
Bezel Studs with Milgrain Glamor Shots

pinkprashu|1304536695|2912250 said:
So I spoke to Jamie yesterday and sent her the pics that I posted and she arranged for Brian to speak with me today. Brian was super nice on the phone and obviously was very proud of his product. He said that if the culet is in fact touching the metal, the diamond may look grayish and he said that it should not be touching. He wanted me to send the earring that I am not in love with back(also sent me a fedex overnight shipping label) and he will redo the earring. He said that each diamond is different and does not believe that the diamond I got is a dud but if he thinks that the diamond will not meet my needs in anyway they can certainly change the diamond. I hope they make it right.

I hope so too, please keep us updated.
Hopefully the problem will be solved with remaking the setting! I'll be interested to see how it turns out!
I have an update. So I shipped the stud yesterday and Brian received it today and examined it. And he told me that this kind of thing rarely happens(he saw it once 12 years ago) but the diamond was burnt during the bezel setting process and that is what is causing the diamond to look dull not the culet touching the metal. He offered to replace the stone with an I SI1 0.532 diamond

And will try to ship by Tuesday next week so that I can receive it before I leave on Thursday on vacation for 3 weeks.

Talk about amazing customer service. I am really impressed with Brain who is so pleasant to talk to and obviously knows so much about the diamonds and can put anybody's mind at ease. He even said that I should work for him because I could catch such a thing LOL :)
Haha!!! I'm glad there seems to be an easy solution to your problem. Have never worked with BGD, but everyone raves about their stellar customer service, so that's wonderful!!! Looking forward to pics when their all done!!!! :appl:
oh gosh well I am glad they are fixing it!
I am so happy this has worked out. :appl: :appl: :appl:
This is why I WILL be a BGD customer some day soon.
Wear your new earrings in great health and happiness!! :wavey:
Haha!!! I'm glad there seems to be an easy solution to your problem. Have never worked with BGD, but everyone raves about their stellar customer service, so that's wonderful!!!

This is my first time working with BGD too(I bought my first diamond when he was with WF) but they seem to take the hassle out of buying on the internet. I was so worried that it would turn out that the diamond and bezel are perfect and I was the crazy one because DH sure thought so. He did not know what I was so worried about because he could not see a difference. I am glad Brian understood my concern and paid for shipping it back to examine it.
Oh, I'm so glad there was a solution to your problem! You deserve these studs to be absolutely perfect. It's wonderful that BGD is going to fix the issue for you. I'm excited to see the new pics once you receive them!