
B&M what do you expect?

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Nov 1, 2003
We had a thread a while back on what we expect from an Internet diamond vendor so lets talk brick and mortar stores.

What do they need to do to get your business?
What do you expect the sales staff to do to earn your business when your in the store?
Whats your biggest turn off? Biggest draw?
What types of advertising would be best to reach you?


Nov 1, 2003
Ill start off with my biggest turn off.
Uneducated sales people that dont know diamonds, gemstones and jewlery very very well.
I want to deal with someone I can respect not just another sales drone.


Nov 11, 2004
My biggest turn off is sales people that talk down to you until you exhibit some knowledge and then they get all stiff and clam up cause they realise that they don''t have the knowledge to help you.

I also hate the hard sell especially if you have made it claer from the start that you are just looking and will call fo help if you need it.


Nov 26, 2004
You are not alone. I just heard today 'hearts and arrows' are just ideal cuts...

I kept quiet.

The thing is, I was at a stone merchant at the time. I even got grilled at the door because they don't know me - then they fleeced me $$ for two 1.5mm emeralds, that just don't cost that much - small world, small trade.

What chance does bricks and mortor have with advice like that?

Good topic this, especially from the consumer side.

It ia sad in a way, to see them so unappreciated, when not long ago they were just another shop like any other.

I guess there are two sides to the equation being that some people buy for the experience and others buy for value. If somebody sees something they absouletly love and have to have, and pay the dosh, then go way and never look back - well they did well. To some people spoiling yourself is not about saving money. Not much logic goes into planing here, just the bright lights!

You would like your flowers bought, right? Not the same as something out of someones garden.

Take Tiffany for example. They brand themself so well, everybody would like to have something bought from them.

B&M shops have huge opposition as far as diamonds go. This cottage industry may go. Supplying bench workers (with widely varying skills) on-call are all they are good for, and there is no reason why Internet shops can get better workers behind the bench, especially as most can't get good money off custom work, IMO - I am biased... Actually, small shops don't have the work to make their bench workers good. Only expanded industries and outlying nieche industries can provide that. The only other source of quality jewellry manufacture is those who educate themselves from the learnings of those in key jewellry manufacturing areas and who exapand on knowledge.

Ooops way off the topic... Sorry.



Oct 22, 2004
I''ll tell you what I don''t like. When we started looking at erings I went by myself to a place here in the town I live in that''s been here for a looooooooooooong time...25+ years maybe. That''s really long for this small town. I had asked to look at radiants and they kept showing me emerald cuts! They didn''t know the difference! I almost got into an argument with them over it. Then I asked if the diamonds were Then I asked if they came with a GIA report and all things pertinant to purchasing a diamond. His response to me? "Young lady, you only ask for a GIA report when you don''t trust your jeweler!"
EXCUSE ME???? That was the first time I had ever stepped foot into that store and the first time I had ever met him! Of course I didn''t trust him! The nerve! I ended up going to Charlotte where they were only too happy to answer my questions and show me RADIANT cuts..even though I ended up with a RB. I got a much better price too. They have my business for a very long time to come. I''m not turned off to purchasing online if I see something that I just have to have and it would be dumb to pass up...but to see, touch and look I will go there first.
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