
Coronavirus updates December 2020...please add yours.


Nov 27, 2009
I saw this and just yelled at the screen....this is crazy to me!

I don't know what goes through people's heads when they do things like this.
That's disgusting! I don't understand what goes through some people's heads. (GENERAL YOU AHEAD) You don't want the vaccine? Well that sucks but i can live with it. But you have no right to destroy it so that people that and want and need it cannot get it. I'm so angry right now x.x


Jun 8, 2008
I saw this and just yelled at the screen....this is crazy to me!

I don't know what goes through people's heads when they do things like this.

Mentally ill or criminal behavior. This is not the behavior of a rational human being. Can’t wait (:roll2:) to hear how the employee rationalizes his disgusting behavior.


Feb 3, 2008
We were exposed to covid on Christmas Day by my son's girlfriend. She got an email that she tested positive after she left our house.

I didn't want anyone at our house on Christmas but I got zero support from anyone in our family and extended family. What I got was anger and outrage that I would even suggest such a thing. Two of my sons, who live at home through this work in the public (but do continually wear masks). The worst part is my daughters father in law is going through cancer treatment. They have been super close friends for the last 30 years. I called the wife and told her I was worried about it, and would happily cancel having the kids to our house because I didn't want to endanger him. She wouldn't hear of it. She said they are at the hospital 3-5 times a week.
So here we are. Sons girlfriend has no symptoms and so far neither do any of us.
She took the test 3 days prior and had another test yesterday. DH and I are quarantining but one son still has to work.


Oct 23, 2011
We were exposed to covid on Christmas Day by my son's girlfriend. She got an email that she tested positive after she left our house.

I didn't want anyone at our house on Christmas but I got zero support from anyone in our family and extended family. What I got was anger and outrage that I would even suggest such a thing. Two of my sons, who live at home through this work in the public (but do continually wear masks). The worst part is my daughters father in law is going through cancer treatment. They have been super close friends for the last 30 years. I called the wife and told her I was worried about it, and would happily cancel having the kids to our house because I didn't want to endanger him. She wouldn't hear of it. She said they are at the hospital 3-5 times a week.
So here we are. Sons girlfriend has no symptoms and so far neither do any of us.
She took the test 3 days prior and had another test yesterday. DH and I are quarantining but one son still has to work.

Same! I feel you. My side of the family is very cautious and my poor mom spent Xmas eve alone! But hubby. Ugh. His family insisted bc they all got rapid tests —except the mom—she got a regular one and results were pending. I told hubby I wasn’t going but he said he would go anyway bc his elderly parents really wanted this. He intended to go without me so I went. Well. Monday we get a call. His mom’s results were positive. Ugh. I almost killed hubby. But a few hours later my DD said that someone on her dad’s side of the family tested positive too! So at this point I wanted to kill both bc I have been telling her not to mix households—esp bc her dad’s work makes him fly all over the country! But it’s been a battle since She got back from college with her and I finally gave up. Sigh. Well. Thank God. We all tested negative as did everyone else in
Both parties with the exception of the two positives. We feel perfectly well. And believe me, they have learned!
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2015


Sep 20, 2009

Meanwhile, my sister helped vaccinate yesterday and inoculated 32 people. She pulled 7 shots out of vials made for 5. She said to do so she had to draw precision shots. She said she had "flop sweat" trying to get every shot she could. In this, it is possible that we can make what we have go much farther.

It doesn't help with the story of this jerk, but that is happy news for vaccine supply.


May 17, 2014
Meanwhile, my sister helped vaccinate yesterday and inoculated 32 people. She pulled 7 shots out of vials made for 5. She said to do so she had to draw precision shots. She said she had "flop sweat" trying to get every shot she could. In this, it is possible that we can make what we have go much farther.

It doesn't help with the story of this jerk, but that is happy news for vaccine supply.

That is incredible!!!!!! I'm just in total awe. Please tell her she's amazing for me!!!!!


Aug 16, 2007
Meanwhile, my sister helped vaccinate yesterday and inoculated 32 people. She pulled 7 shots out of vials made for 5. She said to do so she had to draw precision shots. She said she had "flop sweat" trying to get every shot she could. In this, it is possible that we can make what we have go much farther.

It doesn't help with the story of this jerk, but that is happy news for vaccine supply.

She's amazing, if everyone made this effort and had this skill so many more could be helped.


Nov 27, 2009
Mentally ill or criminal behavior. This is not the behavior of a rational human being. Can’t wait (:roll2:) to hear how the employee rationalizes his disgusting behavior.

Ugh completely criminal!
Same! I feel you. My side of the family is very cautious and my poor mom spent Xmas eve alone! But hubby. Ugh. His family insisted bc they all got rapid tests —except the mom—she got a regular one and results were pending. I told hubby I wasn’t going but he said he would go anyway bc his elderly parents really wanted this. He intended to go without me so I went. Well. Monday we get a call. His mom’s results were positive. Ugh. I almost killed hubby. But a few hours later my DD said that someone on her dad’s side of the family tested positive too! So at this point I wanted to kill both bc I have been telling her not to mix households—esp bc her dad’s work makes him fly all over the country! But it’s been a battle since She got back from college with her and I finally gave up. Sigh. Well. Thank God. We all tested negative as did everyone else in
Both parties with the exception of the two positives. We feel perfectly well. And believe me, they have learned!

I'm glad you guys are okay! Hopefully it stays that way :)


Feb 3, 2008
@nala, we still don't have any symptoms but DH had to go up to see his parents because his mom had to be hospitalized. That was 12 days after exposure but it still makes me nervous.


Oct 23, 2011
@nala, we still don't have any symptoms but DH had to go up to see his parents because his mom had to be hospitalized. That was 12 days after exposure but it still makes me nervous.

Omg!!! Please keep us posted. So far, we have all tested negative and feel very well. That includes every person who was directly exposed and indirectly. We are on day 11. Both of the Covid carriers are doing well—very mild cases. Mil is in mid-70’s and has only said she felt chills and hot flashes. Fil is taking care of her while quarantining and he feels well. The other girl is 20 something and is doing fine.

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
If I don't catch the virus then you guys shouldn't. We attended all 3 grandkids BD party, Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner with about 18 family members. So far everyone is still alive with no sign of symptoms.


Oct 23, 2011
If I don't catch the virus then you guys shouldn't. We attended all 3 grandkids BD party, Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas dinner with about 18 family members. So far everyone is still alive with no sign of symptoms.

I don’t know. Tbh, I always social distance and wear a mask which means I don’t like indoor settings with maskless people. This Xmas thing was an exception bc my hubby’s family is arrogant and felt their rapid tests were secure. Meanwhile, my daughter’s other family are all essentials who work and have gotten comfortable with their bubble. I used to go to Vegas and local casinos frequently but I committed to staying home bc of the holiday spike. And now that the variant is here, more infectious, I plan to stay in until February—after the NYE spike is over. I’m grateful for masks and social distancing but I don’t know if this variant can overcome those since it is more infectious. I’m even going to avoid costco for a while and DD will not go to her dad’s house but will see him with a mask outdoors.
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