
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Date: 5/6/2007 8:32:44 PM
Author: divergrrl
I'm doing pretty good Skippy--thanks for back is wacky but other than that, I'm in good health..cranky...but healthy. LOL. My classes are a riot, this belly is hard to maneuver during yoga class. Especially since I teach a regular yoga class. I have to modify a bit.

Glad to hear you are doing well.
I bet; I bet it is hard doing the cobra pose.j/k heeheehe I am sure that one is nixed.

Wow, I am impressed that you are so healthy! Have a great week
Date: 5/5/2007 10:29:38 AM
Author: poptart
I''m not pregnant, and don''t intend to be for a while, but I do keep up with this thread. I find the epidural discussion really interesting and was wondering if any of you have voluntarily done natural childbirth? I absolutely hate needles and the thought of ever getting one in the spine freaks me out, but I guess when you are in that much pain you probably can''t feel a needle? Were any of you nervous about having a reaction to the medicine, too? This is all just very interesting to me!

And good luck to all of you ladies!! It''s fun to read this thread!!

I had my first two naturally. First one came so fast, my doc didn''t even have time to give me a shot for the episiotomy. He promised me I wouldn''t feel a thing (when he made the cut) because of all the pressure from the baby coming out. He was right, I didn''t feel it at all.

My second one was even faster. The doctor was across the street seeing patients when I had to start pushing. All I could think was, SOMEBODY better catch this baby. lol He literally walked in, right up to the gown they were holding for him and got to work. Good thing he made it, as the cord was wrapped around his neck. Got a little tense there for a bit, but all turned out well.

Last one, I was going to do natural but he didn''t want to get here like the other two. Took his own sweet time. So when they started talking inducing labor, that''s when I said I want an epidural. (the shot really didn''t hurt that bad) They woke me up to go deliver him 4 hours later.
Date: 5/6/2007 5:26:07 PM
Author: divergrrl
Tacori: I think you are at that weird spot body wise. Its really hard to let go and be ok with your newly re-upholstered frame, but it''ll be easier if you do. Just buy some maternity wear that is comfortable & makes you feel good. One trick I learned from last time is to wait to buy maternity wear & only buy a few things at at time. Your body changes as you hit each trimester & some items are only good for a month or two. I''m glad I''m not working, because I''m thinking yoga pants, long tanks, and flip flops from here on out. Screw pants keep falling down. :-)

but I feel your pain, it does get better when your belly ''pops'' because you can really look pg. You are on the thin side of things, they say 3 to 6 lbs is normal gain for the 1st trimester. 2nd trimester, normal weight gain goes up to about a half to 3/4 pounds a week. I''m 20 weeks and I''m up 13lbs, which is about right...but I feel huge. Its funny...sometimes I feel like a turtle when I''m on the couch and can''t get up.

turtle turtle turtle


Thanks! I think part of it is bloating too. Makes me look & feel huge. I was a size 4 before I got pregnant so I was thin (not what I consider skinny due to my height). I know there is NOTHING I can do. I just hope this period ends soon. Even DH can''t believe I have only put on 3 lbs (the last lb has happened during the second trimester so I really only gained 2 during the first 13 weeks). It looks like SOOO much more.
I have been wearing maternity pants for awhile now
Luckily I have found lots of cute shirts that are loose and longer to cover up the sexy blue band. I wonder when I will really pop. I feel like I cannot feel my uterus yet. My doctor said it is moving straight up vs. up and out so it will take longer to feel (though he would feel it at my 12 week appointment). My one friend is almost back to her normal weight after 6 months. She said the weight comes off really easily so I shouldn''t worry.

I have been feeling these weird twinges (uncomfortable) in my belly. I think it is just the ligaments stretching (I hope!) I am short so there is not much room in there. I also got some sharp pains in my breasts today. Guess I''ll have to look those up in my book. Both tonight and last night we saw friends with 6 month old baby boys. It was so cute seeing my DH with them. He is such a baby nut. He loves to cuddle them and said he couldn''t wait to hold our own baby. That made me feel good b/c he doesn''t really talk about the baby. Last night was also the first time he put his hand on my belly and said he was "holding the baby."

How are you feeling?
Tacori: I hate to break this to you....but the weight doesn''t come off easily unless you are gifted with a fast metabolism. My son was 2 when I got pg again, I still had 13 lbs to lose (only gained 34 mind you) and was in a size 8 and no where near my previous size 4. And I work out!

I never really got back into running like I used to, and I could have gotten my weight back down if I could have committed to running 3 to 4 times a week and doing weights 3 times a week...but i was lucky to get 2 workouts in a week. I do walk 2.5 miles five times a week (take Jake in his stroller to the park), but walking doesn''t get me thin, it just keeps me from getting bigger.

I just found that my motivation sucked after Jake was born. If you can stay motivated to eat right & workout regularly, it will help a TON. My problem is my DH travels soooo much (all week--some weekends) that I am so tired from doing it all. I have to take Jake to the daycare at the gym, and as soon as I''d have a solid week or working out 4 - 5 times, he''d catch some germy bug from the gym daycare & be sick for 10 days (yes, baby/toddler colds last that long) and they don''t let you bring your kid in if they are visibly sick. (other parents do it anyway, but I''m such a rule follower its not funny, plus I think its mean to take a sick child to the gym & I''m more concerned with his health than my own workout) So by the time I''d get back in the gym, I''d have missed two weeks & it would start over the cycle of me getting a couple days in before he got sick again. If I don''t take him to the gym daycare, he almost never gets sick.

Just have a plan...a good rule of thumb is 9 months up, 9 months down. More like a year from what I''ve seen of my friends, but the ones who do get it off all have these things in common: They work out 4x''s a week, they eat small portions, and their husbands are home with the kiddies after work so they can go to the gym. Oh, they also work. I think staying home can make you fatter because you aren''t wearing "work" clothes, and you have access to your fridge all day long.

Plus I''m tired all the time. I had my OB run blood panels a few times to be sure I wasn''t anemic or low thyroid, or just sick...but no...healthy as a horse and his official diagnosis was "toddler at home" and told me to be patient and really try to schedule those workouts in and cut the crap out of my diet. I''m hoping my 20 year highschool reunion in Summer 08 will be the motivation I need. I was a cutie pie in highschool, and I can''t go back looking like this, so I''m signing up for a half marathon training club in Feb 08...I''ll make sure my DH or my dad can babysit on the days I have to run with the club.

It''s all about planning...and sleep....and metabolism....may the fast one be with you!

Tacori: Here ya go...some photo proof for your perusal.

1st pic is me before my wedding (2001), 2nd pic is me right before I got pregnant with Jake in March 2004 (I weigh the same..just have on a sweater -- haha my dh looks weird...he didn't know a pic was being taken..he's really quite yummy), and 3rd is my girls cruise in December 2006 -- I'm last on the right...UGH! I know its not "bad" per se...but I feel soooo frumpa dumpy and like my booty is huge! I mean, I know its not terrible, but still, 2 sizes bigger is 2 sizes bigger and it TICKS ME OFF!

Last picture? Me now...last week...pregnant... mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. LOL!


Here ya rehearsal dinner, December 2001

March 2004...mere days before I got pregnant with Jake...oops...I'm wrong...I guess it was Feb(photo dates!)...I got pg end of that March.....


December 2006 --- Last on the son is now 2 & this is me at a size 8 compared to my previous pics in a 4.


Me now...20weeks pregnant....and my cute boy... love him. But man, does my midsection look padded. And lucky me...boobs! But I get preggie everywhere Tacori. Especially in my upper arms, butt, and thighs.


ok resizing attempt and then I''m done

december 2006 my boy is now 2years old! Ugh! I''m last on the right...

And my recent shot from last week...all preggy ... with tatas! (me likey those)


So its an interesting ride is all I have to say. :-)

Diver...(going for some icecream cuz now i"m depressed from my before pics...)
Oh, the boobs are a perk! I swear I look like I had a boob job. They are out of control! I am actually getting looked at MORE now that I am preggo. Guess they don't notice the belly!
I am honestly not TOO worried about it. I am embarrassed to say that I have never worked out regularly (at least not since I was 15) and have always been a 2/4. I have been very lucky thus far but I don't expect to look awesome right away. I am sure NOW I'll have to work out
but it is obviously worth it. I did a very relaxed version of WW before my wedding and lost 7-8 lbs. That is really the only weight control I have ever done. My friend is 27 and almost is back to her pre-preggo weight (probably w/in 5 lbs) 6 months after birth. She does work full time but I don't think she works out that much. I don't really know though. You are right. Everyone is different but she gained at least 40 lbs.

Your little boy is darling and you look beautiful! You are glowing!!!
Tacori: Oh, I bet you are gonna be "one of those" lucky girls. If you are naturally thin, I''d be willing to bet that you pop back into shape really fast. I think youth helps too. Metabolism slows as we age (and adding muscle is the only way to combat the ensuing weight gain that will follow--as muscle increases resting metabolism) so if you already have a fast one, it helps a lot. Another thing to remember, the thinner you are, the more your body will gain. For instance...I''m a pretty heavily muscled girl in my legs & back (years of figure skating, teaching classes & dancing) so at 5''5" and 130lbs I''m a size 4. (muscle is small, but heavy--so you weigh more, but look thinner). My friend Meredith is 5''5" and a ballerina, and she weighs 105-110 normally, and is a size 0/2. I gained 34lbs when I was pg (she had her daughter a month before me) and she gained 50lbs. But....she lost it ALL! She''s one of those naturally thin folks who doesn''t have to work at it if she doesn''t want to.

I figure, I''ll take the weight gain, because, THANK GOD, I didn''t get stretch marks with Jake. You can lose weight, but stretchies are forever. I''m praying to God again that I skip that, but I''m not so sure, because 2nd babies sure pop that belly out faster!!! Hee hee. I didn''t use any cocoa butter last time cuz I read EVERYWHERE that no lotion can prevent stretchmarks (its either in your genes or not) but I am using lotion this time. I figure it can''t hurt, and its the Body Shop''s Pink Grapefruit Body Butter, so its so yummy.

Well, I have to clean my house now. I fired my housecleaners because they never did as good a job as me. I have this small window to mop while babycakes is sleeping!


Diver, I don''t think I was that skinny before. I am only 5''1". My wedding photos are on here somewhere if you are curious. I guess only time will tell about how much weight I gain or how fast I can bounce back. Like I said before, there is NOTHING I can do about it so I am trying just to accept it.

I think I *finally* found a crib I like. I am really excited about it. It is not black *gasp* but really, really dark wood (like ebony). I think it will look really pretty. Now if I can only find bedding
. My first shower is next month and stuff has already been bought from my registry (yes, I am a registry stalker).
I bet Curlygirl had her baby! I can''t wait to hear when she gets back & rested! Here''s to hoping she''s feeling great the new babies!!!

don''t worry tacori--you will go back to pre preggo weight. i was 128 when i got pregnant and at delivery i was 163!!! at my 6 week check-up i was my son is 9 months and i''m 118. i do miss the boobs though
. i never had them when i was pregnant---i love how i finally filled out my shirts before i looked pregnant. lol then in the end you are just so uncomfortable you can''t wait to get rid of them...although now i want some of them
NYCsparkle, what did you do to lose the weight? because honestly, I couldn''t get mine off just through regular everyday life. My son is 2 now & I was still carrying around quite a bit when I got pregnant again this time.

Its so frustrating because I even went back to Weight Watchers when my son was 4 months old and it helped me get out of the 150''s, but once I hit 144 I got "stuck" for the next year plus. My boss (a trainer who owns the gym I work at) put me on a "no sugar, no carb" diet and I almost killed someone from the deprivation. I did get down to 139 over 4 weeks, but as soon as I stopped doing it I jumped right back up to the mid 140''s. And I can''t in good conscience advocate for a diet that doesn''t allow something as HEALTHY and delicious as fresh fruit or the occasional glass of exquisite red wine. (there was NO wiggle room)

I wasn''t running, but I do walk about 12 miles a week pushing the jog stroller...

I just think y''all are lucky and its simply NOT FAIR!


I dont think I will loose my weight easily. I have never been able to easily loose, so why would I be able to do it after a baby!? I keep making doctors test my thyroid (Gmom and mom both have problems) and they keep telling me its nothing to worry about. GRRR... okay... I cant think about this... it is what it is and I will be what I am post baby.
I''m a mommy!!!!

Hi everyone! I just wanted to check in and let you know that Lily Marian was born on Saturday, May 5 at 2:14pm--one day BEFORE her due date! She weighed 6 lbs. 15 oz. and was 19.5 inches long. I am beyond overjoyed and can''t believe how amazing the whole experience was!

Since we''re all being brutally honest, I''ll share my story as it''s obviously quite fresh in my mind! I worked all day Friday and at night, DH and I had a went out to dinner, had ice cream, went to bed--nothing unusual. We had tons of plans for the weekend--I was going to go to the gym, we had to go food shopping, boring stuff. I was convinced this baby would be late. At around 4 in the morning, I woke up with some minor contractions. I figured it was a false alarm since the same thing had happened the week before but ended up being nothing. So I hung out in bed for a while but they kept coming. Got up and decided to walk around the apt. a little bit and see what would happen. They were very irregular, inconsistent and short so I was sure it was nothing. At around 5 am, DH got up to hang out with me as he was convinced this was it. We watched a couple of old Sopranos episodes and timed the contractions. They were weird, coming every 2-3 minutes but only lasting 20-30 seconds. They were very manageable.

By 7am, I decided to call my doctor. The service had the OB on call get back to me and she said it could be early labor but may be nothing and if I went to the hospital I might get sent home. So we waited a little while longer and I started to worry because the baby wasn''t moving so much. We showered, got our stuff together and by 8:30 we were in a cab going up to the hospital and I was having trouble breathing through the contractions. Got there by 9 and they had me pee in a cup. Right before I did that, I heard a pop but no gush of water so didn''t think it was anything. They got me into the triage room and I was 3 cm. The contractions started to pick up and I started to howl!!! It was bad. They asked me if I wanted an epidural and I didn''t even have to think twice. I asked if they could give me something first--I couldn''t wait for the epidural!!! No luck on that but when I was checked again, I was at 5 cm!!! Sure enough, my water had broken and the contractions were coming one on top of the other. My AWESOME l&d nurse (Dani, I thought of you!) called the anesthesiologist and said he had to get to me asap. He was about to go into a c-section but she convinced him that I was going fast and needed him IMMEDIATELY!!!!

They moved me into the labor and delivery room (which was bigger and nicer than my apartment!) and got me all hooked up to monitors, etc. I was in bad shape. DH was literally in tears because he couldn''t help me. The anesthesiologist came in and asked me 52 billion questions--I don''t even know how I answered him between the contractions. He was about to start adminstering the epi when my incredible nurse realized that the baby was having decels every time I contracted so she wanted the to put a monitor on the baby just to be safe--I was in love with her for doing that, even though it prolonged my getting the epidural. It was all just a surreal blur at that point, doctors coming and going, me screaming, everyone being in shock that this was going so fast for a first timer. I don''t even know what was going on. I just know that the most difficult thing had to be trying to sit up and be still during a contraction while the epidural was being administered. Once again, I credit my amazing nurse for letting me squeeze her hands, hold me still, calm me down and get me through that horrible spot. She was a gift from God!

And speaking of gifts, as soon as that epidural kicked in 5 minutes later, SWEET RELIEF!!!! Wow, I can''t even believe that I was in all that pain when there are drugs like this out there! My parents and inlaws arrived at that point (I told DH not to call them until I was able to be coherent!) and we all hung out, talked and laughed and I even closed my eyes for a few minutes until my nurse came back at around noon and told me she thought I was fully dilated! The contractions were coming every minute but I didn''t feel anything! She asked me if I felt like pushing but I honestly felt nothing. So shes said she''d let me rest for a while but I was going to have to do something soon.

At around 1:00, the doctors came in and said it was time to start pushing. I still didn''t feel much of anything--no pressure, no nothing but I didn''t want them to turn down the epidural so I just decided to go with it since I could feel when the contractions were starting and they could monitor that anyway! My parents and inlaws left the room and I was left there with 2 doctors (I think?), a resident, my nurse and my DH. They all coached me on when to push and I actually gave them advance notice when I could feel a contraction coming. The whole thing was like a dream. I would push for 3 sets of 10 and then relax and we''d all be joking and talking! We actually missed a few contractions because we were having such a good time! This isn''t what labor is supposed to be like, right?!

Well, at 2:00 they all said that it was really time and she was coming out. The doctor got on her scrubs and head thingy and after a few sets of pushes, my precious Lily popped out at 2:14pm. I had one small 2nd degree tear on the inside that needed stitches but that''s it. I couldn''t believe it. The tears that came out of me and DH could have flooded all of NYC. It was just the best experience of my life, even with the initial pain, I would do it all over again. The doctors were simply amazed that it had gone so smoothly and were practically high fiving me!! It was great!!! We stayed in the hospital for two nights and got home on Monday afternoon.

I am so thrilled to be a mother! I haven''t slept much but I''m on such a natural high that it doesn''t even matter. I''m sure it will catch up to me soon but for now, I''m loving every minute of watching this precious little girl just sleep! Oh, about the boobs, I didn''t have any throughout the pregnancy but they are ENORMOUS now! Kinda weird!

Dani, I just want to give you a special shout out for being an L&D nurse. I literally fell in love with mine and I have the utmost respect and awe for anyone who has the patience, kindness and strength to handle this type of patient care. I plan on sending her a gift as soon as I get a moment to get my act together and think about the rest of the world.

Hope the rest of you are doing well. I have to catch up on all the posts I miss but just wanted to take a few minutes and let you all know about my birth story--sorry it was so long but I get excited to talk about it!!

I''ll post pictures as soon as I get them on to the computer.
Date: 5/9/2007 7:09:13 PM
Author: curlygirl
I'm a mommy!!!!

!!!! I am so happy for you and what a blessing
Can't wait to see the pics of your daughter!!!
Awwww Curly! Congratulations!!! I''m so happy for you! Your story made me all teary. I swear I could feel your relief from the epidural...Magic isn''t it? You''ll have to start a new thread for Lily. One of my favorite names BTW.
Oh, Curly!! Your story brought happy tears to my eyes and goose bumps!!! (I don''t visit this thread too often, my timing sure was right today!!!)

Virtual hugs and kisses to you, your sweet husband, and that beautiful little girl!!!!

Congrats curlygirl!!! isn''t it amazing just staring at your perfect princess all day?

hey divergrrl--i breastfed and i read that it burns 500 calories a day plus i have a fairly quick metabolism. i''ve been walking daily for the past month too. its tough with a new baby to get out there and exercise.
Congratulations Curlygirl!!! I am so happy everything went well and everyone is healthy. Your story is awesome too, thank you for sharing! Cant wait to see pics.
Congrats Curly!!! I am so happy for you and your husband! I cannot wait to see photos of Lily Marian. Give that sweet girl a kiss from us!
Oh congrats Curly!!!! Best wishes to you and your hubby. And a huge welcome to Lily Marian!!! Sounds like you are doing great. Happy Mother''s day Mommy!!!!
I''m nowhere near being a mama, but I follow this thread because I just think it''s sweet and I wanted to congratulate you, curly!! How exciting, what a beautiful name you and DH have choosen and enjoy that precious baby!
Congrats Curly and happy early Mother''s Day!!!
How exciting! Thanks for sharing your L&D story. Sounds like you and baby Lily are doing well.

I am SO HAPPY for you!!!!! Your post literally made me cry!!! I did send you lots of well wishes for a smooth and easily experience....Now I can say this to you- L&D is no joke- as you probably figured out- sometimes things dont go well and/or as planned and things happen, but I am thrilled that everything went well for you and that you and baby Lily are fine and healthy- that is the most important thing.....I told you to get that epi- works like a dream, huh??

I thought about you so much over the weekend, (funny I was in NYC on Saturday night for my best friends 30th b-day party)- I figured you must have delivered because we hadnt heard from you at all!!! I am just so happy for you guys!!! Enjoy your new little girl, and thank you so much for the shout!! I really do enjoy my job, even with all of its stresses and other crap that comes along with it at times, I can honestly say MOST people are truly appreciative, respectful, and thankful. I can even count how many cards, gifts, etc. I have gotten from patients over the years thanking me for everything I did for them. It truly is a special gift and a calling, and everyday I go to work I take care of my patients to the best of my ability, trying to make their whole experience a positive's a great job.

Best of luck, hopefully you are able to get some sleep, can't wait to see pics!!!
Happy first mother's day!!!!!


Oh Curly....I am so moved by your post.....that is absolutely beautiful. Don''t you love staring at her little face? I am soooo glad your labor went so well, and I LOVE that kind of brought tears to my eyes and I hope you feel comfortable showing us a pic or two of your precious one here. LOL on the "post-delivery bbs" my dh called ''em adult film star! Come to us if you need anything!!!

njc: well, we''ll all be here for each other afterwards & we can move to the Weekly Workout Thread..LOL....

NYCsparkle (I love your username btw) I''m gonna stick with my "people are unique and so are bodies/one size does not fit all" because I breastfed too and I didn''t lose a thing until I weaned him months later. I think you either snap back or you don''t & if you are one of those who don''t you have to hit the workouts/diet hard and don''t let up. Which is so hard with a new baby. Of course, this time I have my 20 year highschool reunion coming up 9 months after baby is born, so I''ll have GOOD motivation. I mean, I can''t let my ex-bf see me looking anything less than fabulous can I? LOL!!! Just kidding.....but it is a good motivator (the reunion, not the ex). That & DH is taking me on vacation to Hawaii in 2008 too. (grandparents are taking the kids!! whoooohoooooooo)

Wanna hear something funny?

My DH is 42, I''m 36...many of our friends have kids who are 18 to 22. (they are more Dh''s age, not mine---some of my friends my age have 10 year olds). It''ll be a little odd to waltz into my 20 year reunion having a 9mo old and a 3 yr old at home. Oh well...but at my DH''s work, he is the only guy in his workgroup with a kid under 18. And his boss is 1 year younger than him!!!!!

My girlfriends from college waited until late like me to have kids...I''ve got a handful of 2 year olds that my son runs with--which is great, I''ve never needed Mommy Playgroups (can be a good idea if you don''t have friends with babies the same age) because I have my same girlies to play with and we all had our babies within 6 months of each other. I''m the 1st to start round 2, but hopefully my other bf will get pg this month--she''s due for ROUND 3 of IVF --her embryo transfer date is 5-23. It took 3 rounds to get pg with her 1st, so I''m hoping this one takes too. Its too painful to watch her when they fail. If it doesn''t work this time, they are done. She''s out of frozen embryos and out of insurance $$ to pay for it. (they are in out-of-pocket mode right now & have been for the last 3 transfers).

Ok..that was a digression..I apologize, but my friend is on my mind all the time lately.

Looking forward to more Curlygirl & CurlyBabe stories....

anyone have plans for mother''s day????
