
Chocolate milk- candy or food?

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Jun 15, 2006
Date: 11/16/2009 11:30:32 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 11/16/2009 11:27:35 PM
Author: purrfectpear
My doctor always said that once a child was old enough to be weaned, there really was no valid reason to drink milk at all (much less chocolate milk).

I would view chocolate milk as a treat, much like pudding or candy.
My husband tells me this all the time. He finds my milk drinking habit to be disgusting. I drink a gallon or two of skim milk a week, I really love it. I used to drink a full gallon every two days when I was in high school.

I think chocolate milk is definitely a treat.
My husband feels the same way about cows'' milk. I''ve switched to soy and our kids will likely only be given the same. His father, who was an MD, felt very strongly that there is no need to drink cows'' milk and has passed that down to my husband. I don''t have strong feelings about drinking milk, it''s just something I''ve always done, and soy milk works just as well.

I don''t think it''s bad to give a kid chocolate milk, especially not as a treat, I just don''t think it''s necessary, unless the kid refuses anything else w/ calcium.


Oct 19, 2005
I''m definitely a chocolate milk drinker, only because the taste/smell of regular milk disgusts me. I even dump the remainder from my cereal bowl out when I''ve eaten all the wheaty goodness. BUT, I was raised with the pure Hershey''s cocoa powder plus a teaspoon of sugar for the glasses of chocolate milk I''d make. We never had Nestle Quik, or chocolate syrup or anything resembling that. We were also raised to add malt powder to our milk (I was a skinny thing back then).

As for children, if the option was chocolate milk or juice/soda it''d be the milk, period. I''m not quite sure when I would give our daughter flavored milk, though. Definitely when she''s older.

Also: My husband is a Coach, and he tells parents to get their kids some chocolate milk instead of Gatorade/Power Ade because it''s best for rehab on overworked muscles after a game. This is because your body is most receptive to amino acids to help repair muscle tissue. Ideally, you’ll want to consume between 15 g and 25 g of protein after a workout, which equates to 500 ml to 750 ml of chocolate milk.


May 16, 2006

and don''t get me started on milk....

I major issues with the dairy industry. Seiously boils my blood. We have been told repeatedly that milk "does a body good" but just a bit of research exposes the fact that it is not really not a great food. Sure it has calcuim, but the high concentration of protein makes this calcium difficult for the body to absorb (plant based calcium is far superior) not to mention the fact that pasterization kills a lot of the good stuff. The other issue is the the use of bovine growth hormone & antibiotics. Although approved by the FDA, many studies have shown it''s harm to human bodies (including links to cancer and possibly rapid growth rates in kids raised on dairy). And it is banned in canada & europe, so what does that suggest?! In addition, studies have shown that countries that consume the highest levels of dairy have the highest levels of osteoporosis, something that just doesn''t support the claim that milk-based calcium equals improved bone density. The fact that my whole family is intolerate of milk was my first ''reg flag'' i started to look into it and decided it was best left to baby cows that are designed to grow rapidly and weigh 100''s more lbs than a human.
Anyway, i''ll get off my soap box, it''s all just ''food for thought''.....


Sep 21, 2006
Date: 11/17/2009 12:01:54 PM
Author: Jas12

and don''t get me started on milk....

I major issues with the dairy industry. Seiously boils my blood. We have been told repeatedly that milk ''does a body good'' but just a bit of research exposes the fact that it is not really not a great food. Sure it has calcuim, but the high concentration of protein makes this calcium difficult for the body to absorb (plant based calcium is far superior) not to mention the fact that pasterization kills a lot of the good stuff. The other issue is the the use of bovine growth hormone & antibiotics. Although approved by the FDA, many studies have shown it''s harm to human bodies (including links to cancer and possibly rapid growth rates in kids raised on dairy). And it is banned in canada & europe, so what does that suggest?! In addition, studies have shown that countries that consume the highest levels of dairy have the highest levels of osteoporosis, something that just doesn''t support the claim that milk-based calcium equals improved bone density. The fact that my whole family is intolerate of milk was my first ''reg flag'' i started to look into it and decided it was best left to baby cows that are designed to grow rapidly and weigh 100''s more lbs than a human.
Anyway, i''ll get off my soap box, it''s all just ''food for thought''.....
wow, interesting. So far C has done great with milk. Does organic milk eliminate any of these additives/hormones?


Sep 21, 2006
Hmm it''s sugared milk, so not a great option. I agree it is more like a treat, much like ice cream (has dairy, but sweet).

This reminds me when I was preggo, I couldn''t get enough of strawberry milk. Might have accounted for some of the extra lbs.


Jul 13, 2007
I love chocolate milk, but it has at least 35 carbs per cup. That is enough carbs for one complete meal right there. I think it''s just marketing saying that at least it''s calcium. It''s okay for a treat, but the nutrion is not there when weighed against the sugar content. Okay for a treat yes. Other alternatives are healthier.


Sep 1, 2009
I''ve always hated milk. The only way I''d drink it before was to mix about 1 part chocolate syrup with 2 part milk. And even that I didn''t care for.

We only use sooy in our home, but I still won''t drink that.

As for chocolate milk being food or treat -- I''d say it all depends.
Store bought stuff with super sugary chocolate syrup would be (in my eyes) equivalent to soda or candy bars.
If you mix it up yourself, that is different. Using whatever milk you choose, add a high quality (I like Scharffenberger) DARK (70%+) chocolate. The good chocolate has little sugar and is known to have health benefits (reduces blood pressure, helps upset stomachs, depression, etc.)


May 16, 2006
Janine--yes, the milk industry is verrry interesting. Well ''protected'' due to the high profits this huge industry brings in. It was a big issue here in canada when health promoters rallied to get the hormones taken out. From what I’ve read (just finished reading a book on kid’s health), some organic milk still has the BGH but I don''t think it uses antibiotics to treat the resulting mastitis in cows etc. I did a quick search and found THIS article about companies removing it.

I don''t think milk is terrible in its natural form, it''s all the crap we put in it and the heavy reliance we place on milk for meeting our calcium requirements.
I still occasionally enjoy some chocolate and cheese
even though it gives me a tummy ache
, and i give my son some organic goat''s milk (which apparently tastes really similar) b/c it seems to be more healthful, but overall i''ve come to rely on plant-based calcium for our diets.


Feb 20, 2003
As far back as I can remember, I have not liked the taste of milk. I don''t like chocolate milk either, though. I''ll have some milk with cereal on occasion, but can''t stand the idea of drinking a glass. DH loves milk.

Fortunately, my 1 year old likes plain white organic whole milk so far. I have no plans to introduce her to chocolate milk, but I am sure she will encounter it at school or a friend''s house at some point. At what age should kids be switched from whole milk to lowfat milk?


Feb 15, 2007
Date: 11/17/2009 11:08:43 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 11/16/2009 11:30:32 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 11/16/2009 11:27:35 PM
Author: purrfectpear
My doctor always said that once a child was old enough to be weaned, there really was no valid reason to drink milk at all (much less chocolate milk).

I would view chocolate milk as a treat, much like pudding or candy.
My husband tells me this all the time. He finds my milk drinking habit to be disgusting. I drink a gallon or two of skim milk a week, I really love it. I used to drink a full gallon every two days when I was in high school.

I think chocolate milk is definitely a treat.
My husband feels the same way about cows' milk. I've switched to soy and our kids will likely only be given the same. His father, who was an MD, felt very strongly that there is no need to drink cows' milk and has passed that down to my husband. I don't have strong feelings about drinking milk, it's just something I've always done, and soy milk works just as well.

I don't think it's bad to give a kid chocolate milk, especially not as a treat, I just don't think it's necessary, unless the kid refuses anything else w/ calcium.
I've heard this from a lot of sources, and I don't doubt that it's true. DH's cousin gives me the hardest time about my milk drinking habit. He's not an MD or anything near it, he's actually a photographer who believes himself to be a foodie, and has strong opinions about milk.

The thing is, I understand that there are studies that show cow's milk does not provide the purported health benefits, but I LOVE IT. And I'm not drinking it for health benefits, I'm drinking it because it is so darn delicious and sometimes all I want is a tall, icy glass of skim milk.

The best part is that DH's cousin usually begins his tirades against milk while we're sitting at the dinner table. He'll verbally berate my beverage of choice, pause, take a sip of his Diet Coke, and continue. HELLO? Milk may not be great for you, but I'm pretty sure that humans aren't meant to drink SODA either. I just smile at him and take big, satisfying gulps of my miilk.

I don't drink soda. I don't drink juice. I don't drink Red Bull or Monster, coffee or Arizona Iced Tea, or any of the other crap that lines the shelves of convenience stores everywhere. I drink water and milk. LEAVE ME MY SMALL PLEASURES!!!!

(My rant isn't in response to your post, by the way, Kimberly. I just highlighted you because of what DH's father said about milk.)


Feb 8, 2003
I don''t have time to read the articles, but flat out believe chocolate milk is comparable to candy. I feel the same about juice. Both have unnecessary sugar and calories that kids don''t need. If my kids want a dose of sugar, they can eat an apple (with skin/fiber) or a banana.

Both my kids buy lunch *one* day per week and I know they sneak chocolate milk. That is fine. Daily is not.

Some of my friends'' kids DO drink chocolate milk and/or juice but ALL of them are active in sports. In fact, in our social circle every kid plays sports. I do not know a single one who isn''t involved in a physical activity. Guess it''s the area we live in. All the kids seem healthy. . .even the juice drinkers. Still my kids stick to reg. milk and I''m trying to get them to drink more water.


Feb 8, 2003
Date: 11/16/2009 11:30:32 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 11/16/2009 11:27:35 PM
Author: purrfectpear
My doctor always said that once a child was old enough to be weaned, there really was no valid reason to drink milk at all (much less chocolate milk).

I would view chocolate milk as a treat, much like pudding or candy.
My husband tells me this all the time. He finds my milk drinking habit to be disgusting. I drink a gallon or two of skim milk a week, I really love it. I used to drink a full gallon every two days when I was in high school.

I think chocolate milk is definitely a treat.
Yep, my husband agrees with PP and Haven that milk is unnecessary. One of the main reasons I like my kids to have a few glasses a day is because they ARE so slender. They do need the calories due to being so active at school, soccer, swimming, etc.


Dec 19, 2007
Date: 11/17/2009 12:01:54 PM
Author: Jas12

and don''t get me started on milk....

I major issues with the dairy industry. Seiously boils my blood. We have been told repeatedly that milk ''does a body good'' but just a bit of research exposes the fact that it is not really not a great food. Sure it has calcuim, but the high concentration of protein makes this calcium difficult for the body to absorb (plant based calcium is far superior) not to mention the fact that pasterization kills a lot of the good stuff. The other issue is the the use of bovine growth hormone & antibiotics. Although approved by the FDA, many studies have shown it''s harm to human bodies (including links to cancer and possibly rapid growth rates in kids raised on dairy). And it is banned in canada & europe, so what does that suggest?! In addition, studies have shown that countries that consume the highest levels of dairy have the highest levels of osteoporosis, something that just doesn''t support the claim that milk-based calcium equals improved bone density. The fact that my whole family is intolerate of milk was my first ''reg flag'' i started to look into it and decided it was best left to baby cows that are designed to grow rapidly and weigh 100''s more lbs than a human.
Anyway, i''ll get off my soap box, it''s all just ''food for thought''.....
DITTO!!!! OMG, I couldn''t agree with you more. We have been almost brainwashed to believe dairy is good for you and a necessary part of your diet - the opposite may actually be the truth. I actually had a dietician tell me I would not get enough calcium without dairy. Ummm, greens, tofu, almond milk, all have more calcium per 100 calories than milk.

OK, done ranting too :)


Jan 3, 2005
I''d say both. it really depends on your kid. my oldest hated white milk. Her dr. was fine with her drinking choc. milk and she is tall and thin with no obesity issues. She would take a Horizon milk in her lunch every day when she was in kindergarten and I was okay with that. then one day she stopped liking it and now only drinks water that she takes in a thermos every day. Both my girls drink water 99% of the time with an occasional soda for special occasions and no juice. Jake does get apple juice b/c of the nasty liquid vitamin he has to take but I water it down some. It is my belief that moderation is key. Every kid I know that had overly restrictive parents would go crazy on the sweets when given the opportunity.

tgal-I didn''t give my kids choc. milk until they were 2. my middle child never liked it and she''s 5 now and still doesn''t like choc. milk. I''m not a milk drinker so I don''t really push it on my kids. Each of them got to an age where they just stopped liking it and switched full time to water. Jake drinks soy milk daily due to his eczema. I just get calcium in them in other ways.


Oct 30, 2002
Clairitek... funny re: telling diff brands of milk, my girlfriend LOVES clover milk which is a local brand in N. CA and she swears all her baked goods are more fluffy and yummy because of clover.

I have read the articles re: whether or not we really need cow''s milk and/or any cow products at all actually and if they are good or bad for us and our systems. My jury is still out but I don''t dislike soy or almond milk as a cereal sub. Soy has a lot lower sugar and very high protein as well. But since I have been preggo, I am drinking milk out of my cereal bowl like an ANIMAL. And I used to be one of those people where I''d pour it out after I ate the cereal. Now it''s like I can''t get enough. My body wants something, calcium probably.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 11/17/2009 4:32:07 PM
Author: Mara
Clairitek... funny re: telling diff brands of milk, my girlfriend LOVES clover milk which is a local brand in N. CA and she swears all her baked goods are more fluffy and yummy because of clover.

I have read the articles re: whether or not we really need cow''s milk and/or any cow products at all actually and if they are good or bad for us and our systems. My jury is still out but I don''t dislike soy or almond milk as a cereal sub. Soy has a lot lower sugar and very high protein as well. But since I have been preggo, I am drinking milk out of my cereal bowl like an ANIMAL. And I used to be one of those people where I''d pour it out after I ate the cereal. Now it''s like I can''t get enough. My body wants something, calcium probably.
Mara, I had the same thing happen to was really weird. I have ALWAYS disliked milk. My mom spoiled me when I was a kid with apple juice I don''t remember drinking much of it at all. While I was pregnant, I would have several glasses a day and it would taste so good.

Mrs Mitchell

Sep 22, 2006
Candy, and not on the menu for the foreseeable future!

I''ve never tasted chocolate milk. I wouldn''t give it to my child. I''m too paranoid about tooth decay.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 11/17/2009 2:32:08 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 11/17/2009 11:08:43 AM
Author: KimberlyH

Date: 11/16/2009 11:30:32 PM
Author: Haven

Date: 11/16/2009 11:27:35 PM
Author: purrfectpear
My doctor always said that once a child was old enough to be weaned, there really was no valid reason to drink milk at all (much less chocolate milk).

I would view chocolate milk as a treat, much like pudding or candy.
My husband tells me this all the time. He finds my milk drinking habit to be disgusting. I drink a gallon or two of skim milk a week, I really love it. I used to drink a full gallon every two days when I was in high school.

I think chocolate milk is definitely a treat.
My husband feels the same way about cows'' milk. I''ve switched to soy and our kids will likely only be given the same. His father, who was an MD, felt very strongly that there is no need to drink cows'' milk and has passed that down to my husband. I don''t have strong feelings about drinking milk, it''s just something I''ve always done, and soy milk works just as well.

I don''t think it''s bad to give a kid chocolate milk, especially not as a treat, I just don''t think it''s necessary, unless the kid refuses anything else w/ calcium.
I''ve heard this from a lot of sources, and I don''t doubt that it''s true. DH''s cousin gives me the hardest time about my milk drinking habit. He''s not an MD or anything near it, he''s actually a photographer who believes himself to be a foodie, and has strong opinions about milk.

The thing is, I understand that there are studies that show cow''s milk does not provide the purported health benefits, but I LOVE IT. And I''m not drinking it for health benefits, I''m drinking it because it is so darn delicious and sometimes all I want is a tall, icy glass of skim milk.

The best part is that DH''s cousin usually begins his tirades against milk while we''re sitting at the dinner table. He''ll verbally berate my beverage of choice, pause, take a sip of his Diet Coke, and continue. HELLO? Milk may not be great for you, but I''m pretty sure that humans aren''t meant to drink SODA either. I just smile at him and take big, satisfying gulps of my miilk.

I don''t drink soda. I don''t drink juice. I don''t drink Red Bull or Monster, coffee or Arizona Iced Tea, or any of the other crap that lines the shelves of convenience stores everywhere. I drink water and milk. LEAVE ME MY SMALL PLEASURES!!!!

(My rant isn''t in response to your post, by the way, Kimberly. I just highlighted you because of what DH''s father said about milk.)
Haven, I promise not to take your milk from you! I used to drink milk like it was going to disappear if I didn''t. When I decided to lose weight I switched from milk to water and then when I added milk back in I started drinking soy instead (DH does the shopping and it grosses him out to buy regular milk, silly guy). I don''t buy the logic he''s tried to sell me (neither does he, actually, because if he did he''d cut out all dairy) but I''ve never felt it necessary to drink milk either. Now all this milk talk has made me thirsty, I''m going to go pour a large glass of soy milk, yum!


Jun 4, 2008
Date: 11/17/2009 9:57:03 AM
Author: monarch64
I was not a picky eater growing up, was raised on fresh fruits, veggies, lean meats, etc. Sugary cereals, juices, McDonald''s--my brother and I RARELY consumed that stuff and when we did it was a treat. I was allowed to get chocolate milk at school as a mid-morning treat and I do remember having it sometimes but I didn''t think it was that great.

My 21 month old niece has been fed the same things. She isn''t going to be a ''I only eat chicken fingers/Mcnuggets and french fries'' kid at all. She gets to try whatever she wants to try but for the most part she doesn''t care so much about the junk food. I''m sure her parents will allow her to have chocolate milk when she starts school (if they still offer it). It seems like they''re raising her to make good choices as far as diet.

Monnie my parents raised me the same way. I pretty much got any candy, snacks, etc. and I don''t know if this is the best way to raise kids, but it worked for me. Now I''m not that tempted by junk food at all - including candy.

On the other hand, I also drank a glass of whole milk every night and I considered it my "treat." I''ve been a huge reader since I was a kid, so milk before bed was my last chance of the day to read, and I''d just sit at the table and slowly sip my milk and read. I switched to 2% as I got older (never could stomach skim or 1%) but since I met BF, I''ve switched back to whole (he''s a southern boy - he won''t touch non-whole plain milk, lol).

I like chocolate milk though but not as much as plain whole milk


Mar 5, 2006
I don''t get the whole "milk is unnecessary" thing... aren''t pretty much ALL beverages besides water unnecessary? Sort of weird statement IMHO.

Anyway, I see chocolate milk as a food -- I don''t see a problem with it. It has a lot more nutritional value than soda and even juice. Everything in moderation, folks.


Jun 15, 2006
Date: 11/17/2009 8:49:23 PM
Author: *Lindsey*
I don''t get the whole ''milk is unnecessary'' thing... aren''t pretty much ALL beverages besides water unnecessary? Sort of weird statement IMHO.
Lindsey, it has to do with humans being the only mammals that drink a product expressed from the mammary glands of another mammal. The theory is that our bodies aren''t meant to process the product.


May 18, 2008
Chocolate milk was always a treat growing up. I''m a huge choc milk lover and keep a gallon in my fridge at all times.

My mom isn''t a fan of any flavored milk. When my youngest brother was in pre-k, they used to make "purple" and "pink" cow. Purple cow was milk with grape juice
and pink cow was strawberries with milk. My mom hated it because she couldn''t get my brother to just drink milk.


Jan 10, 2009
If it weren''t for chocolate milk I would never drink the stuff. I started with Bosco as a child and now use Nesquik. I drink 2 glasses a day (skim milk). DD drinks only white milk and at least glasses a day.

Also, I eat my cereal dry. I don''t add milk, unless I am having oatmeal.


Nov 7, 2004
I''d say chocolate milk is a treat, but better than soda (and juice). You shouldn''t be guzzling it because of the amount of sugar in it, I''d be afraid they would fill up on the chocolate milk over eating their food. I sure hope milk is not lacking in nutrition; if you could hear my mom talking my sister and I survived off milk the first few years of our lives, as we refused to eat baby food and were initially picky eaters (I guess I''m a lactovore). We do not seem to have suffered adverse consequences. The same for my older daughter; she is tall and slim for her age; I don''t mind at all if she has a glass of milk with her meal to get extra calories but she prefers and drinks water.

An interesting fact I heard: you can oblate a part of the rat''s brain that is it''s hunger center (somewhere in the hypothalamus) and it will starve to death from lack of interest in eating. The only thing that will bring it around is to give it chocolate milk.

Pandora II

Aug 3, 2006
Date: 11/17/2009 12:01:54 PM
Author: Jas12

and don''t get me started on milk....

I major issues with the dairy industry. Seiously boils my blood. We have been told repeatedly that milk ''does a body good'' but just a bit of research exposes the fact that it is not really not a great food. Sure it has calcuim, but the high concentration of protein makes this calcium difficult for the body to absorb (plant based calcium is far superior) not to mention the fact that pasterization kills a lot of the good stuff. The other issue is the the use of bovine growth hormone & antibiotics. Although approved by the FDA, many studies have shown it''s harm to human bodies (including links to cancer and possibly rapid growth rates in kids raised on dairy). And it is banned in canada & europe, so what does that suggest?! In addition, studies have shown that countries that consume the highest levels of dairy have the highest levels of osteoporosis, something that just doesn''t support the claim that milk-based calcium equals improved bone density. The fact that my whole family is intolerate of milk was my first ''reg flag'' i started to look into it and decided it was best left to baby cows that are designed to grow rapidly and weigh 100''s more lbs than a human.
Anyway, i''ll get off my soap box, it''s all just ''food for thought''.....

I don''t agree with giving children milk except as part of ''food'' - ie cooking with it or on cereal. Milk is designed for the baby animal of THAT species and isn''t necessary after weaning.

DH and I don''t keep milk in the house and will only buy it for cooking or if one of us fancies some cereal. I have never drunk milk as I hate the taste, my brother and sisters all drank loads and... they are all highly intolerant of all dairy now.

Daisy will not be having milk to drink except as a treat.


May 16, 2006
Lindsey--i think the belief is that is a necessary thing for kids (and adults) in order to meet daily nutritional and calcium needs. We are led to believe something is missing if we don''t drink it (whereas this is not true of juice or coffee for example). It''s a staple in most kid''s diets and we think "heck, if they don''t like it in it''s plain form we better give it to them with chocolate b/c it''s more important that they just drink it". And that is totally false. A huge portion of the planet doesn''t cosume dairy like we do & are healthier for it.


If anyone is interested, my mom''s cousin (an MD and a naturopath) once sent me this article when i was looking for info about my milk intolerance. It is a good (albeit long) summary of a lot of the key arguments made on this topic


Dec 19, 2007
Once I started taking a hard look at dairy, I became outraged. I believe it is the root cause of many health problems. I have been recently reading "Eat to Live" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who discusses dairy and other diet and nutrition issues in excellent detail.


Sep 21, 2006
I haven't read any of these books so excuse my ignorance, but is dairy really that awful? It seems like if we analyse any food group closely enough, we can be guaranteed to find out things we'd rather not know. Some people think the beef industry is the root of all evil, particularly in the U.S. with some less than hygienic circumstances in slaughterhouses. It's why most will never eat a pink burger! And cases of e-coli breakouts in ths country have typically stemmed from vegetables--leafy lettuces, scallions.
And what about those parts of the world that do not embrace milk--they are statistically smaller people and smaller boned, isn't this related? While no other mammal drinks another mammals milk, no other mammal thrives or lives as long either. Not saying this is related to milk persay, but we can't really directly compare human behaviors to other animals, there are so many other influencing factors.

Like I said I haven't done my homework, so this my layman reaction. I do have concern about all the additives, hormones fed to cows, etc. and I'm curious if organic milk does elminate some of these concerns or if it's all a scam. I recently wasn't able to find a gallon of organic milk (she drinks a lot), so settled for the normal kind which states "no hormones, no antibiotics"..but again what is marketing and what is real?
Argh it's all so confusing. Maybe we need to start a baby nutrition thread for those of us who need a dummy's version! What I do know is so far my little girl has done quite well with whole milk, she is very petite and it has given her a growth boost as well as her prefering the taste to formula (I was unable to breastfeed sadly).


Dec 19, 2007
Janinegirly, the short story is this (the longer more detailed story being in the article Jas12 posted): Milk is a cocktail of nasty stuff - hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, and dioxin!!! The so called "good stuff" is the calcium and protein. However, we are so lost as to how much protein is necessary that we are vastly over-proteined. As for the calcium, the protein inhibits the proper absorption. Get your protein and calcium from leafy greens, veggies, and legums, not from animal products (just like the cow did it in the first place!!!).


Feb 15, 2007
Date: 11/18/2009 9:14:54 AM
Author: LitigatorChick
Once I started taking a hard look at dairy, I became outraged. I believe it is the root cause of many health problems. I have been recently reading ''Eat to Live'' by Dr. Joel Fuhrman, who discusses dairy and other diet and nutrition issues in excellent detail.
Thanks for the book reference, I''m going to check it out!

I can tell you that, as someone who has drank at least a gallon of milk a week since college, and a gallon of milk every one to two days before that, I''m extremely healthy and always have been. I imagine, like all other things, different people react differently to milk.

That being said, I''m really nervous about pumping hormones and other nasty things into my body through milk. I can''t wait to get my hands on this book. (I love the title, too--DH and I always talk about how our problem as a country is that so many people live to eat instead of eat to live.)
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