
August 2010 Healthy Lifestyle


Feb 27, 2007
San Diego Lady, I always found when I wasn't losing weight I was losing inches and that is always a good thing too. You'll see that scale move again. :appl: Happy Anniversary next week. How many years will you be celebrating? Rats for losing your post. I think seeing the Queen Mary would be really fun. $900 is pretty crazy. We stayed at the Brown Palace in Denver one time and we were upgraded to a Suite that is about that a night. Boy was it nice. It raised the bar for my expectations all right; too bad I can't afford to stay in places like that. :((

Appletini, I am sure those 2 pounds will come right back off. I made cookies for my office tomorrow and didn't even eat one. After being on vacation for 12 days I think I've splurged enough.

I kept busy this afternoon. I did some work on the astronomy club website and sent out an email asking people to sign up for an electronic newsletter. That will save me time and the club money. Sweet. I have the list down to 1/2 of what it was before already. Some were "volunteered" though because they are other organizations that don't pay dues anyway.

I can't believe I am still awake but I am fading fast. Marty's plane should be landing about 5 am my time so I will probably get a text or phone call bright and early. I looked at the airline's website and it shows the flight path. Wow! It flies up over Canada, Greenland, north of England then down over Russia and China. Aak! PS dust for his safe arrival.

CYA Later. :wavey:


Feb 27, 2007
Michelle, it is amazing how time zips by. Congratulations on 4 years. :appl: Las Vegas sounds fun as does Palm Springs. No matter where you go it will be special because you are celebrating your anniversary.

I didn't start the day very well. I fell down when I was watering the flowers. I was in a hurry and walked across the grass instead of sticking to the sidewalk. I kind of twisted my left foot on a bump and there I went. I don't think I hurt anything but have gotten progressively more sore as the day went by. Rats. That will teach me to hurry. ;(

I went back to work today after being gone for 12 days. My team did a great job while I was out so I didn't have a mess to go back to at all. Yay team!

I am doing a batch of laundry and will read a bit tonight.

Take care. :wavey:


Mar 13, 2008
Marcy, so sorry to hear you had a fall this morning! ;( How is your garden growing? My sister's boyfriend's fried (mouthful) is doing a worm castings (poop) project and we used that on my containers for my balcony. They *love* it, except for the gardenia plant. But all the other plants love love love it. :)

Michelle Congrats on your anniversary week. Hope you guys have a good weekend. Either place you go sounds fantastic.

I've been pretty slack on the running but again the weather has been pretty bad. Saturday we have a 15 miler. Oy! But it's Air and Water show weekend :) I've ALWAYS loved air shows. James and I are going to watch the planes buzz around the city from Sis's deck. :)



Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I am so glad the weekend is here. I was greeted with a phone message from a credit service questioning some charges on Marty’s debit card. I call the number and they won’t talk to me because I am not Marty. I told our bank he’d be in Hong Kong and asked if that is what they charges were and they still wouldn’t answer me. I called our bank and they have no record on our account he’d be out of town. They agreed to call and say the charges were okay. Now they’ve posted the charge online and it looks way too big for a restaurant. Grr. I’ve texted Marty but I have not heard from him yet. This has just been an awful week for me. I need another vacation. LOL.

Tomorrow is the race for the cure so I need to get up at my normal time. I ordered a “huge” shirt this year because they always run small and I wanted longer sleeves because of sunburn. That shirt is so big though it would work for a nightgown. I think I’ll wear a hot pink shirt instead. That will work anyway. Wish me luck and my mom too. She’s been going for her walks so she can walk the mile. I have my camera in my little purse this time.

Lisa, good luck on your race this weekend. Have a blast with the air show. I love air shows too.

Take care and have a great weekend.


Jul 30, 2008
Hey all! long time no post. I've been super busy lately with the house and our trip to Telluride. I've been semi-lurking trying to "keep in touch", but Telluride had poor cell/internet service all around, which is no surprise!

Anyways, I'll have time tomorrow to catch up. I just wanted to say good luck to Marcy and her mom with their race tomorrow!! Race shirts are so hard to predict. The last race I did I ordered a medium and was swimming in it. Guess I should stick with smalls.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi. Happy Saturday! This morning was the Komen Race for the Cure. Our team from work had 19 people sign up. My mom was able to walk the entire mile and she was quicker at it than last year. Yippee. A friend of mine walked with me and we’d stop and wait for my parents each time the route turned a corner. After the walk the 4 of us went to breakfast then my friend and I took off for the outlet mall because they were having a sidewalk and craft sale. I didn’t buy a darn thing except something to drink. She picked up a pair of jeans for $12.99 and we got her sons school supplies at Target then came home.

Later today I am meeting a friend for a drink then going to another friend’s house to play bunco. I’ve never played before but she said it is easy.

Beach Runner. I am sure you had a great time in Telluride. I hope you are getting your new house all settled and arranged. I so agree the size of shirts can sure vary from year to year. Oh well, I still wore a pink shirt and now have a nice pink nightgown.

Laters, :wavey:


Apr 27, 2007
Hi everybody! We just got home last night from 10 days in Seattle. We had an awesome time! I ate and drank way too much, but we were on the go almost all the time, so hopefully I haven't gained too much. I don't think I've ever been so exhausted after a vacation. I think the highlight of the whole trip for us was our day at Mt. Rainier. We had a fabulous clear sunny day with the most beautiful blue sky I have ever seen. Awesome day! It was wonderful to be back home and sleep in my own bed last night, even though we had a huge storm and no electricity. We can't pick Lily up from the kennel until 5 today, and I can't wait to see her! I'm dreading going back to work tomorrow after so many days off. Have a wonderful day everyone!!


Nov 29, 2004
Greetings everyone! Not a lot to report other than it is super hot outside. I think I melted today, I'm hoping I sweat out at least a lb.

Thursday I had a PT session with the trainer, we did the pilates machine and some ab work. friday I walked for an hour, Sat I walked for 30 min, and today DH and I walked for almost an hour. He was out of town this weekend so that meant I had lots of down time, and was able to be a little healthier for a weekend. Fri I met my aunt for lunch but ordered an appetizer of crab tostatadas, which were sort of healthy, had a lean cuisine for dinner. Normally it would have been go out to eat and have several glasses of wine so I was glad to conserve calories. Saturday I made a salad while at the grocery store for lunch and then went to a b-day party last night. It was hamburger cookout. I had two glasses of sangria, a burger, 2 servings of a tomato/feta salad, and 3 pieces of the yummiest watermelon I've ever had. Later when the cake I was out, I passed and decided to count the watermelon as my dessert since it was so good.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I had a productive Sunday. I hesitated but decided to dust and vacuum then I decided what the heck I’ll clean the bathrooms and kitchen. I had a peach and a waffle for BF, a lean cuisine for lunch and 2 tacos for supper. Of course there were those few hot cookies this afternoon that was not the best idea to eat. I have a guy from corporate coming tomorrow to spend the day with us and when I went to see him he had treats for me so I made homemade cookies. I did put them up right away though so I wouldn’t continue to make sure they were okay for company. :devil:

This afternoon I went to my parents and showed my mom how to play the DVD with photos from my nieces wedding. I did up this month’s newsletter for the astronomy club.

I sent Marty the link to the diamond Snoopy in Hong Kong and told him he could bring it home for me. I don’t think I’m going to get it but he said he’d try to go see it and get a picture for me. It is so cool.

Deegee, I am glad to hear you had a nice trip. Did you get any pictures of Mt. Reiner? I bet it was gorgeous. I am sure Lily was excited to see you.

Appletini, yay for having such a healthy weekend. Watermelon is so good but it’s funny it never sounds good to me. I hope it cools off a little for you.

Take care. :wavey:


Nov 24, 2006
Hi healthy gang!! I haven't posted in awhile but it sounds like everyone is doing fantastic; great job. It has been a little over a year since I kept my weight off and stay at my goal weight. I am not perfect but I weigh in monthly at WW and that is good motivation plus this is my second year running a 5k so just making sure I can do it again is motivation in itself. Diabetes runs in my family and it is heartbreaking to see family members suffer so I guess that is my biggest motivation! No sure if I motivate others but those things keep me motivated plus this summer I am really enjoying lots of farm fresh fruits and veggies:). Cheers to you all and good to see everyone!! Great pics btw =)


Nov 29, 2004
DH and I went for an hour walk this evening, but I cannot keep up with him so he would get ahead of me a ways and then walk towards me. It has been super hot and then it rained this afternoon, so it felt like we were walking through a swamp it was so muggy out. Thank goodness September will be here soon. Also work is crazy busy this week so not much time for workouts but I'm trying to t o squeeze things in when I can. I also haven't been very good about my eating lately so I'm trying to log everything on sparkpeople this week.

skippy, Great to hear from you! I miss you!


Feb 27, 2007
It's Skippy! Woo hoo! :appl: :appl: :appl: Hi Skippy! I am so glad to see you here. Congratulations on keeping off your weight for a year.

Appletini,, we are already cooling off here in the morning and evening. Fall is on the way. Marty says it is very hot and humid in Hong Kong. He is not enjoying it at all.

Long day a work. We had an error last night but didn't get in trouble for it. I had to have the talk with my employees today though about errors, personal distractions, etc. Sigh. Why do adults have to be reminded?

I had leftovers for supper. Right now I am waiting for my parents to come over. I am showing them a Bluray I got on national parks.

Take care. :wavey:


Mar 13, 2008
Hey everyone!

HELLOOOOOO SKIPPY!!!!!! :wavey: Loooong time no post! So happy to hear you've kept your weight off for a whole year! How wonderful! I'm running my marathon for diabetes research! Diabetes runs in both sides of my family and my brother has it. I'm dedicating my race to him and the rest of my family.

Marcy. I LOVE air shows too. James loves them also. Sis and I sat out on her rooftop the first day and watched most of it while we had lunch. Then on Sunday we did a big BBQ cook-out/pot luck. She smoked a brisket (turned out PHENOMENAL), made burgers, beer boiled brats, boiled corn. I made chicken wings. A friend brought a delicious couscous salad and skewers. Another friend brought Polish kielbasa. Mmmmm :) It was SOOO much fun and the weather was GLORIOUS! James said it was a highlight of this summer :) It really was fantastic. I hope Marty's bank situation got sorted out... FIngers crossed. What's the name of the National Parks BluRay? James would like that.

Apple, hope the weather broke for you. It finally did here on Sunday. The past two days it's been really nice. It's so good to not go outside and melt into a puddle! The dog likes to cooler weather too (she's all black).

Beach, I hope you're all moved in and settled. How was T-ride? I really want to go skiing there. Hopefully this year. I need to get my skiing in :) How has your running been going. Mine has been spotty with the hot weather but now it's cooled of more I am more inclined to run. Work's been a bear, so it sorta works in my favor to run off steam, but also doesn't in that I just want to come home and veg.

Deegee. I love Seattle! I'm glad you had good weather. James's sis lives there but they're not all that close so he's never really itching to go. My dearest girlfriend lives there so I'm TOTALLY itching to go... Sigh... How was Lily? The dog always goes CRAZY whenever I pick her up from puppy camp (euphemism for kennel).

Dinner tonight was homemade pizza. I made a pizza blanco, yummy yummy. For James I made a regular style with basil and jalepenos and Hungarian "pepperoni." It's not really pepperoni since it's not cured, you have to cook it. But it's pretty similar. I FINALLY got the pizza dough to crust up, but I couldn't find my rolling pin and stretched out James's crust, didn't roll it so it wasn't as thin as we like it. We like thin crust. The blanco was super thin, but didn't crust because a) it wasn't on the cast iron "stone" and b) it was in the upper third of the oven not the lower. So my blanco had the right thickness, James's had the right crustiness....

I'm attaching a pic because I thought they looked so pretty....



Apr 27, 2007
Hi Skippy!! Glad to hear you have maintained for a year! After our WW group at work fizzled, I stopped my official monthly weigh-in. I couldn't find a good place or time to go, but I faithfully weigh myself every Sunday morning. I worked too hard to get it off and I'm not going to let it creep back on!

marcy - gosh, how long is Marty going to be in Hong Kong? I bet he's not liking the heat and humidity. Seattle felt so nice with the temperatures in the low 70's with low humidity for a change. I can't wait until fall comes when when I can wear my nice, comfy long sleeves and sweaters! I'm not a hot weather person. I bet your national parks blueray has a lot of really nice scenery. I got some really pretty pictures at Mt. Rainier with wildflowers in the foreground, pine trees on back, the mountain looming in the distance, and the gorgeous blue sky.

appletini - I'm with you on September being here soon. I'm tired of the humidity!

Lisa - Lily knocked me down at the kennel and wouldn't let me up! Matt was laughing so hard he was doubled over, and everyone else in the waiting area was cracking up. She wouldn't let me up! Doggie welcome home's are the best. Your pizzas do look pretty - I'd have taken a picture too. Our first try at homemade pizza didn't work out too well because we didn't roll the crust out thin enough and put way too many toppings on it. We've got the crust down now and we are still experimenting with the toppings. I don't think we've made the same pizza twice! Seattle was AWESOME! I'd go back in a heartbeat if the opportunity ever arises.

I have had a couple good catch up days at work, but my staff did an awesome job of taking care of things while I was away so I'm not too far behind. It is raining again outside so we didn't take a walk this evening. I put a turkey breast in the crock pot this morning, so we had a tasty dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, stove top stuffing and green beans - which ends up being a very low point dinner. I worked up the nerve to get on the scale after my trip... I gained 3 pounds. Totally worth it! The conference had every meal catered in Friday-Wednesday, including an open bar every evening. I surely didn't want to be rude to the conference planners and not partake in the all the tastiness and beverages! I decided beforehand that I wasn't going to worry about it too much and just get back to normal as soon as I got back home, so I'm back in weight loss mode for a few weeks. I'm still below my WW goal weight, so I'm pretty happy about that. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!


Nov 24, 2006
Thanks friends for the kudos; I miss all of you! Lisa that is awesome you are doing a half marathon in honor of your brother. I brt he loves Your pizzas look wonderful!! Degee yay for you being lifetime; that is so awesome!!! Marcy great to see you; you are doing great! Appletini woohooo for you and your hubby's uber walk and TB workout w the trainer'! I will try to pop in from time to time; you all are so motivating!!! :bigsmile:


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I was bad, bad, bad today. Chocolate, Coke, chips and salsa, wine, a cupcake, a few cookies – and it was all stress related. Good old office politics and I haven’t been savvy enough playing it to know how to cya. I am learning. As Marty told me awhile ago, I am just important enough that they can blame things on me and that is pretty much what is happening. No, I am not in trouble but we have to cut over to a new system next week even though our program they are giving us doesn’t work right or work well so who knows if we can get our work done. Time will tell. And even though they’ve had my “list” of must dos for a long time yet I had to once again defend the business need for them. Oh well, it’s a done deal. Monday we get it and what work we don’t get done will cause a lot of problems.

Lisa, the air show and BBQ sounds wonderful; I can see why it would be a highlight of the summer for you guys. Marty’s debit card has been working fine; thank goodness. The Bluray is called “The Best of the National Parks” and includes segments on 16 national parks. I want to go see them all now. We got it at Sams Club. Your pizzas look great and delicious.

Deegee, too funny how excited Lily was to see you. I hope you didn’t get hurt though. Marty is in HK for 2 weeks. He is not enjoying the heat and humidity. He prefers cooler weather too. Your pictures sound very pretty. No worries on a few pounds; they be gone in no time. Your turkey dinner sounds quite tasty.

Skippy, please do pop in; we love to hear from you. Did you do anything fun this summer? Are you still walking a lot?

Take care. :wavey:


Apr 27, 2007
Good evening!

Aw marcy, I'm sorry you're having a trying time at work. That stinks! Good luck with switching over to a new system. I'm lousy at office politics too. I've been a manager for almost 3 years now, and I'm learning the cya thing as I go! I hope you're keeping yourself plenty busy in the evenings while Marty is away.

skippy - I hope you can stop in more often. We miss you!

My eats today were good. I stayed within my points, but if there had been anything good in the house - it would have been MINE. I have the major munchies right now but we have nothing to snack on. Not even fruit! We had turkey blt's and salad for dinner and a pudding cup for dessert. We haven't had time to go grocery shopping since we've been back so it's slim pickings around here!! We gave Lily a bath because she had some pretty serious stink going on from the kennel and then took a walk. I have a dentist appointment at 7 in the morning to finally get my last crown and then hopefully no more 7am dentist appointments for a long while. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!


Nov 29, 2004
Marcy I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who went crazy with the food yesterday and it was both a crazy busy work day and multiple work celebrations, the only saving grace is that my book club was cancelled or I would have been even worse. We had our monthly b-day celebration which I initially was really good about resisting, but the food is always on a table in front of my cube. I only had 1 brownie bite with Choclate icing in the morning. But then we went out for our group lunch for Restaurant Week so I had some key lime pie, but did not eat the whole thing. I had 2 more brownie bites in the afternoon and some skittles.

Oh well today is a new day.


Apr 27, 2007
Hi everyone!

appletini - did you get the Brazilian blowout? I hate to say this, but my hair is actually too straight! I wanted straight, but not totally flat. My hair is completely stick straight, which is better than the frizzy curly mess it was, but I'd like at least a little bit of volume. I've even been using root lifter and volumizing mouse - still stick straight.

marcy - I hope all is well!

Hi lisa & beachrunner!

My poor dad has been in the ER 3 times this weekend. He nearly cut the end of his finger off on broken glass. He takes a pretty strong dose of blood thinner due to the many blood clots in his leg (a side effect of his past cancer treatments), and they couldn't get the bleeding stopped. After several hours in the ER he went home, only to have to go back because it started bleeding uncontrollably again. He keeps saying "it's just a little cut" but his hand is so huge with all the wrapping and gauze. We decided to order pizza for our weekly family dinner so that mom didn't have to cook. I did bad yesterday - pizza and a brownie. We came home and walked 3 miles and I have done much better today. I have a few pounds to get off from my crazy week of stuffing my face in Seattle, so I've got to get back with it. Thankfully we get a new chance each day! Have a great week everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone! I had a “social” weekend and had fun. I joined my in-laws for happy hour Friday night. Saturday I met my sister to go shopping. Today I met a friend for breakfast and then went to visit my parents for awhile. I called a friend of mine in California and we talked a long time. She is rather entertaining so we enjoyed catching up.

Marty will be getting on the plane in Hong Kong tomorrow evening and get back to Denver Tuesday evening. I am so excited.

I have a horrid tooth ache. I am calling the dentist tomorrow. I was pretty much on soft food today and even ice water is not pleasant. Rats.

Deegee, I am not a cya person or serious note / email follow up person but I think I need to start. I have a Franklin that I never use so maybe it’s time I dig it out, get new pages and start taking notes. I hope your crown went well and you are done with dentist appointment. I feel your “pain” right now. LOL. A trick that works for me to kind of fluff up my hair is to bend over at the waste and shake your head up and down and sideways a few times. Yes, it sounds crazy but it really does fluff up your hair. I am debating what to do with my hair. My next appointment is in about 3 weeks and once I get it trimmed I am pretty sure all of my body perm will be gone. Decisions, decisions. I am so sorry to hear about your dad being to the ER so many times. I hope his finger is better and he isn’t bleeding anymore. I take aspirin for my arthritis and I sure have a hard time stopping a cut from bleeding. I am glad you got in your 3 mile walk. I walked quite a bit this weekend with my shopping. When I met my sister I had her walk more than she is used too but she seemed to do okay with it.

Appletini, it is rough to avoid the food at work. One of my newer employees is a wonderful cook and brings in tasty treats a lot. I always make sure they are on the other side of the room. You did better on brownie bites than I would; they are one of my favorites. My niece and her husband finally switched their license plates to Texas. I guess they are official residents now.

Well, take care. I “plan” to go to bed a little early tonight. If that happens – well I won’t make any promises. I keep getting text messages from Marty at midnight or 1 am and it always starts with “I know you’re up . . . “ He knows me so well.

Marcy :wavey:


Nov 29, 2004
I had a great PT session on Thursday and got the most wonderful news. My old workout partner is coming back to my building so I'm super excited she and I get to start working out together again! I went to Dallas for the weekend to visit some college friends but I did do the Biggest Loser Last Chance workout video Friday morning so I had some soreness (the good kind) from that and also went walking in Dallas Saturday morning. We went to the mall that afternoon so that was some bonus walking. I tried to be good on the eating front, but it was tough so I tried to enjoy but with some relative portion control. Also was excited to find out Dairy Queen has mini-blizzards now, and since those are a roadtrip staple, it was the perfect portion.

Today I can't go to my workout class b/c I have a meeting afterwards and need to squeeze lunch in there, but will go to the gym for a quick mini-workout and then go for a walk when I get home tonight. I have birthday lunches for coworkers the next two days so that will be my main challenge this week.

deegee, I haven't gotten it done yet. I've had lots of expenses for other things and despite the humidity I've actually had good hair lately...not sure what's going on, but I'm not going to complain.

Marcy, I hope your tooth feels better.


Apr 27, 2007
Good evening!

marcy - glad you got to have a fun weekend. I hope Marty gets to stay put for a while when he gets back! I hope your dentist was able to get you in quickly and your tooth feels better soon. I seem to have a lot of experience with tooth pain lately, and it stinks!!! So you have straight hair, huh? I have an appointment for cut and color tomorrow, and was thinking about getting some shorter layers around the crown. I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not. Sadly, I had to start learning the cya thing with our last director. She would instruct us to do something and then ask later why we did it. If you would question her decision at the time, she would be sure to let you know that she was an attorney and she certainly could interpret the law. Some of her decisions are starting to come back and bite us now that she's gone, one of which was the reason I was in meetings all day today.

appletini - how great that your old workout partner is coming back! It helps to have someone to exercise with. The main reason I had my hair done this year was because of the nasty humidity. It looked awful every day.

Matt had a really bad day at work and my brain was fried from being in meetings all day, so we picked up something to eat on the way home. I stayed within my points, and I didn't have anything to clean up afterwards. Lily woke me up at 2:30 this morning, so I'm pretty much done for the day. Have a great day tomorrow everyone.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I woke up about 4 am totally clenching my teeth and that one tooth was “screaming” at me. I called the dentist first thing and he agreed to see me over his lunch. He took an xray and could not see any difference between today’s xray and the one they took 6 months ago. This was the tooth they got the crown on crooked about 7 months ago. He said he could see where a high spot was taking a lot of abuse recently so he filed it down. It is so much better this evening. He said if it doesn’t get better it might be a nerve but he said he can usually see the nerve damage or change in an xray. A strange side story on this same tooth is a few years ago I was using a Sonic Care and this very same tooth would cause me pain from my jaw to the top of my head. So maybe it has a sensitive nerve. Anyway I am better this evening. Woo hoo!

I went to supper with some girls from work and we had a great time. Drank more than we ate so we talked more than we should. But anyway it was fun.

Marty texted me after boarding the plane in Hong Kong and was excited he got upgrade to first class from Hong Kong to Newark. That will make his 15.5 hour trip more enjoyable. He gets in to DIA tomorrow night.

Appletini, how exciting your old workout partner is coming back to your building. Your trip to Dallas sounds fun. I got out and walked at work again today. It was nice. I tried a mini blizzard on Friday but the guy behind the counter heard medium. I didn’t eat even half of it though. My tooth is so much better tonight, thanks for the well wishes.

Deegee, that I know of Marty isn’t scheduled to travel for awhile. It is so hard to decide to do a big change in our hairdos. I will be anxious to hear what you do and how you like it. I have very thick hair so layers tend to work best for me. I really need to start cya at work. I dug out my Franklin today so maybe will pick up 2011 pages for it. It is sad we live in a world where that is necessary. Sorry to hear things are coming back to bite you for that other lady’s decisions. I hope both your and Matt have better days at work tomorrow.

Take care. :wavey:


Mar 13, 2008
Hey folks,

It's been a while since I signed in and posted. Been busy. I'm finally off the "on-call" phone which I've "affectionately" named the Batphone. So now I don't have to work when I get home. The running have been pretty good. We've done all our long runs (16 miles on Sunday, that was KILLER) and about 1/2 the mileage for the midweek runs.

James has his first tri on Sunday, so we're going to make race friendly meals for this week. I did paella last night. He requested spaghetti & meatballs for Sat before the race. I told him to figure out what he's supposed to eat, I'm not going to do all the research AND make dinner...

Deegee, scary medical scare with your dad! Sounds like everything's OK though? Sounds like you've been doing really well with the walks, that's awesome. Hope you and Matt and a less crazy week from here on out.

Marcy, I'm glad you had a fun weekend. You deserve it! Is Marty back from HK? I'm slowly learning to be more of a follow up person, I'm also kinda bad at that. I'm glad your dentist was able to help you out with your toothache.

SDL, Ooooh! I looove that necklace. DROOL! Utah is such a pretty state! I'm glad you're having a good time up in Big Sky Country :)

Apple how's your workouts going? Is your workout buddy back in your schedule?

That's all for me right now.



Jun 25, 2007
Hey guys

Well I'm going to creep my way back in, as well as creep my way back into my workout routine and getting back on eating track. SO and I moved home, him to his mom's and me to my grandparents' and it was just too much all at once to really keep trying to do workouts and eat healthy. I've had more fast food in the past month than I have in years. The good news is I didn't gain any, probably b/c of stress. We are hoping to save money (we are BROKE) and take a fresh start on things.

I'm going to start walking in the mornings before work when I don't have class, and doing yoga Mon-Wed-Friday. I'll slowly add weights back in.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. Marty got home from Hong Kong last night. We couldn’t have timed getting to the airport any better. I was parking in the garage and he texted me to say they had just landed. I headed to the little diamond room and after I got out of there he called to say he was getting on the train. I waited about 10 minutes watching for him to arrive. We walked to baggage and his luggage was already there. I left work at 5:10 and we got home at 8:50. A very quick trip for me.

Marty had been awake for about 28 hours so was asleep by about 10 pm. About 1:30 our doorbell rings. Marty notices it looks funny outside; a house across the alley from us was engulfed in flames. The wind was blowing ash in to our back yard. We got dressed and went outside. It took the fire department quite awhile to get it put out. Most of their place is gone. We did find out today they got out okay and I was so relieved to hear that. Very scary. I walked over tonight to look at it; their pickup is pretty melted too.

Needless to say I am very tired today and cranky. I am working on laundry but hope to go to bed early.

San Diego Lady. Your pictures are great; Zion looks lovely and I love that necklace. I am so glad you had a wonderful trip. Congratulations on being so close to your goal. Yippee!

Lisa, I am glad you are off the bat phone. I’ll have to start calling Marty’s phone that since it rings all the time. I like it. I am too trusting of a person to worry about cya but I need to learn. Your 16 mile run does like a killer but congratulations for running that far. That is awesome. My tooth is better but still tender.

Dragonfly, both of you moving home will be rough on you but saving some money is always a good call. Hugs to you.

Take care.


Mar 13, 2008
Marcy, I'm glad Marty made it home alright. You should totally call Marty's phone the batphone. James thought it was funny that I called it that too, but I think it's really appropriate. :) And at least it almost sounds fun... I'm glad your neighbors were OK. How scary about the fire :errrr:

Dragon, welcome back! Sounds like you're doing OK. I'm glad to hear. How are the walks going?

We bagged our run today. Sis was kinda in a funk so her BF and I were trying to cheer her up. We picked grapes from my garden and then fretted over the dog. The dog was making *really* loud stomach noises, sounded like squirting, and was for a while, not interested in any food. Very unlike her. She's back to normal again, albeit a little lethargic....

Dinner was grilled chicken, frozen cheese tortellini and a sauce consisting of pureed tomatoes, garlic, and chopped basil. Tasty. Tomorrow I'll make James a roast chicken, brussel sprouts (I found this interesting recipe to grill them) and mashed potatoes.



Nov 29, 2004
It's been one of those weeks again and too many birthday lunches, meetings, etc. DH and I went for a walk on Wednesday evening, and yesterday I made it to the gym for the first time all week. The SLAM class was a great workout and I was glad to be there. I'm planning to attend the Total Body class today.


Nov 29, 2004
I usually don't go to the gym on Fridays when I'm in the office but I did today and am so glad I did. I went to the Total Body class and had a great workout. THey have a different trainer on Fridays and I really liked her, so it was nice to change things up.

I also somehow managed to lose 3/4 lb overnight and I even had some fried chicken and mashed potatoes for dinner but it was portion controlled.


Feb 27, 2007
Hi everyone. I hope you are having a great weekend.

Marty is getting a little better adjusted to our time zone but the poor guy has got a really bad cold now. This morning we ran to Colorado so he could get some ingredients from an Asian store and an Indian store. They were going to have a demo on green curry at the Asian store so we went back to watch that.

This afternoon we went out for supper then did our grocery shopping.

Lisa, the next time his phone is ringing in the middle of the night I am so going to call it his batphone. Thanks for the idea. Yes, I was very glad to hear my neighbors were okay. I hope both your sister and your dog are much better now.

Appletini, glad to hear you made it to the gym and enjoyed the SLAM class. I finally had time to go for a few afternoon walks this week during break. Congratulations for seeing your scale go down. Woo hoo!

San Diego Lady, congratulations for being so close to your goal. How exciting. Great idea to add a little bit more to your walks.

I am off to play a few more rounds of Angry Birds. I am sooooo addicted to it and I just downloaded it today.

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