
Anyone with the psychic touch able to help me?


Jan 22, 2011
Hello all--

I know a number of you have psychic abilities when we have lost something. I stupidly had 6 one ounce gold coins in my house, and I have misplaced them. Does anyone have a sense if they have been misplaced, and if so, where? My house has not been broken into, but I am worried that they may not be in fact lost.

Thanks so much!
No ability to "see" things, but do have the ability to wish good thoughts for you in finding them.
I am driving myself crazy with this. I have meant to move them to a safe deposit box, but instead had hidden them in my house when on vacation. I also have a cleaning lady who comes, and her son has come the last two times. I also have tow small children who have moved my things from time to time. I just was wondering if anyone had any sense of them being in the house or having walked out my door. Its a terrible feeling and I am not going to make any accusations either way. Just feel so dumb!
are they in the freezer, in the creamer of the china set that never gets used, in a vase or a bowl, at the back of a drawer slipped under the lining paper, in the monopoly game box with the other funny money, in the kitchen cabinet with the baking chocolate, under a false bottom (or top) in your jewelry box, in the linen-press, in your emergency go to bag, in a cigar box with some old family photos, in an envelope tucked behind your mirror, in the box or drawer that has all the cable connectors to devices lost or forgotten, under a mattress, ?
I truly hate when I hide things, as it often seems that the only person they are truly hidden from is me. How about shoes in your closet? On a closet shelf or in the medicine cabinet? How about in the garage or in the laundry area under towels or some such?
Thanks Minou and Vapid. If they weren't lifted then they could be in two rooms in the house. Unless one of my kids moved them. There are many worse things than this, this is just monetary, but I am really upset. I have this suspicion they were stolen, which is a terrible feeling, as I don't want to make an accusation, but I also don't want them back in my house. I have used this lady for several years, but her son came the last two times.
I found them-- thanks to you Minou!!! Want to take a guess on where they were that you had suggested? :appl: :appl:

Very glad to hear you found them!
Yep, intentionally hidden in a tall pair of boots. I feel horrible immediately linking my cleaning lady. I have called a safe installer today--about time.

I have just been uneasy, lots of burglaries in our neighborhood, just went over to a neighbors whose house was broken into two weeks ago. I have been having a lot of dreams about losing my jewelery and being robbed-- most of my jewelry isnt of great monetary value, but was given to me by my late mother and I would be heartbroken if it were stolen. I think it is all a wake up call.
Yay!!! So glad to help and sorry that we are all so predictable for where we hide things, lol

Other good deterrents: a dog and a safe deposit box if you don't wear your Mom's jewelry that often.
Erin, can you tell us what you learn about safes? I have been thinking of installing one in my home, but have no idea about what the options are, or costs.
Even though we are somewhat anonymous here is would be wise to limit one's discussion about safes to hypotheticals. Please dont tell us what kind or type of safe you are getting, or where you are putting it or concealing it.
VapidLapid|1391463493|3607180 said:
Even though we are somewhat anonymous here is would be wise to limit one's discussion about safes to hypotheticals. Please dont tell us what kind or type of safe you are getting, or where you are putting it or concealing it.

Thank you for posting this VL!!

Pregcurious, just google "home safes" and you'll get a bunch of hits. A lot of the sites are interactive and you can navigate through based on what you want to keep in one, what size you think you'll need, what kind of lock, and whether you want fire/flood protection in addition to security. I just did a quick search and found a medium sized one with a bolt down kit and an hour of fire protection for ~$200.
In a drawer close by the hair dryer.
My guess was upstairs and go left side of the house. or maybe the left boot? Glad you found them.