
Appraiser is different with GIA.Who shall I believe?

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Oct 24, 2002
I just bought a diamond.According to GIA certificate, it should be F color,excellent symmetry/polish
First,I went to an appraiser.That guy said the diamond is just K color and very good symmetry/polish.He also said he cannot find any number inside the stone(which I found by myself later). I thought that guy doesn't have much experience, but he also said it's a good diamond and didn't ask me to buy from any other store.
It's a big difference. So I went to a jewlery store and ask them just to find what color it is. They said it's a G-H color.
I used my own magnifier to find out the GIA number, so the diamond should be certicated.
However, who shall I trust?
Or,the F color is almost the same as G-H? If I exchange the diamond for a D-E color, will there be some difference?
Wow, slow down :) It looks as though for your own sake you should get another opinion, and pay for it. If you pay an independent appraiser you will get a complete detailed report. Just to ask is okay but you get the information you pay for.

Just to guess, I would rely on the GIA report more than the appraiser you used. I know that GIA can and does make a few mistakes but I have never seen their G turn to a K. I guess it could happen, but I could win the lotto too.
It sounds as if the diamond has been already set into a ring so the appraiser is going to use educated guesswork on the color. If the stone has been examined while unset and looks like K color instead of F, I'd suggest the diamond is wrong or the appraiser is possibly biased and attempting to scare you.

There are som many possible things that you have not yet told us. It is truly difficult to say what is going on.

Please tell us more.
First, the appraiser didn't ask me to buy anything from other store and he also said it's a beautiful diamond. The only thing diffrent from the GIA is the color.
Personally, I thought the appraiser just made a mistake. I also asked him why he said the diamond is K color. He gave me these reasons:
1. Comparing to another F color diamond, he thought there is some color in my stone;
2. The stone is mounted in a platinum setting, so if it looks similar to F color, actually it should be lower than F;
3. The stone is just 0.5 carat, small than another 1 carat F color, even if they look similar, my stone should be lower than F.

However, I went to another two jwelry store(not appraiser) and ask them just to give an approxiate estimation about the color. The jewler said the stone looks like F to G-H color. So I thought maybe the appraiser made a serious mistake.

How do you think??
Hello I hope the follow information can help you out a little. It is a direct quote from the website:
"If you are considering a stone that is accompanied with a GIA report, don't show the appraiser this report up front. Let him do his job. Now listen carefully. It is normal for an appraiser, even a gemological appraiser, to be within one grade up or down of the actual grade of the diamond. If this happens there are some very key questions you want to ask the appraiser, before you decide against the stone."

GIA is a very established and reputable grading institute. They use instrumentation to grade various diamonds. I think a very well rounded experienced gemologist or jeweler might have a difference of opinion because how that particular person might perceive the color of the stone. I think a lot of factors might play in. According to your initial descriptive paragraph the difference between a f & K are quite substantial. Again 1 color grade up or down is one thing, but from a f to a K. I would trust a GIA certificate stating the stone is an F. I don't know who you brought your stone to or can't speak for the experience of the jeweler involved or what his true motivations might have been. If I were in your situation I would lean towards your GIA certificate and have second doubts about the jeweler telling you the stone is a K. If you could find the inscription on the diamond and the jeweler you went to visit said he couldn't, What does that tell you?

Oldminer has some sound advice also.A stone to be graded truly should be out of the setting as perception of the stone might be offset by the color or type of metal you have the diamond set in.

There are some very reputable appraisers which you might find sifting through this site. Dave has a couple of links under his name in the above paragraph. Click on one and see what you can find out through your research and if you still have second doubts about the color you might want to get it appraised through one of the options you might have sifting through this site. Good luck

An honest appraiser can surely make a mistake on a mounted diamond's color. I have been surprised about my opinion of color more than a few times when a stone was taken out and regraded.

A less experienced appraiser is sometimes insecure, but their ego and "expertise" gets in their way. They insist they see it correctly and may simply not have gone through the full learning experience yet. It takes years to learn how to handle color grading of mounted diamonds and also how to handle issues of potentially incorrect grading of a mounted stone.

Once an appraiser commits themself to a cerrtain color grade they may find that they have painted themself into a corner. This is by using poorly chosen words and lack of tact on their part and is part of the intersting nature of diamonds and the art of appraising.

I'd suggest, have the diamond unset. Have someone grade it properly. Resolve the issue now and permanently. It may come out just fine and you can go on. If there is a problem, you can seek the correct resolution. Don't wait too long. Do it while the sale/purchase is reasonably new.
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