
Apple products, how many do you have and what are they?


Jan 21, 2008
8 GB iPod touch- my trusty iPod- love it.

16 GB iPhone 3GS- they let us upgrade 1 line early, my Samsung died, SO got an iPhone, I got his old one. Wow, the reception is crystal clear where as my Samsung had people I was talking to long distance saying, "I can't hear you!" every time! Also, the interface is amazing! I find myself calling people by accident because I'm not used to it yet.

My computer is an HP and my monitor is some name I've never heard of. I've had many Apple computers but finally gave up on them because for what I need to do I can get an HP, it basically does the same thing, and it's so much less money.

What Apple products do you have? :))
I have an iMac.
That's all.

I Love It! but I'm not a apple fanboi.

1) macbook

2) 30GB iPod that came with the macbook - I like it but I never ended up using it, so it is basically serving as a backup of my music.

3) mac mini for my parents because my mom couldn't stand all the wires that the old PC desktop had coming out of it. :lol:
MacBook Pro
Various accessories purchased separately (earbuds, mouse, etc.)
Kenny, I stopped being an Apple fanboi when my laptop screen broke (I'm talking about a broken piece of plastic and maybe a couple loose wires) and the authorized dealer wanted $700 to fix it. I took it to a second authorized dealer to get a second opinion and they wanted $1,100.

Instead I bought a brand new computer and it wasn't an Apple. :lol:
I had an iPod, the larger one that was one generation ago I think- not the Touch. I lost it when we moved, it's somewhere in a box I'm sure. Used it a *lot* though, mostly to listen to music in my car. Sturdy little thing!

Then I got a iPod Nano to replace it, which I barely used because it doesn't hold a charge for very long at all, and our RX8 just doesn't work well with it- it always sounds staticky. So that one sits in a drawer 99% of the time. It was super cute and teensy, and if it had worked in the car I'd have used it as much as my first one.

Then, when Verizon finally worked with iPhones, I ditched my LG Dare for one, and finally talked DH into getting one (previously he had been a die hard "phones are only for phone calls" type). OMG such a difference! I am totally hooked. And DH is too, haha! It is soooo much more functional than any other touch screen phone I've used, and incredibly user friendly. And the apps are amazing, I absolutely love some of them, like the SquareUp one that allows me to accept credit card payment on it- I use that one when I sell mineral makeup and vintage clothing at small weekend markets a *lot*- it's vaguely magical, IMO. And since the iPhone is also an iPod, that's pretty much been the end of me ever fiddling with the Nano again. And honestly DH uses the iPhone to do all the things he normally would have used a computer for at home- he broke his laptop about 9 months ago, and when I got him the iPhone, he ended up using the iPhone instead of replacing the computer. And he's utterly *not* into techy toys. Since he can email, browse his favorite websites, and play games on it, he's completely content to use it instead of replacing the laptop.

I don't use Apple computers, though. There are just too many compatibility issues with programs- I need to share programs and files with too many Windows users. And my HP Envy laptop is pretty sweet, so I've not really been tempted away.
Currently all I have that I use is an iPod touch.

Used to have an iBook, but it bit the dust a few years ago. I love Apple products, but DH thinks they are unnecessarily overpriced, and since he is the more tech savvy one of us, he steers me away from them whenever I'm looking for something new.
Too many to count! We're an Apple fam-my parents and 3 of my 4 siblings have all Apple stuff.

13" MacBook Air (use this every day)
12" G4 PowerBook (my old laptop-still works 8 years later, it's just slow)
iPhone 4 (I got the white one-I love it!)

iMac with a giant screen
iPhone 3GS (he's holding out for the next iPhone!)

Plus we still have my husband's old iMac and about 10 zillion different iPods. My husband actually still has his first iPod, which was the original one.
Imdanny|1315266448|3010314 said:
Kenny, I stopped being an Apple fanboi when my laptop screen broke (I'm talking about a broken piece of plastic and maybe a couple loose wires) and the authorized dealer wanted $700 to fix it. I took it to a second authorized dealer to get a second opinion and they wanted $1,100.

Instead I bought a brand new computer and it wasn't an Apple. :lol:

You know, this same thing happened to my daughter with her macbook pro, and she talked them into fixing it for free. Two years ago, she spilled orange juice on her laptop (I know!!!) which fried her optical drive. She just had that fixed and it was also free. I don't know how she does this, but she always gets things free (like new phones). She has 2 laptops now, a couple of ipods and we have an ipad no one uses. I have no apple products personally. I think they provide great products that are highly proprietary but useful. It's a trade-off.
Ipod and them! My in laws have the a little jealous
i have 4 Washington apples in the frig... :praise:
Just an iPhone and iPod. FI wants a Mac. He asked for one and said that can be his Christmas, birthday, and father's day gift for the next two years. Seems like a good deal to me :lol:
2 old ipods

ipod touch
macbook air
Dancing Fire|1315270363|3010354 said:
i have 4 Washington apples in the frig... :praise:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

13" MacBook Air
iPad 64G (inherited from DH)
iPhone 4

iPad2 64G
iPhone 4

We couldn't be happier with all of our Apple products.
Just an iPod Classic. I don't like most of Apple's products (I prefer Android phones and tablets over the iPhone/iPad and PCs over Macs), but I gotta say they do mp3 players better than anyone else.
Mac laptop
Mac desktop

I refuse to get the iphone...just bought a thunderbolt instead.
iPod touch 64gb (mine)
iPod touch 32gb (for my 7 yr old)
iPod nano (DH)
iPhones x2
iPad (mostly my 7 yr old uses)

As soon as my laptop and DH's netboook goes we will get Macbooks
Also for some reason my DH is shopping to replace our desktop pc (that noone uses) with an Apple.

My DH is all about Apple and will not buy anything else anymore. I could take it or leave it. Since he makes the $$, I just smile and say 'yes dear'....
A G4 tower that's about to be retired for a Mini. It's almost 10 years old and paid for itself with freelance work.
I have an iPod touch that I don't use. My second generation iPod died on me several months ago, and I lost all my music. I haven't had the energy to fill up the new iPod.

I use a white MacBook. I'm typing on it right now!

DH has a silver MacBook Pro.

I also have an iPod Shuffle that I don't use, either. :o

Dh has an iPod, a third gen, I think.

That's it!
400 shares of Apple stocks (bought 100 shares @ $29 and they split 1 to 2 twice)... but zero Apple products. I've been too cheap to buy them!
Between DH and I we have:

2, 4 gb ipod nanos (first generation)
8 gb ipod touch
ipod shuffle
iphone 4
21 inch imac
macbook (the older all metal body)
11" macbook air

We also have several wireless keyboards, mice, remotes and the magic pad!

PSA for everyone that thinks mac is expensive: check out the refurbished section on their website. You can save more than 25% and they have the same warranty. My macbook air is from the refurbished section of the apple website and its perfect. You wouldn't know its refurbished at all. It doesn't have all of the mac packaging, but that's it. Delivery took all of two days so its not inconvenient to order it online. It was wrapped in plastic and pristine. I love it!
iPod nano
I recently bought the Macbook Pro.

32G iPhone 4
13" MacBook Pro
32G iPod Touch (which I ended up giving to my sister when I got my new iPhone a year ago)

iPad 2 is on my Christmas/Birthday list


32G iPhone 4
15" MacBook Pro
He just got an HP Touchpad (for $150!) and likes it but thinks it could be better and I think I might get my iPad for Christmas just so he can see the difference.


8G iPod Nano from us(he broke it)
16G iPod Touch from his mom (he broke it)
16G iPhone without service from his mom (still working)

We also have a new iMac at home and I am buying my mom a MacMini for Christmas

I LOVE APPLE, but I really wish there were other products with both the user-friendliness, the interface and shiny factor that Apple has just to give us more competitive prices.
thing2of2|1315268130|3010327 said:
Too many to count! We're an Apple fam-my parents and 3 of my 4 siblings have all Apple stuff.

We're similar to Thing. My dad is an architect so he was using Apple for CAD design way before most people. Our entire family is Apple-reliant :lol: I also convinced DH to get on board- one of my proudest moments!

27'' iMac (love it!)
11'' Macbook Air (LOVE IT!)
13'' MacBook (old computer that I do not use and is well and truly on the way out)
iPod Touch

older MacBook Pro
iPad 1
iPod shuffle

Between us I think we have almost everything except iPhones :lol: DH just replaced his phone with a Droid and I'm using my old-school Samsung talk and text phone until it dies. I work between PC and Mac and have not had compatibility problems in the last 7-10 years.
We are an Apple family for sure. It started with a first generation iPod and has grown exponentially from that.

Me: Many iPods - mini, shuffles, Nanos of various generations, 2 gen iPod touch
24" iMac
17" MacBook Pro
iPhone 4
Time Capsule
Apple HiFi - made only briefly but a great portable stereo with fabulous sound and runs off a 2 gen nano

DH: IPod mini and shuffle, but borrows my Touch a lot
24" iMac
iPhone 4

And yes, I do want an iPad. I'm a total Apple fangirl, and not ashamed to say so.
1 Mac Pro with 30" Apple cinema display
1 Macbook Pro 17"
1 iMac 27"
1 iPad 2
1 iPhone 4
2 iPods
I guess I'm a bit of a Mac junkie but I do use them all for work ;))
I don't have any. I don't actually have any gadgets except a laptop and an old-style 'does calls and texts' mobile phone.
I love Apple-I have
a Macbook
Iphone 3gs which I've just upgraded to an iphone 4