
Chinese superstitions and the 4Cs / diamond quality

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Dec 7, 2006
Anyone know...

I wanted to know if there are any Chinese superstitions related to the 4Cs or other diamond quality aspects. For example, I heard that having a culet is not good because it means you''''re losing something or something might "fall out" (something along these lines)...

This might help me make a better decision when trading off some of these Cs.

You are losing something-light.
True, but I was looking for some symbolic or metaphorical meaning in Chinese culture... Any ideas?
Hi DiamondPug. I''m not sure if it''s Chinese superstition, but there is a superstition about having a culet - if there is a culet in the diamond, it allows evil spirits in. With no culet, there is no entry spot into the diamond for evil spirits and the power/sanctity of the diamond is preserved.

For whatever it''s worth....
Thanks! That is the kind of thing I''m looking for!
Never heard of that superstition, but I don''t doubt it...

I''ve heard from a jeweler that a lot of Asian customers look for diamonds with perfect clarity.
Well I don''t know about chinese customs (maybe asian) we''re viet. My sister just got engaged and her ring is a D color something, something. Also the carat weight of her stone center and sides does not have a 4 in it. She has 9 diamonds on each side. And when you add up the numbers they make his birthdate and her birthdate. So to bug her, I told her that my diamond is a 1.3 (it''s actually 1.27) and if you add the numbers of 1+3 you get 4 which is really, really bad luck. She freaked out! It was just a really funny situation. If my sister is ever assigned a number and it''s a 4 or a 13 she will literally give it back or wait to take another etc.
clarity = purity

the better the clarity the more pure the diamond

Color will be traded down before clarity is sacraficed - kinda the opposite approach to the way things are around here - what you cant see does not matter.
I can confirm what AlleyCat is saying. My understanding is that the word for the number 4 (I''m not sure if it''s in Mandarin or Cantonese or what) is the same as the word for "death". Therefore 4 is a very unlucky number. The Asian hotel, the Peninsula, does not have a 4th floor.

On the other hand, I know 8''s are very lucky - too bad GIA certs aren''t in the 18.....range yet! At least they are out of the 14......range now!
I might avoid the term superstition, as it is kind of judgemental.
It is not a superstition if the person believes it.

What if someone called your beliefs superstitions?
Hi Kenny, you are probably very right about using the word "superstition". I certainly wouldn't apply the term to Chinese numerology - that's serious stuff!

Just to address the nuance though, according to good old Webster's, "superstition" is "any belief that is inconsistent with known facts or rational thought, esp. such a belief in omens, the supernatural, etc." I think the idea of evil spirits entering a diamond might fall within the realm of this definition.

Perhaps "custom" or "belief" are the words to use for widely accepted notions, convictions, or conventions within a culture.
The numerology based on adding neighboring numbers was esp interesting!

Actually, I''d like to hear about superstitions, cultural traditions and beliefs -- bring it all on!

Thanks so far all!
those are some interesting, Factoids. Do you really think that Chinese people actually will not buy a stone, because of some of the potential "superstitions?
I heard that some hotels don''t have like 14th floor or something like that to accomodate the Asian market?
Date: 12/13/2006 12:03:51 PM
Author: findarock
those are some interesting, Factoids. Do you really think that Chinese people actually will not buy a stone, because of some of the potential ''superstitions?

I heard that some hotels don''t have like 14th floor or something like that to accomodate the Asian market?

Yes, there are some Chinese people who would not buy a stone because of some potential "superstitions/customs/etc." especially if they hold traditional views.

But they are not the only ones who do so - ever wonder why many hotels and apt. buildings in the U.S. don''t have a 13th floor?
boy am I in trouble- I was born on the 13th in the fourth month and my princess cut is 1.13
good thing I'm not too superstitious
oh and I am half chinese
Date: 12/13/2006 2:08:01 PM
Author: lisaC
boy am I in trouble- I was born on the 13th in the fourth month and my princess cut is 1.13

good thing I''m not too superstitious
oh and I am half chinese

13 is actually good luck in Chinese. Means you definitely will be give birth (a very good thing in Chinese culture). 4 is bad. 14 is worse.

1 = Must/Certain/Will (happen)
2 = Easy
3 = Birth (good thing)
4 = Death
5 = Won''t/Not
6 = Always/Continuously
7 = No meaning
8 = Money/Wealth
9 = Forever

That''s why you''ll see lots of Chinese with personalized license plates with 8 in it a lot. And yeah, many hotels won''t have a level 4 or 14. You see that in America with 13 missing tho.

I can''t help but try and avoid 14 when I can tho. Even tho I''m in America and 13 is bad, I can justify it by saying it''s good luck in Chinese. Cancels each other out at least. 14 isn''t good luck in America so you either ignore it or avoid it. Well, if you''ve noticed it, it''s too late to avoid it.
So, 1.5 might mean "must not"? That would be bad for a proposal...

Opinions on this...

D-VS2 vs. H-IF?

both cuts are "excellent" and both are over 1.5c

One time i was showing a pair of customers a few stones and one of the stones had a lot# of 666. Luckily it was the non-supersticious one of the two that was buying-- the other one took it as a bad sign :-)
Date: 12/13/2006 3:10:13 PM
Author: diamondpug
So, 1.5 might mean ''must not''? That would be bad for a proposal...

Opinions on this...

D-VS2 vs. H-IF?

both cuts are ''excellent'' and both are over 1.5c



Oooh, interesting. My guess is most would choose D color. But that just might be from the particular attitudes of the people I know. They seem to make a bigger deal about getting a D colored stone than what the clarity is and the "purity" of the marriage thing. I think it might be cuz I don''t recall a diamond ring ever being a traditional Chinese engagement gift so it''s "purity" never really became part of any good luck tradition.
13 is actually good luck in Chinese. Means you definitely will be give birth (a very good thing in Chinese culture). 4 is bad. 14 is worse.
Thanks Codex57- and yep I have 3 children all boys- a very good thing huh
Date: 12/13/2006 5:41:05 PM
Author: lisaC
Thanks Codex57- and yep I have 3 children all boys- a very good thing huh

Very good thing! :)

It's kinda sad, but I actually know several families who kept having kids until they finally got a boy. Not me. 2 and I'm done. I don't care if they're both girls. C'mon, a kid's a kid. They're all wonderful. Some people have a really hard time even having any child. I must be getting old or something but I'm starting to wonder how teenagers seem to get pregnant so easily.
Hmm, for my boyfriend who is viet-chinese, he won''t by me any diamond but round brilliant since the "corners" of princess cut, emerald are like "sharp" edges... especiall marquise or pear, he said the point it''s like a knife stab into me, so I guess I can never get a pear or marquise shaped pendant

and in chinese, round means " full, together, and perfect"
on the brighter side, at least he''s willing to spend the $$ since round brilliants typically cost more than other shapes (assuming same specs)!
I have heard about some Asian people prefering rounds. Also the preference for high clarity rounds. I would be skittish from taking a 2.42 ct, but definitely would like a 2.82! I am not Asian; my husband is Japanese American.

I actually did consider some of the numbers in the carat weight when I bought and even some of the dates on the certs. Crazy I guess.
I was born on the 13th too and my diamond is a 1.23.

Hmmm, I hope this is true...

Must/Certain/Will Birth


Must/Certain/Will Easy Birth


codex57, I'm curious to know, where did you find this?

1 = Must/Certain/Will (happen)
2 = Easy
3 = Birth (good thing)
4 = Death
5 = Won't/Not
6 = Always/Continuously
7 = No meaning
8 = Money/Wealth
9 = Forever
I took only 2 years of Mandarin Chinese in college, so I hope the following info is correct. In Mandarin, the Roman spelling (pinyin) for the number "four" is "si" and the spelling for "to die" is also "si." However, the characters are different and the tones for each word are also different, so they don''t really sound the same at all. In Chinese, the tone (emphasis) of each word is an important part of its pronunciation and meaning.

I guess it sucks for me, because I''m 100% Chinese and I was born on November 4th. But maybe I''m the anomaly because I''ve had very very good luck in my life! My brother was born on January 4th, and he''s had great luck and success too!!

As for the pointed corners, I''ve heard that on the Chinese New Year, you are supposed to avoid all sharp objects. I remember when I was on the fencing team in high school, we had practice on Chinese New Year, and a few of the other Chinese team members told me that I shouldn''t be practicing that day. Some of them took the day off. Apparently if you use sharp objects on the Chinese New Year you may "cut your fortune or life short." Thank goodness my parents don''t really believe in this stuff and never taught it to me. I used knives, forks, blades, nails, screws, fencing "weapons" (they''re not even sharp), pencils, high heels, all on Chinese New Year without worry!!! Yup I worked in the architecture studio on Chinese New Year and cut up a storm!

So not all Chinese people believe in these traditions. But there are many Chinese traditions that my parents and I really like.
This is a very interesting thread! I am also Chinese, but born in the US. Both my parents were born in China, but only my mom is the more superstitious one. I had heard about how round diamonds with high color and clarity were important, but not much else than that. I, of course, end up with a square G SI1 radiant, but it was no matter to me. I am not superstitious. Plus my last name means ''square'' in Chinese, and so I think it''s kind of neat that I have square shaped diamond

That said, I know that there are superstitions surrounding days in which you are supposed to marry. My mom did mention that to me before I got married that my wedding day (2/17/06) was only "fine" in terms of good luck. I told her that I was perfectly ok with that, especially since she mentioned in only a month before we were going to get married! There was no way I was going to change my wedding day at that point!
Interested in this Chinese number thing. What happens with a say 43 point diamond is that unlucky because of the 4 or not because the numbers are added together? Would a Chinese person not buy any diamonds in the 40s point range?
Date: 12/15/2006 12:55:54 AM
Author: snlee
codex57, I''m curious to know, where did you find this?

1 = Must/Certain/Will (happen)

2 = Easy

3 = Birth (good thing)

4 = Death

5 = Won''t/Not

6 = Always/Continuously

7 = No meaning

8 = Money/Wealth

9 = Forever

I speak Cantonese. So, I just say the number and then write down the translations that come to mind. Ask anyone who speaks Cantonese and they''ll say the same thing (prolly come up with more/better translations since I was born in America and don''t speak it like a native).

Date: 12/15/2006 6:56:52 PM
Author: Pyramid
Interested in this Chinese number thing. What happens with a say 43 point diamond is that unlucky because of the 4 or not because the numbers are added together? Would a Chinese person not buy any diamonds in the 40s point range?

Actually, 4 can be a good thing when put before certain things. Like your 43 example. It means you''d give birth like crazy. Literally, 4 means death, but the idiom or slang when using it before another verb changes its meaning to something like "will X like crazy". So, 48 would mean make money like crazy.

I don''t speak Mandarin well enough, but I think the sound of the numbers would work in Mandarin as well.

I certainly wouldn''t mind a license plate or something with 1648 in it.
Thanks codex57 for your explanation. I find this very interesting, I would not buy something because of it because I am not Chinese but I like to hear what other cultures do and believe in.
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