In my quest to learn as much as possible about cut quality, I have been scouring all the online resources I can find. Inevitably, I came across Fred Cuellar’s site. I was somewhat put off by his self-aggrandizement and his flippant responses to questions, but nevertheless, I called his helpline. (Can’t hurt, right?) Anyway, DCI sent me a free copy of his book, and I read the chapter on the 4 C’s. I just finished a search of diamondtalk and pricescope, and so I’m aware of his reputation, but I have a question about one of his points, which seemed like it might be reasonable. He talks about correspondence between color and clarity; that it doesn’t make sense to buy a stone with high clarity/low color and vice versa. I’m not considering buying a stone with a great color/clarity disparity, but I wonder if some of the experts would comment on this idea.