
Brian Gavin Blue in Sara


Jul 30, 2010
Thank you Pricescope for all the wonderful resources and knowledgeable contributors. I have learned a lot over the past year reading thru old and new threads alike.

I first contacted BGD in early January after seeing all the positive feedback on the new Blues. I emailed Jamie with what I was looking for, and Brian was able to find a few stones that fit my requirements during one of his factory visits. I made my purchase in early February and here are the results. The entire process was smooth and prompt.

The setting is size 6 in platinum.



It's beautiful! One day I'd love a "BGD Blue" too. The fluorescence "thing" really interests me :)
Beautiful! :love: I honestly believe that one day the tide will turn and these stones will be MORE valuable because of the fluorescence!!! Smart buyers now get the better prices!
Ooh, lovely! ::)
Beautiful! Was going to ask for some shots of this ring in real life. Enjoy!
My diamond has a med blue fluoro, and I love it!

You should post some "blue" shots too!
Beautiful ring! :love:
Beautiful!!!! :love:

I've been looking at those BG "Blue" stones. So pretty!!!

Cachette :))
Gorgeous! :love:
OK, a hint of blue under fluorescent lamps.

Probably my favorite shot so far.

LOVE it! My center stone has a strong blue fluorescence, was chosen by my husband specifically for that and looks awesome in bright sunlight. Very clear and blue. Can't wait to see yours in sunlight as well!
Your new blue is beautiful. I love your setting too. Mine has med blue fl. and I love it.
Thanks for the comments. I'll post more when I can get better shots in sunlight. Lucky to have bought before some of the recent price hikes.
Its beautiful! I have a small BGD with stone blue flour and love it!
Looks great. I would love to have a blue as well.
Very pretty and how fun it's a blue.
your ring is beautiful! it does look very white and sparkly! The 'blue' idea is fascinating. May i ask how the stone looks in terms of color without the direct light? Does the fluor affect the fire and brilliance at all?
Elam said:
your ring is beautiful! it does look very white and sparkly! The 'blue' idea is fascinating. May i ask how the stone looks in terms of color without the direct light? Does the fluor affect the fire and brilliance at all?

Thanks. I think the stone looks great in all lights. The tint of the I color is most noticeable in diffused light with the stone at an angle. As far as I can tell the blue fluorescence does not affect the fire and brilliance at all in everyday lighting (fluorescent/incandescent/sunlight).

In CA, the stone had a bluish hue in sunlight in the summer. It did not have it in the spring and does not have it now.

The stone had a stronger bluish hue in sunlight in FL in the spring than it did in CA in the summer.

Attached is a picture taken outdoors in CA in June. It's a little dirty in the picture, but it's the best shot I have of the stone showing a slightly bluish hue in sunlight.


I love it, a real beauty!!! I love how the whole set looks together!
I was just about to type that same sentence - "ditto." :appl:
Your superb long finger deserve many stacks with your wonderful ring! :-)
It is very nice! Congrats..
I love the straight-on view with the diamonds getting smaller and smaller. Very pretty.
Wow! Very beautiful! :appl:
I love this ring and thank you for posting the pictures. I am close to pulling the trigger on this same setting and your pictures have helped to confirm that decision. I am looking at a 1.25 BG Signature HVS1. Yours looks fantastic with the 1.7ct; I hope the 1.25 looks as good. Any advice? Thanks
Congrats, it looks wonderful on you!!!