
Breast cancer fears...maybe TMI

Callie - glad you got your results and it was nothing...whew...good for another year! You said something that made me curious about all
the breast/uterine/ovary cancer that runs in your family. Do you know if anyone has been tested for that gene? I think its called BRCA.
(you dont need to respond if its too personal...I understand, but it may be worth looking into ???)

Ihy - I didnt get my results either. The doc didnt call and my son had his wisdom teeth removed yesterday so I was busy with him. My doc has
a portal I can log into and see results but it just said "pending" so they either didnt have them or they werent entered. Hopefully I'll hear by
Monday or I will call. Try to enjoy your weekend. I'm not worrying. If there is something there we just take the next step (biopsy I think).

You guys have a great weekend (or at least try Ihy).
TyTy. I'm sorry you are still waiting for test results. It's no fun spending a weekend worrying. I'm sorry you are still waiting. Sending lots of dust for great news on Monday TyTy. My doctor was adamant that I have the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 test about 5 years ago and I tested negative. Insurance paid for the test due to the number of family members having breast, ovary and uterine cancer. I would have paid for it had it not been covered. Being negative still doesn't ease my fears when my yearly tests are due.

I hope you are having a great weekend Ihy.
Hi all, thanks so much for your thoughts and kind words! The wedding is actually next Saturday after the biopsy. I've decided to enjoy this weekend regardless and I'm spending time with my friends and family!

ihy, it has been my experience that if the radiologist sees something on my ultrasound he/she will come talk to me. On ultrasound they can see if you have fluid filled cysts (benign) or a solid lesion for example. Anything solid is followed up with a biopsy. That the radiologist did not come in and talk to you would indicate most likely there was no finding. However, it would have been nice had he come in to talk to you regardless. Please enjoy your friends wedding! Catch the bouquet perhaps?!:P
That's been my experience as well. Thank you for your reassurance! I know the only way to rule out Pagets is with a biopsy but I would be comforted by clear mammogram just the same. Thanks again! I don't think any bouquets are in my future :lol:
Crossing my fingers for you tyty! One step at a time is right. I hope we both get good news on Monday.
TyTy. I'm sorry you are still waiting for test results. It's no fun spending a weekend worrying. I'm sorry you are still waiting. Sending lots of dust for great news on Monday TyTy. My doctor was adamant that I have the BRCA 1 and BRCA 2 test about 5 years ago and I tested negative. Insurance paid for the test due to the number of family members having breast, ovary and uterine cancer. I would have paid for it had it not been covered. Being negative still doesn't ease my fears when my yearly tests are due.

I hope you are having a great weekend Ihy.

Well, that is Super good news Callie! Knowing that you tested negative should take some of the pressure off but the fact that a lot of people in your
family have had something still would make me* a little nervous. Although I think I did read somewhere that the majority of people that get breast cancer
are the first in their family or something odd like that. Dont quote me on anything cause I cant remember the details.

Thank you Ihy...I'm seriously not worrying about it...If its about me or another adult I tend to not worry. If its about one of my kids though its a whole
different story. I would just like to have an answer so I can either move on to the next thing I need to handle (eye exam/contacts/glasses) or take
the next step in the process of figuring out whats in there.
Tyty I was reading that around 70 percent have no fAmily history so you're right about that. Glad you're not worrying. I'd like to take a page out of your book! I have no little people to worry about. :lol:. Maybe ill start a project or something tomorrow to get me through the week.
A project would be an excellent idea...I need to clean out my closet but that isnt a fun project and I'm just not in the mood! I want something fun to do!!!
Gee, we should all have gotten together and gone in for a group mammogram party! :dance:
I've heard of Botox parties, so why not?

The rest of you lovely PS gals, get in on the act!
All the 'cool girls' are doing it.

Mine is booked for Tuesday. Just the routine 'woo hoo, let's get a mammogram!'.
By the way, what sadist came up with that contraption? :eek:

I'm not concerned about the mammogram.
If they notice something, we'll deal with it.

We can be anxious about 'what if's' that never, or very rarely, happen.
Ironically, the anxiety is what we should be concerned about; its real, in the present, and has a negative impact on our well-being.

Anxiety can tell you there might be a monster under the bed.
Take a look. I doubt you'll find a monster there.
However, if you do, drag it out into the light and kick the %$!& out of it.
So true december-fire...anxiety can be crippling. I've dealt with issues in the past so I've gotten better/good at not letting things affect me until
I know there is a good reason to be concerned. My best strategies are to know the process...what comes next and just deal with one step at
a time. Like you said, it can be a lot of "what if's" that never happen so I just dont let my mind go to the "what if's". I know that can be easier
said than done for some folks.

Arent mamos fun??? To be honest, I dont really mind them...its the gyno check that I cant stand! Me when the nurse tells me its time for a pap :hand::snooty::doh:
That was my first mammogram and I have to say it was definitely not fun! Not horrible, but uncomfortable for sure. Discomfort is a part of being a woman I suppose! I will say that my new gyno is a damn wizard with a speculum and the pap was easy breezy. :lol:

You are right about anxiety being crippling and the bigger issue here. Whether I have something serious or I don't, I know the worst part of this has been dealing with my emotions in the meantime. I just took some time to list all the what ifs I've wondered about that never happened to me. Very eye opening to think about that wasted energy. I hope with time I can have the wisdom you gals seem to have about how to manage this better. Thanks ladies for your support!
That was my first mammogram and I have to say it was definitely not fun! Not horrible, but uncomfortable for sure. Discomfort is a part of being a woman I suppose! I will say that my new gyno is a damn wizard with a speculum and the pap was easy breezy. :lol:

You are right about anxiety being crippling and the bigger issue here. Whether I have something serious or I don't, I know the worst part of this has been dealing with my emotions in the meantime. I just took some time to list all the what ifs I've wondered about that never happened to me. Very eye opening to think about that wasted energy. I hope with time I can have the wisdom you gals seem to have about how to manage this better. Thanks ladies for your support!

Ugh! My doc cranks it open like she's gonna drive a mac truck through! Dang women, you got to know it hurts!:eek: The mamo...after breast feeding 3 kids
they're already pretty deflated so you can mush um pretty flat with no problem (sad, but true):(.

I think it does take time and experience Ihy. Like dec-fire says when you've worried so much about things and that never happen it just a big waste of energy!
Hope you're doing ok and keeping yourself busy...
Doing okay! Trying to do some projects but getting distracted. I think I'll go for a walk. Hope you're doing well, too!
Thinking of you ihy138 and sending good thoughts your way.
So true december-fire...anxiety can be crippling. I've dealt with issues in the past so I've gotten better/good at not letting things affect me until
I know there is a good reason to be concerned. My best strategies are to know the process...what comes next and just deal with one step at
a time. Like you said, it can be a lot of "what if's" that never happen so I just dont let my mind go to the "what if's". I know that can be easier
said than done for some folks.

Arent mamos fun??? To be honest, I dont really mind them...its the gyno check that I cant stand! Me when the nurse tells me its time for a pap :hand::snooty::doh:

Ha! I agree! I'd pick the mammogram over the pap test.
Not a physical discomfort issue but :oops:. Time to get over that.
My annual checkup is Thursday, so we'll see if I've let that silliness go. Darn emotions.

ihy138, dealing with anxiety and stress can be very difficult. It can suck the joy out of life in so many instances. Its a great emotion for getting your adrenaline going if, for example, you're being chased by a crazed chihuahua (no lions around here, besides trying to outrun a lion is a waste of energy). Burning up the nervous energy through a walk, exercise or chasing cute men at the mall are all good ideas. Life experiences can help by giving you the ability to look back and say 'I got through that, I'll get through this'. One of the many benefits of getting older. Odds are that your results, which I hope you get soon, will show no issues. If the anxiety is relentless, it can help to realize that there are plans of attack for most scenarios that we label 'worse case'.

Wishing you a great day! It would be sad to let an imaginary issue ruin a day that could bring you joy and present you with opportunities to make others smile and laugh.

Sending comforting thoughts and hugs.
tyty and ihy, I hope you both get good news this week, and sooner rather than later. Sending PS dust your way.
Thinking of you Ihy and TyTy and waiting to hear your good news.
Thank you all for your kindness! I just called the office to check and the results are back. They said "benign findings" on the mammogram and ultrasound - not sure what that means but I trust that means all was good. I'm going to get a copy of the report and bring it to my dermatologist. I'm sure the radiologists have seen cancer a million times and would be able to identify something concerning.
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Yay! So happy for you! I am always a wreck waiting for tests results to come in. Seriously, sometimes I have to put my head between my knees and take deep breaths.
Yay!!!! Benign findings means you are fine!!! There is NOTHING suspicious. This is the news you were hoping for, trust me. Don't start reading into the terminology used. This is wonderful news! :appl::wavey:
Yay for good news, ihy! :dance:
Yay! So happy for you! I am always a wreck waiting for tests results to come in. Seriously, sometimes I have to put my head between my knees and take deep breaths.
Ugh, I hear you!! I was a wreck as well. Thank you for sharing my grief! :lol:

Yay!!!! Benign findings means you are fine!!! There is NOTHING suspicious. This is the news you were hoping for, trust me. Don't start reading into the terminology used. This is wonderful news! :appl::wavey:
Okay, phew! I want a copy of the report just because, but that's great to know. I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but I'm more confident than I was before. Apparently Paget's can only be diagnosed via biopsy, so I'm not even sure why they did a mammogram but I'm glad to have a baseline.

Thank you mary poppins! :)
Also, I wanted to add a funny story. A couple of months ago, I asked my mom what cancers we had run in our family just because I want to be aware of my vulnerabilities and I know doctors ask that sort of thing. She said none, that everyone has died of stroke, heart attack, that sort of thing. This past weekend, I asked her what my paternal grandmother died of (I never met her). She said, "Oh, she had breast cancer. She didn't die from it, though." Gee, that would have been great to know about! :lol: My dad died when I was young and I think she forgets that I have this whole other half of my genome to account for.

I made it a goal for this year to learn a lot more about that side of the family, for health and just general curiosity reasons. I like being in touch with my roots. Thanks again all for your support.
You are right about the biopsy. Keep in mind that Padget's disease of the breast is quite rare and the vast majority of the time Padget's is discovered in patients that already have invasive breast cancer. That is why you had a mammogram and ultra sound. Getting the all clear there is excellent news. Hang in there, next week at this time you can breath a big sigh of relief.
You are right about the biopsy. Keep in mind that Padget's disease of the breast is quite rare and the vast majority of the time Padget's is discovered in patients that already have invasive breast cancer. That is why you had a mammogram and ultra sound. Getting the all clear there is excellent news. Hang in there, next week at this time you can breath a big sigh of relief.

Ah, okay! Thank you for clarifying that. I'm even more relieved to hear of the "all clear." I was reading that Paget's sometimes comes with difficult to detect cancers (DCIS and the like) that are often missed with mammogram and ultrasound. I'm trying to not go down that rabbit hole, however, and keep in mind that a biopsy will show all. I can't wait until I can breathe that sigh!
That's wonderful Ihy! You an relax! Rarely are these things anything to worry about! I'm still waiting for results...mine still says "Pending" when I
log into my Docs portal. I've got other things keeping me busy so still not worrying :).
Tyty, Please call your doctor. That is what the nurse told me on Friday afternoon, that nesults were still pending. My doctor told me the results had come in on Thursday and I didn't find out until Monday.

GREAT NEWS IHY!!!! I'm so HAPPY for you!
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Tyty that's so frustrating! I agree you should call. Who knows how long it would have taken to get the results if I didn't call today. :nono:
Thank you all for your kindness! I just called the office to check and the results are back. They said "benign findings" on the mammogram and ultrasound - not sure what that means but I trust that means all was good. I'm going to get a copy of the report and bring it to my dermatologist. I'm sure the radiologists have seen cancer a million times and would be able to identify something concerning.

I met with a surgeon that specializes in breast cancer as part of the familial cancer group. I have a small cyst and a bundle of glandular tissue that shows up on testing. I was freaked right out, but he explained that most younger women have something going on because the tissue is denser and hormones (and probably more intelligent reasons, I just don't remember). Not cancer, but like things that show up when they're testing and it's totally normal.
So glad all is well!
I met with a surgeon that specializes in breast cancer as part of the familial cancer group. I have a small cyst and a bundle of glandular tissue that shows up on testing. I was freaked right out, but he explained that most younger women have something going on because the tissue is denser and hormones (and probably more intelligent reasons, I just don't remember). Not cancer, but like things that show up when they're testing and it's totally normal.
Thank you so much for sharing this!! I've never had a mammo so I was thinking that I should have a completely negative result to be okay but I guess our bodies are not perfect and there are absolutely normal things that can show up on tests. My paranoid brain is thinking whatever they found is actually cancer and the biopsy is going to be positive. I'm trying not to go there!! Working hard to stay positive about being negative.

Thank you westjenn!