
Am I right on these final conclusions?

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May 28, 2002
My goal: To find a one carat round diamond that as white, firey, and sparkly as the naked unexperienced eye can see.

Color: I've chosen H to be the grade to shoot for. Many people have said the I grade was pushing it and some yellow is detectable, and that anything above H is really spending hundreds on the unnoticable (to the unaided eye anyway). I've also heard only really experienced people can detect the yellow in H, so to most people it's as white as can be. Am I right here?

Clarity: Although I've heard it's more or less likely that SI1 inclusions can't be seen when mounted I've decided to go for a VS2 to be sure. I've also heard that VS2 inclusions are much harder to spot sideways than SI1 inclusions, plus there's a guarantee of face up perfection. I don't want to go crazy, but I also want to buy something of noticable quality. Is VS2 a good decision here, or would SI1 look just the same to the naked eye?

Cut: My budget and my common sense won't allow me to get the best cut possible (microscopic hearts & arrows perfection), but I do want the best cut that's noticable outside of a microscope. I'm going to go by a basic depth/table% judgement system because I would only buy from a place that is reputable and honest enough not to sell me a piece of garbage that is depicted in the 60/60 fallacy section on this website. The few diamonds whose certs included crown and pavilion angles checked out well on the HCA, so I'm not concerned about getting swindled in that area. I'm looking for a depth between 60.1 and 62.8% and a table that's between 55 and 57%. Combining that with a GIA/AGS cert with Very Good or better Polish and Symmetry should produce a very shiny, sparkly, and firey Ideal cut diamond according to my research.

This is what I've decided so far, so please offer your comments, suggestions, and advice because I want all I can get. Keep in mind that I'm relatively young, this is my first engagement, and none of our friends own loupes. I just want to impress her with the most sparkly, shiny, clean, and firey diamond she's ever laid eyes on. The one carat size combined with the fine cut should be enough to make anybody we know drool with envy, and I just want to make sure I'm on the right path and not dumping money into something I won't notice (or if I'm skimping out on something that is noticably important). Thanks a LOT for your help guys as I'm sure it will pay off someday.
Sounds like lotsof homework has been done as a basis of your search :)

Firstly consider an EGL cert - But make sure it is EGL USA not Europe or Israel. Saving approx 3-5%. The EGL certs can also help you a teeny bit with the pavilion depth %. STAY UNDER 44%, but be sure to get a Sarin report before moving to stage II.

Secondly - have you ever seen an SI1 inclusion? I bet you $10 you can not see one. Saving 5% minus $10 you pay me :)

Thirdly use a 60.5% depth with a 56% table and medium girdle.

And have fun :)
Now, this is the 1st time I have EVER heard anyone actually SUGGEST an EGL cert on this forum, but coming from you, I take it as scripture! Are you saying that the US EGL labs are not generally off 1 or 2 grades? Have the Israel and Europe labs just given the EGL name a bad reputation? I am liking what you are saying since it means the stones are cheaper, but do we still need to use extra special caution?
jess all grading is done by humans and mistakes happen. So whichever lab has done the grading - i like a second opinion. we see stones that are better and stones that are worse that GIa have called them.
So as a consumer we always advise you to get a second opinion. Just ship the stone to Dave Atlas or an appraiser we recomend who is near you.
We once had a case of mistaken identity from Tiffany - a 3ct stone mind you.
But EGL-USA do have the best intentions in their grading.
Just curious BAbylon ... what budget are you allowing yourself for a 1ct H color, eye clean SI1 or VS2 clarity diamond?


Lower fives would be very preferable, but am willing to pay more if there is a **noticable** difference that's worth the cash.
Keep in mind that I'm relatively young, this is my first engagement, ...

Sorry, I could not resist, :lickout:
Greetings Babylon,

If you'd like some assistance finding such a rock I may be able to help. If you're interested drop me an email. You may also want to browse our website to become familiar with the manner in which we present our diamonds to our clients. You may enjoy our educational content as well. Our site is
Hope to be of help.

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