
Diamond Calc

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Mar 2, 2002
We have recently purchased a diamond that we would really like to see how it would come out on Diamond Calc. We have been following this forum for several months now, and we have seen where people have been able to post the results of diamond calc here for people.

We are very happy with our purchase, and our diamond is a perfect match to the cert - we have just become obsessed with all the neat things that can be seen about a diamond. The HCA became one of our best friends during our search! I should also add that we purchased an ideal scope prior to our purchase, and with our untrained eyes - it looks just the like the picture on the ideal scope page.

Here are the stats of the diamond in case someone can run this:

AGS 0 - Cert
Depth: 61.1
Table: 56%
Crown: 34.2 (14.8)
Pavilion: 40.7 (42.8)
Clarity: SI1
Color: I

Thank you in advance if anyone is willing to show us this!!:))
You know, I've wanted to ask this for awhile myself. I didn't want to impose on Leonid. I've already had my diamond for a few months and I'm happy with it, I would just love to see the Diamondcalc results for it. So, in the hopes that my whims will be indulged here are my diamonds specs:

Depth: 60.7%
Table: 54.9%
Crown Angle: 34.3'
Pav. Angle: 40.7'
Culet: 0.8%
Girdle: 1.2%

Thank you!!
Thanks for posting and making us feel like we are not just totally odd for wanting to see this. Like I said in our post - we have just become obsessed with everything about diamonds. We still shop for loose diamonds like we are still in the market - we have just loved learning everything about diamonds!!

Your stones are very close to the same proportions so I split the differences and did one pic for both stones :)

Thanks for taking the time to post this for us. Could you give us a little detail from that picture?

We really appreciate any info that you may have on this!

Thank you, Gary!! :))
chetjet3, there is not much to say except it is a great stone :) Congratulations!


I would appreciate it if you could show me an image of my diamond with the following specs as well.

It looks like the table is on the small side and it concerns me. The GIA cert though says the table is 55%, so I'm hoping the measurement is actually closer to that.

I bought this stone sight unseen, and it looks pretty good with my idealscope with very little light leakage.

Sarin analysis
Depth % 60.4
Table 54.2
Crown % 15.4
Crown angle 34.1
Pavilion angle 40.6

Thank you!
Very nice.

The ideal-scope should be great too.

RT eg.jpg
Can you do this w/ Fancy cuts or just rounds?
Thank you,
Jackie S
yes but the # of variables makes it almost meaningless without an exact sarin file of the stone in question so i would rather not mislead anyone by doing them.
This all takes 3x more time also than for rounds.
Thank you Garry!
I am glad to hear you confirm that it's a nice stone.:))

Thank you so very much for taking the time to do that for us!! We know that we are absolutely in love with this diamond, but as we said above, we just want to see everything there is to see about it.

Thank you again for taking the time to show us this.:))
My pleasure :)

I just think consumers can request more of the cut information from the vendors and thus create a demand for the cut analysis tools.
could you check this out? the cut advisor said excellent, but i'm not sure if ideal scope showed all pink.

2.43 c
crown: 34.4%
pavilion: 40.7%
dep: 60.8 (14.8, 42.8)
table: 56

also, can someone generate and email me the .gem file to open w/ Gemadviser?

thanks very much!
On 5/7/2002 5:18:44 PM

could you check this out? the cut advisor said excellent, but i'm not sure if ideal scope showed all pink.

2.43 c
crown: 34.4%
pavilion: 40.7%
dep: 60.8 (14.8, 42.8)
table: 56


Erainbow, these numbers are for exact Tolkowsky proportions! You don't need DiamCalc to tell you that! :) If numbers are correct it should be a great stone. Only expert examination can tell you more. :)

And sorry, we desided not to do DiamCalc anymore - we simply cannot sutisfy everyone...

Re: gem adviser. They have very close example file in Samples folder: T57 C34.5 P40.75.gem.
thanks lenoid; the angles are per AGS report; the IGI appraisers don't check angles.

it's just that when i looked w/ idealscope, i wasn't sure if it looked that superb; i haven't seen a stone that's all pink yet; i thought if the angles are right, it would look pinker like the first photo in the excellent example. any comment? perhaps I wasn't using the idealscope correctly; or maybe i should feel satisfied that it scored 0.7 w/ cut adviser and fits the Tolkowsky %; do all Tolkowsky ratios look good under idealscope?

any comments w/ regard to idealscope effect? we'll pay tomorrow so I want a last check.

2.43 c
crown: 34.4% (14.8)
pavilion: 40.7%
dep: 60.8 (42.8)
table: 56

Hi! We purchased a diamond that scored a .7 on the HCA, but that is not to say that the diamond that you are looking at would be the same. We feel that our diamond is breathtaking and puts on a show all of the time. I would like to say though that in viewing this diamond in the ideal scope it was the exact picture that is shown on this site for the excellent cut.

It looks like your proportions are very similar to the proportions of our diamond - which the diam calc simulant is posted above.

Obviously you have seen this diamond for yourself - what are your eyes telling you? :wavey:
it wasn't the first photo in the "excellent" example; it had some leakage,was hard to tell around the table; so while symetry is very good, i thought it was the middle or bottom picture on that "excellent" example page. this was w/ the overhead light and my head blocking the light, and it did look better when i checked next to a florencent light source e.g. "how to use ideal scope" page.

so was yours red red (or all pink?)
Hi! Ours was not a deep red, but it was a definite red and not pink. I think that you need to use what your eyes are telling you without the ideal scope. Is the price right for the diamond that you are considering? Are you buying at a B&M - have you researched online to compare prices?

Just one more thing - there is a picture (not the best) of the diamond that we purchased under the post that Leonid started about what consumers are buying.

I would like an opinion on a Heart cut loose diamond
GIA certificate
0.77 weight
very good cut
grade I color
VS1 clarity
57-9% depth
59% table
1.12 girdle
culet none

The price is under $2000.00:love:
Under $2,000? This stone is listed on Blue Nile for $2,783.

Here is a couple of interesting diamonds posted with DiamCalc evaluations:

I think it is worth starting a new thread to discuss these diamonds.[/u][/u]
Can someone give me an idea as to the price of the following ring-

3 round diamonds (.30 each) FVS1
2 round sapphires (.30 each)
set in platinum

I am considering it as an engagement ring even though it is more of a band style.
Because of numerous request "to simulate that diamond in the DiamCalc" (that takes a lot of time from DiamCalc owners) we have made special collection with GemAdviser models and IdealScope pictures of round diamonds with large range of cut parameters.
This collection allows ANYONE to download needed model and then open it with free GemAdviser software. With GemAdviser software you are able to generate diamond pictures with different lighting. Moreover it allows you to create a movie with tilting diamond.
Here is the links to collection:

DiamCalc Team.
Hi Vladimir,,

Thanks for the link.

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