
CADS for asscher halo - getting closer!


Dec 9, 2013
I took photos of my bench's computer screen. This is still a work in progress and he has not sent me the official CADs yet.
The goal is to have a nice bit of pizazz but still simple travel ring that stacks.
I like it with the onyx inlays, but wonder if polished platinum would be more practical for matching all the various bands I want to wear.
I want to have either baguettes or melee on the sides of the 4 corners so the diamond-shiny wraps around from top to side.
Comments please on the CADS and onyx vs plain metal vs melee on the bars between the corners. thanks!

[ps. I couldn't find my original thread on this, so please forgive this second thread on the same subject].


he designed it with a 3mm shank, but I thought a 2.5 would look better. What do you think?
Hi Jimmianne....very cool ring. I like the black onyx. I think it would be too much plain metal if you did just platinum.
Seems like you would need some design there or maybe do a satin finish on it or something. I like the way the ring shape
on the left looks (bottom two pictures) but I guess that's personal preference (smoother vs more angular).

For platinum, maybe consider doing 3 step levels on the side to give it more interest and to sort of follow the angles of the
asscher. I found this ring where you can see two levels of metal...

Thank you tyty,

this is exactly what I need to hear.
custom work is not for sissies : )

I am not sure what you mean about smoother vs angular, the shank or the corners?

edit - oh I think I know what you mean. The image on the left included baguettes on the sides of the corners, so it give the more rounded appearance. Now that you mention it, for that reason I like having the baguettes.
I was talking about the bottom picture that has two different looks to the outside of the head. The one on the left seems
to be smoother because I think the corners are pulled in. The one on the right looks more angular. I like the one on the

Edit...Here is a different ring that has a design in the metal area. It is somewhat similar to your ring in the shape...but that's
about it.

Here is another art deco that has some sort of fake baguettes in the metal might not be looking for this much


That's going to be a stunning statement piece!!!!!! :love: :love: :love:
I love it Jimmianne! I like the onyx, I think it helps to delineate your asscher, I'm thinking if it's all white metal it might all just meld together and the stone could get lost.

I think the baguettes are a cool idea - just wondering if you'll see them sticking out from the top view? But Tony could probably set them so they're flush so it's probably not an issue, just something I noticed.

I like the 2.5 shank!

Just throwing this out there - for the profile, the sides could be curved a little to soften the look - But if you like them going straight up that's cool too, gives it an industrial look. Here's a pic of my pear ring just to show what I mean.

Exciting project!

Pintobean - thank you! I hope it is!!

June, thank you for your thoughtful response & photo. I see what you mean. Custom is so complicated, so many details. I was thinking of the ring as "industrial" more than feminine - and more of a talisman than a blingy RHR. You can tell that I am unsure about my choices lol as I want to get it right. This is the second setting for this stone in about a year. The onyx looks so cool and I hope I won't grow to dislike it because it is black! I thought about using turquoise, but it might be too soft and not a good "accentuator" of the diamond. I guess if I go with the onyx, that will mean finding compatible bands down the road. :naughty:

ps. glad you like the 2.5mm too. My bench liked the 3mm but it looked overly sturdy to me. I'm sure IRL we would not notice the difference much, but for PSers Every Detail Counts!
Jimmianne, I totally get what you mean by the industrial look, I think it's cool and different so absolutely go for it!
here are the official CADs. We had talked about engraving, more step-downs, etc. but the onyx area is so tiny [2mm so the step would be 0.5mm] it might not have much visual impact. He is sending me a rendering of the onyx with a curved outer edge tomorrow...
and then I think we are done!

The melee under the ring will be invisible from the side. In the CAD the prongs stick out but IRL they won't. I don't know if I will do one big melee under each corner, a colored-stone or a 3-melee arrangement to mirror the top of the corners.

Oh wow Jimmianne I think it looks great!
I really like the black onyx! With my wardrobe, lots of gray and black, it would be very wearable.
Love this design - can't wait to see the completed ring!
Looks great. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished ring.