
Asscher Specs....

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Dec 2, 2006
Hello All,

Calling Asscher Guru''s:

which of the following are worth looking more into:

D: 67.9
T: 59
Girdle: ?
D: 68
T: 59

All the help will be appreciated!!!
Do all have GIA grading reports?

They look good by what little numbers tell you except for the 2nd and 3rd one.
The varing girdle on the 3rd one isnt a good sign, 1.05 l/w puts the other right on the edge

The other 2 are ones id consider having called in for pictures.
Thanks strmdr...I was leaning towards 1 and 4 as well...I'm gonna have them called in for pictures and inspection.

I'll post it as soon as I get it.

I am assuming that all of them have GIA Cert...WF as to call it in to get them.
heres the diamond cert for the 1.13...does it look okay so far...its attached to this post...can't seem to put it on here..



Date: 12/12/2006 12:33:31 PM
Author: diamondsRforever
heres the diamond cert for the 1.13...does it look okay so far
worth calling in for pics and an aset image.
I don''t see any attached files. Can you include the link? Did you say you were going throught WF? Price? Dimensions? Are you in direct contact with a sales person?
hey storm, i believe they are in the process of getting it in.

swing, heres the link asscher
and yes i am working with Celina over there at WF. She''s awesome and been very helpful... as far as dimensions 5.76X5.73.4.00
Date: 12/12/2006 12:54:15 PM
Author: diamondsRforever
hey storm, i believe they are in the process of getting it in.

swing, heres the link asscher
and yes i am working with Celina over there at WF. She''s awesome and been very helpful... as far as dimensions 5.76X5.73.4.00
post the pics when you get them.
Images finally came in so i will be attaching them along with the sarin... let me know if its kicken!!!


What do you guys think?

Its not a woofer but im not loving it that much.
Couple miss cuts.
Did they call the other one in 2?
Hey storm, they are still trying to get in touch with the other vendor, so i dont know what the deal is with that one.

So what exactly don''t you like about it?

THanks for the input!!!
Date: 12/14/2006 8:39:54 PM
Author: diamondsRforever
Hey storm, they are still trying to get in touch with the other vendor, so i dont know what the deal is with that one.

So what exactly don''t you like about it?

THanks for the input!!!
mainly the slightly too small red area center and the odd red bar in both the aset and IS breaking what otherwise would be a good pattern.
Its present in all 3 pictures so its not tilt because they are at different angles.
The culet facet angles are a bit off and one side of the pavilion looks a bit off.
Hmmm. At first glance I loved it ... then I looked a little closer and it seemed all screwy inside. I can''t tell if it''s the picture or the pattern ... I kinda think it''s the pattern -- one weird off-kilter facet that ends up affecting the overall interior "look".

It''s a thing that would bother *some* but def not *all* people ... which catergory YOU fall into ...up to you!
deco...i agree with you. at first i thought it looked good, but when storm pointed out the flaws its only then i saw it.

Do you guys think WF''s standards with asscher stones are lower than other vendors? Should I go through another vendor? I mean I will be getting charge for shipping everytime I reject a stone.

Any Advice?!?!
Date: 12/14/2006 9:07:18 PM
Author: diamondsRforever
deco...i agree with you. at first i thought it looked good, but when storm pointed out the flaws its only then i saw it.

Do you guys think WF''s standards with asscher stones are lower than other vendors? Should I go through another vendor? I mean I will be getting charge for shipping everytime I reject a stone.

Any Advice?!?!
Didn''t you ask them to call it in? The stats seemed good so I don''t see how it reflects badly on WF''s standards. Asschers are tough because you can''t tell as much by the numbers as you can with rounds. They won''t know if an asscher is good unless they bring it in. Also, there are many different "looks" in asschers so whether one is good or not is kind of subjective. Good luck! I know how frustrating the asscher search can be but it is so worth it.
Date: 12/14/2006 9:07:18 PM
Author: diamondsRforever
deco...i agree with you. at first i thought it looked good, but when storm pointed out the flaws its only then i saw it.

Do you guys think WF''s standards with asscher stones are lower than other vendors? Should I go through another vendor? I mean I will be getting charge for shipping everytime I reject a stone.

Any Advice?!?!
I''m not going to tell you what to do I''m just going to give you my honest opinion and let the chips fall where they fall.
In my opinion niceice and good old gold do a better job getting in and selecting asschers.
WF has in the past got some kicken asschers in but its not their specialty.
Wf is mainly about theirACA princess cuts and rounds and X-Factor which rank up there with anyone''s with a secondary market of the ES line princess cuts and rounds.
I expect that once the AGS grading system for asschers is out and if the market for them is strong we may see a ACA asscher line that I expect to be kicken in a couple years but right now they are rather weak on them.
indecisive, i did asked them to bring it in, the numbers did look good from my point of view, strmdr, as well as the gemologist at WF, however i was told that if the stone does not meet WF standards then they will just ship it back without costing me a penny. That is why I was asking If different vendors have different standards on a stone?

and yes I never thought searching for that perfect stone is going to be this hard. But I''m glad that there are people on PS that are very eager to help a person in need :). I Thank all of you guys
Thanks for the opinion''ve been very helpful along with the other PSers
hey guys, i was searching in GOG website and found this asscher

does this look better?

Date: 12/14/2006 9:52:30 PM
Author: diamondsRforever
hey guys, i was searching in GOG website and found this asscher

does this look better?

here is the aset from the gem file .. nope not any better.
Too dark center.
Likely one of a pair he called in for someone to review and no vendor bats 100% on them.

Here is the kicken one in that size class:

but its more expensive, they have other options available also.
I wonder if he is working on something cuz i see a couple woofers that he normaly wouldnt bother putting up.

edit: this is the only one of the ones I linked that I can say meets GOG's standards.
Thanks storm, I can def. tell the last 2 are woofers..the first one is def. kicken...too bad its out of the price range...hopefully someday :).

If you see anymore let me know.

Appreciate all the help.!!!
even with niceice and gog you need to work with them on bringing some in specificaly for you.
They have policies on what they charge for calling them in but both wont charge if it dont meet their standards, check with them on the actual policy.
It used to be GOG the first 2 were free even if you didnt buy but not sure if that is still the case.
The reason any of the vendors charge is to weed out tirekickers that have a ton of stones called in and dont buy even if one is found that fits what they wanted.
I was searching through PS and found one that I think has potential, I''m going to ask WF to bring it in.

D: 68.5
T: 62

I will be going to NYC today to check out some stones, maybe I''ll like something :)

Hopefully, Ill have time to give GOG a call, if not Ill shoot them an email on the way!!!

Searching for the perfect diamond is definitely not an easy task.
Date: 12/15/2006 6:54:30 AM
Author: diamondsRforever
I was searching through PS and found one that I think has potential, I''m going to ask WF to bring it in.

D: 68.5
T: 62

I will be going to NYC today to check out some stones, maybe I''ll like something :)

Hopefully, Ill have time to give GOG a call, if not Ill shoot them an email on the way!!!

Searching for the perfect diamond is definitely not an easy task.
numbers sound good.
Ask them if its a supplier they got kicken asschers from before, before you have it brought in.
Finding kicken asschers can be hard sometimes.
There are a limited number of cutters who cut them on a consistant bases (maybe 3 tops)
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