
Are you spoiled by your SO?

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Aug 1, 2008
I''ve been thinking about this lately. I am fully aware that I am. I have a friend that tells me I better hope nothing ever happens to DH because I have nowhere to go but down from here.

Apart from all the domestic chores he does with ZERO prompting, he will make dinner for me and not allow me in the kitchen so I''m suprised. He meets me at the door with a cocktail if he knows I''ve had a stresful day and brings them into my home office at the end of a long day. He rubs my feet when I''m on the couch.... and the list goes on and on and on.

So that got me wondering.... who else is spoiled? Is this really unusual and I have nowhere to go but down if something ever happened to him? (not meaning to be morbid- sorry if it sounds that way!)
In a word, no.

Do I sound bitter?
April 20: Do you live in Stepford?
It is great your SO is so kind to you. Long may it continue.

As for me, no DH does not spoil me. But he treats me with love & respect; I would not ask for more.
Date: 2/21/2009 4:45:54 PM
Author: Steel
April 20: Do you live in Stepford?
It is great your SO is so kind to you. Long may it continue.

As for me, no DH does not spoil me. But he treats me with love & respect; I would not ask for more.

I don''t.... but I''m beginning to think maybe I do! I''ve been plugging away in my office since 1 trying to finish a sales presentation for Monday. I hadn''t eaten and hadn''t bothered to stop either. He came a few minutes after I started this topic and brought me in an amazing chicken stir fry dish for lunch. It was fantastic. Then he refilled my cocktail.


Date: 2/21/2009 4:50:22 PM
Author: April20

Date: 2/21/2009 4:45:54 PM
Author: Steel
April 20: Do you live in Stepford?
It is great your SO is so kind to you. Long may it continue.

As for me, no DH does not spoil me. But he treats me with love & respect; I would not ask for more.

I don''t.... but I''m beginning to think maybe I do! I''ve been plugging away in my office since 1 trying to finish a sales presentation for Monday. I hadn''t eaten and hadn''t bothered to stop either. He came a few minutes after I started this topic and brought me in an amazing chicken stir fry dish for lunch. It was fantastic. Then he refilled my cocktail.


Awh. So sweet.
In some respects, yes; in others no. He lets me spend money and do pretty much anything I want.
I am certainly very happy and in a wonderful marriage.

He cooks, but only because I''m so lousy at it!

...and he''s really into gems so...
Yes I am spoilt. He really looks after me. It hasn''t always been like this though. Its been since I got ill. I really appreciate everything he does for me.
We don''t spoil each other, but we do take care of each other in ways that we know the other appreciates and needs.

For example, I''m a total mess in the mornings because I''m a night owl with an early morning job. During the cold months, DH would often sneak out to the garage, start my car, and put hot tea and oatmeal on the console for me when he saw that I was running too late to do anything but get myself dressed and out. And when he lived on Lake Shore Drive in the city, he would always find a parking spot for his car on the inner drive when I was coming to visit because he knew how stressed out I would get trying to parallel park on that very busy street.
No, I''m not spoiled.
Yes. Definitely. Too long to list how, suffice to say I've got a Stepford too, although mine was programed with enough obstinancy and grump to create the perfect mate for me. But I get told I spoil him too... so I think it evens out. As Haven says, we take care of each other.
Not terribly spoiled, but I couldn''t ask for too much more.

It sounds like some of you ladies have some great men!
Nope, but I get more love and respect than I have ever imagined for.
Of course I return the same favor..... :)

And he lets me get away with cheating the housework (honey, I know it''s my turn to do the kitty litter, but I had a bad day at work so could you please help?).....
Yes, terribly!!!

ETA- I spoil him, too!
I''m exceedingly spoiled by my FI. He cooks for me, cleans, makes me breakfast in bed, buys me whatever I want, surprises me with little cards, gifts and flowers. He''s always there when I need him, in fact he''ll drop anything and everything he''s doing if I say I need something. He''s truly the best
When hubby was my SO and then my DF, he spoiled me rotten
. After we were married, he still spoiled me with breakfast in bed, but definitely not to the same extent as prior to marriage. Now, we try to support each other, but not much spoiling goes on.

I often snicker to myself when I read some of the LIW posts. Just a note to those ladies: Don''t push the issue: This "dating time" is as good as it gets

As far as living together to save money - Don''t delude yourself; unless he''s finishing school or there''s another really important reason, drop him now! Live independently and keep your options open....

I''m far from a bitter old woman; I love my hubby more than the day I married him, but thinking back to the early years

Enjoy the ride!

Define "spolied". I have a wonderful lifestyle but my DH does precious little othewise. Does that qualify? Me thinks not.

Date: 2/21/2009 4:45:54 PM
Author: Steel
April 20: Do you live in Stepford?
It is great your SO is so kind to you. Long may it continue.

As for me, no DH does not spoil me. But he treats me with love & respect; I would not ask for more.

I totally agree with this! My mom always says my BF spoils me so much, but I think it's because she has been putting up with the most lazy, anti-chore/cooking/cleaning man I have ever met in my life, for twenty years. (They just got divorced
) But EXAMPLE- my dad never changed a diaper in his WHOLE life and he has three kids. Yeah, NOT HOW my boyfriend/future husband will be!

Does my boyfriend spoil me? No- I think he does things that are really nice and we equally split and share responsibilities. We cook together, we clean together, we have fun together! We buy each other presents and each pay for parts of dinners and dates. I'm all about gender equality!
Date: 2/21/2009 5:21:16 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/21/2009 5:13:00 PM
Author: Catmom
No, I''m not spoiled.
Okay so maybe I am just a teeny bit.
We love and respect each other...and I am spoiled in many ways...but so is he.
Date: 2/21/2009 6:52:09 PM
Author: Catmom

Date: 2/21/2009 5:21:16 PM
Author: Ellen

Date: 2/21/2009 5:13:00 PM
Author: Catmom
No, I''m not spoiled.
Okay so maybe I am just a teeny bit.
Yeah, I''d say just a leetle.
I wouldn''t say spoiled as in I can do what I want when I want and how I want. But he does the cooking (tho I will qualify that by mentioning I do most of the cleaning and he is waaay messy when he cooks), he''s a very hands on daddy, changing diapers and taking care of them so it''s not generally left to me all the time. He does help w/the housework if I ask. I come up w/a lot of projects for him around the house-new flower beds, new cupboards, painting etc, and he does them. At Thanksgiving and Christmas, dad and husband wanted real mashed potatoes and I wanted cheesy hashbrown casserole..we had cheesy hashbrown casserole. I''m pushy and controlling and anal about things, but he loves me! Conversely, he''s gotten to go on "guy" vacations w/my dad 3 times in 4 years, and I''ve not been on vacation in 6 years. He gets a LOT of time to do his hobbies, and I don''t. He''s very strong physically and emotionally, and capable. I feel "safe" with him. There''s a lot of love and respect and humor in our marriage.
No, not spolit. We do things for each other, but no more than I would expect in a relationship. We both do our share, are better at some things than others, and pick up the slack if the other needs a break. I'm more loved and respected than spoilt.
On holidays and my birthday... YES! He always astounds me with his care and generosity.

I do the same for him.

Other than that I would say that we do a great job of taking care of each other and making sure the other feels loved and safe. That is what matters to me most.

I''m not gonna lie though- I certainly don''t mind being spoiled once in a while!
I am spoiled. He does most of the cooking nowadays, and he is a superb cook. He lets me do pretty much anything I want, although we talk about everything first. I think I''m terribly lucky, and maybe he''s unlucky, I don''t know! It''s all a balance I guess.
i am very independent of dh, i can spend whatever i want on myself and kids within our means, i can visit girlfriends, take mini vaca''s with best friend/daughter, when we have the funds dh says (sparkly wise) "get whatever you want"....

BUT dh used to travel 70-80% of time,leaving me home to single parent five kids, dh was always babied and still wants babied(and he gets it), he does virtually NO housework, gets "sugar" whenever he wants it, has to be begged for a backrub, um,

so define spoiled...i am not a "princess" but overall i have it pretty darn good
I am totally spoiled, DH enables me to buy the things I covet by saying I should just buy whatever it is. He makes me a latte every morning even tho he doesn''t drink coffee himself. He is a great cook and probably cooks more than I do. He definitely pulls his weight around the house doing chores and such. He also is very nurturing of the people I love. I am blessed.
I don''t believe in spoiling. Whether it be him spoiling me, me spoiling him or either of us spoiling the kid. JMHO, but spoiling makes people lazy.

Plus I wouldn''t ever want either of us to be in a position to not know what to do should something happen to the other. That''s seems sad to me.

This isn''t to be confused with treating someone with love, affection, and respect.

I find that when people are spoiled, they love and and think their man is the best because of the way that HE treats HER. What happens when that stops? A lot of women equate that kind of treatment with love and think when it stops, the love must have dwindled as well.
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