
Congratulations to GOG on getting their AV patent!

Congratulations to Jon and GOG!! Well deserved. An AVC is on my list too!
Congratulations!! Well-deserved. Yes, I'm lusting for an AVC or R in the future.

Jon, the geeky lawyer in me wants to know, who's representing you in the patent process? Some Intellectual Property team got a fantastic education in diamond cutting.
Dear Mister Rhinoceros,

Has it really been 14 years since we first hung-out and nerded-out, facet-by-facet, about this thing called diamond cut?


Once in a while it's healthy to pause and reflect on the macro in our lives. I believe this is one of those moments. Day by day, week by week, year by year, you've contributed doggedly to your online diamond & jewelry communities, to your professional circles and (especially) to your clients. You've explored forthcoming technologies with great vision, and have always pushed to understand their implications with an open-mind.

We've had our disagreements and outright battles over the years, but those debates have involved postulation and creative-thinking on a level that's largely vacant elsewhere in my travels. In that sense Jonathan, you soar in rarefied air, high above the persistent old-school industry resistance to the evolution you/we champion. This patent achievement is a tribute to your research and your tenacity.

While you're giving compliments to those who have inspired and helped you (with major applause for Yoram, who is an industry treasure) please don't forget to look in the mirror and glow at this milestone.

Well done.
YAY! I hope to own one some day! They are soooo gorgeous :love:
:appl: Congratulations Jon!! We are very lucky to have you as an integral part of the PS community!
Congratulations to Jon and GOG!!... :appl: :appl: time to celebrate with a BIG sale for all PSers... :naughty:
Congratulations on getting your patent Jon! The AVC's I've seen on PS have all been amazing! :appl:
John Pollard|1398830615|3663344 said:
Dear Mister Rhinoceros,

Has it really been 14 years since we first hung-out and nerded-out, facet-by-facet, about this thing called diamond cut?


Once in a while it's healthy to pause and reflect on the macro in our lives. I believe this is one of those moments. Day by day, week by week, year by year, you've contributed doggedly to your online diamond & jewelry communities, to your professional circles and (especially) to your clients. You've explored forthcoming technologies with great vision, and have always pushed to understand their implications with an open-mind.

We've had our disagreements and outright battles over the years, but those debates have involved postulation and creative-thinking on a level that's largely vacant elsewhere in my travels. In that sense Jonathan, you soar in rarefied air, high above the persistent old-school industry resistance to the evolution you/we champion. This patent achievement is a tribute to your research and your tenacity.

While you're giving compliments to those who have inspired and helped you (with major applause for Yoram, who is an industry treasure) please don't forget to look in the mirror and glow at this milestone.

Well done.

I just wanted to quote this. Just because. :appl: :appl: :appl:
A huge congratulations to Jon and GOG. An outstanding accomplishment well deserved!
Jonathan, congratulations on a major accomplishment and a very well deserved one at that! :appl:
Way to go!!!!!! And thank you for creating such masterful works of art.
Congrats with this unique accomplishment!
Congrats, Jon! and also thanks for your continued attempts to educate us!
Congratulations Jon! Your high energy and passion for diamonds is amazing. Great work my friend.

congratulations & cheers!
you have many happy, grateful AVC fans here!

Question out of curiousity - what does obtaining this patent imply? That no other cutter/vendor can sell cushion cuts of the same facet structure? Or just cannot market them as "August vintage"? I know at least one other vendor that sells their own branded similarly faceted (at least from what it looks like) cushion cuts with AGS000 optics, will this affect them at all?
Vintagelover, thecat, chrono, maisie, Juliescott, sonomacounty, diamondseeker2006, yennyfire, Laila619, hathalove, purplesparklies, tekate, Dave Atlas, Texas leaguer, teobdl, SandyinAnaheim, qwedsy, Wink, Andelain, derbygal, woofmama, tonysgeko, Just_Starting, fritzi, emmebee, CanuckAB, tyty333, gregchang35, LLJsmom, marcy, lioness, John Pollard, Candygrl, Smores84, DancingFire, hearts-arrows_girl, brightice, Catmom, ecf8503, Acinom, Miwa, Modified Brilliant, Harpertoo & Roqsteady...

Thank you all so much for the kind words everyone. From the heart, I can't tell you how much they mean to me. ;( Although I may be miles away I feel you all close to my heart as if we were all in a room together doing a great big group hug and I am so thankful. ;(

Just to answer some questions/comments.

Oldminer|1398800182|3662926 said:
Jonathan, congratulations. It takes a lot of effort to obtain a patent after all the time spent in developing something truly worthy in the first place. You should feel very blessed to have achieved this milestone.

Thank you kindly Dave. I do feel very blessed. It did take quite a lot of time (about 4 years) effort, capital and it's not over yet. The issued patent covers one form of the AVC, and we are continuing to work on protecting other examples. :Up_to_something: One difficulty of this whole process was that we are dealing with a pretty complex topic of diamond optics. As a result, you end up needing a lawyer who understands this subject, and who can then accurately present and argue it before the patent office. Admittedly even my first lawyers could not fully grasp the concepts which is why I am thankful for a lawyer/client who followed my posts here on the forum and watched the progress of this. I eventually fired my first lawyers and hired him and could not be happier.

Are you going to mark these patented stones in some way that others who might examine them can readily differentiate them from slightly different or non-patented versions? This would be useful not only to appraisers, but also for consumers who might later wish to sell or upgrade.

Already done. Every August Vintage diamond is inscribed with it's registered Trademark name on the girdle along with its Report #. And to those who have no conscience in stealing my intellectual property, we certainly intend to enforce our patent rights where and when we deem appropriate. That's all I'm going to say on this subject here.

@Tekate: Holywood types ... :naughty: As I see it the sky is the limit. Relatively speaking this line is still in its infancy. Sure the microcosmic world of PS knows about it but it's a big world out there and I have big dreams and big plans so if you see Clooney's girl or other sporting one ... well ... one day at a time. ::)

Texas Leaguer|1398804841|3662993 said:
Congratulations Jonathan. The vision, dedication, and long hours of work involved make this a truly impressive accomplishment.

We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize you for all your contributions to consumer education and especially for shining a bright light on the importance of diamond cut quality.

May you keep on bringing fire and brilliance to the market :wink2:

I can't tell you how much your words mean to me Brian. Truly I am honored and grateful to be associated with such kind colleagues here on this forum. If you are going to Vegas I hope we can find some time to sit over a coffee or brew (depending on time of day). It would be my pleasure to get to know you better sir.

SandyinAnaheim|1398807760|3663032 said:
might there be an upcoming GOG/AVR discount to help us celebrate with you?? :naughty:

On existing stock ... perhaps. I'll have to think on that. :)

@teobodl: Thank you for the best wishes regarding the other. We have worked long and hard on that as well. So far the patent covers what we have included in it but my comments to Dave above answer more. :) Not really going to talk about those just yet though.

Wink|1398808978|3663045 said:
This is awesome Jonathon! I look forward to hearing more about it at the Vegas show in a few weeks.


Look forward to meeting with you as well ol friend! ::)

John Pollard|1398830615|3663344 said:
Dear Mister Rhinoceros,

Has it really been 14 years since we first hung-out and nerded-out, facet-by-facet, about this thing called diamond cut?


Once in a while it's healthy to pause and reflect on the macro in our lives. I believe this is one of those moments. Day by day, week by week, year by year, you've contributed doggedly to your online diamond & jewelry communities, to your professional circles and (especially) to your clients. You've explored forthcoming technologies with great vision, and have always pushed to understand their implications with an open-mind.

We've had our disagreements and outright battles over the years, but those debates have involved postulation and creative-thinking on a level that's largely vacant elsewhere in my travels. In that sense Jonathan, you soar in rarefied air, high above the persistent old-school industry resistance to the evolution you/we champion. This patent achievement is a tribute to your research and your tenacity.

While you're giving compliments to those who have inspired and helped you (with major applause for Yoram, who is an industry treasure) please don't forget to look in the mirror and glow at this milestone.

Well done.

;( ::) Man... I should not have had a glass of wine before reading this. John ... what a journey. As I come to this milestone I am so proud to call you friend. I remember it like yesterday ... so many years ago ... (gah ... 14?!?!?!? you're making me feel old!!!) I am honored to have played a small part in an industry you would become such a giant in yourself and am proud to stand and serve beside you and more than anything I look forward to continuing along in this journey with you and other of our colleagues as we move forward into the future.

I'll never ever forget all the discussions, debates, etc. which have helped the two of us (and other friends of ours) to learn, grow and develop us to the gemologists we are today and especially with regards to topics and ideas so few in our industry are familiar with. There is a proverb of King Solomon that states "As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend. Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)" You my friend will always stand as a piece of iron in my life who has helped to sharpen me. Love you and always will bro.

In closing I just want to say I can't say enough about Yoram and also of Karl whom you old timers know as strmrdr. While the concept of August Vintage Cushions began by serving this community, behind the scenes it all started with a conversation between Karl and I back about 7-8 years ago +/- (remember that Karl?). I'll never forget communicating my ideas to my trusted friend Karl. I did not at that time know Yoram except for a few posts in passing here on the forum. Karl formally introduced us and the rest is history. I am also forever indebted to both of you and look forward with optimistic vision towards future projects.

In deep gratitude,
Since I LIVE in NJ I hope to take a ride out to the island someday and see the store and hiss AV in person. Congradulations GOD Jonathon for your patent. :appl:
Congrats, Jon!!! :appl:
Congratulations!! As a cushion lover, thank you for the AV!
Congrats, your AVRs, AVCs and Octavia's are awesome!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: And your general attitude of improving customer diamond knowledge/education is pretty darn awesome too!!!

The AVRs, AVCs and Octavias are my absolute favourites. Its so hard to choose. I would love one of each someday.
Congratulations Jonathan. Your work is breathtaking and your team is an absolute pleasure to deal with, so patient and kind :appl:
Thanks heididdl. We'd love to have you. Bring your eyes and your appetite. There's good Italian right next door. :cheeky:

Thank you too Sonoma, Skippy & Gypsy. Some of my oldest online diamond junkie friends. :bigsmile:

And thank you clumsy and thank you arkieb1 and ringcat for the kind words. I never get tired working these beauties on a daily basis. :bigsmile: If or when you're ever ready we/I are always here and happy to assist our PriceScope family.

Warmest regards,
Congrats on such an accomplishment!!
Adding my congrats to the list! :appl: My AVC has become my favorite bling piece that I own! :bigsmile:
Rhino|1398789387|3662778 said:
Thank you kindly. It is a very exciting day for us here at GOG and we are all rejoicing and celebrating.

This patent is for the August Vintage(R) Cushion.

As other things transpire I will be sharing but this is the first and a first for me personally. While I give thanks first to the Lord for guiding me, and my wife for her love and support, and Yoram who, with his skills brought my original vision to reality... I'm forever grateful but there is one more thanks that I truly need to emphasize and that is to this awesome PriceScope community who, without listening to your requests over the years is what truly planted the seeds to create the August Vintage line.

To my knowledge it is the first Ideal cut diamond born from an online community because without you guys it would have never been.

Forever grateful,

PS: And yep Chrono ... even before they were named and Arjunajane published her very first pictures in SMTB... you can call them August Vintage for sure as they originate here.
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know you worked your ass off on the August Vintage® collection and you've earned every accolade these have been given. They're incredibly beautiful, and inspired a significant amount of imitation, which we know is the sincerest form of flattery!
Congrats couldn't have happened to a more deserving person. Thank you for helping us choose my beautiful one carat AVC for my engagement ring! The only thing that could be nicer than my stone would be ...A four carat AVC now that would be perfection hehe!