Hello everyone, I am new to the pricescope postings although I have been reading the posts for a couple of weeks now. So here is my situation: My husband and I planned to have the engagement then wedding like most normal people, but instead fate ended up sending us both to Iraq (where I am currently) for a year long deployment. We are married but my hubby never had time to get me a dream ring and wants to do it now. I have been looking through the sites posted here and I also came across www.sunjewelry.com and wondered if anyone has done business with them. I also found some "dream rings" on james allen''s website. I like the halo (is that what they are called?) type rings, square cut but am open to suggestions. The goal is to have the ring back by the end of January when we go on leave, so I can at least wear it for a while there. Is that too soon for ordering online? Any imput would be greatly appreciated