
Another Haunted Item- Thanks Best Friend

Lisa Loves Shiny

Nov 1, 2007
Just a fun thread. I am taking a vacation day and am committed to not doing anything important today.

I am not sure if I believe items are haunted. My best friends do and for some reason they are always on a mission to gift me with what they consider a haunted item. This is a private joke which starts with a video I took of my house. I wanted to debunk all the weird sounds I heard in my house and sent a video of them to my friend who is a paranormal investigator who debunks these things. I was told when I bought the house it was haunted so of course I wanted science to prove it wrong. He sent the video to John Hopkins University paranormal department who said "We can debunk 99% of paranormal videos but sorry, we think yours is real." And so the gag gifts began.

Here is the most recent. This was a trunk from an estate of a recently deceased woman with a colorful past. Had my dearest friends over for our annual Xmas get together. We had to do it in stages with 2 get togethers with less people to make sure we kept with the social distancing that is so important right now. My dogs went nuts yesterday when the gift was unwrapped. My little dog was so upset he tried to attack it multiple times so we put it in the garage right now. I am going to give it away (BF understands) or put it in the trash because little dog cannot tolerate it and bigger dog seems very upset with it as well.

Oof lol. That's so creepy! I don't believe most items are haunted at all. But once in awhile I do think it's legit. I don't think I could purposely keep something like that in my home after some of my own experience though. Not even in the name of science.

It's kind of funny though that your friends do this though. I hope you have a great day off! Hopefully you can get rid of the trunk soon since it does upset your doggies.
I believe items can be haunted BUT if there was jewelry in that chest I would definitely put it under the moonlight to try to cleanse it.

Maybe I’m letting my crazy show a little too much here!
So I recently watched a show on Netflix and it scared the you know what out of me. So yeah no thank you.
I do believe items can be haunted and I don't think it is always straightforward in that you can just get rid of it.

I think it's called My Ghost Story. Very scary.
Just a fun thread. I am taking a vacation day and am committed to not doing anything important today.

I am not sure if I believe items are haunted. My best friends do and for some reason they are always on a mission to gift me with what they consider a haunted item. This is a private joke which starts with a video I took of my house. I wanted to debunk all the weird sounds I heard in my house and sent a video of them to my friend who is a paranormal investigator who debunks these things. I was told when I bought the house it was haunted so of course I wanted science to prove it wrong. He sent the video to John Hopkins University paranormal department who said "We can debunk 99% of paranormal videos but sorry, we think yours is real." And so the gag gifts began.

Here is the most recent. This was a trunk from an estate of a recently deceased woman with a colorful past. Had my dearest friends over for our annual Xmas get together. We had to do it in stages with 2 get togethers with less people to make sure we kept with the social distancing that is so important right now. My dogs went nuts yesterday when the gift was unwrapped. My little dog was so upset he tried to attack it multiple times so we put it in the garage right now. I am going to give it away (BF understands) or put it in the trash because little dog cannot tolerate it and bigger dog seems very upset with it as well.


That looks haunted lol but more importantly I would listen to your dog. Stay safe!
I would take it.
If it bugged me I would burn it.

I grew up in a house with a ghost.
Im afraid to ask Karl
but i hope it was a friendly ghost

He was but a friend of mine didn't have a friendly one.
His families story was online at one time.
They ended up tearing the house down and now its part of a parking lot for a store. When they removed an old lounge chair from the basement the attacks stopped but the bad vibes where still there.
So I recently watched a show on Netflix and it scared the you know what out of me. So yeah no thank you.
I do believe items can be haunted and I don't think it is always straightforward in that you can just get rid of it.

I think it's called My Ghost Story. Very scary.

I watch that show! I love The Dead Files the best. Haha
@Daisys and Diamonds - Little dog is okay now that the trunk is out of the house. We have had plenty of big boxes and furniture items brought into the house and he has never reacted to any of it before.

It's sitting in my garage until DH takes it away maybe today or tomorrow. Anyone seriously interested in taking it who can make it to Ohio before Saturday let me know. I will be happy to have DH drive it to one of the police stations in the area that have an exchange area, but hold no liability to what happens after the trunk becomes yours.
I don't like to have secondhand items for fear of residual bad vibes.

I can sense bad vibes, as can be demonstrated when I went house hunting back in 2006.

I walked into one prospective property and immediately sensed something was not quite right, to discover the reason why it was on the market was because the couple who owned it were getting a divorce.

This is just one example of many through the years.

DK :))
It. Is. Going. Tonight.

Went to go to the meat market. My car battery is dead. It is a 2 year old battery with a 6 year warranty. I am charging it in the garage now.

Too coincidental for my comfort.
It. Is. Going. Tonight.

Went to go to the meat market. My car battery is dead. It is a 2 year old battery with a 6 year warranty. I am charging it in the garage now.

Too coincidental for my comfort.

Thank goodness. Goodbye to haunted items. Not worth the danger nor risk.
Ohio is sadly a ways too far from where I am! Otherwise I'd take that baby in an instant.

I'm into all that is paranormal & metaphysical and am one of the rare few on this site that believe gemstones do indeed have healing powers.

Although I've experienced spirit activity my whole life, can channel, have intense clairaudience & the ability to astral project, I have never been able to sense anything from an object that isn't living and am interested in trying. It might be because I was never raised religious really and have never tied nonliving objects to the paranormal or demonic activity.
Ohio is sadly a ways too far from where I am! Otherwise I'd take that baby in an instant.

I'm into all that is paranormal & metaphysical and am one of the rare few on this site that believe gemstones do indeed have healing powers.

Although I've experienced spirit activity my whole life, can channel, have intense clairaudience & the ability to astral project, I have never been able to sense anything from an object that isn't living and am interested in trying. It might be because I was never raised religious really and have never tied nonliving objects to the paranormal or demonic activity.

Im going to get some nice rose quartz nic nacks for my bedroom room but no way would i want that chest !
I sleep baddly - mostly when its too hot

I have a little plate on the wall of St John Paul the great (from when he was 'just' Pope John Paul II) - maybe i need to update my Pope
and a have a dream catcher i got in Canada and a cryatal hanging in the window

Our house sustained a lot of angry damage from the last tenants who lived here before we brought it
i like to think the house is enjoying our quietness and although we havn't been able to start renovations due to Gary's eye trouble, that the old girl is patiently waiting for some long overdue quality kindness in the near future

I hated our family home after my dad died
its like what ever made it a home died with him and it just felt empty and cold without its life force, just like our family
my dad had definatly left the building and has gone somewhere better

Lucky i am totally devoid of any of the 6th sences regarding all sorts of things
i don't posses intuition
Things have to be black and white for me to pick up on stuff
Sometimes to my detrement but
i think i prefer it like this

some times i imagine Tinky is here (but i think it was a fly, not his tail brushing my leg)

I do enjoy the UK sitcoms Ghosts
Its not even scary !!
Ghosts_2019_TV_series_logo.jpgall the ghosts - even the plague victims in the cellar are nice (although we are still waiting for the 2nd series here)
Ohio is sadly a ways too far from where I am! Otherwise I'd take that baby in an instant.

I'm into all that is paranormal & metaphysical and am one of the rare few on this site that believe gemstones do indeed have healing powers.

Although I've experienced spirit activity my whole life, can channel, have intense clairaudience & the ability to astral project, I have never been able to sense anything from an object that isn't living and am interested in trying. It might be because I was never raised religious really and have never tied nonliving objects to the paranormal or demonic activity.

If you ever come to visit me no ghost stories after 3 hours before sunset !
I'd love to see that video of the haunted house.

If my animals were freaked out I'd get rid of it. Animals pick up on things we don't. Your battery is dead? Very disturbing. Dont touch the trunk without gloves. Pour some salt in it and around it until you can get rid of it.
Ive told this story before but what the heck
Its this or housework !

The 4th bedroom in this house i initially choose for the Bruce room is the smaller room in the front of the house
On moving in day(s) i diligently stacked all the boxes marked Bruce in that room
The first night in the house i went to close the curtains (feeling very grown up having a house that had more than one set of bedroom curtains to close)

Oh man ! Did i get the hebe jebes in that room

waves of cold chills and hair raising
i left and closed the door

the next day i moved all the Bruce boxes into the spair room - better anyway more wall space

Because it was the shift from h*ll Borris was still in Wellington staying at the cattery
when we brought her home i set everything up in my bedroom for her
she immediately left my room and made herself comfy in the ex Bruce room
that room wasn't scary at all now

it has cross ventilation and a view of the street and the neighbour's front lawn

When we invited Tibby in and adopted him he also loves that room

Right now it has no light in there
Ive tried a few times and failed to buy the right bulb
Gary's eyes need to get fixed so he can the bulb

but i can walk in there in the middle of the night in the dark to pat Borris with no problem at all
@Daisys and Diamonds - Little dog is okay now that the trunk is out of the house. We have had plenty of big boxes and furniture items brought into the house and he has never reacted to any of it before.

It's sitting in my garage until DH takes it away maybe today or tomorrow. Anyone seriously interested in taking it who can make it to Ohio before Saturday let me know. I will be happy to have DH drive it to one of the police stations in the area that have an exchange area, but hold no liability to what happens after the trunk becomes yours.

I dunno, that would make an awesome pearl chest ;)
I'd love to see that video of the haunted house.

If my animals were freaked out I'd get rid of it. Animals pick up on things we don't. Your battery is dead? Very disturbing. Dont touch the trunk without gloves. Pour some salt in it and around it until you can get rid of it.
The video is actually boring. It is 4 minutes of me while I sit on the steps saying "I am alone but for the dogs, they are sleeping in the room above this room", "that sound is the heater kicking in" , "this sound I can't identify" and "this sound happens every night around 10- is it the siding contracting as the house cools down?" During that time I have the Iphone camera on video and pan it around the basement which has 4 rooms.

When you play it back, at the 1 minute and 43 second mark a young voice (clear as a bell) asks "Mom?". In the corner of one room in the basement there is an area that appears whitish and it looks like movement. That is where the University department "sees" the apparation of "a young boy." I see maybe a trick of the light and only if I use my imagination do I see what they see. The voice however, is something I can't explain.

I forgot our neighbor was invited for dinner. He just left. Too dark and DH to full to move the trunk now.

So I watched neighbor walk across the yard than grabbed the salt as you suggested, Thanks for the advice. I usually don't even believe in this stuff yet that trunk has gotten me nervous.
I'd love to see that video of the haunted house.

If my animals were freaked out I'd get rid of it. Animals pick up on things we don't. Your battery is dead? Very disturbing. Dont touch the trunk without gloves. Pour some salt in it and around it until you can get rid of it.

Just got shivers
I'm into all that is paranormal & metaphysical and am one of the rare few on this site that believe gemstones do indeed have healing powers.

Although I've experienced spirit activity my whole life, can channel, have intense clairaudience & the ability to astral project...

@TheGarnetGirl [Slightly off topic but kinda-sorta related] Sooooo, would you like to see what you pick up about where my lost earrings are? :dance: I very vaguely remember taking them off and thinking, "Oh, I'll just tuck these here for the moment"... This was months ago. I really haven't a clue where they might be!

My sister and another girlfriend are both really intuitive and gave me some places to look. Nope. I've looked in all our luggage, in the car, in the places where I usually put sparklies. Nooope!
@TheGarnetGirl [Slightly off topic but kinda-sorta related] Sooooo, would you like to see what you pick up about where my lost earrings are? :dance: I very vaguely remember taking them off and thinking, "Oh, I'll just tuck these here for the moment"... This was months ago. I really haven't a clue where they might be!

My sister and another girlfriend are both really intuitive and gave me some places to look. Nope. I've looked in all our luggage, in the car, in the places where I usually put sparklies. Nooope!

I forget who but someone on a similar thread has quite a knack for finding stuff