
Choosing between G and F color


Aug 10, 2015

My goal was to find a beautiful G round brilliant, but in my search I came across a G and F's with virtually identical proportions. They are AGS000 with the same VS clarity, and have very similar idealscope and ASET light characteristics. The main difference is the G diamond being 0.05 ct larger than the F, which isn't drastically different to me. The price difference is $450.
Would you pay this difference for the F?
What size diamond? I see you say .05 difference, but what total size diamond? I have an I color diamond that I am very happy with, so I would answer no to the color difference vs size difference...BUT...depending on the total size. If a smaller diamond, the .05 may make a difference, if a larger diamond, not so much...and I would pay the extra $450 for the F, if all things equal and the diamond was larger and the .05 negligibly different in size.

There are a lot of people here that will say yes to the extra for the F color though, it's all a matter of preference and overall stone, and budget, of course!
Thanks, Baroque. They're both between 1 and 1.1 ct range.
Your ring is gorgeous, by the way.
Thank you! I love my diamond and it was quite a journey getting her.

So you decided against the larger 1.3ish stones in I color and are considering F and G in 1 carat? Right? BTW 1.3c is going to be significantly larger than 1.0c, but you probably know that and have decided on your preference.

Can you post the specs of the stones? There are subtle differences that may matter. After the overall cut is considered, I find that my focus is on table size, I like a smaller table. There are variances even in AGS000, even in the branded cuts.

I can't really speak to the difference in the F and G color, but I do doubt that the .05 difference in size would be noticed and $450 extra for a jump higher in color might be worth it, if you're trying to get as colorless as possible for a specific budget range.
I would agree with baroque that I'd have to know all the information to choose between the two. Like she said, I also have preferences on table size and other things, so I'd have to know the numbers on both. Are they both superideal cuts?

If they are on hold, give us the links. If not, list diameter, table, depth, crown and pavilion angles. I'd like the lgf number, too. Or show us the ASETs.
newjourney|1443052872|3931057 said:
Thanks, Baroque. They're both between 1 and 1.1 ct range.
Your ring is gorgeous, by the way.
If both stones are well cut then I'd pay the extra $450 for an F color.
Thanks for your input!
Truth be told I've only seen diamond color comparison through video clips and pictures. I've seen comparisons between G and other colors, but not to F, and that's why I started the process with a G in mind since I can detect its subtle color merit.

Here are the proportions of the 2 in questions:

Depth: 61.7 (G, F)
Table: 57.1 (G), 56.9 (F)
Crown angle: 35 (G, F)
Pavilion angle: 40.8 (G, F)
Star: 48 (G), 52 (F)
Crown: 15.1 (G), 15.2 (F)
Lower girdle: 76 (G, F)

Idealscopes reveals almost identical no light leakage
ASET shows almost identical symmetrical light pattern

Both are superideal cut, unfortunately have a "clouds not shown" comment in both reports. HCA scores are 1.6 G vs. 1.5 F.

One other component I would add to your deliberations. Grading labs assign the color grade to the diamond when the diamond is face-down. One of the reasons for this is that near-colorless diamonds (G-H-I) can often look colorless when face-up (especially true of diamonds that are under .5 carat and well-cut).

As both of these diamonds have terrific proportional relationships and you tell us the ASET and Ideal-Scope images are nearly identical, it is quite possible there will be no noticeable difference in color between the two diamonds once they are mounted in your setting.
I have a G and if I could do it all over, I would go for the F.

1 carat VS 1.3, that's a lot of size to give up, that's where I would have a hard time deciding.
In this case, F hands down.
Thanks everyone. While I contemplate about this, could you also give me a feedback on 2 other G diamonds:

Both diamonds have excellent proportions, although I think the ES slightly out performed the ACA on the crown and pavilion angles. However, the ASET image for the ES diamond reveals a light variation close to the girdle. At any rate, I like the ES video clip more. It shows a relatively larger fire/sparkle return than the ACA's, presumably due to its smaller table.

For general knowledge, will the ES diamond be expected to return more flashes of light than the ACA in real life conditions since it appears to do so in the controlled condition? Thank you.
Interestingly enough, I think I prefer the ES stone as well. You also can't get closer to a carat without going over and hitting that price markup for a one carat stone. However, WF will give you their opinion on the stones as well - put them on hold if you are truly considering one or the other of them.
Newjourney, I have bought quite a few things from Whiteflash in the past few years and I trust their opinion in which diamond will meet your expectations. The ones you've selected all look great.

To answer your original question I had a G for about 4 years and now have a F. While I never saw color in my G (and I have YG settings) I really like the iciness of my F.

Have fun picking out your beautiful diamond.
You forgot to put the diameter measurements on the first two diamonds. That is an important factor.

Of the second two G color diamonds, I would choose the 1.06 ACA. It is over 6.5mm and I would prefer that unless it was over budget.
Unsure if this helps or not but have you seen this Whiteflash G vs F video?

Here's a G vs H.

I ended up going for the G over the H even though the H was slightly larger and was a VS2 as H was right on the borderline of being acceptable to me.

If it's in budget then I'd mirror the other comments and go for the F if you're unsure on what colour to go for. I was advised a few times to pick the better colour - even by Whiteflash. The G stone was cheaper than the H too.
Thank you all for sharing and your informative input! CraigUK, thanks for directing me to those video clips.

Agreeing with the general consensus, I chose the F diamond over the G. While it is 0.10 mm smaller in diameter (Diamondseeker), it appeals to me a bit more.

Regarding the 2 G diamonds that I presented recently (ACA G VS2 vs. ES G VS1), the ES grabbed my attention more due to its bold flashes of sparkle and fire. Eventhough its IS and ASET images are not flawless as those of the ACA, it has now becoming an X-factor for me due to its lower price. Comparing this ES G to the ACA F diamond that I placed on hold is quite absurd since they belong to different color/clarity/optical symmetry/price range. Nevertheless, practicality prompted me to ask Whiteflash to assess these 2 diamonds. Whiteflash has always been very professional and helpful with many of my inquiries. Once again, they obliged and came back saying both are equally brillliant face up and appear to offer similar sparkle & fire. However, the ACA Fdiamond performs slightly more consistent under different lighting and appears slightly more pleasing to the eye than the ES G.

The practical side in me is trying to resolve whether the $1500 price difference makes sense to have an ACA with better color, but only slightly outperforms an ES in light performance. The ACA F is out of my budget, but I'm willing to reach for it if that price difference makes sense.
Can I have you guys' opinion on this?

Here are the ACA F and ES G:

Thank you. to the nitty-gritty, have you analyzed the clarity of the two stones? One has more inclusions in the table area, and one more out to the sides. You might give thought to that as well? I have my own issues with certain types of inclusions, but many don't and just want them to be outside of the view area in the table. Just because it's a VS1 or VS2 does not mean for 100% sure that it will be eye clean to you.

I like the inclusions in the ES better, but that is ME, some will like the F better, because the inclusions are in the outer area and may be more easily hidden. I just don't like feathers and definitely not near the girdle.

My vote is the ES G. Looks like a really nice stone and sounds like more near your budget, and it's a VS1, so probably very eye clean.

But what matters is that YOU are happy!

ETA: I also like the smaller table size better and the Crown Angle in the ES!
Like baroque said, it's what makes you happy. I would pay more for the F, the ACA and the over 1.0. I know my eyes can't tell the difference in size, but I go as white as my budget allows, provided I'm not below VS2. And that's just me... What do you prioritize?
Both stones are beautiful and almost identical in size. I said earlier I would buy an ACA (probably the G that was 6.5mm), but I also said I didn't know your budget. The .99 G is a beautiful stone, there is nothing wrong with it if it is in budget and the other isn't. You do need to have it on hold, though, because that is exactly the kind of stone that will get scooped up by lurkers.