
Bad Experience with Natural Sapphire Company (long)

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Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 3:32:24 PM
Author: neatfreak

Date: 3/23/2009 3:19:12 PM
Author: Fox2009
No where did I say Michael doesn''t have a right to post, of course he does. Everyone does. I just don''t appreciate having him level some pretty serious accusations at me. I''m just trying to say ''buyer beware.'' But, while Michael may be defending himself and his co., he also is calling me a liar, for no necessary reason, which I have every right to defend against.

My point here, again, is not a Who is Right, Who is Wrong match, just a buyer beware alert. I didn''t mean for any disagreement or discord, just wanted to share my experience for the possible benefit of others, that is all.

My point, also, with this is to just say that if their customer service was slightly different, this would be resolved. It''s not a big complicated issue. If you have a lifetime guarantee, you should honor it, without forcing the customer to give up something they DO like and are sentimentally attached to, such as an engagement stone. I''d be happy to send in the ring for inspection, or to have it neutrally appraised...but I don''t want to lose my engagement stone. Would anyone?

You leveled some pretty serious ones too though...

And why would you lose your stone if you send it to have it appraised?
I think she''s talking about the fact that so far, NSC has only offered to refund her if she returned everything. They have not given her the option of returning setting only.


Mar 22, 2009
I''ve only had my ring for a year, I have no desire to upgrade:) though I do understand that some people do!

I don''t think I''d lose my stone if I sent it to be appraised, but I will lose it if I take Michael up on his refund offer because he won''t give me a refund unless I send back the whole ring, incl. the stone. Which I don''t want to do.


Jun 29, 2008
Fox - I have a great deal of sympathy because it''s not unreasonable to expect a ring to last. However, by posting on this board and naming NSC (for whatever reason) you have opened this debate up publicly. Similarly, it is only to be expected to receive a public reply. To expect a personal email from NSC as a response is not realistic.

Now then, having said all of that, I really do think that you and NSC should get together and agree on an independent appraiser, perhaps Rich Sherwood as mentioned above to assess your ring. You could even agree that whichever party Rich believes is at fault pays his bill. So, if the ring is faulty with porosity, it''d be NSC. If the ring doesn''t have any unusual problems (apart from the damage of course) then you would pay.

Another compromise would be to have NSC make the same setting in another metal at cost as already suggested.

Good luck and I hope this situation is resolved for you.


Dec 30, 2006
If you didn''t want NSC to come back with a response to your post you shouldn''t have named them. A lot of people come here to vent and just get things off their minds without naming the vendor.
Mar 23, 2009

As mentioned by others, Fox2009 has taken this “disagreement” public. We have the right to defend our company on any website. I want to assure all our past, current, and future customers that their business and correspondence with us, is and always will be, private. This actually is the first negative review of our company that we have ever come across and we will defend ourselves vigorously.

The fact remains that we offered a refund to Fox2009 after more than 1 year of their owning this item. This is way beyond the return policy of ANY company. Fox2009 is demanding a FULL refund for the item without returning the sapphire. This is not acceptable. No company in the world would do this and still stay in business. We have bent over backwards, but we will not break our back doing so.

Of course going to another jewelry company and asking if their competitor’s ring is designed well, will get a negative response. Especially when you discuss buying a mounting from them instead. This unfortunately, is too common a practice in the jewelry business.

I regret to say that there is no more we can or will do for Fox2009. The full refund was offered and denied. We have exhausted all options and Fox2009 has stated clearly in their emails to us that they will not budge from a full refund for a return of less than half their purchase. We have twice repaired a ring that was custom made and expertly cast for them in palladium at no cost. We have always honored our lifetime guarantee. This can be attested to by all the positive reviews on this site. However, if a ring is not damaged due to normal wear and tear, we cannot and will not be responsible. Unfortunately, we cannot show the picture of the twisted ring as that may breach any privacy issues with Fox2009, but in our expert opinion, it was obvious to us that the resulting damage was not normal.

This is all we would like to discuss about this matter, as we do NOT want to get into a He said/She said argument.


Mar 2, 2009
Sorry to hear about the dispute.
I actually resolved the issue I had with them very amicably, hopefully the same will happen for you!


Jun 29, 2008
Date: 3/23/2009 4:28:08 PM
Author: TheNaturalSapphireCompany

As mentioned by others, Fox2009 has taken this “disagreement” public. We have the right to defend our company on any website. I want to assure all our past, current, and future customers that their business and correspondence with us, is and always will be, private. This actually is the first negative review of our company that we have ever come across and we will defend ourselves vigorously.

The fact remains that we offered a refund to Fox2009 after more than 1 year of their owning this item. This is way beyond the return policy of ANY company. Fox2009 is demanding a FULL refund for the item without returning the sapphire. This is not acceptable. No company in the world would do this and still stay in business. We have bent over backwards, but we will not break our back doing so.

Of course going to another jewelry company and asking if their competitor’s ring is designed well, will get a negative response. Especially when you discuss buying a mounting from them instead. This unfortunately, is too common a practice in the jewelry business.

I regret to say that there is no more we can or will do for Fox2009. The full refund was offered and denied. We have exhausted all options and Fox2009 has stated clearly in their emails to us that they will not budge from a full refund for a return of less than half their purchase. We have twice repaired a ring that was custom made and expertly cast for them in palladium at no cost. We have always honored our lifetime guarantee. This can be attested to by all the positive reviews on this site. However, if a ring is not damaged due to normal wear and tear, we cannot and will not be responsible. Unfortunately, we cannot show the picture of the twisted ring as that may breach any privacy issues with Fox2009, but in our expert opinion, it was obvious to us that the resulting damage was not normal.

This is all we would like to discuss about this matter, as we do NOT want to get into a He said/She said argument.
I fail to see why going to another jeweller to get an opinion would exact such a response from you? Surely you would welcome the opportunity to have your work assessed?

If you firmly believe that the damage is NOT due to normal wear and tear then you have nothing to lose by engaging an independent assessor. By stating that there is no more you can or will do for Fox it seems to be rather harsh considering a independent evaluator''s opinion could resolve this?

Whilst I understand you are aggrieved that this issue has become public, the public judges companies by how they act when faced with negativity.


Dec 14, 2007
These responses from NSC have made me even less likely to purchase from them, and now I will probably only suggest them as a last resort.

As far as bad reviews go, I rarely see any well cut sapphires on NSC''s site, more often than not the stones are very poorly cut, and that is one reason I already don''t often suggest them for people looking for sapphires. The subject of NSC''s cuts have come up many many times on this board...


Dec 14, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 5:52:18 PM
Author: LovingDiamonds
Date: 3/23/2009 4:28:08 PM
Author: TheNaturalSapphireCompany

As mentioned by others, Fox2009 has taken this “disagreement” public. We have the right to defend our company on any website. I want to assure all our past, current, and future customers that their business and correspondence with us, is and always will be, private. This actually is the first negative review of our company that we have ever come across and we will defend ourselves vigorously.

The fact remains that we offered a refund to Fox2009 after more than 1 year of their owning this item. This is way beyond the return policy of ANY company. Fox2009 is demanding a FULL refund for the item without returning the sapphire. This is not acceptable. No company in the world would do this and still stay in business. We have bent over backwards, but we will not break our back doing so.

Of course going to another jewelry company and asking if their competitor’s ring is designed well, will get a negative response. Especially when you discuss buying a mounting from them instead. This unfortunately, is too common a practice in the jewelry business.

I regret to say that there is no more we can or will do for Fox2009. The full refund was offered and denied. We have exhausted all options and Fox2009 has stated clearly in their emails to us that they will not budge from a full refund for a return of less than half their purchase. We have twice repaired a ring that was custom made and expertly cast for them in palladium at no cost. We have always honored our lifetime guarantee. This can be attested to by all the positive reviews on this site. However, if a ring is not damaged due to normal wear and tear, we cannot and will not be responsible. Unfortunately, we cannot show the picture of the twisted ring as that may breach any privacy issues with Fox2009, but in our expert opinion, it was obvious to us that the resulting damage was not normal.

This is all we would like to discuss about this matter, as we do NOT want to get into a He said/She said argument.
I fail to see why going to another jeweller to get an opinion would exact such a response from you? Surely you would welcome the opportunity to have your work assessed?

If you firmly believe that the damage is NOT due to normal wear and tear then you have nothing to lose by engaging an independent assessor. By stating that there is no more you can or will do for Fox it seems to be rather harsh considering a independent evaluator''s opinion could resolve this?

Whilst I understand you are aggrieved that this issue has become public, the public judges companies by how they act when faced with negativity.
I agree with this wholeheartedly. I think that NSC''s refusal to work with Fox, and especially the refusal to try to work with independent appraiser is abhorrent and a clear sign TO ME that this company appears to be difficult and NOT customer service compliant. It makes me wonder if NSC is afraid of the independent appraiser''s appraisal.

Which makes me think that perhaps they have good reason to not want to work with an independent appraiser. Red flag.


Mar 6, 2006
Wow, I"m surprised to see this but also think that taking this to a public forum was not the best way to handle it.

I have a ring that was custom made by NSC that I bought 2 years ago and dealt directly with Michael Arnstein and have NOTHING but postive to say about him and NSC. Its platinum with an unheated pink sapphire and a diamond setting. I had it appraised shortly after purchase and was told that the quality of the setting was exceptional and have had no issues with the ring.

I do want to add that before this ring was made, I had a different ring made and did not like it and sent it back and him gave me a full refund on it no questions asked. And then I got the second ring made.

I also have a platinum band ring with blue sapphires that I bought last year. Again, very good quality.

Not only did I find Michael to be professional and helpful but found him to be really friendly and super easy to work with as well. I would not hestiate to buy from NSC again and would specifically seak out Michael to work with.

I think that Michael came on this thread and posted is totally appropriate since you named names first.

I will admit I have had a SUPER NEGATIVE experience with a highly liked and respected jeweler on this board that came down to them insulting me and calling me names. In the end I got my money back and chose not to name names and resolved it by email rather than public forum.

But thats just me.

edied to add, I saw this thread yesterday and was going to stay out of it. But after seeing Freke's post about how she is afraid to buy from NSC now after this thread made me decide to post to defend Michael and NSC. I don't know the details of this case but I know that in my experience Michael bended over backwards to make me happy. In fact the original sapphire I choose for the second ring he talked me out of and in a different direction after I told him I wanted and "electric pink" sapphire and boy did I get one!

I just hate to see him loose buisness over this thread because my experence with him was very postive. So I wanted to post my experience.

And at the time I bought, he insisted (as in highly recommended) on sending me several stones so I could pick out the one I like best and SEE them in person because the ring was made.

In addition to the finished ring, I also purchased a loose sapphire from him as well.


Aug 22, 2008
I''m not taking any sides here, but there is a significant part of the story that seems to be different between the accounts:

NSC says they offered a full refund against return of the ring (which is fair, though not what Fox wants to do). They also say Fox is asking for a full refund against return of the setting alone, which seems far less reasonable to me.

Fox says that she doesn''t want to return the stone - which she is perfectly entitled not to want to. She is however not fully clear as to what she has asked of NSC. A refund of all the money she has paid against a return of the setting? Or a refund of all the money she paid for the setting?


Sep 14, 2008
Date: 3/23/2009 5:53:43 PM
Author: FrekeChild
These responses from NSC have made me even less likely to purchase from them, and now I will probably only suggest them as a last resort.

As far as bad reviews go, I rarely see any well cut sapphires on NSC''s site, more often than not the stones are very poorly cut, and that is one reason I already don''t often suggest them for people looking for sapphires. The subject of NSC''s cuts have come up many many times on this board...

Ditto. These dismissive responses have certainly rubbed me the wrong way.

I have read plenty of PS threads with less than glowing comments about NSC, which is the reason I chose not go through them for my sapphire e-ring. THIS is just one of those threads.


Feb 26, 2004
I do not get the impression that Fox just wants to buy a new setting. She had it repaired twice, after two times I''d be fed up also. I''ve NEVER had a ring break, let alone three times in one year. I thought(and correct me if I''m wrong) she wants to keep her stone and just be reimbursed for the setting price, not the whole ring. That seems reasonable to me. Telling her if she wants any type of refund she''d have to return the whole purchase seems mean spirited to me.

An engagement ring is a very important purchase, she has every right to be mad and I would be too. It sounds like the setting was faulty and IS faulty. I would have thought the fact that it''s been repaired numerous times would prove that, all she should be required to do is have her jeweler put it in writing what his findings were, unmount her stone and send the letter and setting back to NSC for a refund of the setting.


Feb 26, 2004
UGH, it upsets me that they''re basically calling her a cheat and liar when they''ve SEEN proof that the setting keeps breaking. Never ever would I give this company my business after reading those responses.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
I am really sad to read this. The NSC has been nothing but wonderful and helpful to me, when I purchased all of padparadschas and settings from them. I repeat, I have never had any trouble with any of them.


Mar 22, 2009
Frekechild, Inanna and Makemepretty--thanks for what you said, I had the same impresssions on it, obviously.

I''m also skeptical of why they haven''t asked for, or consented to an independent appraisal! We''d be fine with that, as long as we could resolve the situation without giving up something of great sentimental value to us: the stone.

asscherisme- As I''ve said--I''m sure that they do great castings, and lots of people have good experiences. We did, until my ring started to break. I''m not talking about those experiences or commenting on them, just sharing my own experience.

To clear up any confusion--all I want is a refund on the setting. I''d be happy to send the setting back to them for evaluation with the stone or without the stone, as long as we get the stone back. Ive made this clear to them too. Not that it really matters at this point, but I just wanted to clear that up.

Another thing--we purchased and paid for the stone 2 months before we had it set, and we paid for the setting separately. They were two separate purchases on our credit card.


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 7:49:49 PM
Author: Linda W
I am really sad to read this. The NSC has been nothing but wonderful and helpful to me, when I purchased all of padparadschas and settings from them. I repeat, I have never had any trouble with any of them.
No offense, Linda, but postings like this are what make some people afraid to post honest, negative reviews.

Whether in the right or wrong, Fox2009 posts her review. NSC obviously has the right to post their view of the events as well. This is all fine, and often shows what kind of character a company has.

And then she gets posts from asscherisme and Linda, repeating that they've never had any problems. And that is great! But obviously this has not been smooth sailing for Fox. When you repeat over and over that xyz company has never been anything but perfect to you, there is in insinuation that *I* have not had any problems, so the problem must be *you*. I am sure this is not intentional, but that is the way it reads.


Nov 17, 2004
asscherisme- I think it''s unfortunate that you had what sounds like a terrible experience with a PS jeweler and chose not to post about it. IMO, that is what this forum is about. I want to hear the good AND the bad, so I can make an educated decision. I hope that you might rethink this choice.

And I think Freke''s comment about not buying from NSC is two-fold- 1. There are many of us who don''t care for their cutting quality anyway, and thus would buy elsewhere. 2. Michael''s response and handling of this matter publicly (not the actual setting problem, in itself!). It is always good to know how companies feel about their customers, and it seems Michael made his feelings abundantly clear!


Mar 2, 2009

I don't think Linda nor the other people who have posted positive comments about NSC (myself included) are trying to insinuate anything about Fox. I think we can all relate to her frustrations as we've all had jeweler problems in the past. I think we are in part just sadly surprised that a company we had such nice experiences with are causing another PSer problems.

And it's not unreasonable of us to want to offer our own experiences of a good interaction since future people who do searches for the natural sapphire company will probably come across this thread, and to have only negative comments about it would be an inaccurate reflection of the variety of experiences people have had.

Personally I think they are expensive compared to other PS vendors, with less care for cut and color qualities. But they do have the most extensive pad inventory, and a very nice staff.

Best of luck Fox, thanks for sharing, and I hope all the misunderstandings get resolved :/


Nov 23, 2008
Thank you for your report on your experience. I truly appreciate your honesty and I have to say that I would absolutely not send back your ring with the stone to the company for another evaluation. I wouldn''t trust them at this point. You might end up with a refund, but no stone. Personally, I could not imagine having a ring a year and having it break three times. I am hard on my rings and thankfully have never had that happen. In fact, I would be devastated if it did.


Nov 18, 2004
We post as consumers. If I choose to post about my positive experiences with the Natural Sapphire Company, that is my right. JUst as it is for someone to post about their negative experiences.

My wish is that Fox and NSC can come to terms, and an amicable resolution is agreed upon.

I always love a happy ending!!!


Dec 14, 2007
I agree that both bad and good experiences need to be written about. That's what you need to make an educated decision as to where you spend your money. It's what Pricescope is all about.

Having said that I still think that Michael's refusal to work with Fox is a huge red flag. In my experience with various jewelers and this site, I've seen several instances in which a setting doesn't work and is broken/defective more than once, and the jeweler normally will offer to switch out the setting so as to not trouble with it anymore, in case the fault is with the setting and not the person wearing it. It seems as though this has not occurred in this situation, and I have to wonder why not.

I do not think that this has been resolved well. I think that if Fox asked for the setting to be refunded, I think that's reasonable. Saying that you will only give a refund for the whole ring, including the stone, just doesn't make any sense.

Regardless, a refusal to work with an unhappy customer on an issue is a huge huge HUGE red flag, and if you're reading Michael, I hope you decide to reconsider that.

One thing I've learned is that when someone has a great experience with a company, they tell maybe 2-3 people. When they have a bad experience, they will tell a dozen. When one of those people is actually a Pricescope thread, it will reach thousands of people.


Nov 17, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 8:14:38 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade

I don''t think Linda nor the other people who have posted positive comments about NSC (myself included) are trying to insinuate anything about Fox. I think we can all relate to her frustrations as we''ve all had jeweler problems in the past. I think we are in part just sadly surprised that a company we had such nice experiences with are causing another PSer problems.
I agree that it''s not purposeful; it''s all about how it comes across. And all of you have written about your good experiences in other threads, which is great. However, after posting about a problematic situation, having people post REPEATEDLY in the thread about their wonderful experiences seems to place the blame on the OP.

Kaleigh- You''re quite right that it''s the consumer''s choice about what they will post, good, bad, or indifferent. Sometimes folks are afraid to post when things aren''t perfect, which is unfortunate.


Jan 18, 2008
I am really quite disturbed by the negative reactions toward Fox in this thread by both NSC and alot of other posters.
I mean, come one we are a consumer forum !
Just because you had a good experience with NSC, doesn''t mean its not possible for someone else to have a bad one

And I ditto Freke, after NSC''s comments here, no matter how much they think they are "in the right", I am very unlikely to ever consider them for a purchase.


Mar 2, 2009
Date: 3/23/2009 9:29:36 PM
Author: icekid
Date: 3/23/2009 8:14:38 PM

Author: MakingTheGrade


I don't think Linda nor the other people who have posted positive comments about NSC (myself included) are trying to insinuate anything about Fox. I think we can all relate to her frustrations as we've all had jeweler problems in the past. I think we are in part just sadly surprised that a company we had such nice experiences with are causing another PSer problems.

I agree that it's not purposeful; it's all about how it comes across. And all of you have written about your good experiences in other threads, which is great. However, after posting about a problematic situation, having people post REPEATEDLY in the thread about their wonderful experiences seems to place the blame on the OP.

Kaleigh- You're quite right that it's the consumer's choice about what they will post, good, bad, or indifferent. Sometimes folks are afraid to post when things aren't perfect, which is unfortunate.

Personally, I'd feel better if I posted a complaint about a company and got good feedback about them as it'd make me more hopeful to resolve things than if I found that many other people also had negative experiences that were unresolved. In some way, our posting about our positive experience is (in my opinion) a reinforcement that Fox's decision to go to NSC wasn't unfounded since many of us did have good experiences there, and it's not her fault that this has happened (there were no bad precedents to warn her).

It's certainly not my intent to put her down in anyways, and I hope she knows that. But I stand behind posting my positive experiences on this thread none the less. Not to be discouraging towards negative posts, but as a fair response to many posts that were very strongly putting down NSC. I don't think NSC is the best vendor in the world, but neither do I think they should be avoided like the plague or that they're the worst choice.

Might I also add, that some of the posts that are along the lines of "I would never do business with NSC" etc, are kind of hurtful for those of us who did buy from them as it kind of insinuates that we don't know better, or that we made a bad choice. I know that isn't what anyone intends, but like you said, it's how it comes across.

Again, best of luck to Fox, I'm sure all of us at Pricescope, regardless of our opinions of NSC, wish her nothing but luck and support in resolving things.


Dec 29, 2004
Date: 3/23/2009 9:43:05 PM
Author: MakingTheGrade

Personally, I''d feel better if I posted a complaint about a company and got good feedback about them as it''d make me more hopeful to resolve things than if I found that many other people also had negative experiences that were unresolved. In some way, our posting about our positive experience is (in my opinion) a reinforcement that Fox''s decision to go to NSC wasn''t unfounded since many of us did have good experiences there, and it''s not her fault that this has happened (there were no bad precedents to warn her).

It''s certainly not my intent to put her down in anyways, and I hope she knows that. But I stand behind posting my positive experiences on this thread none the less. Not to be discouraging towards negative posts, but as a fair response to many posts that were very strongly putting down NSC. I don''t think NSC is the best vendor in the world, but neither do I think they should be avoided like the plague or that they''re the worst choice.

Might I also add, that some of the posts that are along the lines of ''I would never do business with NSC'' etc, are kind of hurtful for those of us who did buy from them as it kind of insinuates that we don''t know better, or that we made a bad choice. I know that isn''t what anyone intends, but like you said, it''s how it comes across.

Again, best of luck to Fox, I''m sure all of us at Pricescope, regardless of our opinions of NSC, wish her nothing but luck and support in resolving things.
I disagree MTG. For instance, I know Linda is happy with NSC and got a lovely pad. Personally, I didn''t care to do business with NSC long before I saw this post and even after knowing of Linda''s experience. I have my reasons, and it''s nothing sinister. I just am not into a lot of their stuff and yes, I have read in the past here some customer experiences I don''t care for. It''s just my degree of comfort. And yet I would totally work with someone like Leon who has had many bad customer service reviews. It''s just that he doesn''t particulary care to come on PS and defend himself.

I do think on threads like this, I agree with''s not particularly helpful to come and say "I had a great experience". It''s like going on a positive thread and saying "Gosh, I had a terrible experience." What would more helpful is asking questions and getting to the bottom of things and hoping (and suggesting things) for a positive outcome.

That being said, Fox2009, it would be helpful since you decided to air this story if we could see photos of the damage you are talking about. Pictures are worth 1000 words, after all.


Mar 2, 2009
Fair enough Tgal, we all interpret different things different ways :)
I guess I was just rubbed the wrong way a little when people were saying what poor quality NSC sapphires were, and I got a bit defensive. :) No way reflects on Fox. Also, I thought she intended this post as a warning post, not necessarily to get advice? Which is why I didn't think it was inappropriate to post a positive experience, I wouldn't have done so if I had known she was looking for advice on how to proceed (I agree, my input would have been pretty unhelpful). I thought this was just a "FYI" kind of post.

And just because I posted a positive experience, doesn't mean I'm siding with (or defending) NSC on this case. In fact, I would be disappointed with NSC if I was Fox, and I absolutely think she should be fighting for what she believes is fair and right.

And I think Michael said that pics can't be posted due to confidentiality? But I agree, it'd be helpful.


Feb 17, 2007
Date: 3/23/2009 9:57:17 PM
Author: TravelingGal
Date: 3/23/2009 9:43:05 PM

Author: MakingTheGrade

Personally, I'd feel better if I posted a complaint about a company and got good feedback about them as it'd make me more hopeful to resolve things than if I found that many other people also had negative experiences that were unresolved. In some way, our posting about our positive experience is (in my opinion) a reinforcement that Fox's decision to go to NSC wasn't unfounded since many of us did have good experiences there, and it's not her fault that this has happened (there were no bad precedents to warn her).

It's certainly not my intent to put her down in anyways, and I hope she knows that. But I stand behind posting my positive experiences on this thread none the less. Not to be discouraging towards negative posts, but as a fair response to many posts that were very strongly putting down NSC. I don't think NSC is the best vendor in the world, but neither do I think they should be avoided like the plague or that they're the worst choice.

Might I also add, that some of the posts that are along the lines of 'I would never do business with NSC' etc, are kind of hurtful for those of us who did buy from them as it kind of insinuates that we don't know better, or that we made a bad choice. I know that isn't what anyone intends, but like you said, it's how it comes across.

Again, best of luck to Fox, I'm sure all of us at Pricescope, regardless of our opinions of NSC, wish her nothing but luck and support in resolving things.

I disagree MTG. For instance, I know Linda is happy with NSC and got a lovely pad. Personally, I didn't care to do business with NSC long before I saw this post and even after knowing of Linda's experience. I have my reasons, and it's nothing sinister. I just am not into a lot of their stuff and yes, I have read in the past here some customer experiences I don't care for. It's just my degree of comfort. And yet I would totally work with someone like Leon who has had many bad customer service reviews. It's just that he doesn't particulary care to come on PS and defend himself.

I do think on threads like this, I agree with's not particularly helpful to come and say 'I had a great experience'. It's like going on a positive thread and saying 'Gosh, I had a terrible experience.' What would more helpful is asking questions and getting to the bottom of things and hoping (and suggesting things) for a positive outcome.

That being said, Fox2009, it would be helpful since you decided to air this story if we could see photos of the damage you are talking about. Pictures are worth 1000 words, after all.

Yes, pictures would help greatly here. Unfortunately grievances have been aired in a negative way here and yes NSC's response was not the most professional at all.

But at the same time, none of us really know what happened here. People damage their rings all the time as we have told many posters before we weigh judgement on who is in the right in the situation we need more's not fair to NSC to say that Fox is in the right without someone else weighing in on the setting or proof that the setting is faulty. And it's not fair to Fox to say that NSC is in the right for the same reasons.

I still think that an independent appraisal could help Fox here even if Michael doesn't want anything to do with it. Why? Because if indeed the setting is of such poor quality that a well regarded independent appraiser says it is-then Fox can take this to the next level to try and get her money back for the setting. And if not, then she can make adjustments to the way she wears her rings so it doesn't happen again to her next ring.


Mar 22, 2009
I, too, was a little chargrinned by the negative reaction, when really, I am just sharing in hopes of helping someone like myself doing online research. I don''t need to vent or needlessly tarnish NSC''s name, there would be no reason for that. Like I said, up until the ring started breaking, I would have been on here writing a GLOWING review. I was thrilled with my ring. It''s just unwearable now.

Shopping online, especially for a big purchase, is hard, and having feedback is important and helpful. So, hopefully PS stays receptive to reviews and considers honest and thorough accounts completely without "taking sides" or criticizing the reviewer.

I do need to take some photos, and I plan on it. I''m in law school and it is midterm season right now, so I will probably take some next week (spring break!).

Michael implies that he has pictures, or something, and he has never told me that, or mentioned any picture to us in all of our private correspondence (which there has been much of). So I don''t know if he really has any. But, I am happy to take my own.
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