
BORED. Please recommend books...


Jun 4, 2011
I don't know if this one would interest you or not, Gypsy, but someone on another forum recommended In The Blood by Steve Robinson. It is billed as a "genealogical crime mystery." I've downloaded it, but haven't read it yet, so I really can't say much about it. It's on sale on amazon for .99, though, so might be worth a try?


Feb 9, 2009
Hi Gypsy--I skimmed through a lot of the suggestions, so I apologize in advance if mine are repetitive:

1. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor (Fantasy/Urban Fantasy). It's a YA novel but very well written with a grown up vocabulary. It's set in Prague and another dimension of "angels" and "demons." A fast read and nothing too complicated. The 2nd book just got released a couple of months ago and I'm waiting for Amazon to ship it. 8/10.

2. The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (Fantasy). It has to be the top 10 of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE books!!! The setting is in a re-imagined England and Europe (think Game of Thrones,) but it's filled with political intrigues, violence and well thought out characters. I was so sad when the series ended, but the author did tie in some characters in this series with his next book, Best Served Cold (although good, but not as good...nonetheless, I've already ordered The Heroes and Red Country.) 10/10.

3. Fellow fantasy readers have recommended the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I just ordered it, so no ratings yet.

4. For romance, I've been getting a lot of recommendations for Sylvia Day, especially her Bare series. However, I haven't read anything by her and a bit hesitant to read the Bare series due its identical premise as the AWFUL 50 Shades series (sidenote--if you enjoy literary erotica, I highly recommend Anne Roquelaure aka Anne Rice--especially the Sleeping Beauty trilolgy if BDSM tickles your fancy. 10/10.) If you or anyone else has any recommendations in this genre, please do tell, because I have not read a good heart wrenching romance novel in soooo long (I've read most of the ones already listed here)...especially historical romance.

5. Kushiel's Legacy trilogy by Jacqueline Carey (Fantasy/Romance) is very well written. Although the protagonist sells her body, it's not explicit or vulgar, but is about political intrigue. 8/10.

6. I was really into Laurel K Hamilton early Anita Blake series (Fantasy/Paranormal), but it's gotten so bad that I had to stop. If you have not read anything in this series, then it's a great start with the early books!

7. This is an offshoot...but I highly recommend The Fan Club by Irving Wallace. Kidnap and rape theme, but it's the strength of the victim that shines through. The psyche of her kidnappers and the victim were flawlessly written. 10/10.


Oct 11, 2011
Mysteries, Paranormal or Urban Fantasy, and Romance only please.

Naomi Novik - Temeraire series (Not urban fantasy but historical fantasy but I think you'd like it anyway. I was really skeptical at first but LOVED it. It's basically Horatio Hornblower with dragons. Which is awesome. The later entries are weaker but I have still enjoyed them. The dragons are like big scaly kittycats.)
Rick Riordan YA novels OR his mystery novels (of the latter series I've only read the first)
ALL the Agatha Christies (I have made this my mission. It's hard. They don't take long but there are so many of them. This is not paranormal but they're very worthwhile?)
Jasper Fforde (seconding the rec for Thursday Next series though I prefer the Nursery Crime series - a Thursday Next spinoff - and Shades of Grey. Thursday Next and Nursery Crime are chock full of literary references which is always fun if you're a reader. They're clever and fun books. The Nursery Crime series is especially silly, which is why it's my favorite. I read it before Thursday Next so it's not necessary to do it in order.)
Gail Carriger - Alexia Tarrabotti series (silly steampunk fantasy with a good dash of romance, similar to the Mercy Thompson and Kate Daniels series but more steampunky)
Michelle Sagara - Chronicles of Elantra (recced by my fiance to me at the same time that he recced the Mercy Thompson series - I haven't read them but he's usually good about recommendations... I should make him check this thread since he reads about a book every two days, mainly scifi and fantasy)
John Crowley

For romances, basically the only authors I've ever liked (none paranormal):
Elizabeth Rolls
Gia Dawn
Georgette Heyer

If you like YA:
Meg Cabot - Mediator series (silly, typical Cabot but imo the best of her series by far - to summarize, a girl who can see ghosts moves to a new house where a hot ghost lives (ghosts?) in her bedroom. Hijinks ensue. This is one of my go-to comfort reads.)
Terry Pratchett - Tiffany Aching series (my favorite Pratchett books! Tiffany Aching ROCKS. Again, not urban fantasy, but very fun.)

I also really love to use compilation/short story books as guides to finding new authors. I usually look for ones that have a mix of authors I like and authors I don't know.

I have some other titles I can put out there of books I have bought but haven't read yet, but I don't know if you want things that haven't actually been vetted. I'll try to make my fiance look at this though, he usually has good suggestions.


Oct 11, 2011
princessfeedme|1355997672|3336342 said:
3. Fellow fantasy readers have recommended the Mistborn Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson. I just ordered it, so no ratings yet.

I really loved that series but iirc Gypsy has said in a previous thread she was only so-so about it. If you like it, I suspect you'll like all his other books as well. I've read all of them except The Alloy of Law, which I just bought last week, and liked them all. There are some short stories of his floating around too and I liked those as well.


Oct 11, 2011
Bumping for Gypsy's return...

The Finder - Emma Bull - I haven't read any other Emma Bull books but bought one because I saw her in this roundtable discussion about urban fantasy and found her personally likable. This book was the cheapest of hers available for Kindle which was why I bit. I actually thought it was a short story and tried to read it in one sitting... that failed (although I did read it in TWO sittings). Anyway, I liked it. You seem more knowledgeable about urban fantasy than I am so maybe you already know her, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Geek and Sundry's book club may have some more recs - I haven't really checked it out because I have a reading list a mile long but I think my fiance is pulling from their lists:

Kim N

Oct 6, 2005
Since distracts bumped this thread, I want to second the recommendation for Jennifer Crusie. My favorites are Bet Me, Anyone But You, and Trust Me On This. I absolutely adore the first two. Also want to recommend Lisa Kleypas's contemporary series (Sugar Daddy, Blue-Eyed Devil, and Smooth-Talking Stranger) and Louisa Edwards (her descriptions of food are mouthwatering).


Aug 8, 2005
distracts|1356071868|3337049 said:
Mysteries, Paranormal or Urban Fantasy, and Romance only please.

Rick Riordan YA novels OR his mystery novels (of the latter series I've only read the first). I've read many of these.
ALL the Agatha Christies (I have made this my mission. It's hard. They don't take long but there are so many of them. This is not paranormal but they're very worthwhile?) I bought one on your recommendation. We'll see how it goes! .
Jasper Fforde (seconding the rec for Thursday Next series though I prefer the Nursery Crime series - a Thursday Next spinoff - and Shades of Grey. Thursday Next and Nursery Crime are chock full of literary references which is always fun if you're a reader. They're clever and fun books. The Nursery Crime series is especially silly, which is why it's my favorite. I read it before Thursday Next so it's not necessary to do it in order.) I keep picking these up and putting them down, hmm.
Gail Carriger - Alexia Tarrabotti series (silly steampunk fantasy with a good dash of romance, similar to the Mercy Thompson and Kate Daniels series but more steampunky) I've read all of these! Love them.
Michelle Sagara - Chronicles of Elantra (recced by my fiance to me at the same time that he recced the Mercy Thompson series - I haven't read them but he's usually good about recommendations... I should make him check this thread since he reads about a book every two days, mainly scifi and fantasy) Tried to read the first one. Honestly couldn't bond with the main character
John Crowley

For romances, basically the only authors I've ever liked (none paranormal):
Elizabeth Rolls
Gia Dawn
Georgette Heyer Read these.

If you like YA:
Meg Cabot - Mediator series (silly, typical Cabot but imo the best of her series by far - to summarize, a girl who can see ghosts moves to a new house where a hot ghost lives (ghosts?) in her bedroom. Hijinks ensue. This is one of my go-to comfort reads.)
Terry Pratchett - Tiffany Aching series (my favorite Pratchett books! Tiffany Aching ROCKS. Again, not urban fantasy, but very fun.) I've read EVERY adult Pratchett book but have not read teh Tiffany Aching series. What's teh first one. I am totally in the mood for Pratchett, was re-reading The Last Hero on the weekend.

I also really love to use compilation/short story books as guides to finding new authors. I usually look for ones that have a mix of authors I like and authors I don't know.

I have some other titles I can put out there of books I have bought but haven't read yet, but I don't know if you want things that haven't actually been vetted. I'll try to make my fiance look at this though, he usually has good suggestions.


Aug 8, 2005
distracts|1358240744|3355856 said:
Bumping for Gypsy's return...

The Finder - Emma Bull - I haven't read any other Emma Bull books but bought one because I saw her in this roundtable discussion about urban fantasy and found her personally likable. This book was the cheapest of hers available for Kindle which was why I bit. I actually thought it was a short story and tried to read it in one sitting... that failed (although I did read it in TWO sittings). Anyway, I liked it. You seem more knowledgeable about urban fantasy than I am so maybe you already know her, but thought I'd throw it out there.

Geek and Sundry's book club may have some more recs - I haven't really checked it out because I have a reading list a mile long but I think my fiance is pulling from their lists:

I actually started as a hard core Regency and Historical Romance Reader. Then got into contemporary Romance/chick lit. Then into straight fantasy AND cozy mysteries at the same time. Then into paranormal romance. And am now on an urban fantasy kick.

Part of the weekend was selling back over 600 books (out of the 2000 we had total). And none of that is including the 650 digital books we have. We are big readers.

BUT... I have not read Emma Bull. So I'm OFF to find out more!!!


Aug 8, 2005
Kim N|1358248528|3355882 said:
Since distracts bumped this thread, I want to second the recommendation for Jennifer Crusie. My favorites are Bet Me, Anyone But You, and Trust Me On This. I absolutely adore the first two. Also want to recommend Lisa Kleypas's contemporary series (Sugar Daddy, Blue-Eyed Devil, and Smooth-Talking Stranger) and Louisa Edwards (her descriptions of food are mouthwatering).

Read and ADORE all of these Kim.

I actually re-read my Lisa Kleypas over Christmas. And loaned all my Jennifer Cruisie's to my mom last week.


Oct 11, 2011
The first Tiffany Aching book is Wee Free men:

It also comes in an omnibus with the second, which I get to pimp my friends into it:

Tiffany Aching is my fave Pratchett character. If you saw Disney's Tangled, I really think they drew from Tiffany Aching for their version of Rapunzel, especially with the frying pan being her weapon of choice. Plus, there are cameos from some of the women from the witches books.

From what I've been reading, Emma Bull's War for the Oaks was one of the first novels that, like, "defined" the urban fantasy subgenre. It's the next one on my list after this schlocky nonfiction book I'm reading about royal scandals (lol, maybe that should be embarrassing to admit but it's really hilarious). Oh, I should also mention that the Kindle edition of The Finder had some typos and apparently some missing words that it appears the paper edition did not have. For $3, I didn't mind, but I would if I had paid $10. It didn't impede the plot at all (UNLIKE with a Georgette Heyer kindle book I had once that had whole paragraphs missing).


Mar 14, 2009
The Masie Dobbs series by Jacquelin Winspear - wonderful historical mystery series set in England around the first world war.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - Read it! It's excellent!

Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders trilogy and the Rain Wild Chronicles that follow them.

Howel's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (YA reading but fun).

Francesca Lia Block writes in an interesting fast-paced style - try some of her stuff too!


Dec 1, 2011
Land of Mountains by Jinx Schwartz, got it free awhile back, $2.99 or borrow free from Kindle Owners' Lending Library. A little mystical/paranormal, which I normally don't care for. Told from the perspective of a precocious 9- or 10-year old living in Haiti while her father works on a dam. My mother, brother, and I all read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Reminded us of our childhoods when we'd get on our horses and disappear all day.

Hetta Coffey series by Jinx Schwartz. Humorous mystery/crime with some romance. Sometimes available free, KOLL. Wish she'd use shorter sentences and a lot fewer commas. I found the series entertaining, but there is some violence. I'm not keen on graphic violence and I didn't find the violence off-putting.

Dana Stabenow's Kate Shugak and Liam Campbell series. The first book of both series is available for free. Both set in Alaska, both have strong female characters. Some violence, but again, not horribly graphic. Some humor, a little romance (especially in the Liam series).



Oct 5, 2010
HopeDream|1358313571|3356599 said:
The Masie Dobbs series by Jacquelin Winspear - wonderful historical mystery series set in England around the first world war.

The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman - Read it! It's excellent!

Robin Hobb’s Liveship Traders trilogy and the Rain Wild Chronicles that follow them.

Howel's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones (YA reading but fun).

Francesca Lia Block writes in an interesting fast-paced style - try some of her stuff too!

I really enjoyed Howl; it's fairly straight fantasy (with the exception of the Black Door, I suppose), but light, happy, FUNNY. There's a second book that features the same characters, and I liked it, but not as much as the first. This one fits in the same group, for me, as the Enchanted Forest Chronicles (Dealing with Dragons, etc), the Prydain Chronicles (The Book of Three, etc), and other wonderful fairy-tale-esque YA stuff. Enchanted Forest, in particular, takes all the fairy tale tropes and turns them on their head, with a smart, independent Princess. Not particularly urban, and the romance is very youthful (read: innocent), but I do find myself returning to these often for a quick, well written, uplifting visit with characters you get to know really well.
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