
Cloth Diapers?


Feb 8, 2010
Loves Vintage|1328498612|3119907 said:
yellowducky|1328498161|3119903 said:
Loves Vintage|1328497713|3119898 said:
yellowducky|1328496659|3119891 said:
Loves Vintage|1328496042|3119885 said:
yellowducky|1328495600|3119877 said:
oh, and if anyone is looking for a good lead on new sized diapers for a pretty good discount, do private message me if there is a way to do that. :naughty: the addict becomes the dealer... :tongue:

Funny!! There are no pm's here, but perhaps you're also on DS?

i've signed up but never posted there and not very knowledgeable in general of the site or its messaging features -- do let me know if there is a way to connect. the motivation was to score some good quality, used dipes but i find the website difficult to search through and the sales forums distractingly dynamic/active.

It is a VERY fast moving forum. PG knows the ins and outs of selling there if you were considering it. I think you need a certain number of posts before you can PM. What were you thinking of selling? I think it's the best place to list, though ebay buyers can buy fairly competitively (as in bidding for more than retail sometimes :confused: .)

oh, i was planning on buying. but seeing as how it was too fast a stream for this slow fish, i took a different tack, so my stash is entirely new. i won't prep anything until the need materializes though. but i'm hoping with good upkeep i'll be able to sell my stash there or elsewhere to recoup some of the costs! is your handle/username the same on DS?

Oh, I misunderstood again!! I thought you wanted to sell some of your stash. That's how I interpreted your dealer comment! My screen name is different there. Since you need a few posts to send or receive messages, if you post something in the intros forum, I'm sure I could find you.

gotcha! let's see how this goes...


Feb 8, 2010
yellowducky|1328499067|3119910 said:
Loves Vintage|1328498612|3119907 said:
yellowducky|1328498161|3119903 said:
Loves Vintage|1328497713|3119898 said:
yellowducky|1328496659|3119891 said:
Loves Vintage|1328496042|3119885 said:
yellowducky|1328495600|3119877 said:
oh, and if anyone is looking for a good lead on new sized diapers for a pretty good discount, do private message me if there is a way to do that. :naughty: the addict becomes the dealer... :tongue:

Funny!! There are no pm's here, but perhaps you're also on DS?

i've signed up but never posted there and not very knowledgeable in general of the site or its messaging features -- do let me know if there is a way to connect. the motivation was to score some good quality, used dipes but i find the website difficult to search through and the sales forums distractingly dynamic/active.

It is a VERY fast moving forum. PG knows the ins and outs of selling there if you were considering it. I think you need a certain number of posts before you can PM. What were you thinking of selling? I think it's the best place to list, though ebay buyers can buy fairly competitively (as in bidding for more than retail sometimes :confused: .)

oh, i was planning on buying. but seeing as how it was too fast a stream for this slow fish, i took a different tack, so my stash is entirely new. i won't prep anything until the need materializes though. but i'm hoping with good upkeep i'll be able to sell my stash there or elsewhere to recoup some of the costs! is your handle/username the same on DS?

Oh, I misunderstood again!! I thought you wanted to sell some of your stash. That's how I interpreted your dealer comment! My screen name is different there. Since you need a few posts to send or receive messages, if you post something in the intros forum, I'm sure I could find you.

sorry for the delay. had to post 6 times before i could reply!


Oct 11, 2008
Re: DS... I agree it's super fast-moving. I have a different SN over there but just can't post. I feel like it would take me all day. My CD newbie/novice-ness only adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed.

Softest Prefolds: I am not speaking from experience (I don't have a prefold stash built up) but have heard that Green Mountain Diapers, Imagine (Niki's Diapers brand), and CottonBabies are all very soft and absorbent. The GMD site is super helpful, but their prefolds are also more expensive than the other two brands I mentioned. Another tip: Indian prefolds tend to be softer than Chinese. They may also wear out faster, so that's the compromise.

There are a bunch of OS covers: Kawaii, Kissaluvs, Blueberry, and Flip (Bumgenius brand, I think? Cottonbabies has them BOGO right now!) all come to mind. Thirsties and Bummies offer wraps in two size options, so you can get decent milage out of one... Plus Thirsties and Bummies have double-gusseted legs.


Feb 8, 2010
PilsnPinkysMom|1328508655|3119984 said:
Re: DS... I agree it's super fast-moving. I have a different SN over there but just can't post. I feel like it would take me all day. My CD newbie/novice-ness only adds to the feeling of being overwhelmed.

not sure if this helps, but i believe you need 6 posts in order to be able to message privately. i just found random threads to reply to or created a few of my own in order to reach the minimum number of posts.

PilsnPinkysMom|1328508655|3119984 said:
Softest Prefolds: I am not speaking from experience (I don't have a prefold stash built up) but have heard that Green Mountain Diapers, Imagine (Niki's Diapers brand), and CottonBabies are all very soft and absorbent. The GMD site is super helpful, but their prefolds are also more expensive than the other two brands I mentioned. Another tip: Indian prefolds tend to be softer than Chinese. They may also wear out faster, so that's the compromise.

i'm waiting for some prefolds from GMD, so i'll have you to weigh in once they're prepped; however, that might be a while.

PilsnPinkysMom|1328508655|3119984 said:
There are a bunch of OS covers: Kawaii, Kissaluvs, Blueberry, and Flip (Bumgenius brand, I think? Cottonbabies has them BOGO right now!) all come to mind. Thirsties and Bummies offer wraps in two size options, so you can get decent milage out of one... Plus Thirsties and Bummies have double-gusseted legs.

ahh, good tip. going over to take a look-see now... :naughty:
there's also another deal on wipes, inserts, and prefolds on ecobabybuys. however, the shipping charge seems too high for what i'd likely buy (and save)...


Mar 20, 2003
YD, I'm jealous that your husband is so CD stash craziness supportive! I just built a stash for DD#2, and I had to hear the, "More diapers?" every time they arrived in the mail. It's not that DH isn't supportive of me and my weird addictions in any sense, but since I am normally rather frugal and will only buy clothes for DD and me when we have specific needs, and then will spend as little as possible, the mania with which I conducted the stash building was a bit out of character. We have 15 one-size FuzziBunz from DD#1, so I was only needing to bridge the gap for the first few months, and I originally was just going to go with maybe $100 worth of prefolds and covers. But I'm already used to pockets and like them, and then I kept finding new things I wanted to try, and yadda yadda yadda I spent like $500. ;-) But on $900 worth of diapers! See! You see the logic, right?? Hee hee. I had to buy them (all new with good sales in the Black Friday/Christmas season).

I took DD#1 to a "Big Sibling" class at the hospital where I'm delivering, and they had the kids put a disposable on their baby dolls. I was like, darn, should have brought a Lil Joey with me!

LV, yeah, why are there so many gross stained diapers on DS? Is it just that our daughters are little ladies and don't make super gross staining poops? I feel like it's the kind of thing that you've got to stay on top of. I always spray Bac-Out on the poopy ones before I throw them in the pail, and if there are stains that don't come out in the wash, I do Oxyclean and/or sun ASAP. Otherwise you're just letting the stains set, I imagine.

I do have like 80 posts on DS or something, but in general, I don't really find it be a super fun community like PS. I just can't call potty training "potty learning" or refer to everyone as "mama" or call disposables "sposies." Maybe an outsider would feel that way about people referring to "maul stores" and "frozen spit" here, I don't know. Just not my thing. Plus I find the way people price their diapers really annoying. It's a diaper; it's been pooped on; you can't expect people to pay you 80% of retail for something that you've gotten most of the good use out of.


Jun 25, 2007
phoenixgirl|1328555283|3120230 said:
I do have like 80 posts on DS or something, but in general, I don't really find it be a super fun community like PS. I just can't call potty training "potty learning" or refer to everyone as "mama" or call disposables "sposies." Maybe an outsider would feel that way about people referring to "maul stores" and "frozen spit" here, I don't know. Just not my thing. Plus I find the way people price their diapers really annoying. It's a diaper; it's been pooped on; you can't expect people to pay you 80% of retail for something that you've gotten most of the good use out of.

:lol: :lol:


Mar 13, 2008
Really interesting with the detergent stuff. Does anyone use liquid detergent? That's all we have right now, but now I'm starting to think maybe I should've gone powdered.....

I got my rental stash on Saturday! All washed and ready to use now.

6 kissaluv fitted + 2 Thristies wraps
6 kissaluv AIOs
6 TotBots TiniFits

This to add to the 8 newborn pre-folds + Bummis wrap + Thristies wrap I got from PhG. I also have have a dozen regular sized pre-folds too that I prepped and washed. So I'm all set I think for DS! One of my friends also offered 2 G-diapers so I guess I'll take her up on that too.

The kissaluvs are kinda neat since they have a belly button fold down snap to keep things out of the way as the umbilical cord is healing.

Anyone do cloth wipes too? A friend of ours bought us a huge box of disposable wipes so we'll probably use that.



Feb 8, 2010
phoenixgirl|1328555283|3120230 said:
YD, I'm jealous that your husband is so CD stash craziness supportive! I just built a stash for DD#2, and I had to hear the, "More diapers?" every time they arrived in the mail. It's not that DH isn't supportive of me and my weird addictions in any sense, but since I am normally rather frugal and will only buy clothes for DD and me when we have specific needs, and then will spend as little as possible, the mania with which I conducted the stash building was a bit out of character. We have 15 one-size FuzziBunz from DD#1, so I was only needing to bridge the gap for the first few months, and I originally was just going to go with maybe $100 worth of prefolds and covers. But I'm already used to pockets and like them, and then I kept finding new things I wanted to try, and yadda yadda yadda I spent like $500. ;-) But on $900 worth of diapers! See! You see the logic, right?? Hee hee. I had to buy them (all new with good sales in the Black Friday/Christmas season).

yes, i did well and married a total enabler, though we'll see if his generosity holds up with additional purchases! :tongue: luckily (for him), i don't really splurge much on stuff for me but household-related items are my weak spot. it sounds like you got a really great deal though on your stash! and it seems like CD can be a pretty economical option if you're spreading the costs over multiple children <== in case you needed an extra helping of rationalization. :naughty:

i just added 2 OS covers this morning thanks to PnPMom's earlier post about the flip BOGO deal at cottonbabies. :errrr: i think i shall take a break now from stash building. all that remains is finding a few wet bags.

i also received my 3 dozen prefolds order from green mountain diapers today and there's actually a very handy information packet on laundering instructions and tips that's included in case anyone was deciding between gmd and elsewhere. plus, with their flat rate, i think i actually sort of made money given the weight of my order. that box was surprisingly heavy!

phoenixgirl|1328555283|3120230 said:
I took DD#1 to a "Big Sibling" class at the hospital where I'm delivering, and they had the kids put a disposable on their baby dolls. I was like, darn, should have brought a Lil Joey with me!

LV, yeah, why are there so many gross stained diapers on DS? Is it just that our daughters are little ladies and don't make super gross staining poops? I feel like it's the kind of thing that you've got to stay on top of. I always spray Bac-Out on the poopy ones before I throw them in the pail, and if there are stains that don't come out in the wash, I do Oxyclean and/or sun ASAP. Otherwise you're just letting the stains set, I imagine.

I do have like 80 posts on DS or something, but in general, I don't really find it be a super fun community like PS. I just can't call potty training "potty learning" or refer to everyone as "mama" or call disposables "sposies." Maybe an outsider would feel that way about people referring to "maul stores" and "frozen spit" here, I don't know. Just not my thing. Plus I find the way people price their diapers really annoying. It's a diaper; it's been pooped on; you can't expect people to pay you 80% of retail for something that you've gotten most of the good use out of.


Mar 20, 2003
YD, stash building is totally fun. Glad your husband is so supportive!

LC, I haven't really figured the cloth wipe thing out. I got some a while back and tried using them dry with spray, but the poop wouldn't really come off. So I just decided to try again and got a Lionheart Wipes Warmer so I can do wet wipes. I've got them set up in the dining room because I think that's where I'll be changing most of DD#2's diapers at first, especially if I have another c/s. So I've only used them to clean Claire's hands and face and stuff so far.

Honestly, my main concern is how to get enough poop off of them to have them be ready for the laundry (remember I don't have a sprayer so sometimes I have to dunk the poop diapers). I do have a Diaper Genie II that I put the wipes and the occasional disposable from preschool or DH grabbing one because that's what he found first, so I don't have to worry about little bits of poop that don't come off. But until you start solids this won't be an issue (though formula poop is different I think? My only experience is breast-fed poop).

So anyway, now that I'm using wet wipes, I think they will totally work to just throw in the wash with the diapers. I got some Baby Bum Drops to make the wipes solution because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to make my own. I just boiled some water in the tea kettle and then poured it over the drops. I let the wipes soak until the water cooled, and then I wrung them out and stuck them in the warmer.

I'm no expert on wipes yet, but I'm definitely going to give it a good try this go around. I don't see myself using them 100% but I'd love to cut down on my wipes waste.


Oct 11, 2008
phoenixgirl|1328583717|3120620 said:
YD, stash building is totally fun. Glad your husband is so supportive!

LC, I haven't really figured the cloth wipe thing out. I got some a while back and tried using them dry with spray, but the poop wouldn't really come off. So I just decided to try again and got a Lionheart Wipes Warmer so I can do wet wipes. I've got them set up in the dining room because I think that's where I'll be changing most of DD#2's diapers at first, especially if I have another c/s. So I've only used them to clean Claire's hands and face and stuff so far.

Honestly, my main concern is how to get enough poop off of them to have them be ready for the laundry (remember I don't have a sprayer so sometimes I have to dunk the poop diapers). I do have a Diaper Genie II that I put the wipes and the occasional disposable from preschool or DH grabbing one because that's what he found first, so I don't have to worry about little bits of poop that don't come off. But until you start solids this won't be an issue (though formula poop is different I think? My only experience is breast-fed poop).

So anyway, now that I'm using wet wipes, I think they will totally work to just throw in the wash with the diapers. I got some Baby Bum Drops to make the wipes solution because I'm not smart enough to figure out how to make my own. I just boiled some water in the tea kettle and then poured it over the drops. I let the wipes soak until the water cooled, and then I wrung them out and stuck them in the warmer.

I'm no expert on wipes yet, but I'm definitely going to give it a good try this go around. I don't see myself using them 100% but I'd love to cut down on my wipes waste.

PG: Quick question regarding wipes warmers... Do you run into any problems with bacteria/mildew growing in your warmer? How often do you refill it? I'm thinking of clothes that may sit damp in a washer for some time- they get that sour, mildewy gross smell, and wonder if the same thing can happen to cloth wipes that sit in a warmer for an extended period. Is the heat from the warmer enough to slow bacteria growth, or do you end up replacing wipes so frequently that they don't have time to get yucky?


Apr 28, 2008
Phg: I've been thinking about cloth wipes too. When you were using the dry wipes plus a spray, did you ever try to use a diaper lotion solution in the spray bottle?


Aug 19, 2009
GMD prefolds are great and i got mine almost new on ebay $50 for 2 dox yellow edge 3 doz orange edge and 6 newborn covers...that lot of diapers was the start of my obsession :cheeky:

Our diapers are pristine, but I had loaned some to a friend year ago and they just came back destroyed...not quite sure what she does differently, but they are a mess now (stained, frayed, funky, etc.). She sent me her whole stash since her kids are now pottytrained and i''m not upset but I am geniunely perplexed as to why they are so different!

{Phoenix I am cracking up re the DS comment!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: )

Our CD days may be numbered (of course I'll pack them up for future children:) B has taken himself to the potty for the past 4 days :appl: :-o :bigsmile: ;( My baby is growing up!


Mar 20, 2003
Bella, ew, that's nice of you not to be upset with your friend (time to shop some more!), but ew. It seems like us PS ladies know how to keep diapers clean but the rest of the CD world just tolerates yuckies???? I don't get it.

Bobbin, yeah, like I said, I'm not smart enough to make my own solution, so I just bought some spray bottles (Happy Heinys and one other brand) that already had solution in them.

PPM, I haven't been doing it long enough to know if mildew and bacteria will be a problem, but it does come with an antimicrobial pad that you're supposed to replace every so often. So, more stuff to buy obviously, and more trash, but at least there's a solution for that.


Mar 13, 2008
PhG, very interesting with the wipes. I'm on the fence on doing it or not. I figure I'll start with the disposable ones my friend got us. Then I might explore it as an option. I figure you're doing diaper laundry anyway, right? I hear wet wipes are the way to go for cloth wipes. I don't have a warmer, so I guess I'll just have to see...

PPM, I think for cloth wipes, you only "load up" enough for a day or two of wipes. It's not stock piled. I remember reading on some site or another that it's just 1+ days worth and you just "reload" each morning? I could be making this up, too. Of course I didn't book mark the site that I read that on. And there are some essential oils that are slightly anti-bacteria like tea tree.

Bella, CONGRATS on B's potty training! Hoping everything goes smoothly. How's he transitioning to daycare? (I follow you on the toddler thread too).

Question, how many wet bags and pail liners do I need?


Mar 2, 2008
I'm only 8 weeks in to the whole cloth diapering adventure (along with parenthood in general). We were gifted a ton of kissaluv fitteds and bummis covers. I've added in a dozen prefolds and some thirsties covers and we've been very happy.

A friend made us a whole bunch of flannel cloth wipes. We are using the prince lionheart wipe warmer, which has been great. Out and about I'm still using disposable ones. I've read in various reviews that there is no need for that antibacterial pillow if you are replacing the wipes every day or so. I saturate mine in hot water before adding to the box, and haven't had any problem with mildew/mold. Once a week or so I wipe the inside down with soap and water and after two months for the first time, I wiped it out with a clorox wipe just for the heck of it.

I'm curious about the spray on diaper potion stuff, but plain water seems to be working fine. (I bathe J almost every evening post daily BM). So far no concerns for diaper rash or irritation.

I am worried about the best choices for a balm should the need arise. I hear zinc as a barrier cream is a no go.


Jun 25, 2007
Maya, we tried using California Baby Diaper cream when N got his first diaper rash (which wasn't until he was 1 or so) and it burned him. As soon as I put it on he screamed. Now, we do use a zinc barrier cream but we use flushable liners with it.


Jan 7, 2010
Re wipes... I am planning to use disposable when out, and flannel (cotton or bamboo) at home just with tepid water. I'm not planning to use a wipe warmer or anything. I haven't thought about rash creams too hard - I have some samples of the usual suspects but will cross that bridge when I come to it. I am planning to use the Imse Vimse liners which should shield the nappies from the cream.

LC - I have 2 planet wise pail liners for our big bin, and I'm not sure exactly what I will use our smaller bucket for yet, but it's plastic so we could also just hose it out. After the recent discussions here I may use it for soaking soiled nappies in Napisan, so I figured no point in getting a PUL liner for it at this stage. I have bought two wetbags for being out and about or just moving them around the house.


Apr 28, 2008
phoenixgirl: Sorry, didn't see that you had posted that!

Mayachel: How have you been finding the kissaluvs fitted and bummis covers? I bought 5 kissaluvs fitted plus bummis covers, and I really like the look of them and am thinking about buying some in the m/L sizes too.


Mar 20, 2003
OK, I did the Rockin Green experiment. Um, they smell faintly stinky. I definitely have hyper-sensitive pregnancy nose, and this was sticking my face right in them, but I gotta stick with the Tide.

I also used some of the cloth wipes for a poop today. Much easier for me than using the spray, but not as easy as disposables. Definitely workable though.

I know lots of CDing mamas (as they are called on DS ;))) say why not just use prefolds and covers, why not just water with your wipes, why not make some wipes from some flannel you have lying around the house, why not make your own solution/detergent etc., but I seem to be challenged in all matters along these lines. I guess that means I'm good for the economy since I'm buying more expensive diapers and using more accessories, right? So the wipes warmer is definitely making the cloth wipes doable for me, which they really weren't before. Maybe it's the brand I bought (Imse Vimse)? I don't know.


Mar 13, 2008
PhG, you live in a city that kinda gets cold right? I'm contemplating how much I need a wipes warmer. On one hand, I'm sure a cold wet wipe on baby's bum is a sure fire way to walk him up in the middle of the night, not what I want to do. But on the other hand, I don't want him to get all cranky-pants when I'm on-the-go and don't have warm wipes on me. Any of you BTDT moms have any experience with it?? FWIW, I'm in Chicago and the baby's due in 2 wks, so middle of the winter.
Oh and interesting about the RG experiment. Hey why mess with a good thing when you're 100% happy with Tide?

Bobbin, I got a few Kissa fitteds + covers, too. THey're super cute.

Maya, I hear you can either use a liner to protect the diaper. I got a sample of CJ BUTTer (teeny tiny tube) that I'll likely try too.

Pancake, thanks for the wetbag & pail liner opinion. I just have 1 wet bag, I'm pretty sure I should pick up a few more with daycare and general out-and-about-ness. Pail liners, I guess I'll nab two, one to be washed and one to be in use then rotate.

I'm just using a step-to-open trash can as my diaper pail. Does anyone use anything different?


Oct 11, 2008
Pupp- where do you buy your flushable liners at? I cringed when I read about the California Baby burning N. Ow!! ;(

Re: Diaper Cream- I've read that Weleda Calendula diaper cream is great, smell good, and is CD friendly. This is all second-hand, though. Any users on here with an opinion?

LC & PG: Thanks for the info about the wipes warmer/bacteria/mildew. I didn't realize they needed to be refilled so often, but it makes sense. It would take a HUGE warmer to hold a 5-day+ stash of wipes! PG, glad the wipe worked well enough after a poopy diaper. I don't know how much disposable wipes cost, but I imagine cloth wipes will be a cost savings over time.

Our Weehuggers covers came in the mail. They're super cute but look so, so small. They're supposed to go up to 18lbs, but we'll see. I read some reviews that the fabric was ultra-stiff, but that is not my impression at all. I can't wait to use them! :appl:


Mar 2, 2008
Pupp: it would never have occurred to me that the california babies cream could do that. Ouch! I have a tube of it and tried it out on my hand and was suprised how tacky and goopy it was.

bobbin: I really like the kissaluv fitteds. Since I didn't have to go through the choice making in picking them out in the first place, I'm having a whole lot of thought on whether I should stick with them for the next size, or move my stash towards the AIO AI2 as originally planned. The (unused so far) fuzzibuns are adorable, but seriously 4 take up the space of 8 kissaluvs. The bummis cover is geat at keeping in stuff that gets beyond the kissas. I tend to have more overflow with BM when using the prefolds, but either way have never had (*knock on wood*) a containment issue beyond the cover. Compared to my thirsties cover, they feel a little stiffer over all, and I like the gusseting on the legs of the thirsties better.

LC: Using a liner with regular cream sounds extremely doable. Good idea. On the wipe warmer front, I'm in a winter city at the moment, and find that the cloth wipes (maybe because they are wetter?) are so much colder when left at room temp then the disposables are. I feel like it is super easy to warm up the disposable ones in my hands too, plus I do changes out in public a lot faster than at home. I think if we were using disposables at home, I wouldn't have gotten the wipe warmer.


Mar 20, 2003
Charlie Banana perfect size on Zulily today!

I have one CB size large for Claire. It is super similar to FuzziBunz (the creator of CB used to work with FB and basically copied their design except that she added a second waist snap and the opening for the insert is in the front instead). The only problem is that the extra waist snap means that you either have to snap it really tightly around the waist or have this errant male snap hanging out by itself without being snapped (they should have added extra female snaps on the top row but didn't for some reason). So just FYI. There's enough extra material that the extra snap probably won't touch the skin, but still, it's a dumb design. But the fabric is great and they come with two really nice inserts. They also have swim diapers and menstrual pads. Oh, and their version of Baby Legs.


Mar 20, 2003
They also have real Baby Legs.

Totally have stuff in my cart but I just doublechecked how much I am really saving (was going to get two newborn BabyLegs, an extra-small CB and a small CB) and it's only $7. Not a good deal! I wish Zulily had free shipping because then I know I would pull the trigger a lot more often. Walking away . . . ;))


Mar 20, 2003
PSA: If you want to give the CBs a try, you're probably better off ordering from Country Drawers. They have free shipping, and it's 15% off Charlie Bananas today with the code CHARLIEBANANA. So I'm thinking maybe CB realizes the snap issue and is redesigning them? Sounds like they are clearing out old inventory. So anyway, on Country Drawers, the prices are $13.50 for XS and $15.20 for S, M, or L. Since shipping is free you're better off ordering from them if you just want one or two to try.

Still being good and not ordering, though! ;-)

Loves Vintage

Nov 19, 2007
Ok, PG, I broke down and used Tide. A lot of Tide! After reading on DS that some mamas will buy stained diapers on FSOT and then wash in Tide, and then MIRACLES - stains are gone. Well, it didn't happen! I wonder if I try sunning after Tide? Also, I did a hot soak in Tide, then washed and rinsed, then washed in Charlies (to try to get rid of the Tideness), then double rinse. Well, stains were still there, so then I put Tide directly on the stains. All of them. A lot! Then waited around an hour, then did the same wash cycle, ending with Charlies and a double rinse. Ayyyy! Stains are still there. I didn't have more time for the tide to work in because I needed these for daycare today. Sigh. So, I used Tide ultra with bleach alternative. I requested Tide Free, but that's what made it's way home when DH went to the store. :sick: What kind of Tide do you use? And, could it really make a difference what type of tide. I notice those DS ladies use all different kinds of Tide!

Free baby legs with a $15 purchase at Mom's Milk Boutique today. Code is BEMINE.


Mar 20, 2003
LV, welcome to the dark side! But maybe not for long if you don't like your results . . . ;-)

I use Tide Ultra original scent powder. It doesn't say "bleach alternative" on it . . . ????

Do you have a front-loader or a top-loader? Did you see lots of suds in there? I've never had super set in stains -- even my stains before were light and would fade out over time -- so I don't really have any experience with super set stains. If you're concerned about getting them out, I'd probably ask on DS for advice, and maybe try OxyClean or bleach. Do you have hard water?

My Tide washes are super super sudsy if that helps. When I tried RnG again last week, it didn't make suds like the Tide.

Pancake had her baby!!!!! I can't wait to hear how she likes her newborn nap pies!

ETA: There was a thread on DS last month about a woman who got super nasty diapers off eBay or something, and she got tons of advice and eventually defunked them. Let me see if I can find it.


Mar 20, 2003
I couldn't find the thread, sorry.

How much Tide did you use? I'd try using as much as it recommends for a big or soiled load.


Jan 23, 2008
I just wanted to jump in and give a :wavey:

We plan on cloth diapering our little one when the time arrives (probably end of Sept/Oct) and I found a great blog. I must admit I'm still very over whelmed and will probably need lots of help :oops: but I'm hoping to find good deals via kijij or other ways to help save on costs. We just bought a house that needs a ton of TLC and found out we're expecting too so every $ saved is good for us-but I also want to be able to reuse them since we plan on having more and I don't want to buy ones that are already worn that I can only use them with this baby.

Here is the blog.

There is so much info. I never realized there was so many different types and that they could give rashes if you don't get all the yucky out of them (which is understandable but if they appear clean I never would have thought they could still have issues). I must admit I'm a bit over whelmed but I'm so happy that there is a thread here and blogs to help me navigate the waters. What are some good *used* prices? Here are 3 kijiji ads that I found for some diapers. The 2 names I know are good brands but the other one I can't find info on.

Congratulations to all the mommies and the mommies to be!

Thanks so much for the help ladies. This baby stuff has a TON of info! Good thing I have quite a few months to prepare and read up ::)


Mar 20, 2003
VL, so exciting, congratulations!!!! BumGenius is definitely a well known and reliable brand. The others look like they're locally or "work at home mom" made. ?? Lots of people go that route but I've stuck to the big brands mostly. You might want to check out Diaper Swappers for lots and lots of info.

So my MIL was watching my toddler while I had a doctor's appointment, and I just took her diaper off . . . her backwards diaper. It's really not that hard, people. But my mom managed to put one on inside out, my MIL put it on backwards, and my step-MIL stuffed the cloth diaper into the Diaper Genie for disposables. Will people be this confused when they're newborn diapers? Yeesh. DD was like, "My leggy hurts!" (I always refer to her "little leggies" . . . I know, I know, the English teacher in me should use the proper word) so now she's sitting on her potty and letting the part that had weird elastic marks on it get some air.
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