
Calling out experts Emerald Cut Comparison - Help me decide b/t these 3.

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Aug 28, 2007
OK Guys!

I have finally receive the pics from whiteflash of the three diamonds I am considering. PLEASE, let me know what you think. Please be as critical as possible because I am a perfectionist (within reason...reason what is that?). Any comment, criticisms, suggestions etc. will be greatly appreciated.
Anyone can give their input. So, here are the contendas...

1.)1.02 E VS1 62.3% 64% GIA m-stk no ex ex 7.02-5.04x3.14/1.39/35.38 $4748 $4843*S


2.)1.15 D VS1 67.2% 60% GIA m - stk no vg vg 6.44-5.31x3.57/1.21/34.20 $4623 $5316*S


3.)1.06 F VS1 66.1% 60% GIA m-stk no vg vg no 6.84-5.13-3.39/1.33/35.09 $4774 $5060*


I am not going to say which one is which, though I am sure there are many ways you can figure it out, including looking in the picture gallery, but please dont cheat!






I am stil waiting on the videos but let me know what you think so far. As I said it would be TRULY APPRECIATED!


the 1.15D is the winner by far
second is the 1.02E
3rd is the 1.06F
I like the 1.5 the best from the pics. Looks nice. That would be my pick.
I am working on fixing the post.

Thanks Storm, what do you rate the 1.15 D. I totally agree with you. I was kinda disappointed in the first two.


Thanks Gypsy!
The 1.15 is by far the nicest of the 3.
Date: 9/26/2007 5:32:36 PM
Author: esumsea
I am working on fixing the post.

Thanks Storm, what do you rate the 1.15 D. I totally agree with you. I was kinda disappointed in the first two.


Thanks Gypsy!

The 1.02 is for its type exellent borderline kicken.
It displays a very good pattern for that type.

The 1.06 is not a dog and is above average but the average is pretty low.
Its biggest down fall is the pavilion angles are a bit steep for weight retention.
Date: 9/26/2007 5:37:12 PM
Author: strmrdr

Date: 9/26/2007 5:32:36 PM
Author: esumsea
I am working on fixing the post.

Thanks Storm, what do you rate the 1.15 D. I totally agree with you. I was kinda disappointed in the first two.


Thanks Gypsy!

The 1.02 is for its type exellent borderline kicken.
It displays a very good pattern for that type.

The 1.06 is not a dog and is above average but the average is pretty low.
Its biggest down fall is the pavilion angles are a bit steep for weight retention.
Wow! A kicken designation from you is a real compliment because you are discriminating.
I feel like smokin a cigerette.
So do you think my search should be over? (I am sure whiteflash says YES! I hear them screaming it from Houston.) Or do you think I should bring some more in after I send back the other two (though I have not decided that yet and I don''t even know if thats an option.)
I am pushin for a video, do you think it would be helpful? You are the bomb, Storm. You have really helped me so much and I appreciate it to the nth degree.

Warm Regards,
I think the 1.15 is everything you/she wanted so go for it, thats my advice :}
When it comes too EC/SE when you have a great one "in hand" snag it.
Cuz a great one "in hand" is worth 500 on a virtual list.

Thanks again Storm. It is definately between the E and the D. The $500 difference has me thinking. But I think the jump from 1.02 to 1.15 and from an E to a D justify stretching the budget. The E does seem to have much stronger reds in it than the D. What do you think accounts rot this? It (the E) is a really cool stone with 4 steps instead of three but I dunno. I think I still like the D the best despite the price jump. I would appreciate any other comments.



Date: 9/26/2007 9:13:07 PM
Author: esumsea

Thanks again Storm. It is definately between the E and the D. The $500 difference has me thinking. But I think the jump from 1.02 to 1.15 and from an E to a D justify stretching the budget. The E does seem to have much stronger reds in it than the D. What do you think accounts rot this? It (the E) is a really cool stone with 4 steps instead of three but I dunno. I think I still like the D the best despite the price jump. I would appreciate any other comments.



deciding factor is shape.
Which shape does she like better?
Nice choices to pick from. If I wanted something squarer, the 1.15D is a pretty one. Something more traditional (elongated) would be the 1.02E. There''s something bugging me about the 1.06F, but can''t put my finger on it - could be the drop pattern.
Is WF still going to do the video? It may help just a bit to see them in real life....
Thanks Chrono, Ellen and Kaleigh fopr your input.

I am getting more and more conflicted. At first the D was the clear choice, but at $500 cheaper (which can help me immensely with the custom setting I am designing) more face up area and sharper reads (though not as balanced) and not to mention the excellent to kicken rating by Storm ;-) the 1.02 E is really a tough contender.

I would really love Gary's input on this since, I believe, that he is the inventor of the IS scope.

I am pushing Whiteflash to make a video for they alluded to being able to make one, which was a main reason I chose to go with them, hopefully they will come through. If not, I will have no choice but to have them ship the 1.02 E and the 1.15 D to Mr.Tenhagen and independent appraiser listed on pricescope that is located in Miami. There I can use my eyes to choose, but I won't have any of your input, which being a newbie, I consider invaluable. However, it will be my girlfriend and I who have to look at it for years to come so I gues our opnion is the only important one. In addition, he charges $150 an hour and I am already @ $1000 over my initial $6000 budget for the setting and stone. THis budget actual started at $4500 until I saw the prices of diamonds and realize I was going ot have to pay for the quality of diamond I wanted. I think it is worth it to go over, for over the years the cost is minimal and $100 is less than $100 a month, so we will just have to sacrifice a nice south beach dinner a month (We can barely afford two). I think a nicer diamond is well worth it.

Anyhow, I will report back any developments and will be anxiously awaiting some more replies (Gary, Hest where are you?
Thanks to all for your input.

Also, I have noticed that between the GIA and SERIN reports some of the percentages are off by over 1.5. Considering that 1% can take you from a 1A to a 2b on emerald cuts this seems a little sloppy on GIAs part or maybe the SERIN machine is off. Are these discrepencies par for the course?

Let me know.

Date: 9/27/2007 12:14:04 PM
Author: esumsea

Also, I have noticed that between the GIA and SERIN reports some of the percentages are off by over 1.5. Considering that 1% can take you from a 1A to a 2b on emerald cuts this seems a little sloppy on GIAs part or maybe the SERIN machine is off. Are these discrepencies par for the course?

Let me know.

If the sarin scanner doesnt have the latest updates the numbers can be a bit off on step cuts which is one reason why pictures rule and numbers drool.
What is the setting you want? Maybe we can help you with the costs there. You mentioned custom... can you post pics of similar settings? We are usually pretty good at helping people find setting alternatives. : )
OK I am having them sent to an appraiser in my area for the up lose and personal, but I would still like you opinions. I should be checking them out on Saturday. I will let you know how it goes.

Kind Regards,
Oh that''s going to be lovely. I love bezel settings! Have you seen Lauren''s... she has an asscher that''s beautifully bezel set.
Date: 9/27/2007 10:56:53 AM
Author: esumsea
Thanks Chrono, Ellen and Kaleigh fopr your input.

I am getting more and more conflicted. At first the D was the clear choice, but at $500 cheaper (which can help me immensely with the custom setting I am designing) more face up area and sharper reads (though not as balanced) and not to mention the excellent to kicken rating by Storm ;-) the 1.02 E is really a tough contender.

Images are hard..., but all three can be winners..., again, fancy shapes need to be judged with the eyes.

I would really love Gary''s input on this since, I believe, that he is the inventor of the IS scope.

I am pushing Whiteflash to make a video for they alluded to being able to make one, which was a main reason I chose to go with them, hopefully they will come through. If not, I will have no choice but to have them ship the 1.02 E and the 1.15 D to Mr.Tenhagen and independent appraiser listed on pricescope that is located in Miami. There I can use my eyes to choose, but I won''t have any of your input, which being a newbie, I consider invaluable. However, it will be my girlfriend and I who have to look at it for years to come so I gues our opnion is the only important one. In addition, he charges $150 an hour and I am already @ $1000 over my initial $6000 budget for the setting and stone. THis budget actual started at $4500 until I saw the prices of diamonds and realize I was going ot have to pay for the quality of diamond I wanted. I think it is worth it to go over, for over the years the cost is minimal and $100 is less than $100 a month, so we will just have to sacrifice a nice south beach dinner a month (We can barely afford two). I think a nicer diamond is well worth it.

Anyhow, I will report back any developments and will be anxiously awaiting some more replies (Gary, Hest where are you?
Thanks to all for your input.

Thanks Gypsy,

I am glad you like
. You have made some good suggestions. Thanks for turning me on to that thread and this ring for it will help alot when dealing with designers. I wish the thread on EC settings took off but it never did. Lauren''s ring is really nice, her asscher is incredible.
I actually prefered asschers, my girlfriend likes them but she liked emeralds better. I don''t know if I would make the bezel that heavy but, as you can tel the shape is close to what I want to do. If I could do something like that but without the bottom bezel it would be great. I will post more cads as I go along. We are still refining and scaling the ring.


Thanks for your input! I agree with you, which is why I had WF send them to an independent appraiser so I can view them live with an ideal scope. I will report back my choice. Saturday or Sunday.

Best Regards,
Date: 9/28/2007 2:27:21 AM
Author: esumsea
Thanks Gypsy,

I am glad you like
. You have made some good suggestions. Thanks for turning me on to that thread and this ring for it will help alot when dealing with designers. I wish the thread on EC settings took off but it never did. Lauren''s ring is really nice, her asscher is incredible.
I actually prefered asschers, my girlfriend likes them but she liked emeralds better. I don''t know if I would make the bezel that heavy but, as you can tel the shape is close to what I want to do. If I could do something like that but without the bottom bezel it would be great. I will post more cads as I go along. We are still refining and scaling the ring.


Thanks for your input! I agree with you, which is why I had WF send them to an independent appraiser so I can view them live with an ideal scope. I will report back my choice. Saturday or Sunday.

Best Regards,
Mario..., its OK to view them "with an IS" ...., but use your eyes as final judgement!!!
Your eyes are the best judge with the right guidance...
Date: 9/28/2007 2:46:57 AM
Author: DiaGem

Date: 9/28/2007 2:27:21 AM
Author: esumsea
Thanks Gypsy,

I am glad you like
. You have made some good suggestions. Thanks for turning me on to that thread and this ring for it will help alot when dealing with designers. I wish the thread on EC settings took off but it never did. Lauren''s ring is really nice, her asscher is incredible.
I actually prefered asschers, my girlfriend likes them but she liked emeralds better. I don''t know if I would make the bezel that heavy but, as you can tel the shape is close to what I want to do. If I could do something like that but without the bottom bezel it would be great. I will post more cads as I go along. We are still refining and scaling the ring.


Thanks for your input! I agree with you, which is why I had WF send them to an independent appraiser so I can view them live with an ideal scope. I will report back my choice. Saturday or Sunday.

Best Regards,
Mario..., its OK to view them ''with an IS'' ...., but use your eyes as final judgement!!!
Your eyes are the best judge with the right guidance...
Of course using my eyes will be the final judgement. Actually, her eyes will make the determination.

Thanks for the sage advice!

OK guys! The D 1.15 won easily when they were viewed at Joseph W. Tenhagen''s appraisal office in Miami. What a true gentleman. He was informative, courteous and very helpful. I could not have had a better experience and cannot put into words how happy I was to choose him as my appraiser. I cannot help but gush and I recommend him highly to anyone who needs an appraisal.

Anyhow, getting back to the stone. First we were shown the E, and wow, it was a gorgeous stone. Beautiful parallel lines (maybe the only area it had over the D 1.15 nice sparkle, clear and prestine (though I could spot the cloud on its table with a loupe). The minute he took out the D, however, I got nailed with a flash of fire. That was the beggining of the Fourth of July like onslaught of fire. This is, by far the most firery emerald cut diamond I have seen. After I collected myself, I looked in though the loupe into a stone that was very clean and absolutely clear with no hint of yellow at all. I could spot the needle deep inside the stone but it was negligable. I was in love and so was my girlfriend (who I love also

Next we brought the D 1.15 into the imaging chamber and did an 40x, aset, IS and another image test that represented light return in blue. The images whiteflash made did not do the d 1.15 any justice (no reflection on whiteflash, maybe they just want to be conservative so they do not even get close to misleading people. Whiteflash seems to be all about integrity.) It had much deeper reds and the symmetry was much more pronounced, and what symmetry it had. In all these images, the D destroyed the E, which says alot because the E is an excellent diamond itself, as Storm had said.

Next we put the D in a megascope. We got all the angles and, on average the angles were .7 - .8 off with only one 1.1 % off. Tannhagen himself was very impressed and could not stop complimenting the stone and me for choosing it (AND YOU ALL and WHITEFLASH DESERVE MOST OF THE CREDIT especially storm who first made me aware of the stone. THANKS STORM, YOU ARE KICKEN!

We left Tennhagen''s on a cloud. I could not be happier with the whole experience. It was well worth the relatively minimal cost. Thanks to Traci at Whiteflash, Jonathan at good old gold (who was helpful even after he knew I was going elsewhere), Mark at Engagement Rings Direct (Who really stressed the need for smaller tables) and, again, everyone here. Without you I could have never made such a good decision. I will think of you all when I look at my soon to be fiance''s diamond.

Now we go to designing the setting. I have already posted some info here with attached rough ACAD drawings and I will be posting back to let everyone know how it is going and to post any new info on the rock (like the megascope measurements).

ha I knew it was gonna be the 1.15
Dont forget the hand pics once it is set!!!

Your welcome glad to have been able to help!

Been out this past week on vacation....
Anyway, yeah Storm you were right, it was the one. We are working on the setting and will post pdfs once we are done. Here is the megascope report on the diamond I
picked in case anyone is interested.

Thanks again for all your help!

Warm Regards,

Here is the setting design, let me know what you think.




I''m not sure why but I like the third one (in the pictures) the best. It''s wider in width, and it seems brighter. I think.
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