
Customization and Insurance?

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Feb 19, 2009
Hello all. After months of researching and deliberating, my ering is finally near completion. I purchased beautiful loose brilliant cushion from James Allen and am having a local jeweler customize the setting. It''s going to be a full bezel in white gold - contemporary and simple.

The jeweler is reputable and does beautiful work. When I met with him, he told me that as soon as I walked my diamond in the store, it became insured under his policy. However, just prior to my payment, the receipt for the ring indicated that the jeweler was not responsible for any damage to my diamond during mounting, etc. While I trust his craftsmanship and don''t suspect anything fishy, it''s a little unnerving knowing that, particularly with my full bezel, anything can happen.

My question is, should I now get insurance on the diamond? And if so, is there an insurance that will cover a jeweler''s potential damage of a diamond?

Thanks in advance!


Jan 3, 2005
as far as I know, Jewelers Mutual is the only insurance company that will cover a loose stone through the setting process. Many jewelers and designers have that disclaimer so it''s not unusual but definitely can be nerve wracking for the stone owner. some folks will have the vendor who they purchase the stone from set it into an inexpensive setting. the vendor (james allen) in your case will usual insure a stone they sold you into one of their settings. then you can add the ring to your insurance policy as a complete ring. then if you reset it into a new setting the stone would be covered as part of the "ring" that is already insured. You will want to double check though with your individual coverage b/c everyone''s policy''s are different.


Dec 29, 2008
My FF and I just dealt with this issue, and we decided to go with Jewelers Mutual. We had an insurance appraisal done on our loose stone, and then sent it via insured mail to Leon Mege. We sent in the final work order to Jewelers Mutual (before the stone was set). Since we now "owned" the custom setting about to be built and our stone, JM began coverage.

I will try to attach two links I found helpful.

Link 1

Link 2
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