
BWW Weight Loss Thread: March

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Nov 13, 2007
So... since we only ususally take up about a page or page and a hlaf a week, I figure we can spread these out a little bit.

I just got back in town from going home to do the first dress fitting and engagement pictures!! Everything went great. They are taking an inch in on each side of the hips, 1/2 inch on each side of the waist, and a 1/2 inch from each side of the bust!! I should add that when the dress was purchased, the chest was all most to the point of tight and the hips were the only real place we had fitting issues. The dress looks amazing!! Now I just need to work on toning my arms, and everything will be perfect

I'll attach a picture below of me in the dress at the fitting. (We also decided on cathedral length veil.)

Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies!!

How was everyone else's weekend??

alterations1. 001.jpg
I just got in from swimming. I had planned on going yesterday but the big snow storm sort of prohibited that. So instead I sat in my PJs all day and worked from home. I only did about half a mile today. Maybe 5/8. I lost count somewhere in there. I went to the gym on Sunday and did 15 mins of cardio and lots of core work. I don''t think that I worked hard enough on the core stuff because I wasn''t sore at all yesterday. I really need to find a new workout for that part of my body.

Meresal- Your dress looks great! How did it fit you when you tried it on? I love the ribbon edged cathedral length veil with it as well. Matches the hemline of your gown perfectly.

I look forward to seeing your engagement pictures! The pics you posted of your and your FI in your engagement thread back in the summer were adorable. You two are a photogenic couple.
I love your dress, I dont think i have seen pics of it before, do you have a thread for it? if not, can you post more?

This weekend was good, i stayed home yesterday in the snow too. I am really good about working out and go to the gym at least 5 days per week.
My biggest struggle with the weight loss is that I am one of those people that eats in the middle of the night. I wake up and eat and it sucks!
I have been doing it for 15 yrs and its a horrible habit that i struggle each day to break,
does anyone else do this???
I want to join in, too! I am trying to lose about 15lbs before my wedding in August. I hired a PT at the gym and start with him tomorrow. I will be training with him once a week until the wedding and then an additional 2-3 times a week. I tried doing 30-day shred at home, but I always lose motivation. Meresal- your dress looks great!
Congrats meresal, that''s awesome!!

I need to come back to this, finally. My cold is pretty much over (2 weeks later
) but I''ve been a lump because of it. So my plan is to go back to 4 days a week of something. And my mom just did the 30DS for the first time this weekend, so I think I''m gonna try it on ondemand. Wish me luck, LOL!
Ok so I am joining in on this thread.. although I dont need to lose weight I need to tone up.. especially my arms.. But since my accident I have been going to physical therapy and didnt want to go back to the gym until I was feeling better... I think I am good enough to atleast start getting on the treadmill and getting my heart rate going... At physical therapy they have me doing some good exercises that are helping my back but my arms at the same time :-) Anyone have any good arm exercises that dont require me to do machines.. I am too scared to do machine because when I did before last year I felt like it moved my implants and I dont wanna mess those up.. LOL.. So I want something that will help tone but not be too much ya know??? Whats a good video that you have been using to help with stuff.. I dont like to work out my arms in front of others.. I feel self conscious :-0
I kind of went MIA for a little while there. Last week wasn''t so great - no 30 DS at all. Went out to lunch a little too much with coworkers, etc.

But then today I weighed myself on the Wii Fit and since January when I started I''ve lost 10 lbs! I still don''t feel like I notice a difference, but I guess that''s because I see myself every day. So that was motivation for me to bring a salad for lunch today and start up with some form of exercise again tonight.

6 days left until my dress fitting, which I''m super super nervous about!!

Meresal, you look great in your dress!
Date: 3/3/2009 3:57:53 PM
Author: blondebunny
Ok so I am joining in on this thread.. although I dont need to lose weight I need to tone up.. especially my arms.. But since my accident I have been going to physical therapy and didnt want to go back to the gym until I was feeling better... I think I am good enough to atleast start getting on the treadmill and getting my heart rate going... At physical therapy they have me doing some good exercises that are helping my back but my arms at the same time :-) Anyone have any good arm exercises that dont require me to do machines.. I am too scared to do machine because when I did before last year I felt like it moved my implants and I dont wanna mess those up.. LOL.. So I want something that will help tone but not be too much ya know??? Whats a good video that you have been using to help with stuff.. I dont like to work out my arms in front of others.. I feel self conscious :-0
Hey BB! Glad to see you here! Welcome.

I am happy to hear you are feeling better since your accident. I did some searching to find you some arm exercises that wouldn''t put any pressure on your chest. I tried to search for exercises that involve little handweights instead of a nautilus machine (those machines with the weights and guided motions) that you think might have moved your implants. Some also involve the cable machines that shouldn''t have any contact with your chest.

From Real Womens Fitness- Top 5 Arm Toning Exercises

YouTube Video for Arm Toning
Meresal: YOWZA! You look fab in the dress, darling! Hoorah on having inches taken IN!

Claritek: Have you tried alternating your workout days with different muscle groups? If you aren't feeling sore, it means your muscles aren't having as much of a workout. Try focusing on a certain muscle group, like abs on monday, shoulders tues etc.

Iloveprincesscuts: Have you tried water? Maybe keep a glass of water beside your bed and drink 2 glasses when you're up and feel hungry? I have a friend who has similar issues, and if she doesnt eat something right away it gives her heart burn and she can't sleep the rest of the night. She keeps a packet of crackers on her bedside and munches on 5-6 when she wakes up. Add to that some water, should fill you up. My BIL has cookies at midnight everyday, which I'd damn well love to do but stay the hell away!!!

Mjso: good job on the 10lbs! Do you feel your clothes are looser?

sunnyd: luckity luck luck!

Jerseygrl: Welcome! PT are an amazing way to get into a routine. I was with a PT for almost 3 months, going 1/week. It really gave me momentum, and helped me with a training schedule.

Blondebunny: Stick with free weights, they're more core anyways and you can work the muscle groups you want. BTW, implants as in boobs?! I really want some too

As for me, no weight loss since last wednesday yet. I didn't have the best eating week, Friday we went out with friends and I had a big steak with mashed p's and sat was our cake and food tasting, with each course paired with wine!! Terrible! BUT I have been working out everyday (except for saturday, busy all day with wedding stuff)! I didn't do 30DS because it's not enough for me, so I've been running 45min, then alternating with another 30min light cardio (on the bike) or 30min of core working mostly abs and shoulders.
Kama s - I do try water, diet soda, etc - anything to fill my belly and make me feel not hungry.
I will try having some crackers by the bed (or at least upstairs) ---- if I can just stay OUT OF THE KITCHEN that may help!
Date: 3/4/2009 12:49:17 AM
Author: kama_s

Claritek: Have you tried alternating your workout days with different muscle groups? If you aren''t feeling sore, it means your muscles aren''t having as much of a workout. Try focusing on a certain muscle group, like abs on monday, shoulders tues etc.
I generally do alternate muscle groups when I lift. I haven''t been lifting as much because of my swimming. Well, I''ve at least been avoiding doing any upper body work because I can already see my shoulders and arms getting more toned. I don''t want to be the Incredible Hulk Bride as a result of training 4 days a week in the pool

On my off pool days I have been doing legs and core work. I think that my core is pretty strong and I am just not pushing myself as much as I should. I think I am going to try doing some sit ups on an inclined bench with a medecine ball next time around. Last time I did those I was sore for days because of the added resistance.
Not doing so well this week
Saturday I ran another 2.2 and did 30DS but haven''t done anything since then. Came down with a cold/stomach virus that has been plaguing me since Sunday...ugh I feel so useless. And its gotta be that time of the month too so I''m beyond bloated - at least I''ll get it all over with at once!

meresal - the dress looks fab & can''t wait to see your engagement photos!!

Clairitek - I struggle with getting a good core workout too. My most favorite move is when you lie on the floor have someone stand over your head in a straddle, hold on to their ankles and you lift your legs up to their arms, they "throw" your legs to the ground (don''t let them touch the ground) and you lift them back up straight the whole time. It''s the best. They can also throw your legs side to side to work your obliques

JerseyGrl81 - how did it go with the PT?

mjso - Congrats on the 10lbs!

Thanks ladies. It felt really good to meet my first goal!!

Clairtek: Sorry this took me a while... I actually went back and added the original fit of the dress in the OP. When we bought it, the chest was actually very tight, and the hips was the only real place that we had extra fabric.

We had another softball game last night and won. Though I didn''t break a sweat again. It''s times like this, where I am actually outside playing and want to get more of a workout. C is taking me to dinner for my birthday after work, and then I get to spend the night watching him play softball with his buddies. If they win this game they will qualify for the playoffs; I could never ask him to skip it. Luckily, the girls and I use this time to "talk amongst ourselves" so we are having a small party in the clubhouse while they play. The guys already offered to buy the pitchers!!


Needless to say, tonight will not be a workout night for me. Ohh well, I should get to spoil myself at least one day a year


Date: 3/4/2009 10:03:36 AM
Author: meresal

Thanks ladies. It felt really good to meet my first goal!

Clairtek: Sorry this took me a while... I actually went back and added the original fit of the dress in the OP. When we bought it, the chest was actually very tight, and the hips was the only real place that we had extra fabric.

We had another softball game last night and won. Though I didn''t break a sweat again. It''s times like this, where I am actually outside playing and want to get more of a workout. C is taking me to dinner for my birthday after work, and then I get to spend the night watching him play softball with his buddies. If they win this game they will qualify for the playoffs; I could never ask him to skip it. Luckily, the girls and I use this time to ''talk amongst ourselves'' so we are having a small party in the clubhouse while they play. The guys already offered to buy the pitchers!!


Needless to say, tonight will not be a workout night for me. Ohh well, I should get to spoil myself at least one day a year


Is today your actual birthday? If so, we are so close in age! Are you turning 27? For some reason I think you are. My birthday is on Monday and I am going to celebrate by looking at triathlon bikes and perhaps having a drink with a friend afterward because FI will be out of town on business.

Now I see your edits to the post. Thats awesome! My gown should come in around June. I have no idea how stretched out the sample was but when I tried on the size I ordered in the salon the bust and rib cage are fit well but the hips were reallllly lose. I don''t want it skin tight, even though its a fit and flare gown because I''d hate to feel restricted when I sit.

Good luck to your FI today in his game! Enjoy the time with the girls in the clubhouse! I''m off to go swim my laps for today!
Dress looks really good Meresal!!!

Claritek: Thanks for posting the links of arm exercises! I need to do those.

I''ve been going to the gym for at least 30 minutes about 5 days a week. I''m working a lot these past few weeks and all I want to do is go home and take a nap. But I put on my workout clothes and head out the door before I even sit on the couch! I''m at my goal weight...just need to tone up my tummy and arms. Less than 5 months left!!!!!

Does anyone drink Slimfast stuff for b''fast or for a snack or anything? I think I might try those. I get hungry around 11 before lunch, but make myself wait. And I get REALLY hungry at night around 8pm or so bc I''m trying not to eat too much dinner. It seems like I want to snack so much, and I never really did before. I hate feeling hungry. Victoria Beckham and all the rest must be MISERABLE!
Date: 3/4/2009 12:52:45 PM
Author: Lanie

Does anyone drink Slimfast stuff for b''fast or for a snack or anything? I think I might try those. I get hungry around 11 before lunch, but make myself wait. And I get REALLY hungry at night around 8pm or so bc I''m trying not to eat too much dinner. It seems like I want to snack so much, and I never really did before. I hate feeling hungry. Victoria Beckham and all the rest must be MISERABLE!
I did drink it for a left me hungry after a couple of hours. So that''s no good.

Don''t forget that the best thing to do is eat several small meals a day. Like 6! Seriously. It keeps your metabolism up. So if you''re hungry, EAT!
Date: 3/4/2009 8:26:56 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/4/2009 12:52:45 PM
Author: Lanie

Does anyone drink Slimfast stuff for b''fast or for a snack or anything? I think I might try those. I get hungry around 11 before lunch, but make myself wait. And I get REALLY hungry at night around 8pm or so bc I''m trying not to eat too much dinner. It seems like I want to snack so much, and I never really did before. I hate feeling hungry. Victoria Beckham and all the rest must be MISERABLE!
I did drink it for a left me hungry after a couple of hours. So that''s no good.

Don''t forget that the best thing to do is eat several small meals a day. Like 6! Seriously. It keeps your metabolism up. So if you''re hungry, EAT!
OK, I feel better bc it''s supposed to curb your hunger for 4 hours??? Forget that. I like the several small meals a day. But i''m a teacher so it''s hard to fit that into my schedule during the day. When I''m off in the summer, i''ll probably do that religiously. They are expensive to boot.
Date: 3/4/2009 11:14:20 PM
Author: Lanie

Date: 3/4/2009 8:26:56 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 3/4/2009 12:52:45 PM
Author: Lanie

Does anyone drink Slimfast stuff for b''fast or for a snack or anything? I think I might try those. I get hungry around 11 before lunch, but make myself wait. And I get REALLY hungry at night around 8pm or so bc I''m trying not to eat too much dinner. It seems like I want to snack so much, and I never really did before. I hate feeling hungry. Victoria Beckham and all the rest must be MISERABLE!
I did drink it for a left me hungry after a couple of hours. So that''s no good.

Don''t forget that the best thing to do is eat several small meals a day. Like 6! Seriously. It keeps your metabolism up. So if you''re hungry, EAT!
OK, I feel better bc it''s supposed to curb your hunger for 4 hours??? Forget that. I like the several small meals a day. But i''m a teacher so it''s hard to fit that into my schedule during the day. When I''m off in the summer, i''ll probably do that religiously. They are expensive to boot.
Snacks? Like nuts or something with protein to keep you going. I''ve always heard that chewing fakes your body into thinking it''s full. Maybe if you chew the slimfast? Hahaha gross.
I found this free site,, & it''s super helpful. It has a fitness & nutirition tracker. You can plan meals on it & it will even giev you a weekly grocery list!
Meresal Your dress is stunning! How very exciting, you look gorgeous!!!! I think cathedral length will look incredible, so romantic! Hope e-pics were fun, will you get some teaser pics soon???

jerseygirl and blondebunny Welcome! Glad you are here!
Also, we need to hear about the PT experience, Jerseygirl! I am thinking about getting one as well in a couple of months.

clairitek and meresal I turn 27 in just a few weeks! We are all very close!

I got new hand weights last night for 30DS! Woohoo! I will do day 7 today, and am finally going to use 3 lb. weights (I know, so pathetic, I have been using extra large cans of beans until I had a chance to get out to the store - not much here in the inner city!) I bought 5''s, too, so will go to those when I feel good with the 3''s. I am totally starting to sense some results, even if it''s all in my head. I have lots of energy and feel great!
I''ve been MIA for a while....but I''ve still been working out!! I started working on my arms along with the 30 mins on the treadmill. My arms hurt today so that''s a good sign! I haven''t lost any weight MOH tried to be optimistic and said to me "maybe you''ll just lose inches and not lose any pounds" haha...well I''m not sure that makes sense to me? Has anyone heard this before? And to make it FI had a physical yesterday he weighs less than I do!
And he''s 9 inches taller than me....grrrr I just wanna yell at him! He eats whatever he wants and doesn''t exercise until the softball season which starts in May. I''m a little jealous!
Date: 3/6/2009 10:57:44 AM
Author: Missy0483
I''ve been MIA for a while....but I''ve still been working out!! I started working on my arms along with the 30 mins on the treadmill. My arms hurt today so that''s a good sign! I haven''t lost any weight MOH tried to be optimistic and said to me ''maybe you''ll just lose inches and not lose any pounds'' haha...well I''m not sure that makes sense to me? Has anyone heard this before? And to make it FI had a physical yesterday he weighs less than I do!
And he''s 9 inches taller than me....grrrr I just wanna yell at him! He eats whatever he wants and doesn''t exercise until the softball season which starts in May. I''m a little jealous!

Hey Missy0483! It''s totally possible to lose inches and not pounds. Especially when you are strength training, your body will burn fat and build muscle. A pound of muscle is more dense than a pound of fat, so it basically takes up less space. So, it''s possible that your body will change and you will look thinner, but the scale won''t move because you are made up of more muscle than you used to. Does that make sense?
leeNY- I'm really hoping to get some pics by next week. I talked with him on Tuesday and he said that they were into production already, so maybe a peek at one or two would be nice!!

I'm going to do my 30DS tonight when I get home from work, and then we are going to dinner and bowling with a group of friends to celebrate my passing 25th birthday!! Sorry girls, just a few years behind. Still a great month though!!

Clairitek: Triathalon bikes!! How exciting!! Are they lighter than normal bikes? Triathalons have always interested me.
Missy: I'm sure the weight will start to come off. Just keep it up!!

Mjso: Congrats on the 10lbs!! That's awesome!!
That makes sense! Hopefully that''s the case here! It''s hard for me to totally change my eating habits though. I used to eat out at lunch everyday, but now it''s maybe once a week. I try to make the day I eat out a Friday so it''s like a reward for being good all week haha. At least I don''t feel exhausted all day like I used to, so something is working
May I join you ladies?

I'm really athletic but have been a slacker for a while now. Basically since I graduated college (~2 years ago) - it's hard to motivate myself to go to the gym after a full day's work and drive home. Plus it's really crowded then. I've been working out off and on, but that does me no good, plus strings of colds all winter don't help either! And I've really noticed my body changes since Christmas (aka bad food fest!) - getting flabby!

Aaaaanyway, I finally kicked my own butt into gear this week. I started back with my food journal on Tuesday - I keep track of everything I eat - calories and PCF (protein, carbs, fat). Keeps me accountable (that's what this thread is for too, right?
) and making sure I eat a good spread of things. I tried it weeks ago online, but I find it easier for me to do on paper b/c I don't have to get on the computer every time. It's also where I'm starting my headache journal - doing some detective work and gonna try to nail down my headaches and migraines.

I had FI take my measurements last night, and I got on the scales this morning - got my starting weight and body fat. I'll go back in a month or so and compare.

I also got back in the gym yesterday. It was great - my mood was better, I sweated and got some gook out of me, and I just love working out anyway. I'm going back today when I get home. I'm serious this time.
I learned a long time ago that the equation is really simple - put out more than you take in. Just gotta stick to it now.

I've still got to figure out a good weekly goal for myself for number of days to work out, so I don't beat myself up for not going one day or something. And I need to figure out what core training I want to stick to. I've got the Windsor Pilates DVDs at home and have never been consistent with them. I may try to alternate days with the gym and Pilates at home. Then I'll have something to still do on days I don't feel like going full force at the gym. I'm also considering dropping the gym membership and just running outside and doing freeweights like I used to. We'll see. May use Clairitek's arm toning links too, especially if I quit the gym.

Meresal - I absolutely love your dress now that I get to see it on you! I'd only seen the person-less view of it before I think. Everything looks sooooo pretty!!

Clairitek - what are you swim training for? Or is it just a cooler way (that I wish I had!) to work out?

Lanie - I'd stay away from the Slimfast and liquid stuff. Sunnyd is right about the smaller meals more often. That's what I do. And it doesn't have to be expensive either. It's more like "grazing" - I eat a really good breakfast every morning, and I snack throughout the day. My lunch is pretty small, as is my supper. I usually eat one snack mid-morning, and 2 in the afternoon. I can give you more info on what I eat if you want - I stay very satisfied, and I only eat ~1500-1550 calories on a normal day (only more if I eat out or am not prepared). Nuts and protein are good for energy, and fiber is good to help you stay full longer. But with smaller meals and snacks, it's never going to last more than 2-3 hours max. I get hungry every 2 hours. You can chew gum if you like, but I don't because it's really bad for the jaw and makes mine really hurt.

Blackbetty - is really helpful. It's where I find some of my nutritional info. I registered at a while back, and it was really helpful too - easy to keep up with your stuff there if you have a computer handy often.

Missy - Have you looked at body fat scales? I totally second what leeNY said - don't even pay attention to the scales. I don't care what they say. I care what my body fat percentage is. If you look that up online a little bit, you'll find what your healthy range for body fat is, and that's a MUCH better goal to aspire to. That's showing when you're truly healthy, not just a certain weight. Then it will be obvious when you're losing fat and gaining muscle, because the fat percentage will go down. Also, I do what you do - I go grab subway on Fridays to give myself a little treat - I still get something relatively low fat, but it's a good reward after bringing my lunches all week.
Hey Girls. The PT was good. He really kept me in check- sometimes I only half did a rep and he called me out on it. I met with him on Wednesday and went back today on my own. I forgot how to do half the exercises though! Next week I will be sure to pay better attention and ask him to write down more information about each one.
Date: 3/6/2009 3:21:35 PM
Author: luvthemstrawberries

Clairitek - what are you swim training for? Or is it just a cooler way (that I wish I had!) to work out?
I am hoping to do some triathlons this summer and I knew the swimming would be the hardest because it is never an exercise that I have done regularly. That is, unless you could Girl Scout camp mandatory swimming. I am registered for one now so I have the financial committment hanging over my head. Now I need a proper bike so I can start that portion of my training!

Not sure if I posted earlier this week but I weighed myself again (on a newly calibrated scale, no less) and I have officially lost my first 5 lbs! I had the goal to lost it by the end of February so I am about a week behind schedule. I am definitely going to continue the swimming 4 days a week.

I swam Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday of this week. 1/2 mile on Tuesday, 1 mile on Wednesday (just kept swimming...), and a fast 1/2 mile today (in around 20 mins). I am planning on swimming tomorrow morning before I got check out another wedding venue and then hit up Philly to follow FI and his friends around while they take in Beer Week.
Date: 3/6/2009 11:23:25 AM
Author: meresal
Clairitek: Triathalon bikes!! How exciting!! Are they lighter than normal bikes? Triathalons have always interested me.
Well really I am going to get a road bike, which is the kind with the skinny tires meant only really for riding on asphalt and the like. Most leisure bikes have more chunky tires and generally require more energy to ride them. The road bike will sort of optimize my performance (I hope). The bike I currently own is a bit of a tank and a little small for me. I''ve had it since I was 12!
Strawberries- I just went back and read your initial post to the thread. Welcome! Sounds like you and I are in a similar boat, along with Meresal and some others.

I can totally relate to being in a better mood when I feel like I have gotten a good workout. If I go into the gym unhappy I NEVER leave unhappy. This is what I remind myself of when I am hesitant to deal with the gym.

Good for you on keeping track of your food and such. I find that when I try to do that one of two things happens. 1) I just get bored of it or 2) I get obsessive about my food in take and question every little thing I put in my mouth and guilt trip myself about higher fat stuff. Eating disorders run rampant in my father''s side of the family. My grandfather, uncle, and cousin all suffered from this sort of thing sometime in their life. I just don''t want to slip into that mentality.

I wish you the best of luck in figuring out the migraines and such. My mother has suffered from migraines for a long time. Not sure if you already know this but blue cheeses, red wine, and smoked salmon are all known migraine triggers and the definitely have that sort of effect on her.
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