
Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl....


Jun 7, 2011
Good Evening PriceScope Members,

I am at quite a precarious position in my search for the "perfect" (i know everyone is in search of that "perfect") diamond engagement ring. I am in no definitive rush, taking my time and not being rushed. Also, I have not involved my significant other, call it old fashion or obtuse, I honestly believe that she will be happy with anything I get her.

All that being said here are my parameters. I have budgeted about 45.0K for the diamond.

I know the historical standard for diamond rings is round, but I really gravitate toward Cushion Cuts (***NOT Modified Brilliant Cushion****).

Furthermore, I have narrowed my diamond search down to two Hearts and Arrow Square Cushion cuts (from and would like your all-knowing inputs on which way you think I should go....

Diamond 1 (I have it on hold with Good Old Gold)
2.63 G SI1 H&A Cushion $38,1000

Diamond 2
3.8 H SI1 H&A Cushion $58,500

I know current fashion is the pave set rings but I really like this "style" ring (I saw it working in Australia)
I am aware that I would have to do a custom setting and I would most likely would pull out the "pink diamond" from the setting but I really like this setting, especially how visible the diamond is from the side

OK --- With all that being said ---
1) What do you think about the two differences? I COULD stretch my budget to get the larger diamond, but is it worth it? 20K for 1.2 carets and a loss of one grade in color....
2) When you are talking on the scale of 2.6cts and 3.8cts is it worth it to cut budget to go bigger or will the difference be minute.
3) How do you think my desired MakersMark custom ring would look with a H&A diamond? I don't have nearly the experience all of you have with diamonds but I think the single stone ring would look good with a H&A diamond but does the ring lend itself to one diamond or the other?

Thoughts? Questions? Prayers?


Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

i love that you're doing the search and shopping on your own, but with a purchase this big i think you should find some ways to figure out what the girl wants. You can ask her mom or a close friend to slyly get some info out of her. I personally love your choices, but i know my fiance ended up having very specific taste. i had to go shopping with her for a day and then doing the rest on my own after getting her initial feedback. we started off looking at asscher cuts because they look amazing online, but ended up with a cushion which just sparkles a ton more than any asscher was meant to sparkle.

My mother has huge fingers and a 3.8 carat princess that looks big enough to eat off of. in my opinion it's too big, but every girl has a different idea of too big as well. my advice is to pick a budget and stick with it, i personally would try to go with H and VS2 at a minimum, but some SI1s can be clean enough too. if you work directly with GOG or possibly engagement rings direct (who also specialize in good cushions) i'm sure they will help you find the best stone for your budget. everyone on this forum loves the august vintage cushions, but the Square H&As are pretty great as well.

if you're looking for approval, i think you're ring and diamond choices are awesome, but i'm a 26 year old male who can't afford a diamond 1/3 the price of your budget, not your target audience.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

I'm not a cushion expert but I think for what you're paying, I'd ask Good Old Gold to shoot a video comparison of the 2 stones. They can do it for a couple of hundred dollars, I think, which would be well worth it for a stone in your budget.

Lovely setting, BTW. :))
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

Don't forget that a cushion faces up smaller than a round. The 2.63 faces up smaller than my 2.27 round. And the 3.8 is slightly bigger but it's not the same as a 3.8 round.....
I would ask GOG for a video for sure.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

Yes, there is a significant size difference between those 2 stones.The diameter of the 2.63 is 7.7mm and my 1.63 round is 7.6mm. So as long as you understand that these stones are going to be smaller than similar weight rounds, it will be fine.

I personally do not like that setting because I prefer rounded edges on the shank and more claw-like prong tips. But of course, it might be just what your girl will love! But that is the risky part about picking a setting without having an idea of what she likes.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

Hi! I think you have some great options. I own a square cushion H&A diamond and they are absolutely GORGEOUS. And the width is smaller than the diameter of a round, but the overall area of the diamond is comparable. Would she be comfortable with a 3.8 ct? Does she want a large diamond? I might ask GOG for a video or pictures comparing the diamonds so you can see the size difference.

As far as the setting I like it but I would prefer if it is lowered, but some people prefer the high settings. It all depends on her personal taste and style.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

Thanks everyone for there help and input on this.

I know she would be thrilled with both the 2.6 or 3.8 and I would feel the same. At the end of the day is it worth it to jump to the 3.8 and kind stretch my budget it or do you find the 2.8 to be worthy on it's own? Does the stone being 3.8 making any different other than it's basic size (is a stone of that cut quality significantly more rare than a 2.6)?

Sig47 - I plan on being able to lower the setting by removing the pink diamonds and white gold Custer below the center stone.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

I think either size will look impressive. Honestly, I would just look at the video and see which would appealed to me more. The 3.8 is probably rarer by virtue of its size but I think you'd have to go up in color and/or clarity to get the real rare diamonds and rarity comes at a price. ;)

slg47 brought up a good point. Not all women may be comfortable with a 3+ carat diamond. If you know her ring size, you can check out the 3+ carat thread in the Show Me the Bling forum to see how each size diamond would look on her hand.

Please post the video if you decide to get it. We'd love to see it.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

I pesonally would far rather have the 2.8 because I can perfectly visualize the size since the measurements are just a tiny bit larger than mine. Unless she has friends who wear above 2 ct. round stones, she could feel self-conscious wearing the larger one if it is significantly larger than those worn by her close social circle and family. My stone is the largest in my close social circle at 7.6mm, and I wouldn't want one any larger. In fact, there have been times that I wish it was a little smaller.
Re: Another Guy... With a question about a stone for a Girl.

Hi there. :-)
This is really a situation where it is hard to say without knowing your girl. Personally, the setting looks nice to me (maybe a smidge masculine) and I think it would look even nicer (and more feminine) in person. I think it would lend itself nicely to the cushions you are looking at. I actually think those prongs done well could look really great. A few things to come mind when I read your post:
You could look at your GF's friend's rings to gauge what size she would feel comfortable with. But then you have to think of her personality, too. For example, I don't dress flashy or live an expensive lifestyle, but I tend to be a perfectionist and want to be the best and do the best (it's a first child thing lol). And that tends to come out in my preference for diamonds, too. In this case, I would have chosen the larger diamond regardless of my finger size or what my friends or family have, because a) I love diamonds and b) that would be more inline with my personality.
Then there is the issue of style and if what you have in mind meets what she has in mind. Is your GF the romantic type who would not want to know any details of the ring so it is a complete surprise or is she someone that is more particular? I think if she is the latter, you will be able to pick up on that by looking at how she is at other aspects of her life. (Does she order right off the menu or make "customizations?" hehe Silly example but you get the idea!) You could also just ask her what her dreams are for an engagement ring, because all girls have 'em! That doesn't even mean asking particulars (like size, shape, etc), more like "When you think of getting an engagement ring, did you picture going ring shopping or loving whatever he picks out?" A lot of girls are more excited about the ring shopping than the ring receiving and would be disappointed not to be able to go. Then again, my sister-in-law would have been horrified to have to go ring shopping, and her 0.80 carat solitaire that her hubby picked out is perfect for her. The thing is, we could all tell you our personal preferences all day, but that won't tell you what your GF would like. An engagement ring symbolizes so many things, and that is different for everyone.
That being said, both diamonds are gorgeous and I can't wait to see what you come up with! Don't forget to post picks and hand shots when you are done!