
Benitoite vs blue diamond melee

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Are there any good pictures out there? I just trolled through some threads here and Google wasn't much help. I suppose I'll find out soon. I purchased 10 1.5mm round melee to run in a channel under a sapphire in an engagement ring. I know they are soft from reading which is why they are hidden away.

I just really wanted to see a video in anticipation of the purchase. :-(
You'll see pictures on cecile raley designs etsy shop (look through the sales). If I was worried sbout a stone being soft, then I would probably purchase a few more than I needed. So if they chipped durring setting or afterwards i could replace them. I would also ask pricescope to recommend a jewler, this setting sounds like it will have to be executed well, and by someone who knows how to handle softer stones.

I am unsure about treatments in blue daimond melee, this would make me worried about buying them from unknown sources. May I ask, why you keep asking all the questions after making the purchases?
Blue zircon is also a good simulant for blue diamond melee if that's the look you're going for. They're also harder than benitoite and more economical. Maybe use the benitoite for a pendant if you're worried about durability.
You'll see pictures on cecile raley designs etsy shop (look through the sales). If I was worried sbout a stone being soft, then I would probably purchase a few more than I needed. So if they chipped durring setting or afterwards i could replace them. I would also ask pricescope to recommend a jewler, this setting sounds like it will have to be executed well, and by someone who knows how to handle softer stones.

I am unsure about treatments in blue daimond melee, this would make me worried about buying them from unknown sources. May I ask, why you keep asking all the questions after making the purchases?
Impatient maybe. But because I purchased the benitoites, and was still hoping to see them side by side with blue diamonds. I'll probably have to take them with me to a jewelry store and hope to see some blue I can compare them to after they arrive.

After the fact questions.... I guess I keep getting nervous about purchases for this ring with my still limited knowledge. I have a vision in my mind, but cant find anything like what im trying to do. There isn't a selection of sapphires locally, or benitoites to see. Like the sapphire I asked about. It seems good and I needed to jump to secure it. If I waited and didn't then I might not find another suitable one in time, so I reserved it and then popped over here.
Cecile is where I grabbed the ones I just purchased. I think I'll buy a few more after the arrive with that advice.
No worries, it just means I worry a lot about giving negative feedback. Since you clearly loved it enough to buy it, and obviously no one wants to take that enthusiasm away from you. This may even inadvertently alter the number of replies and\or the type of advice you recieve.

Yes I'd buy a number of extra stones; and find a good jewler your plan sounds a lot like this one. I would love to see it executed well, and hate to see it executed badly.

Fancy coloured daimonds have an amazing list of potential treatments. From coating in a coloured substance (problematic as the coating can scratch off and the stone underneath may not be the colour you are expecting) to irradiated to produce the colour. I feel like someone else here will know so much more than me about this topic, and be able to advise a little about melee stones. But I wouldn't buy without advise.
by the way I am not sure if you can remove and replace chanel set stones individualy -- it may not be a good idea to set stones you want to be able to interchange this way (maybe someone else will advise?). Also if you're dealing with a ring of 1.5 mm chanel set stones, then that is a lot of metal in your setting. It could look clunky if it is not done well, please do ask pricescope to recommend the jewler (also maybe you can come back and show us the cads.).
by the way I am not sure if you can remove and replace chanel set stones individualy -- it may not be a good idea to set stones you want to be able to interchange this way (maybe someone else will advise?). Also if you're dealing with a ring of 1.5 mm chanel set stones, then that is a lot of metal in your setting. It could look clunky if it is not done well, please do ask pricescope to recommend the jeweler (also maybe you can come back and show us the cads.).
I will definitely post the CAD here, I wanted the 1.5mm (I wanted 2-2.5mm) benitoites to be set between a line of white diamonds on either side.
Ah ok, I think I may have missunderstood -- I thought you used run in a channel to mean you wanted to use a specific method of securing stones in place (ie. channel set as apposed to pave or any other way of setting melee). I now realise you probably just meant circle of stones. Have you thought about the issue in the linked SMTB thread? If you try to sqeeze all these layers of stones underneath the sapphire then it might make the setting really high (this is a problem as it will snag and catch on stuff, and the extra wear and tear can lead to chips in the centre stone and melee being dislodged and lost).
I have too many questions to ask before I can even answer your questions:

1. Did you purchase from a reputable vendor to make sure you purchased fairly (not treated, decent colouration, decent cut, well matched in colour and size, have enough melees for your vision, etc)?

2. I would like to see a sketch of the design as I do not grasp your vision at all. It seems to not make much sense to buy nice stones then set it hidden away where it cannot be appreciated.
Chrono. Is there any way to message me on Facebook?
I want to use a seamless halo like the ones used by Jean dousett. I got my original inspiration from his Laurie ring set with a sapphire. I have a video on Facebook but I have no way to post it here. I want to utilize a split shank. But instead of the shank supporting the halo as it comes up I want it to work seamless Into the sides, bottom and top of the halo as if it's all one piece. I don't want any prongs on the sapphire, and I want the halo of diamonds to be flush with the girdle. I want the halo to support to the stone entirely so that it's completely visible from all sides and the bottom.

The actual band it's self thats on the finger is where i wanted the benitoites to be. So they wouldn't be hidden, just tucked away. Adding a little color under the sapphire, possibly set between .7mm or 1mm diamonds.




So would the benitoites be just beneath the halo on the band or would they travel down either side of the band somewhat? I would worry that they are just not hard enough to withstand regular wear, particularly on the main part of the band. Upstream a bit, TL suggested zircons, which I believe would work better for the design you are imagining.
A few questions:

1. Given your / her lifestyle, will the setting sit too high off the finger, making it impractical or easily damaged? The design you show is not practical for everyday wear, being a 3 sided pave.

2. Would she want the wedding band to sit flush with the ring or is a gap acceptable? The design as shown means that the ring has to be worn alone. It cannot have any band next to it or the diamond and band will damage each other.

Seamless = bezeled?
There are prongs done so well that it feels smooth to the touch. Well done settings will also have the stone set low into the setting, so you don't see the girdle.

The design for the benitoites are not as safe as you think, if I am interpreting it correctly. Or is the benitoites set on the bridge, under the sapphire?
Sorry, I feel like I approached this with a preconception of what you were going to build. Should have just asked :)! I now understand the continuity with the first thread you started on putting sheets of daimonds underneath the stone.

If you intend the benitoite melee to go down the sides of the band (not just imediately underneath the centre stone) then it is going to be quite exposed.

Did you recieve the center stone. Any pictures :dance:?

For those who need to see a video of these types of rings. interesting idea though i'd be scared of the center falling out. (fwiw, looks like they're just using really small prongs or some sort of channel setting around the center)

If I'm understanding correctly the benitoite is going to be underneath the center stone...sort of like surprise stones??

Also Let me ask, is there a stone in the split of the shank? looks like it is to me.
I guess the last picture is more accurately representative of how I want the benitoites to sit in the ring. I want them to run underneath the the sapphire where they would be fairly out of the way. Im hoping, that if halo does sit flush with the sapphire the overall height of the ring will only be 6.25mm high. The height of the sapphire is only 5.75mm and 1.5mm for the depth of the benitoite. Which isn't too bad.

I think what im imagining is a half eternity band(with benitoites) with a split shank coming up over them integrating into the halo.

The seamless Halo's from I understand are built around the main stone in a way that the tiny prongs holding the melee diamonds are also holding So instead of 4 large prongs it's held in place by many many smaller prongs that are extremely hard to see.

The ring for Her life style for the time being should be ok... It may need a change in a few years if the plan to run her own day care comes to fruition.
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For those who need to see a video of these types of rings. interesting idea though i'd be scared of the center falling out. (fwiw, looks like they're just using really small prongs or some sort of channel setting around the center)

If I'm understanding correctly the benitoite is going to be underneath the center stone...sort of like surprise stones??

Also Let me ask, is there a stone in the split of the shank? looks like it is to me.

There was a stone in-between the split shank in that sketch, however I think there won't be. For simplicity, as well as to show off the sapphire more. I was trying my best at doodling prior to a chem class I had.

Yes. Sort of surprise stones. But definitely not part of the shank, only under the main stone.
I guess the last picture is more accurately representative of how I want the benitoites to sit in the ring. I want them to run underneath the the sapphire where they would be fairly out of the way. Im hoping, that if halo does sit flush with the sapphire the overall height of the ring will only be 6.25mm high. The height of the sapphire is only 5.75mm and 1.5mm for the depth of the benitoite. Which isn't too bad.
The seamless Halo's from I understand are but around the main stone in a way that the tiny prongs holding the melee diamonds are also holding it. So instead of 4 large prongs it's held in place by many many smaller prongs that are extremely hard to see.

Ok, would they run the entire ring just like that image? If not, then you're good to go. If so, then, you should anticipate some issues ahead.

You answered above, thanks!!!

BTW are you planning on having diamonds on all three sides? FYI, if you the plan is to prong set on all three sides, the metal underneath will be like swiss cheese. I won't say don't do it, but just issue a warning that its a ring you'll have to baby.

Thanks for additional info on the seamless halo. So basically they're using itty bitty prongs. I can see them in some of their images though probably not at a normal wearing distance.

So is this also going to be the company that makes your ring?

Found one!!! For the Benitoites. In this video though they are diamonds running beneath a sapphire. I only want a single line of them. This is too gaudy I think, but it shows what I was referring to.
Ok, would they run the entire ring just like that image? If not, then you're good to go. If so, then, you should anticipate some issues ahead.

You answered above, thanks!!!

BTW are you planning on having diamonds on all three sides? FYI, if you the plan is to prong set on all three sides, the metal underneath will be like swiss cheese. I won't say don't do it, but just issue a warning that its a ring you'll have to baby.

Thanks for additional info on the seamless halo. So basically they're using itty bitty prongs. I can see them in some of their images though probably not at a normal wearing distance.

So is this also going to be the company that makes your ring?
No unfortunately not. I was in communication with them about several of the aspects of the halo and melee sizes they used, but if I remember correctly the starting point was around 12,000.00 for the ring without a center stone, and they only make rings with gems and diamonds they procure. Angela was who I talked to there, the also only hand make each ring, and use strictly D color IF melee stones adding more to the overall cost. I'd love to buy her something from them someday though.

For production? Im not sure who im using yet. I've placed an order for .5ct of each .7mm, 1mm, 1.2mm and 1.5mm melee G color IF hearts and arrows moissanite (I'll probably catch some flack for that). And I posted a second ad looking for a jewelry CAD designer today.
After seeing the design and seeing that you are still a student, first and foremost, what is your budget? In addition, this design is not something that can be worn everyday. It has to be removed for most activities due to all the pave work.
I have a decent budget. 10,000 or so but im hoping to do it for less.

I am a student, but it's a refocus on a different career. Im 31, not just in college out of highschool. Im going to school while working full time. (I manage a deli/ new York hot spot). Im just trying to position myself better for the future in a field I want to work in.
For most people, the bulk of the cost goes into the stone. The setting will be about 40% or less of the cost of the stone because people usually change settings due to either wear and tear, impracticality and so forth. Let's look for the right stone first, then work on the setting. As they say, don't put the cart before the horse. What is your time frame for the ring?
Late July is when I will need it. I think I already the stone. I'll be paying the balance in June. I just set an appointment to start creating the CAD in Matrix this coming week. Im hoping I get home today to pick up the benitoites to see them, and decide to get more or whether or not go another way. They shipped from NJ and just north of Albany. I'll post pictures or a video of them if they arrive. But I have a 6 hours drive tonight to the Canadian Border. It may not be until very late.
Shane: I love how thoughtful your are and how much you're putting in to making something your significant other will love. Just had to say it and give you props!

Given the fact that its a somewhat complicated design you envision, that you have not yet picked out/settled on all the stones you need, and that its mid-May already, I'd say you might want to rethink either the setting or your timeframe.
Ok... I'll need to wait until she goes to bed tonight to record a video. I got the benitoites. I've sourced some additional ones. Im going to get 3mm for the ones running in the band. And purchase more of these small ones. They are bright... Very bright.... I purchased a levian ring today for mothers day tomorrow. And these ha D's down destroy the little diamonds set in this ring and the little sapphires it has. They are unbelievable.

This is the LeVian ring I picked up today. It's not as nice in person as it is online. Still pretty. But advertising will get you Everytime.

I was unable to fucus on them, and the small size and refraction made it even harder. But im going to definitely need 2.5-3mm benitoites. These are beautiful, just too small.

Very pretty! Just be aware if you get bigger they won't sit close together, meaning, you'll have more metal. its worth thinking about going the route you're going.
Very pretty! Just be aware if you get bigger they won't sit close together, meaning, you'll have more metal. its worth thinking about going the route you're going.

Can you message me on Facebook or Whatsapp? I'd like to share the begining of a CAD with you. I should have a finished rendered drawing by mid next week.

I'll need to judge them in person when they arrive, but I purchased 10, 2.7mm benitoites and it appears I'll have 5 left over, as well as the ten 1.5mm

What to do, what to do. Maybe a pendant?