This site and forum have been so helpful to me, I thought I would pass on a nice web site I found... In trying to decide on a setting, a search on DeBeers gave me:
If anyone is looking for setting ideas... This is the place! Browse their gallery and you can even email a picture of a setting you like to someone. Definitely worth a look.
2 quick questions to any of you jewelers...
- Does White Gold or Platinum hold it's "shine" longer? Which will look better over time? I'm leaning towards Platinum.
- I really like the antique look of a "carved" or etched band. Is this especially difficult to reproduce (and thus expensive) in Platinum?
If anyone is looking for setting ideas... This is the place! Browse their gallery and you can even email a picture of a setting you like to someone. Definitely worth a look.
2 quick questions to any of you jewelers...
- Does White Gold or Platinum hold it's "shine" longer? Which will look better over time? I'm leaning towards Platinum.
- I really like the antique look of a "carved" or etched band. Is this especially difficult to reproduce (and thus expensive) in Platinum?