
clarity enhanced stones in nyc diamond district?

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Apr 6, 2009
been visiting store in nyc diamond district and have a couple of questions.
has anyone heard of miligree jewelers and any reviews of them?

been made an offer on a clarity enhanced stone- showed where inclusion was "feathered-out" not so concerned about this - as many people have clarity enhanced stones and I am pretty sure they do not fully understand what they mean - although ive done research and honestly, that is the only reason i know.The stone is gorgeous to the eye- and to the untrained eye even looks great under the scope
...but i am pretty sure my boyfriend has been negotiating with this jeweler and i am concerned that we are truely getting a good deal- you know when something just sounds too good to be true?

this is the stone- clarity enhanced 2.22 carat radiant cut F color VS1 clarity. cut is very good to good.. (this is all the information i know as I am not really involved or supposed to be in process) Set on a pave band. Price originally quoted was 10,500 and i believe he was able to negotiate alittle , but again I do not know. It is certified by EGL and has an EGA retail appraisal of 27,000 -
i understand this is clarity enhanced but still it seems as if it is not so expensive for what we are getting...
He wants to bring in an independant appraiser before completeing the purchase? do stores usually allow ? how do you go about and does anyone know of one?
also if it is clarity enhanced- we should be able to find out clarity /color before enhancement- has the color always been a F and just the clarity has been approved? What could the clarity have potentially been before?
i am skeptical about many of these diamond district dealers having been a lifelong new yorker and appreciate any and all help..
thanks in advance.
Wooo, I am really excited for you but want you to be really careful. I had an enhanced stone and you have to be careful when the stone is worked on or cleaned. Heat can sometimes remove the enhancement. No one really wanted to set and/or take the stone in trade because of the enhancement.
I found the value of the stone was way less than we paid or on my appraisel.

Please don''t think I am trying to rain on your new stone!!! I too wanted large stone but found going through someone like Whiteflash with a trade up policy I was able to get a GREAT certified stone and keep upgrading until I got to the size I wanted! Brian Gavin has a new shop too....he has beautiful stones and an upgrade policy.

Please go to the rocky talk section and read the post about AJDiamonds and what happened to that poster and his clarity enhanced diamonds. PLEASE. I know you are excited but I think your boyfriend is better served buying a diamond that is smaller for 10k than a clarity enhanced stone.
guess my major concern is that is it possible to have a stone that is vs 1 and f in color - after clarity enhancement? if it is ( i saw the certification ) why woul dit be enhanced? wouldnt it be worth more not enhanced?
clarity enhanced is a fully real diamond correcT?

Another jeweler told us many of the diamonds they sell do not have any certification at all- friends of mine told me that they could be selling ce''s and not even telling anyone.

if i opted to not get the CE i originally described- what should i be looking for in that price range- figure 10000 with band- (want raised setting on pave )

have a lot of questions but really appreciate any help
I''ve never heard of a clarity enhanced stone being a VS1 after treatment. Since it''s EGL graded, the chances of a non clarity enhanced being a VS1 is slim so I can''t imagine it being correct with this one.

As for the pirce, from what I understand it should be the same as what the stone was worth prior to the treatment. Ask the jeweler what the clairty was, and find out if it''s on par with what he''s asking.
Please don't buy CE stones - just read that thread by Roger Dr and why would you want
to expose yourself to that kind of risk??

If this is for an ering, I would not be happy with an enhanced stone.
What type of garauntee do they have ?

If you must proceed, bringing it to an Independent appraiser before purchase is certainly the way - if the store won't allow you
than they have something to hide don't they?

But I urge you to consider natural diamonds, you have a decent budget there.
If you would like some help with options on buying a natural stone, start a new thread
with what style cut you're after and your budget, the pro's will help you find a great one!
I agree that clarity enhanced stones are NOT the way to go. I''m assuming you understand the ''enhancement'' process and what they''re actually doing to the diamond? I''d be worried the ''enhancement'' would fail and I''d end up with a diamond with a big hole or crack in it.

I did a quick search using the "Pricescope your diamond" at the top of this page, entering radiant 2.0-3.0 F VS1 and clicked search all. The results that returned showed stones ranging from $15,259 (2.04ct EGL) - $45,519 (2.12ct GIA). You can see by that range what radiants alone of that size usually cost.

If it were my $10,000, I''d rather get something a little smaller that hadn''t been altered. You could still get a nice stone and setting with a budget like that.

Good luck!
Just to re-enforce what others have said tlrp44688- I''m glad the seller was up-front about the treatment- but in general, no seller interested in quality is going to offer filled diamonds.
IN terms of the color, all we have is a sub-standard report to go on- many stones EGL grades F are as low as H if they were graded by GIA.
Of course GIA will not grade filled stones due to the instability of the process.
I''ll bet if we held this stone next to a GIA graded F color the difference would be marked.
Even if the stone was an F before the filling, the silicone (plastic) they force into the diamond affects the color.
Many times there''s a strange green tint.
Once you''ve worn the stone for a while, this will all get worse- as when these stones get a little dirty, the bad stuff becomes more obvious.

As was also mentioned, a $10k 2 carat filled diamond might be worth $1000 if you need to sell it. That''s if you could find anyone willing to buy it.
If it was a natural GIA graded stone, you''d still loose money, but maybe you''d get back $5k- and you''d find many interested buyers.
Believe me- this stone is no bargain, no matter how cheap.

I''d far rather see you buy a lower color stone - but get one graded by GIA, and one that has not been messed with.
Date: 4/6/2009 9:53:43 PM
been visiting store in nyc diamond district and have a couple of questions.
has anyone heard of miligree jewelers and any reviews of them?

been made an offer on a clarity enhanced stone- showed where inclusion was ''feathered-out'' not so concerned about this - as many people have clarity enhanced stones and I am pretty sure they do not fully understand what they mean - although ive done research and honestly, that is the only reason i know.The stone is gorgeous to the eye- and to the untrained eye even looks great under the scope
...but i am pretty sure my boyfriend has been negotiating with this jeweler and i am concerned that we are truely getting a good deal- you know when something just sounds too good to be true?

this is the stone- clarity enhanced 2.22 carat radiant cut F color VS1 clarity. cut is very good to good.. (this is all the information i know as I am not really involved or supposed to be in process) Set on a pave band. Price originally quoted was 10,500 and i believe he was able to negotiate alittle , but again I do not know. It is certified by EGL and has an EGA retail appraisal of 27,000 -
i understand this is clarity enhanced but still it seems as if it is not so expensive for what we are getting...
He wants to bring in an independant appraiser before completeing the purchase? do stores usually allow ? how do you go about and does anyone know of one?
also if it is clarity enhanced- we should be able to find out clarity /color before enhancement- has the color always been a F and just the clarity has been approved? What could the clarity have potentially been before?
i am skeptical about many of these diamond district dealers having been a lifelong new yorker and appreciate any and all help..
thanks in advance.
imagine that
Your skepticism is healthy. Please don't buy a clarity enhanced stone! It's also listed as "good to very good" cut rather than something like premium, excellent, ideal...which means it probably won't be a very lively, sparkly stone outside of jewelry store lighting. Unfortunately, you won't be able to find a good radiant of that size for $10k.

Since you're in the NYC area, I'd call Jon at Good Old Gold (they're in LI) or Mark at Engagement Rings Direct and see if they can source you a good radiant.

I'm no expert especially on radiants, but I also did a quick search on JA to find >2ct radiants that might be worth looking into (ask for Idealscope):
2.09 E/SI1 - looks nicely cut but not sure if it would be eye-clean
1.75 E/VS2 - <2ct but great color/clarity and looks well cut
1.71 F/VS2 - I really really like this one, even though it's <2ct!
2.01 H/VS2 - if you're interested in a square
2.02 H/VS2 - pic could be better but looks promising

Good luck! Trust your instincts and run away from this deal!
I decided to make a trip back to the jewelery store with him-- so i really dont know if hes made any kind of commitment to these people but hes very unwilling to go anywhere else... so im thinking he may h ave

anyway- i insisted upon looking at this under a loupe (10x) and although i am not a gemologist- i couldnt find any inclusions at all. The jeweler who is also a gemologist said there was 1 that was feathered out - (again the stone is beautiful why wasnt it just sold as a lower clarity stone)

Also, i asked to see out side to make sure it wsant milky or oily looking - and it ws incredibly sparkly and gorgeous-

i also asked to see other stones- in my pricespoint still radiant- non ce-
and he was showing me alot "h" in color and to be honest they looked noticeably yellow compared to the ce F..

i dont know how much of a say i have in this- although i am constantly stating my opinion and concern- but i cant convince my self that a ce is a real diamond- i fully know what it means i think i m just on a quest for perfection...

In reality i want an 1.5 to 2 carat EYE clean-- colorless and not cloudy (that is my biggest concern stone). Does anyone have an recommendations IN NYC...
appreciate all opinions and help..
oo one more thing-- with a radiant is clarity more impt than color?
let me give you one advise...don''t waste your money on a clarity enhanced stone
especially 10k !
tlrp44688-I hate to say it but this is sounding worse and worse.
The business environment on the street level of 47th street is savage.
No better word to use.
If you''re having these doubts, and the seller is somehow exerting influence on you fiance, it makes me even more worried for you.......

Date: 4/13/2009 8:35:29 PM
Author: tlrp44688
oo one more thing-- with a radiant is clarity more impt than color?
Yes, or no, or maybe- it really depends on the person, and the particulars of the diamond.
The old saying "if it''s too good to be true..." really does apply here. Why wd anyone sell a 2ct stone for 10K unless they have a clearly inferior product? It may look fine to you now but if you''d bothered to read the other thread, you''d know that his CE diamond cracked! That''s money flushed down the toilet as far as I''m concerned.

Clarity vs color? You did say you want an eye clean. You can find an eye clean SI2 or if you''re worried, settle for a VS2 or VS1. A well cut radiant tends to hide clarity flaws (as long as they are not black carbon specks right smack in the table) better than an emerald cut.

Color? That''s a matter of preference. Some prefers warmer, others
theirs icy white.
can someone provide me the link for the ROGER DR thread-- cant seem to find it..
It''s in this thread, further up the page.
Please PLEASE do not go through with this purchase! I beg you to tell your boyfriend everything that we have been telling you here, and if he doesn''t believe you, please direct him to this site and everyone here will be able to pick him out a great stone. This is too important a decision, and far too much money, to take a gamble like this. You are planning on marrying this man, surely you should feel comfortable enough to tell him your doubts about this stone!
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