
BWW Weight Loss Thread: 2/1-2/7

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Nov 13, 2007
Ok, I've never headed a thread before, so bear with me

I used to work out in college because I was in sports, and was in sports literally all my life. I'm about 5-8 and at the beginning of this week I was at 140. This is down from my heaviest of 145 when I wasn't eating very healthy a few months ago. I stopped eating fast food back in November. It doesn't sound like a lot, and actually the weight doesn't bother me, it's that I have absolutely no muscle tone anymore. I'ts like my skin just sits on me. I carry most weight in my stomach and my chest, and it shows in my arms when they aren't toned. I hate that my chest has gone up 2 bra sizes just from gaining 10 lbs!!

Anyway, I started doing 30-day Shred and it's been great. I get really good cardio, and I can already feel new muscle tone!! I did it Saturday, Sunday, and Monday... and took yesterday off. So I'll be on my 4th day tonight!! I weighed myself this morning and was at 136. I think that I have probably lost a good 2-3 lbs since starting.

I'm not trying to look rail thin, I have a athletic build. I just want to look like an athlete again.

Short term Goal: Be between 130-135 and have some ab and arm definition by 2/28, when I go for my first dress fitting.
Long term Goal: It's not really easy to explain, but I'd like to be a "healthy/athletic 127-130" for the wedding (7/25/09).

I was never a part of this thread, but I think it will be great for accountability, for me at least. If you want to join, I'd love to learn more about everyone!!
Thank you Meresal!

I'll play too.

I'm 30 and I've noticed that since I turned about 26, I have to work to keep my figure. I've always been kind of small, but it's been creeping up on me year after year. And I happen to love chocolate and anything sweet, so that's been a challenge. My fiance is trying to lose 40 pounds, and has lost 16 already! I'm happy just losing another 5. So I'm doing this mostly for him. We have been going to the gym about 5 times a week, and we each do 30 minutes of cardio. I lost weight super fast the week after I was on the treadmill so much, but I'm assuming that's a lot of water weight bc I haven't really lost much since then. I have been having a lot of fun making healthy recipes for us (using Cooking Light website mostly) and that has been a lifesaver. I plan on buying the 30 Day Shred because I get really bored on the treadmill. I put a lot of new songs on my Ipod which has been good, but I know I'll be bored in another couple of weeks.

Short term goal: I want to tone my arms and tummy and keep motivated to go to the gym with my future hubby!
Long term goal: My bridals are mid-May, alterations are beginning of April, so by then I want to be toned. Wedding is 7.25.09!
I am sort of like you Meresal where I am not overweight now but I just want to tone up. I used to be very athletic looking about 2 years ago but I''ve gained about 14 lbs since then and I certainly don''t feel as great.

I have similar weight goals to you Meresal! Even though my wedding is over a year away, I would love to rock a great summer body so I suppose that makes our timelines about the same as well. FI and I are taking a 2 week vacation in the Cook Islands for my cousin''s wedding and I know that I will be sitting in a bikini on the beach for the vast majority of it.

I suppose I would love to lose 5 lbs by end of February, another 5 by the end of March and the final 5 by the end of April. Then I will have about 2 months to finish toning up.

I have started going to the gym more regularly and I find that if I pick out some sort of "reward" for going regularly (5 times a week) and doing at the very least 30 mins of cardio and 100 reps of some sort of abs that I end up being more responsible about it. I think that my reward for going 5 times this week will be to see Bride Wars or some other girly movie next week when my FI is back on the road for business.

I can''t wait to get the 30 Day Shred DVD!

As additional motivation I have a friend who does sprint distance triathlons. I would LOVE to be able to compete with her because they look like such a fun time. This means I will be getting into the pool and swimming so I will finally have a variation in my cardio regimen (along with biking when it gets warmer out).
Great! Thanks Meresal...

Okay, firstly, although technically I am a BIW (A wedding that has no date yet and hasn't been planned for one bit), I'm not really in the 'getting ready' stage. I've never scoped the BWW Weight Loss thread so I'm not sure exactly what I need to do, but for accountability sake, sisterly support, and to chat it up with you all, I'll join.

Secondly, I am 168lbs as of this morning
. At 5'10, its not a big deal but IS more weight than I am used to having. My FI loves that it's gone straight to my a$$ so he's not complaining BUT, rather than lose too much weight (I'm good at about 145-155), I really want to get healthy and tone my body as much as I can. I just turned 27 so I'd like to be at my best for as long as I can, before it all goes down hill, quite literally (30 is creeping up!!!).

So my goals:

Short-Term: Excercise 5-6 times per week, whether it's running or a video (or a brisk walk). Work primarily on toning my legs, arms and abs (butt too!).
Long-term: Be rockin a bikini for my trip to the Caribbean in September. And of course, be healthy and radiant for the wedding-to-be.

I did a few sprint tri''s. They''re super fun you should definitely do one. It''s not that much training, don''t let the swim part scare you. It''s soooo short. I used to swim competitively, so I wish the swim portions were longer. My hardest part for them was the running because I HATE running. After this summer I have a tolerance of running. But it''s too cold outside to do any of it (unfortunately).

Since Dec I''ve been going to Bikram yoga at least 3 times a week. I haven''t done anythign on my "off" days, but I usually walk the dog which is about an hour of walking a day total. I''m still weighing in at around 140 lbs, but my pants are a bit looser and I"m using a smaller belt hole. I want to loose more weight, hopefully get down to 120''s. (I''m 5''3").

I''m like you Meresal, a LOT of my weight went into my chest. In high school (when I was most athletic) I was a B-cup, college: C-cup, currently: D-cup.
I want to join this thread too!

I''m 5''2" and today I weighed 121.2 lbs. I carry my weight everywhere I guess! I would like to lose 12 to 15 pounds before my engagement party/Europe trip at the end of May. It''s been hard...I go to a kickboxing class about 3 times a week (almost an hour of high impact cardio) and now I am adding in toning videos or yoga 2-3 times a week. I also walk a lot. My main area I need to work on is food--I have too many dinners/restaurant outings etc. each week--I did lower my drinking though and now I never have more than 3 drinks at once and I have been sticking to this for 5 weeks now...this way I am never hungover and don''t go for greasy foods that night or in the morning and am able to work out the next day.

It''s inspiring to hear all of your stories! We can do this!
Count me in! I was a dancer from the age of 5, and took it up through college when I was up to around 8 hours a week. I had to stop 2 years ago because I didn''t have time or money to continue. I went from a happy 125-130 toned 5''4" person to a 154 flabber in November.
It seems that when you keep the same eating habits and stop exercising your weight goes up. Who knew?
My parents were generous enough to sponsor a dance class for me this year and I''ve lost 7lbs since September. Woohoo! I also just started doing Turbo Jams, which is a really good and fast cardio burner, plus some general arm/chest/ab toning (I went up a band and a cup size, hoping to go back down!)

Short Term Goals: Kick up the workouts from 1x/week to 4x/week at least starting next week.
Long Term Goals: Lose another 10-15lbs and tone everything up so I can rock my dress in November!
Thanks for joining girls!!

This is going to be great for me!! It's exactly what I need and I hope y'all will continue to share. This is one of those things, where it's nice to know other people are having difficulty with the exact same things, and it really doesn't matter what your size is.

lliang- It is ridiculous actually. I went from athletic/muscular 127-130 to an unhealthy 143, and my chest size went from C to DD!! The larger my chest is the more you can see (I can feel) extra weight in my upper stomach, just below my bra line. I HATE it!
I wanna play too! I was a dancer all my life, and although I do teach it for a living, it''s just NOT the same workout as doing it yourself. Up until I quit competitive dancing myself, I had a perfectly toned body. I''m 5''9" and graduated high school around 130 lbs. Now ten years later, my weight hovers around 140, a few pounds more during and right after the holidays. It''s not that I need to be 130 again, but if I could just lose maybe 5-8 pounds and KEEP IT OFF I''d be so happy. I''m not unhealthy by any means, but I really miss my toned muscles. I also LIVE for food, I am constantly looking forward to my next meal, and I''ve always been that way. I LOVE healthy foods, but of course I also love carbs and sweets and salty snacks too. Every week Mon-Thurs I eat around 2000 calories a day and TRY to get to the gym a few times for cardio. On Fridays I try not to go over 2000 by too much but I''m usually not as strict with myself. Even so, each week by Friday night I feel pretty good with myself, then EVERY SINGLE WEEKEND, I COMPLETELY BLOW IT!!! I have a wedding in a year that of course I''d like to look and feel great for, but I have my ten year high school reunion this summer too! My fiance and I LOVE to go out to eat together on the weekends, so it''s so hard to stay motivated. Especially since he''s a little bit pudgy himself but doesn''t seem to mind, so he''s always eating the REALLY good stuff!

My short-term goal: Stop blowing the "healthy eating plan" every weekend!!!

Long term: Stop blowing the "healthy eating plan" every weekend!!!
Date: 2/4/2009 2:52:57 PM
Author: meresal

lliang- It is ridiculous actually. I went from athletic/muscular 127-130 to an unhealthy 143, and my chest size went from C to DD!! The larger my chest is the more you can see (I can feel) extra weight in my upper stomach, just below my bra line. I HATE it!
This is how I feel! Mine went from a 34B to a 36C and it makes me feel just huge all over!!! Definitely wanna change that. Sorry FI. Hahaha.
Date: 2/4/2009 3:17:16 PM
Author: sunnyd

Date: 2/4/2009 2:52:57 PM
Author: meresal

lliang- It is ridiculous actually. I went from athletic/muscular 127-130 to an unhealthy 143, and my chest size went from C to DD!! The larger my chest is the more you can see (I can feel) extra weight in my upper stomach, just below my bra line. I HATE it!
This is how I feel! Mine went from a 34B to a 36C and it makes me feel just huge all over!!! Definitely wanna change that. Sorry FI. Hahaha.
I''ve never had much of an a$$, but since I put on about 8 lbs from last summer, all of a sudden I have one (well somewhat). I want to loose weight, but FI doesn''t want the new "asset" to go away... we agreed on a few pounds of loss, and lots of lunges and toning
Ok count me in!!

I was a dancer pretty much from the time I could walk up until my first year of college when I hurt my knee for the last time and had to give it least at the level I was at. Now....I can't seem to find any motivation to go to the gym. It's so boring to me to sit there and just lift weights or run on a treadmill.

I started a Zumba class a few weeks ago and I love it! The problem is that it's only twice a week so I'm not seeing the results that I want. I feel better and I have more energy but I don't look any different

I'm going to start P90X with FI soon...hopefully that will help. I don't really have weight that I need to loose....It's more that I have muscle that I need to build.

Short Term Goals: Get to the gym atleast once a week
Long Term Goals: Have some killer ab, arm, and leg muscles by the wedding 12/5/09.

I hope that I can find some motivation here
Date: 2/4/2009 3:21:03 PM
Author: meresal
Date: 2/4/2009 3:17:16 PM

Author: sunnyd

Date: 2/4/2009 2:52:57 PM

Author: meresal

lliang- It is ridiculous actually. I went from athletic/muscular 127-130 to an unhealthy 143, and my chest size went from C to DD!! The larger my chest is the more you can see (I can feel) extra weight in my upper stomach, just below my bra line. I HATE it!

This is how I feel! Mine went from a 34B to a 36C and it makes me feel just huge all over!!! Definitely wanna change that. Sorry FI. Hahaha.

I''ve never had much of an a$$, but since I put on about 8 lbs from last summer, all of a sudden I have one (well somewhat). I want to loose weight, but FI doesn''t want the new ''asset'' to go away... we agreed on a few pounds of loss, and lots of lunges and toning

My FI feels the same way about my behind. He had never dated anyone with a chest before me (I''m a 36D right now but when I lose some weight I''ll be a 34/36C I bet) so he''s never really been into big boobs but he does love a nice behind.

I agree with you two on the upper stomach fat. Drives me bonkers!! I have it even when I''m skinnier. I also realized that part of the bulge up there is over-devveloped upper abdominal muscles. If you don''t vary the kind of ab workouts you do they get quite big! So now I focus on the lower abs by doing lots of leg lifts.
Hmmmm....what do you do for cellulite?

Not that I have any
...okay I think I do. Nothing major...just a dimple or two right at the top of my back thighs. Does it go away?!
Date: 2/4/2009 4:40:49 PM
Author: Bia
Hmmmm....what do you do for cellulite?

Not that I have any
...okay I think I do. Nothing major...just a dimple or two right at the top of my back thighs. Does it go away?!

When I lost 15 lbs a few years ago I did notice a decrease in the appearance of the cellulite I have but I don''t know if it ever really went away. I definitely have a lot for my weight which annoys the crap outta me but I figure there''s not much I can do about it!

I''d be curious to know if anyone has tried those creams or other cellulite treatments and what their results were.
I''ll play.

I''m angie, and i''m about 5''10''. I never went to the gym until well after highschool.

My weight has fluxuated in the past few years. My lowest was about 135, when I was living on tofu buffalo wings, diet pepsi and crackers. not the most healthy!

My highest weight was a few months ago, 168.5. I blame this one on being happily engaged. :)

Right now, I''m about 155, but hope to be 145 by the wedding day (may 9, 2009)
Date: 2/4/2009 4:22:39 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 2/4/2009 3:21:03 PM
Author: meresal

Date: 2/4/2009 3:17:16 PM

Author: sunnyd

Date: 2/4/2009 2:52:57 PM

Author: meresal

lliang- It is ridiculous actually. I went from athletic/muscular 127-130 to an unhealthy 143, and my chest size went from C to DD!! The larger my chest is the more you can see (I can feel) extra weight in my upper stomach, just below my bra line. I HATE it!

This is how I feel! Mine went from a 34B to a 36C and it makes me feel just huge all over!!! Definitely wanna change that. Sorry FI. Hahaha.

I''ve never had much of an a$$, but since I put on about 8 lbs from last summer, all of a sudden I have one (well somewhat). I want to loose weight, but FI doesn''t want the new ''asset'' to go away... we agreed on a few pounds of loss, and lots of lunges and toning

My FI feels the same way about my behind. He had never dated anyone with a chest before me (I''m a 36D right now but when I lose some weight I''ll be a 34/36C I bet) so he''s never really been into big boobs but he does love a nice behind.

I agree with you two on the upper stomach fat. Drives me bonkers!! I have it even when I''m skinnier. I also realized that part of the bulge up there is over-devveloped upper abdominal muscles. If you don''t vary the kind of ab workouts you do they get quite big! So now I focus on the lower abs by doing lots of leg lifts.
Breathe out as much as you can when you do the crunch part (head and chest up) it should build your abs in instead of out.

Wow, lots of former dancers here. Woo!
Date: 2/4/2009 4:50:12 PM
Author: Clairitek

Date: 2/4/2009 4:40:49 PM
Author: Bia
Hmmmm....what do you do for cellulite?

Not that I have any
...okay I think I do. Nothing major...just a dimple or two right at the top of my back thighs. Does it go away?!

When I lost 15 lbs a few years ago I did notice a decrease in the appearance of the cellulite I have but I don''t know if it ever really went away. I definitely have a lot for my weight which annoys the crap outta me but I figure there''s not much I can do about it!

I''d be curious to know if anyone has tried those creams or other cellulite treatments and what their results were.
Damn genetics.
Alright, girls, I'm in!

Like meresal, I was in sports most of my young life, but unlike her after the first couple of years of undergrad I was out of team sports.

I gained a bunch of weight freshman year of college (like 45 pounds!), then lost it all the following summer while on Weight Watchers.

This is where I am a little strange: I don't weigh myself. Like, ever. It makes me become obsessed with the number, so I just don't weigh myself. I have worn the same clothing size (12/14) for the last five years or so since I stopped weighing myself. I am five foot six. I don't think I fluctuate too much, but then again I've never really tried to actually lose weight since the weight watchers thing (most of which I gained back).

I ran a marathon exactly two years ago, and even with that training I didn't probably lose more than a clothing size or so. That said, I am technically "overweight" according to BMI standards, I'm sure.

So, my goals don't include weight loss. But I would love to really work on toning up and being healthy, glowing and feeling full of energy! School and work have consumed my life, and I need to fit in some exercise time. Weight loss is probably inevitable, but won't be my focus.

I hope this thread will hold me accountable! Thanks, ladies!
I wanna play 2! I am extremely embarrassed how my weight has gotten out of control since I went to college. I want to lose 30 pounds!! By May 2010. I found a web site that shows me now and what I would look like to inspire me.

I need some inspiration and I''m gonna play along also!! I''m 5''2....around 145 pounds with a 38D
I used to be 115 pounds with a 34B when I graduated high school 7 years ago! I just joined the Y last Monday with my MOH and we''ve been going 4 times a week doing 30 mins of fast walking on the treadmill. I can''t run heartrate goes up so high and it freaks me out! Eating better is the hard part! I''ve gained all my weight in my chest, belly, and thighs. The hardest parts to fix of course! My wedding is in October so I''d like to be around 120 - 130 pounds.
I''ll play too... I''m 5''9, and I have a large build. I''m big boned so to speak. Lol that sounds like such a cop out when I say it but I really am. I''m overweight as well, but even if I weighed 140 i''m still a size 12 or 14. Sigh. Anywho, I prefer to stay at around the 160-180 range. Sounds like a lot but it doesn''t make a huge difference as to how I look or fit into clothes.

Since my father died about a year and a half ago I''ve really gained a lot of weight due to grief and a lot of stress with school etc. and I''m currently about 222.
I''ve recently started carrying a book around with me that tells me the calories that are in my food and have just stopped eating stupidly. Which sounds like a no brainer but there were things that I thought were good for me that were just NOT.

So far i''ve lost about 20 pounds and I''ve hit the first wall of laziness. Bad Megan. Lol

So here I am. YAY
I''ll join.

Perhaps this is what I need to stay motivated. Since my fiance and I have been together I have gain over 25 pounds. While I am still small in size, I am only 5''1. It is still a lot of weight to put on my frame and not notice. I have been able to lose almost 13 pounds of it. And while I don''t want to lose it all, I need to start toning. And maintaining the weight so that my cloths fit on a day to day basis. Luckily my wedding is just over two years away so I have plenty of time, but I am in two weddings as a bridesmaid this year one 4 months away and the other is 7. And I want to be just as fit for those.

Short Term Goal: increase exercise to 3x a week (Grad school and work consumes my life so this has always been a struggle)
Long Term Goal: Tone up for the upcoming weddings I am in and maintain it until my own.
Ok... I want to play too!

I have struggled with up down cycles in my weight for all my life. I am barely 5''2" and every pound I gain seems to show. In college at one point I was up to 135 and while in medical school I adopted some healthier choices and I have been around 118.

For the last 1 month I have been doing lots of lifiting 2 days a week, 1 kickboxing class, 1 toning class, and just last week I hired a trainor. I just want to get some muscle tone as previously I have just been a cardio junkie and not done a whole lot for my muscles. So far I have lost 3 lbs. and I am already seeing the tone in my arms and abs. Honestly, lifting and doing full body excercises- lunges with bicep curls, squats against a ball on the wall with chest presses, etc. has been huge in my opinion and I am now really loving it and I look forward to goin to the gym.

My short term goals are to lose 2 more lbs. by the end of the month and not eat fried food while at work!
My pseudo long term goal is to lose a total of 5 lbs in the next 7 weeks for my 1st fitting (they are spread out b/c my dress is in Seattle where the wedding is and I have 7 weeks betweeen my fittings) and after that just maintain my wt. and continue to tone up before the big day 5/30/09. I know you cannot spot reduce but I would love to have flat abs and very toned arms for my mermaid dress!
Ohh, this is so exciting!! (Yes, I''m a dork, and forewarning, annoyingly positive
) I''m so glad so many have joined. I''ve decided to keep a journal with everyone''s goals and progress, so that I don''t have to thread hunt down the line!! (Yup, I''m holding you too it

Well, my morning started at 5 am when I got out of bed to workout this morning. I always knew that I preferred to work out in the mornings, but I really forgot how much I LOVE working out in the mornings.
It''s a great start to a day and really gets your mind and body going.

So this morning I did my "Day 4" of 30-day shred, and I''m going to catch up on my "Day 5" today.

I have to go buy a set of 3lb weights today after work. This body weight stuff just isn''t working anymore for my arms. I''m just scared to work them too hard, and not be able to keep up the daily workouts. Any advice? I was really happy after the workout this morning, because every time she said "keep your abs tight" I realized mine already were!!

The only time I continually notice a hard spot, is on the second set of jumping jacks/jump ropes, right at the beginning of the workout. It''s something about my calves, but maybe it''s just because it''s the beginning of the workout.

How did everyone else''s afternoon go?
I was bad and skipped yesterday''s work out but I had been the previous 3 days AND I''ve been fighting a cold so I don''t feel bad. I will still hit my goal of 5 workouts this week if I go tonight and tomorrow. I do notice that I eat a lot less when FI isn''t around so maybe this whole extended business trip thing will work in my favor.

I plan on going tonight and doing my cardio and some back exercises along with my abs. Perhaps I will do a class instead if I can''t find some decent reading material to pass the time on the cardio machines.

I suppose I should state my starting point for accountability... right now I weight 142 lbs. My waist is creeping up around 28.5-29 inches and I would LOVE it to be 27 or slightly under as I feel I have put on most of my recent weight gain there. I know once I get to that point I can comfortably move back into my smaller jeans without feeling like an overstuffed sausage. So there you go Mer... something for your journal.

ITA about working out in the morning. Not only does it wake you up but I love knowing that its out of the way for the rest of the day and then I can use my free time in the evening for something more entertaining.
My goal for this afternoon is to do a Core Fusion workout DVD, they recently came out and I heard great reviews about them. It is kind of a mix between pilates and yoga. Lots of stretching/abs. Works the core all over. The great thing about them is that they are only 10 mins long and each section is dedicated to a body part, so 10 min abs, 10 min arms, etc. But even though you don''t always feel like you are doing much you are sore the next day (a good sore though).

Followed by Cardio Max by the Biggest Loser (So I feel ya Meresal about the jump rope to jumping jacks). I don''t have time to get to the gym much so I have to depend on DVDs.

I may even run to Target/Walmart today to check out the 30-day Shred.

Not sure if anyone has heard about

but for anyone counting calories it is free to join and free to look up items easily to find out how many calories there is in what you are eating. Unlike many calorie/weightloss sites out there.
So...I did one of those calculator things that supposed to tell you how many calories to eat in a day from and it says I should be at 1,100 calories per day to MAINTAIN my weight but less in order to lose.
Whoa...that sounds way low. Then on the next page it says "Never cut back to fewer than 1,200 daily calories without medical supervision" that just sounds like trouble to me! Anyone go by these calculators?
I have never done the programs that come with them, but I do check for calorie reference.

you would not believe how many calories things are until you look them up. sometimes even what you think is good for you.
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