
Archive of Pricescope Gifts

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yay ... i love seeing all the fab gifts.

my toe rings are still going strong after what...4 years???? these were the best gift for me. i havent lost a stone (knock on wood) and i walk barefoot on stone and tile all the time. i am not a gentle walker either, more like a little mini elephant. testament to WF''s pave power! hahahaa.
Date: 4/14/2009 4:37:29 PM
Author: diamondseeker2006
Awww, what a terrific idea, Musey! Thanks so much for doing it!
I thought it was about time!!
Eeeeeekk! I love this thread musey - what a great idea
What a great thread Musey, so nice to see what everyone has gotten.
Cool idea for a thread musey! I hope that DFan comes back soon and updates us on what she''s using hers for!!!

(Does anyone know?)
Date: 4/14/2009 5:00:00 PM
Author: Kaleigh
What a great thread Musey, so nice to see what everyone has gotten.
Kaleigh, do you have threads for yours?
Date: 4/14/2009 5:36:36 PM
Author: musey

Date: 4/14/2009 5:00:00 PM
Author: Kaleigh
What a great thread Musey, so nice to see what everyone has gotten.
Kaleigh, do you have threads for yours?
Sadly no. I used mine to replace an Eternity band that my Nanny had stolen from the nursing home. She was soooo excited to get it, but died before it arrived. Bill Pearlman heard that her''s was stolen so he wanted to help me get another one. It came just a week after she died.

I was too sad to do a thread. I wore it around my neck along with her wedding band while in mourning.

I''d like to give it away to a PS''er. Not sure how to do that, but it''s just sitting here not being worn, can''t be sized. And I would never sell it. Won''t fit DD, etc....
Kaleigh, I am so sorry to hear that. Unless you have a specific PSer in mind, I say hold onto it. Someday, you might meet a lovely young lady or man who you feel is deserving of such a gift and you then you can pass on that special ring in person.
Kaleigh, can you have it reset some day into another piece of jewelry you or your DD could wear? It's such a lovely thought to give it to another PSer, but unless you really can't bear it, it just seems that it should stay in your family somehow. Maybe bezel the diamonds into a "diamonds by the yard"-type necklace or bracelet if you don't want to keep it as a ring?

And for all the other beautiful bling posted here, WOW! I've seen a couple of these pieces before but some were before my time, so it's great to see them all together
Thanks, musey!
Lisa would it fit Seven's eldest daughter?

Musey great thread! Love our bands. Expecially since most days mine is all I wear.
Date: 4/14/2009 6:06:04 PM
Author: Octavia
Kaleigh, can you have it reset some day into another piece of jewelry you or your DD could wear? It''s such a lovely thought to give it to another PSer, but unless you really can''t bear it, it just seems that it should stay in your family somehow. Maybe bezel the diamonds into a ''diamonds by the yard''-type necklace or bracelet if you don''t want to keep it as a ring?

And for all the other beautiful bling posted here, WOW! I''ve seen a couple of these pieces before but some were before my time, so it''s great to see them all together
Thanks, musey!

Ditto. I think it''d be lovely to transform it into something else and wear it (or have your DD wear it) in memory of her.
Date: 4/14/2009 5:58:59 PM
Author: Kaleigh

Date: 4/14/2009 5:36:36 PM
Author: musey

Date: 4/14/2009 5:00:00 PM
Author: Kaleigh
What a great thread Musey, so nice to see what everyone has gotten.
Kaleigh, do you have threads for yours?
Sadly no. I used mine to replace an Eternity band that my Nanny had stolen from the nursing home. She was soooo excited to get it, but died before it arrived. Bill Pearlman heard that her's was stolen so he wanted to help me get another one. It came just a week after she died.

I was too sad to do a thread. I wore it around my neck along with her wedding band while in mourning.

I'd like to give it away to a PS'er. Not sure how to do that, but it's just sitting here not being worn, can't be sized. And I would never sell it. Won't fit DD, etc....
Kaleigh, that is such a sad story. I didn't know that it didn't arrive in time for her. How about donating the band to a charity auction or giving it to a very sweet young couple who can't afford a diamond wedding band?
Oh these gifts are amazing! Mara's toe rings are awesome - I so want some now! It's almost summer (sure doesn't feel like it here though, lol) so I can justify it, right....?
Great idea muse!

Thank you Maise!

Lisa, I''m sorry.
awww, this is a really cool thread. thanks musey
Oh Kaleigh, how heartbreaking. I''m sorry to hear that.
Wow, these are so fun to look at. Thanks for collecting them all, Musey.

Kaleigh, I''m sorry to hear of your loss. I hope the ring can find a great new home.
Date: 4/14/2009 8:06:49 PM
Author: kittybean
Wow, these are so fun to look at. Thanks for collecting them all, Musey.
It was purely my pleasure!

Re: Mara''s toe rings, I know... each time I see them, I''m a little more convinced that I, too, need diamonds on my toes
Date: 4/14/2009 8:48:32 PM
Author: musey

Date: 4/14/2009 8:06:49 PM
Author: kittybean
Wow, these are so fun to look at. Thanks for collecting them all, Musey.
It was purely my pleasure!

Re: Mara''s toe rings, I know... each time I see them, I''m a little more convinced that I, too, need diamonds on my toes
You are getting mighty close!!!!
Guess I should start warmin' up my toes!!
What do you have in mind??
this is a great thread
Date: 4/14/2009 9:03:25 PM
Author: musey
Guess I should start warmin'' up my toes!!

Toe rings for you, Musey??

I thought you had your eyes on some diamond earring studs? (Or am I making that up?)
Great thread Musey!!! Those toe rings crack me up, LOL!!!

Kaleigh - I''m so sorry. I definitely think you should hang on to it - you''ll know who and when to pass it along.
Kaleigh, I am so sorry that your Nanny never got to wear her ring. I''m sure the excitement and to know how much she was loved for you to replace it for her was enough. I remember when hers was stolen and I was so mad that it happened! I love the idea of giving it to Seven''s daughter, you two are so close, it''s a beautiful thought. Transforming it into something for yourself would be wonderful too!
Date: 4/15/2009 9:56:40 AM
Author: BeachRunner
Date: 4/14/2009 9:03:25 PM
Author: musey
Guess I should start warmin'' up my toes!!
Toe rings for you, Musey??

I thought you had your eyes on some diamond earring studs? (Or am I making that up?)
I was just jokin''
I have a few things on my wishlist, and toe rings (as awesome as they are!) are not one of them.
What a fun thread! My DH would start posting on here if it meant he could get a recliner like Strm''s
Lisa, could you or your DD wear it on a different finger?

I had a lot of fun picking out my PS gift and it was even more fun since Skippy and I shared in our search together. Also I wanted to thank DS ONCE AGAIN for finding my perfect stones.
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