
appraisers in chicago

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Sep 30, 2006

Hi everyone,

I am wondering if anyone can recommend any independent appraisers in the Chicago area. How much do their services run? Is it okay if the stone is already mounted?

Also, is it best to have the ring independently appraised before it is insured or is it okay to use the appraisal that comes with the ring to insure it right away and then adjust it after the independent appraisal if it needs to be insured for more?
Hi, it is better to have the stone appraised unmounted. The colour can vary as much as 2- 3 grades once it is mounted and appraisers (as far as the ones I''ve come across) will only give you a range of 3 colours and not just the one. So, for example, if your stone is an F or even if he/ she thinks it is an F, he will only give you a E, F, G or even F, G, H range. Also, he/ she won''t be able to give you an accurate assessment of the inclusions on the pavilion.

As far as insuring the stone, I would insure it asap. You never know what might happen, the stone could get lost/ stolen, it could get damaged during setting etc.

Just my 2 cents.
Gemworld International, Northbrook, IL 847 564 0555
Ditto - on This Guy

and please do insure it ASAP. Worst case is probably the appraisal that came with ring is inflated - then you can ajust downwards if you wish with the independent appraisal.
Stuart Robertson of Gemworld (Jewelry Judge) in Northbrook, IL was excellent. Do a search here on his name and you''ll find my testimony of the appraisal experience with him.
Chicago Gem Lab
5 South Wabash #1419
Lorraine Oakes is great to work with!

Professional Gem Sciences
5. South Wabash #1905
(I haven''t used them personally but I know other PSers have)
I am buying the ring from an online vendor and they are setting the stone. So I will not have a chance to have it appraised before it is actually mounted. How big of a problem do you think this is? The stone is in the process of being set, so I can not have it sent to an independent appraiser before we buy it. Basically, I just want to ensure that we are getting what we payed for.
I have taken pieces to Lorraine after they have been set and she was still able to give me a report, but it is of course a different type of analysis that if she had the loose stone in front of her.

As for whether it is the stone that matches the cert, any appraiser should be able to do that based on the inclusions, but they won''t be able to verify all of the measurements or the exact color grade once it''s set.
I just want to apologize for having confused Chicago Gem Lab with PGS, as they are apparently two different operations, albeit apparently in the same building.

Thanks for having helped to bring this forward, Dee Jay. Anybody have any idea why they''re not included at the upper right under Resources? Maybe it''s my fault!
LOL Ira, I don't think it's your fault that they're not included. And a lot of people do confuse them so you're definitely not alone.

Chicago Gem Lab is more of what I think of in terms of a traditional appraiser; knowledgable gemologist sitting down with a client and going over the ins and outs of a piece and using some equipment (I know Lorraine has a microscope on her desk and she probably has other things in the back room that I'm not privy to

Pro Gem is (in my over-simplified pea brain) more of a "technical/scientific" operation. Lots of equipment and deep analysis going on there.

I wouldn't hesitate to use either one and would choose depending on what my need was.
My husband used Lorraine and was very pleased - very thorough report, reasonably priced, and she was very nice!
Does anyone have a ballpark figure on how much they charge to appraise a stone/e-ring?

Also, I''m in the same situation as the OP. I live in Chicago but I''m having my ring made in Virginia. I''m buying the stone and custom setting from the same place. I trust my jeweler, but for a purchase of this magnitude I figure it''s better safe than sorry. Due to time issues, I don''t know if I''ll be able to have the stone shipped to Chicago for appraisal and then sent back in time to have it set.

Has anyone ever worked remotely with an appraiser? My jeweler has an independent appraiser that he recommends. I was thinking that I could have her appraise the stone before it''s set. Then she can send me the report with photographs of images, I can give my okay, and then set the stone. I understand that this isn''t ideal but does anyone think this would be a really poor way to go about this?

Sorry for the thread hi-jacking.
while answering the question above, is it possible for a company (say, bluenile, for example) to send the loose diamond with the unset setting so you can have the ''rock'' appraised and set locally? seeing as how they don''t have a warrantee on it, anyway.
Date: 12/15/2006 3:44:10 PM
Author: jcarrey4
while answering the question above, is it possible for a company (say, bluenile, for example) to send the loose diamond with the unset setting so you can have the ''rock'' appraised and set locally? seeing as how they don''t have a warrantee on it, anyway.
Not sure about what Blue Nile in particular will do or not do...but if you read other threads about the desirability to insure with Jewelers Mutual when the diamond seller is not the same as the setting seller...that is very much the sort of way you want to do this.
Just wanted to say that I too worked with Lorraine at Chicago Gem Lab and have been pleased.
Can those of you that have worked with Lorraine please describe your experience with her. What information was she able to give you and what equipment did you use in doing her appraisal?

Did she have something through which you could view the hearts and arrows pattern on a round brilliant stone? Or did she confine herself to a 4C''s analysis?
Midway, I have only had complete pieces appraised by Lorraine. But give her a call and ask her what she''s got.

As for information and analysis; she will discuss your item with you and answer any questions you have regarding the four Cs as well as any setting that the stone is in. She will also give you a very detailed description, including a digital photo, that you can use for insurance purposes.
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