
Can you see anything from this microscope picture?


Mar 3, 2014
Hi All,

I look at my diamond with a loupe all the time looking and learning and just obsessing to be honest. It's XXX strong blue VVS2 a cloud and pinpoints. The color of my diamond has very metallic look to me what is that? I'm talking about in person not the black and white photo below.
So one day I hit my diamond ring on a solid flat metal piece sticking out of my husbands project car. I go inside to look at my diamond with the loupe and I couldn't see into my diamond anymore what I could see was a weird reflecting pattern that I could not see through, that was not the star pattern I'm used to. I can't really see through the table anymore. :o

So I send it in to the online retailer I bought it from to have it looked at (with approval from my insurance company) and they have their gemologist look at it mounted telling me it's not necessary to remove it and that they see nothing wrong. They send me a picture they say is from a microscope, why can't I see inside I still see weirdness. They plan on remounting it, but wouldn't look at it loose. The jeweler is not the gemologist he is only setting it even though he is part of the same company different department. :x

What would cause this weird reflective pattern I see? Why is insurance satisfied with them not removing it, but is ok with them resetting, but never looking at it loose? Me the jeweler and insurance were all in contact via cc emails. :evil:

Here is the microscope picture they sent me. What do you guys see? This picture looks like a lousy picture to me one that can determine nothing based on the picture. I do not have the ring back yet. I wanted to see if the resetting fixed what I was seeing. If not I'm going to hate this more. I saw the GIA has a $200 diamond damage check service. Would the jeweler notice something wonky with the stone?

Thanks, you guys :praise:

Diamonds are little boxes of facets that behave like a million tiny mirrors and windows.
What you see is in every diamond picture is the environment around the camera, the camera and the lighting.

You can see through the table.
Everything visible in that pic under the table is … under the table.
The pic was shot a little off-axis so the arrow pattern is not symmetric.

Nothing's wrong.
Enjoy your beautiful diamond.
What size is it?

I looked at it closely, and I see nothing wrong with it. Of course we are looking at one picture and not seeing it live, but it looks clean, colorless and probably bright based on those 2 important factors.

My question is, did you notice any damage to the stone that wasnt their before, like a crack or anything fractured, or maybe a small amount cleaved off? I am asking about the other sides of the stone that we cant see. I dont see anything like that. I would think that if there is no obvious damage like I mentioned, then there shouldnt be anything different about the stone's appearance.

It looks great to me!
Thanks RedSpinel the weird thing is I can't see through the table with my loupe it's like blocked with a random looking reflection as opposed to what I usually see - the star pattern between my prongs.
I'm by no means an expert, but the thought that occurred to me is that when you hit your diamond, maybe you knocked the angle of the stone in the setting a little bit, so now when you look at it the angle that you are looking into it is different, and you can't see what you used to be able to see. It's just a guess, but I wondered if that could be an explanation for why looks different when you look into it now.
It looks very clean, clear and transparent to me; I can see some arrows clearly and a few that are sort of blocked but that is due to the angle of the camera + diamond. This probably sounds stupid but is your loupe clean? What do you mean by "weird reflective pattern"? Can you mark it on the picture?
FancyIntense|1396507245|3646442 said:
Thanks RedSpinel the weird thing is I can't see through the table with my loupe it's like blocked with a random looking reflection as opposed to what I usually see - the star pattern between my prongs.

What you describe may be table glare … the same thing that can happen with any flat and shiny surface.
Table glare occurs when the diamond, the light source and your eye are all 3 at the perfect angle for the table to act as a mirror and reflect the light source into your eye.
But I'd think when experiencing that a person would instinctively change the angle of the diamond a bit to eliminate it.

This really stumps me.
Do you by chance have one of those loupes with a light source in it?
I wonder if that could explain what you are describing … but again moving the diamond a bit would redirect the reflection of the light away from your eye so you could see what's under the table.
Thanks Kenny,

I'm not describing what I'm seeing correctly. My loupe is like a cup with 8x. What I see now is an unspecific pattern that is not the arrows. What I was calling reflection was me thinking the diamonds faceting inside is reflecting differently and off of different facets now.

Does how far a diamond sits in it's setting create a different face up appearance depending on the depth it sits?

Thanks again!

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