
Calling all the Pregnant PS''ers

Thanks again for the welcome y''all!

Well, I will probably have my first prenatal visit next week or so. I have to make the appointment tomorrow once the referral goes through. I know I conceived on July 4th, but I can''t remember the first day of my last period (I was kind of light and irregular), so I am using June 20 as the date. That puts me due at around March 26-28? I think it would be VERY fitting if I were to have an April Fool''s baby. Hehehe.

At the doc''s office, the nice lady was giving me instructions on how to pee in the cup and where to leave it. She asked,

"Did you take a test before you came."
"Yes," I replied.
"Was it positive?"
"Do you want to keep it?"
"I haven''t thrown away the test I took at home yet. I was going to throw it away though."
"No, I mean are you going to keep the BABY."

DOH! "Of course!" It never occured to me that people would ask that. I''m totally new to this baby business! What a moron I am!!!!


Jade- I agree that Button has got to be one of the cutest little guys I''ve EVER seen! His little face just begs for kisses -
Date: 7/26/2007 2:17:29 PM
Author: TravelingGal

''Do you want to keep it?''
''I haven''t thrown away the test I took at home yet. I was going to throw it away though.''
''No, I mean are you going to keep the BABY.''

DOH! ''Of course!'' It never occured to me that people would ask that. I''m totally new to this baby business! What a moron I am!!!!
I don''t think it''s strange at all that you assumed she meant the test. Heck, I still have mine and know many people who have held onto theirs. What I find strange is that you were asked that at all. Shocked really!
Has anyone else been asked?

This is my 3rd pg (first viable one) and would have been very angry and offended if someone said that to me. I might have put on my fighting gloves!
Hi all my favorite pregnant ps ladies!

I have a question for you all. I''m headed to a shower soon and while i''ve gotten all the goodies for the little guy, i want to include something nice for the mom-to-be. maybe something a bit indulgent, pretty, etc. what would you want from a friend, just for yourself...
TGal, that story is a riot! Although in a very very strange way
I''m shocked that someone in that field would ask, "Are you going to keep IT?" with the IT referring to a baby! Rather tactless!

Speaking of funny miscommunications, I just sent out a mass email with our new address and included a line saying that one of us is growing bigger by the day, with a footnote saying, "If you don''t know what that means, it''s been too long since we''ve spoken!" I''ve, of course, gotten back a million emails from people (eh, who cares about getting work done anyway) and after I told one person that I was having twins, he congratulated us and then asked, "What''s the new crib like?" -- and of course my first thought as a pregnant person was, "But I haven''t picked out the cribs yet!" -- whereas he was actaully referring to our new house
I understand that not every woman is in a position to care for their unborn child (which is a HUGE responsibility) and thus may not want it. I too was asked that question and was not offended (even I lost one too)

When I was expecting, I enjoyed facials and massages. Perhaps a gift cert at a spa for something like that?

Am I then a bad mom for calling my first baby "it" until he was born? I know it's the hormones and all that makes us more sensitive to words and to take things more personally. Everyone had a laugh when I called my fetus "it" until I found out the sex, then it had a proper name.
LL, a pregnancy massage, or maybe a pedicure? I think something pampering would be LOVELY.

I wasn''t offended by the lady asking, actually. It was just that I only then realized that they probably have people coming in not wanting to keep the baby.

Oh, and I''m calling the baby "it" for awhile too. We will not be finding out the sex. Actually we''ve nicknamed it "Snot the Tot" (inside joke) and I just call it Baby Snotty. I''m already a bad mom. Hee.
Chrono, I totally call my baby "it". It is hard since we don''t know the sex. I do feel bad about it though.

Ebree, I had a faint positive almost 7 months ago
Don''t give up until AF makes her visit. Even at my docs it was so faint they did a blood test. I just tested REALLY, REALLY early. I also love the site Diver posted.

TGal! Welcome again! The date of your last period doesn''t really matter if you know when you concieved. You should go by that date. My periods are irregular (my last one was 12/27 but we concieved around 1/20-1/22 got my first positive test 2/17) so I got an u/s early to determine my EDD. Of course an April baby has the diamond birthstone

Snlee, I have traveled a lot since being preggo without problems. I was at the end of my first trimester when I flew for the first time and it was a 4 hour flight. It really wasn''t bad (just get an aisle seat). So if there is an early arrival you''ll be fine! Would be nice not having to be preggo during the summer! The heat is horrible for me right now (since I am already hotter than normal).

So I am starting to have trouble bending over to pick things off the floor. Also anyone notice their breathing is really shallow. Sometime it hurts when I try to talk if I am laughing or something. Baby T was kicking up a storm last night. It was cool b/c DH was sitting next to me and got to feel them. One was so strong he was convinced he could see it had my shirt been up! He was pretty amazed. I actually felt them several inches ABOVE my belly button (for the first time that high) and then a second later really low. So maybe it was kicking and moving its arms at the same time
Or maybe laying sideways.
Date: 7/26/2007 3:07:27 PM
Author: TravelingGal
LL, a pregnancy massage, or maybe a pedicure? I think something pampering would be LOVELY.

Oh I almost forgot! I agree a pedi would be great since reaching my toes will be a distant memory soon. Or I would have LOVED a body pillow since sleeping can be uncomfortable. I am not really a massage person but then again I have never had one. Also I love my belly book which is like a pregnancy journal. I wish I had gotten it sooner. Maybe some really nice lotion (or something to make her feel more beautiful).
Well, yeah, if you don't know the gender of your own baby or a friend's baby, that's one thing to say "it." I just find it rude for a person in the medical field who deals with pregnant women all the time to ask, "Are you going to keep it?" to someone newly pregnant. To me that just sounds abrupt and cold. I wouldn't be offended that they asked about the option of not keeping the baby (hey, that's a reality), just the "it" throws me off. I think I'd find that sort of offensive even if I weren't pregnant!

But that's just my take on it
On another note entirely -- I think I started to feel the babies move yesterday!! I definitely wouldn't say it feels like gas (which is what I've most often read it feels like) for me and it's not painful -- it basically feels like that feeling I get in my stomach when I'm nervous/anxious, but more physical than that if that makes any sense! Definitely a butterflies-in-the-tummy sensation. I've got it going on now too actually!

I'm 17w1d, so this is about the time I should start feeling them, and I've seen them babies flipping all 'round in my belly during the ultrasounds, so ...
Date: 7/26/2007 3:13:27 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Ebree, I had a faint positive almost 7 months ago
Don''t give up until AF makes her visit. Even at my docs it was so faint they did a blood test. I just tested REALLY, REALLY early. I also love the site Diver posted.

I checked out the site Diver posted and looked at all the faint lines, but I couldn''t really tell the difference between some of the positives and some of the evap lines.

Darn you, faint positive/evaporation line/WHATEVER YOU ARE! I pulled it out of the trash again this morning (ew) and the line is still there. And it''s blue, like it''s supposed to be. But it''s thin, about 1/3 the thinness of the other line. So it''s probably nothing, just something to make me worry and wait unnecessarily. Perfect timing, too...I have 2 bridal events (a shower and a brunch) this weekend.

*shakes fists at fertility gods*
Date: 7/26/2007 5:12:16 PM
Author: EBree

Date: 7/26/2007 3:13:27 PM
Author: Tacori E-ring

Ebree, I had a faint positive almost 7 months ago
Don''t give up until AF makes her visit. Even at my docs it was so faint they did a blood test. I just tested REALLY, REALLY early. I also love the site Diver posted.

I checked out the site Diver posted and looked at all the faint lines, but I couldn''t really tell the difference between some of the positives and some of the evap lines.

Darn you, faint positive/evaporation line/WHATEVER YOU ARE! I pulled it out of the trash again this morning (ew) and the line is still there. And it''s blue, like it''s supposed to be. But it''s thin, about 1/3 the thinness of the other line. So it''s probably nothing, just something to make me worry and wait unnecessarily. Perfect timing, too...I have 2 bridal events (a shower and a brunch) this weekend.

*shakes fists at fertility gods*
Congrats! to the newly pregnant PSers

Ebree, digital pregnancy tests are the best (Store brand is just fine) No guessing involved with those it will read pregnant/not pregnant. Also, if you think you might be very early pregnant, use your first morning pee, pee in a cup, & dip the stick in.
Date: 7/26/2007 4:46:44 PM
Author: ellaila
On another note entirely -- I think I started to feel the babies move yesterday!! I definitely wouldn''t say it feels like gas (which is what I''ve most often read it feels like) for me and it''s not painful -- it basically feels like that feeling I get in my stomach when I''m nervous/anxious, but more physical than that if that makes any sense! Definitely a butterflies-in-the-tummy sensation. I''ve got it going on now too actually!

I''m 17w1d, so this is about the time I should start feeling them, and I''ve seen them babies flipping all ''round in my belly during the ultrasounds, so ...

How exciting! My close friend had twins ten days ago--and needless to say she is exhausted.....
; however another pal set up a rotating meal service for a month and enlisted all her friends to take two dates each and make dinner enough for two nights turn next two Sundays and I am looking forward to helping out in some small way......

Ebree, I agree about the digital tests. I got so tired of trying to figure out the lines! Reading "pregnant" was SO easy! Haha! We kept waiting for the "NOT" to pop up and it never did. Like vegas said pee in a cup so you can do multiple tests (I think we did 3
). That way you don't have to wait until you have to pee again. Plus somehow I always wound up with too much pee or not enough so this way you have more control over it. Also I didn't drink or go to the bathroom for three hours prior (diluted pee can give you a false negative). I just couldn't wait for the morning and most tests don't require that anymore. Good luck!

Ella, Yeah to feeling your babies! Mine felt like popcorn popping. Now they are more kicks/flips/punches....still rather light/irregular. But it is a great feeling!
canukgal, that is a nice thing you and your friends are doing for your newly mom''d friend.

Ella, woo hoo! I can''t IMAGINE something moving in me (besides all this gas I am having), so I guess it must feel trippy eh? No wonder it starts as a butterfly sensation. Can you imagine how freaked out we''d be if all the sudden it started as massive kicking?

EBree, it don''t know all the tests that are out there, but it sure sounds confusing. I just got an ept early pregnancy one I think. Whatever was on sale at the time. It was pretty indisputable. My friend has managed to freak me out because she said the myth is you are more likely to conceive multiples right after you get off the pill, and the line on the stick was very dark, which may mean lots of hormones from a second? Eek. Ah well, I''m going with the flow....
Aww u girls are so sweet, I will be sure to tell Button he''s gotten lots of kisses here!

TGal, I have never seen an ugly eurasian baby, hubby used to joke that I married him only cos I wanted cute babies

LLL, a mani-pedi or pregnancy massage will be divine. I got a massage every wk in my third trimester, and it really helped with all the backache and misc aches! Not to mention I can''t reach my toes, so having someone do my pedicure was awesome.

Ahh I used to call my baby ''it'' when I was pregnant until my MIL nicknamed him Button (before we found out the sex). Button has kinda stuck and we still call him that sometimes!

Date: 7/26/2007 8:53:32 PM
Author: JadeLeaves
Aww u girls are so sweet, I will be sure to tell Button he''s gotten lots of kisses here!

TGal, I have never seen an ugly eurasian baby, hubby used to joke that I married him only cos I wanted cute babies
Hm...maybe not in babies...because aren''t all babies cute? But lemme tell you...there are combinations of TGuy and me that could be bad. VERY bad. His nose and my eyes? Eek! Add in his cromagnum forehead and it''s just SO over...hehehehe.

Some time ago, I found a website dedicated to pictures of hapas (what half asian/nonasianbabies are commonly called.) Some loook great, some, er...not so. For kicks, the site is:

And I actually found a site for half Korean specifically...

I know...I''m SUCH a dork.
Tacori, I love the name Keely. Then again, I''m probably biased because that''s my name, only i spell it Keeley. But, im going to be honest with you, people think its Kelly spelled wrong ALL the time. And by all the time, i mean almost every time anyone says my name.... so that''s just something to consider. But people always say they love my name, and it is unique i guess.
Date: 7/26/2007 8:16:23 PM
Author: TravelingGal
canukgal, that is a nice thing you and your friends are doing for your newly mom'd friend.

Ella, woo hoo! I can't IMAGINE something moving in me (besides all this gas I am having), so I guess it must feel trippy eh? No wonder it starts as a butterfly sensation. Can you imagine how freaked out we'd be if all the sudden it started as massive kicking?

EBree, it don't know all the tests that are out there, but it sure sounds confusing. I just got an ept early pregnancy one I think. Whatever was on sale at the time. It was pretty indisputable. My friend has managed to freak me out because she said the myth is you are more likely to conceive multiples right after you get off the pill, and the line on the stick was very dark, which may mean lots of hormones from a second? Eek. Ah well, I'm going with the flow....
TGal, I've read a LOT about twins in the past few months, and I've never heard that one before! I wouldn't worry too much about it. If you've got fraternal twins in your family or are over 35 (both were factors in my case), then it's something to consider, yes, but neither of those has anything to do with when you go off the pill! As for identical twins, doctors still don't know why some eggs choose to split, but again there's been no link with birth control. And hey, if you are pregnant with multiples, then consider yourself lucky -- we do! (Although, yes, of course it's terrifying!) And the lines on my stick weren't dark at all -- hubby actually kept saying, "I sorta see a line, but I think it's too light to mean anything ..." -- ahhh, naive boy, that one.

By the way, how are you feeling? Exhausted?! Any morning sickness?
Date: 7/27/2007 7:06:43 AM
Author: ellaila

Date: 7/26/2007 8:16:23 PM
Author: TravelingGal
canukgal, that is a nice thing you and your friends are doing for your newly mom''d friend.

Ella, woo hoo! I can''t IMAGINE something moving in me (besides all this gas I am having), so I guess it must feel trippy eh? No wonder it starts as a butterfly sensation. Can you imagine how freaked out we''d be if all the sudden it started as massive kicking?

EBree, it don''t know all the tests that are out there, but it sure sounds confusing. I just got an ept early pregnancy one I think. Whatever was on sale at the time. It was pretty indisputable. My friend has managed to freak me out because she said the myth is you are more likely to conceive multiples right after you get off the pill, and the line on the stick was very dark, which may mean lots of hormones from a second? Eek. Ah well, I''m going with the flow....
TGal, I''ve read a LOT about twins in the past few months, and I''ve never heard that one before! I wouldn''t worry too much about it. If you''ve got fraternal twins in your family or are over 35 (both were factors in my case), then it''s something to consider, yes, but neither of those has anything to do with when you go off the pill! As for identical twins, doctors still don''t know why some eggs choose to split, but again there''s been no link with birth control. And hey, if you are pregnant with multiples, then consider yourself lucky -- we do! (Although, yes, of course it''s terrifying!) And the lines on my stick weren''t dark at all -- hubby actually kept saying, ''I sorta see a line, but I think it''s too light to mean anything ...'' -- ahhh, naive boy, that one.

By the way, how are you feeling? Exhausted?! Any morning sickness?
Ella, I would certainly say I''d be lucky if I had twins...I always thought it would be nice to be done in one shot. But yes, I''d certainly have a momentary heart attack!

I am feeling crampy, gassy and bloated. I think that is normal?
Last night I had a sample peanut luna bar for dessert (a very small one) and felt my first signs of being sick. So no more peanut-y cookies for me. But otherwise, no signs of nausea yet...yay!
Date: 7/27/2007 12:36:37 AM
Author: happyfeet1988
Tacori, I love the name Keely. Then again, I''m probably biased because that''s my name, only i spell it Keeley. But, im going to be honest with you, people think its Kelly spelled wrong ALL the time. And by all the time, i mean almost every time anyone says my name.... so that''s just something to consider. But people always say they love my name, and it is unique i guess.

Thanks for chiming in! I think I like your spelling best. I am worried about the Kelly thing b/c I don''t really love that name. Luckily I still have some time to figure it out. I do love your name. What''s your middle name?

TGal, do not worry. I had period type cramping for almost the whole first trimester. You are growing fast so it can be painful (since this is your first). Even now sometimes I get it (or feel tender). I was so bloated I started wearing maternity pants around 8 weeks *blush*. I was just SOOOO uncomfortable in regular pants and even though I lost 3 lbs at first I think I was retaining so much water.
My full name is Keeley Ann LeP****...i actually think my parents did a good job... it flows well. I can''t imagine having a traditional name after having my name so long!
Just made my first prenatal appointment. They said they don''t see patients until they are 9 weeks. That seems kind of late to Does that sound right to everyone?
I just hate when the computer deletes my posts!!

Anyway, here''s the jist of my post:

Hi ladies!
I''m with EBree in not being pregant (or at least I know for sure that I''m not but EBree, ya never know!) but I really enjoy reading the posts on here.

TGal, Congratulations!
Very exciting!! If you don''t mind answering, how soon did you get pregnant after going off bc?

Ellaila, Congratulations on feeling your babies move! That is a wonderful feeling, and I can still remember the feeling from my son (and he''s now 12).

I was reading some posts from a few days ago and you ladies were talking about different tests when you are Jewish. What are those tests? I don''t recall having any back when my son was born but could be I just don''t remember. But did I read correctly that they''re only when both parents are Jewish?
Also, just wondered what the other tests are these days? I can''t remember any of that stuff anymore although I do remember I had to get this huge shot due to something regarding my blood type. I really should know that but just can''t remember what it''s called.

Well, have a good day and weekend!
Date: 7/27/2007 1:43:08 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Just made my first prenatal appointment. They said they don't see patients until they are 9 weeks. That seems kind of late to Does that sound right to everyone?
Yep, my doctor wouldn't see me till I was 10 weeks! I know how frustrating it is to have to wait when you're anxious, but hang in there!

And Dixie, re: "I was reading some posts from a few days ago and you ladies were talking about different tests when you are Jewish. What are those tests? I don't recall having any back when my son was born but could be I just don't remember. But did I read correctly that they're only when both parents are Jewish?" -- if only one parent is Jewish, they test that one first, and in the chance he/she is a carrier, then they'll test the second parent. Anyone can get these disease, they're just more common in Ashkenazi Jews. I'm pretty sure that most of those diseases require both parents to be carriers, so as long as one isn't, then you're safe. The only tests that I specifically remember being tested for were Tay-Sachs and something called maple syrup disease (whcih freaked me out b/c at the time I'd been eating a LOT of pancakes w/syrup!), but it turns out it's called that b/c it makes your urine smell like maple syrup! Yikes. My stepsister's niece has got another "Jewish disease" called Canavan's, and it's absolutely devastating to see what the family goes through. I'm not positive if that is a routine test or not though.

ETA: I just found the Quest Diagnostics page on these tests and since that's who did mine testing, I assume this is what I got tested for:

• Bloom syndrome
• Canavan disease
• Cystic fibrosis
• Familial dysautonomia
• Fanconi anemia group C
• Gaucher disease
• Niemann-Pick disease types A and B
• Tay-Sachs disease
Whew, thanks Ella! The only reason I was concerned is because after I took the pee test in the GYN office, the counselor told me the first appointment happens at 5-6 weeks. But I guess she was incorrect. There probably isn''t much to do or see now anyway...I''m just taking care of myself the best I can. The baby is a great reason to eat healthy!

Dixie, I don''t mind you asking at all. I was off the pill 2 weeks. That''s why we didn''t expect it...I was on it for 14 years and figured it would need "time" to get out of my system before I ovulated. I should consider myself lucky that I didn''t get pregnant all those years when I forgot to take pills here and there.

I had been traveling so much for work, that there wasn''t a lot of "us" time for TGuy and me. Which makes it even more funny that this baby really was a one shot wonder...I ovulated, we had sex once, and I was off again on my next business trip. I honestly thought we may never conceive and was fine with not having kids. We both had agreed we would not do any kind of fertility treatment.

However, this does go with my theory that being relaxed about having a baby may help in actually conceiving. *shrug*
Ella - Congrats on feeling the babies! Isn''t it exciting? I was almost 17wks when I first felt movement and it started out as you described. It''s only gotten stronger, more frequent and more fun as the pg progresses.

TG - as long as you not labeled high-risk, the first prenatal appt can be anywhere between 8-12wks. My first was also at 9wks although it felt like forever!
TGal, I didn''t have my first appt till around 9-10wks too. My dr also told me they don''t see patients before then.

He did an ultrasound on my first appt, and I was so not prepared to see this little blob on the screen and burst into tears (happy tears mind u). It just made it more ''real'' for me.

I''m going to check out the url u posted abt mixed babies :P
TGal I did see my doc early but I think only b/c I got a faint positive in their office and they wanted to make sure I was not having a m/c. Those were a few nerve wracking days
Then they had no way to date my pregnancy since I was so irregular. I only had one AF off the pill. The 6 week u/s was kind of a let down since you can't really see ANYTHING but hearing the heartbeat is amazing. The 20 week u/s gave me chills and was the first time (so horrible to say!) DH and I bonded with our baby.

So my feet are swollen! I cannot wear anything but flip flops. I guess I should just go buy a cheap pair of tennis shoes until I deliever. My mom's feel went up a 1/2 a size with every pregnancy
How said to think I might need all new shoes.