I have a 1.2 Square Cut Emerald/Asscher.
When I was looking at upgrades I found that I would really have to go up in carat weight quite a lot to gain even 1mm. So I started plugging measurements in a carat calculator to figure out what what going on and found that my random sample, a 1.5, was smaller in mm measurements than my 1.2.
How can diamonds that have near the same hxwxd measurements be different carat weights?
Both are GIA.
[Meanwhile I came down with the quite rare disease, perhaps never before documented on PS, of "Reverse DDS" and fell in love with my 1.2 again, but still wonder how carat weight works].
When I was looking at upgrades I found that I would really have to go up in carat weight quite a lot to gain even 1mm. So I started plugging measurements in a carat calculator to figure out what what going on and found that my random sample, a 1.5, was smaller in mm measurements than my 1.2.
How can diamonds that have near the same hxwxd measurements be different carat weights?
Both are GIA.
[Meanwhile I came down with the quite rare disease, perhaps never before documented on PS, of "Reverse DDS" and fell in love with my 1.2 again, but still wonder how carat weight works].