know.

BTW I dont wear corrective lenses - and recently had my eyes examined and have no need for them.

Has anyone recently bought and returned an SI1 diamond that wasnt eye clean? Id love to take a look.

If you look at any well-regarded PS vendor that provides notes about eye-cleanliness on stones, you will see that there is a large selection of non-eye-clean SI1 stones for you to choose from. Some under 1.5ct.

I will not post the names of any vendors, so that you are still able to comment, but if you spend about 5 minutes searching any of these sites, you'll find reputable vendors who have SI1 stones marked as 'not eye-clean.' Why would they mark these stones as not eye-clean if they really were eye-clean, presuming the non eye-clean designation lowers the desirability?

The only logical conclusion is that there are SI1 stones under 2.5ct that exist. Period. End of story.

Advising anyone differently, because you had not done the necessary research yourself (anyone with a scientific background will tell you personal, anecdotal experience is not representative of reality), is bad business and reflects extremely poorly on the vendor.

It may just be that you're looking at stones that are not representative of what the consumer sees as a whole. In that case, it would be a bad idea to pass this information along, as it bears no value in the real world environment.

Hopefully future consumers will see this thread and realize that this is not a vendor that you want to do business with - they are intentionally misleading consumers, or, at best, uninformed.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

"Groupthink" is inevitable in a forum such as this - as outliers with differing opinions usually give up or quiet down or are too scared to voice their viewpoints:

Keep an open mind :)

Thanks for watchin out.

One could think "he's might be saying this because he is a vendor who sells stones without photos, so he might benefit from us believing there's no need to see photos of diamonds. "

So its smart to advise we always think critically of posts here. :wavey:
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

Haha Niel,

I havent sold a diamond without a photo in almost 1.5 years!! We list them [diamonds without images] to be comprehensive and to show the entire market so one can compare what is potentially out there.

Last time I counted we had the largest/most comprehensive database of diamonds with photo's and videos - sometimes JA has more, sometimes us. This usually includes having the largest selection of diamonds with ASETs and IdealScopes, Hearts and Arrows images and 3d videos.

So its smart to advise we always think critically of posts here. :wavey:

Im advising: free-thought, individualistic thought, open mindedness and a break from groupthink.

I think the PS community is great and have been blessed to have communicated with so many in such a relatively short period of time.

We have made many changes based on the overall consensus on PS. Because soooooo much of it makes sense - but that does not change my opinion that a lot of groupthink is being manifested, some of itgreatand some of it misleading or incorrect.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

RockyRacoon - would you be kind enough to PM somehow - I havent seen the vendors which you are non-referencing. Im fairly easily found through various communication mediums.

Really talking from personal experience in SI1 diamonds - Im sorry if you havent have a very straightforward GIA SI1 experience :(

I also tried my best to say personal experience in every one of my posts. I just havent seen one yet - I dont see how this is misinforming anyone.
Re: "Diamond expert" told me to stick to measurements only..

JoshuaNiamehr|1424720849|3837092 said:
RockyRacoon - would you be kind enough to PM somehow - I havent seen the vendors which you are referencing.

Really talking from personal experience in SI1 diamonds - Im sorry if you havent have a very straightforward GIA SI1 experience :(

I also tried my best to say personal experience in every one of my posts. I just havent seen one yet - I dont see how this is misinforming anyone.

There is no PM function on Pricescope, but it will literally take you 5 minutes to do a search on any vendor's site that uses 'eye-clean' designations to find a non-eye-clean SI1. This is not something uncommon.

If you look at the screenshot text above, you will see the following statements:
"You can't see them with the naked eye" "which is what an SI1 will mean"

That does not say anything about your personal experience. Those are unqualified statements.

You have no reason to apologize for my GIA experience - I am telling you what is reality for consumers. I am trying to give you a picture of what is actually happening in the consumer environment, since you don't seem to see what everyday consumers do.

Now you know that there are GIA certed stones under 2.5ct with SI1 inclusions that are not eye-clean. We have corrected that misconception you had. The question is - will you continue to misinform customers about this issue, under the guise of your 'personal experience?'