Hi All! I''m still looking for that perfect heart shaped stone for my Sweetie. Our bricks''n motar jewlery store got three stones in for us last week and we were finally able to get out and take a look at them yesterday. None were certified (kinda surprised me) but they all looked OK. One was a little shallow and sure enough looked a lot like a glass window just like all of you said. The one she really liked was rated and H SI1 but it did not have any yellow in it but rather a hint of pink (which she liked a lot) not enough to be a fancy but enough to notice easily. My question is how does the color rating work for stones that do not get more yellow but just have more color such as pink? I''ve seen and used color grading CZ''s before but the set I''ve seen would not have been useful (to me) in determining a color rating of this stone. If she likes it that''s all that matters to me but I sure do not want to over pay for it!