
Advice needed eBay antique diamond watch

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butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
I decided I wanted an antique diamond watch and I went on eBay for my search.
The ones I fell in love with were way too high, but I wanted a platinum and diamond one.
I found one that looked promising. Described as in almost new condition, no scratches on the crystal or platinum, dial is ckean and crisp, no missing diamonds and working with a 7 day return policy.
I liked it bc it was platinum and the band was also part platinum and diamonds but not the typical box set bracelet.
I made a best offer and it was accepted.

I got the watch a few days ago and I set it and noticed the dial is quite dirty(black) and the crystal is scratched up.
It was tinking and seemed to be working, but the next day it was off by a few hours. I wore it throughout the day and it would work for a few hours or minutes and then stop.

I love the look of the watch but am not sure if it is worth keeping it to fix, or just returning it and trying to find another deal.
I also don''t know who should do the work on the watch. From what I gather it needs an overhaul, crystal( new or just polish this one) and a dial refinish.
I called one guy in Ca. who specializes in fixing Hamiltons, and he quoted me $313.
That seems kind of high. And he said it would take 10-12 weeks to fix.
I emailed the seller and he agreed to give me a full refund or a partial refund of $120.

So I am not sure which way to go.
Does anyone know a place in NYC that I can go to right away?
I will post a picture of it.


Apr 17, 2002
Hi, Butterfly!

I just went through this, and I''m a New Yorker too. So I''ll tell you what I''ve learned. (It sounds like your guy''s quote is about what the woman I took my watch to would charge for similar work.)

1. The watch mechanism is delicate. If it''s old, even if it''s ticking and seemingly keeping time, you need to have it professionally cleaned and serviced before you use it much. Whatever dust, old hardened oil, etc. has gotten in there over the years can damage the delicate gears.

2. Crystals can be replaced. A good repair shop can have one recut for you. This isn''t usually considered detrimental to the value.

3. The dial can be refinished and repainted. This may hurt the value. On the other hand, what IS the value? It might be worth more TO YOU with a clean, refinished dial.

Okay, my story: First I won an ebay auction for a platinum and diamond watch for about $170. Thread This is the repair shop I took it to. I chose that shop because I grew up in the neighborhood and it''s been there since I was a kid. The repairwoman said my watch needed a new escape wheel (or something, I forget what exactly), $90, and a new crystal, $38. I said okay. She said I could have the face refinished for around $150. I said no. It''s at her shop being repaired. I think she''s leaving for vacation very soon.

Meanwhile, I fell in love with a similar but nicer platinum and diamond watch at an NYC flea market. It had belonged to a relative of the very nice seller. I bought it for a similar (slightly higher) price. It has a scratched but otherwise okay crystal and a pretty good though not perfect dial. It also ticked but didn''t keep good time. The seller gave me a phone number for a repair person on 47th St. She said if I went into a jewelry shop I would pay more, but this guy knows her and would give me a tradesman''s price as a favor to her. He hasn''t yet returned my call, so I don''t know if his prices are better than the woman on Greenwich Ave.

While this was all happening, I won yet another ebay auction for a platinum diamond watch for about the same price as the first one. I haven''t yet gotten it.

I know this is nuts. But I kept thinking, wow! A gorgeous, beautifully made platinum and diamond antique for less than $200! That''s crazy! Well, you''re pricescopers, you probably understand. And I''ve seen similar watches, not necessarily in any better condition, being offered for $600-$1500 (though, to be fair, I''m not convinced they were actually selling for those prices.)

I''ve read that you can replace the mechanism with a quartz mechanism, destroying the value as an antique, but perhaps enhancing it as a, you know, functioning watch. I might do that with one of these watches.

Anyway, long story short, it sounds as if $313 is not unexpected for fixing your watch mechanism, repairing or replacing the crystal, and refinishing the dial. Whether that makes the watch overpriced depends on how much you paid.

Please post a picture!

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Thanks glitterata!

Okay,I paid $500 for the watch. He said he would refund me back $120. So that would make it $380. Should I ask for more money back? I really have no idea what is fair.
I expected the watch to be a little scratched and the dial to be a little dirty but I did not expect it to not work and the dial to be as dirty as it is.

On the otherhand, I haven''t seen a style I like as much and I love the band bc it matches so well and it is different, although I wish it went all the way around and not just partway.

The guy I contacted in Ca wanted $225 for overhaul, $40 for new crystal , $48 for dial refinish. The $48 for the dial refinish seems really cheap , but his wait time and the fact that he''s in Ca makes me want to find someone local.
I wish I could go into the city, but I don''t have the time this week and I need to return it before next week.

On a funny note, I won a watch right bf this one in white gold and diamonds for $120 and it runs great and is basically in perfect condition. The dial is clean and white and the crystal is perfect. The seller had a buy it now for much higher and I bid at the last minute and won.

I saw someone selling the same exact white gold watch for $495 right now on eBay, but with a black cord band. The one I won has a Speidel diamond stretch band. So I got real lucky with this one!

So should I keep it or return it??


Apr 17, 2002
Hmmm. Do you love it? Can you afford it?

It might be cheaper to have the watch & crystal redone and have the mechanism replaced with quartz, if you can bear to do that. Some would find it sacrilege.

Post pics of both watches, please!

I bet they''re ones I was watching. Are they squarish? Does one have baguettes?

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Here is a picture of both of them. The white gold is on the left and the platinum is on the right.

The white gold has a tinit of yellow, probably will eventually rhodium plate it and polish it up.

watch pictures and nite out at Fushimi 191.jpg

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Here is the platinum one. It''s so beautiful! Love it and it fits me perfectly too. If only it worked!

watch pictures and nite out at Fushimi 205.jpg

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
On my wrist...

watch pictures and nite out at Fushimi 194.jpg

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
And the white gold one on my wrist...

watch pictures and nite out at Fushimi 197.jpg

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
And the dirty

watch pictures and nite out at Fushimi 200.jpg

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
One more picture...

So, I do love the watch. It''s just a matter if I want to fix it or not. Also,since the seller is willing to refund me $120, is that fair enough?

watch pictures and nite out at Fushimi 190.jpg


Jun 29, 2008
So you can compare, I bought this off Ebay for $600. It''s platinum and diamonds but on a black band. The dial shows more wear than yours and I''ve been told not to touch it because it affects the value. The wear on your dial really doesn''t show unless you get up close so I would leave well alone! However, mine keeps time perfectly and is in great working order although I will get it serviced soon.

If you paid $500, get a refund of $120 but then have to spend $313 on getting it to work (will that definitely be successful???) the watch will have cost you $693 which, when you compare to mine that doesn''t have a platinum band it''s still a great price. Is there any chance that you can say to the seller that you want a watchsmith to look at it first to make sure that working on it will be successful and you''ll wait for a partial or full refund depending on what they say? You don''t want to take the partial refund and then find that the watch won''t work.

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Thanks LovingDiamonds, actually, it was your watch, Hudson Hawk''s and blinkydoll''s, that made me want to get one. I love the look with the black cord, and might change out the bands in both (the platinum one has a light gray cord right now) to black. I think the black looks sharper.

I did tell the seller that I was going to take it to a watch repair this week and I would let him know within the 7 days what they say.

Unfortunately, I just can''t get into the city where I found someone who specializes in Hamilitons.

I found a place in Staten Island (which is where I live) that can fix watches, but I don''t know if I should go to a Hamilton expert or just anyone can fix it.

I am also thinking, what if I pay them to fix it and then have to pay later on anyway to get an overhaul. Wouldn''t it be better to just get the whole thing done?

The seller was asking $600 for it when I made my offer, so I think for the price after partial refund, it would be fair, as long as it works. I don''t want a watch that looks pretty, but can''t tell time, lol.


Nov 27, 2007
I think $400ish for a watch in that style that needs work is pretty reasonable; it''s a name brand, and it has a full bracelet, and the style is pretty. I''ve paid between $250-$500 for similar ones, mostly two and three years ago though. All of the higher end ones I have kept time; but many of them have worn faces/crystals. I can live with the cosmetic stuff- as an antique collector, I tend to have a certain level of "acceptable wear" I don''t mind, and some wear and tear on crystals and faces is OK with me. I do expect them to work, though.

If I were you, I''d get the works fixed and leave the face and probably the crystal. Just my take on it, though; like I said, that type of wear isn''t something that bugs me much.


Apr 17, 2002
Ha! I WAS watching that one.

I think you should keep it, get it running, replace the crystal if it needs replacing, but don''t redo the dial. You love it (and so do I), it looks great on you, and that''s not a high price for a beautiful antique made carefully of valuable materials.

That''s assuming you can afford it, of course.

LovingDiamonds, I love yours too!

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Thanks LGK!

I do love the watch, I would feel better about it I suppose if it worked right.

I just feel like the seller was dishonest with me, although I kind of expected some cosmetic stuff to be off. He reassured me in emails that the watch was like new, seemed like it never was worn etc. and I guess I was a little disappointed since it was not what he said.

He initially offered me $50 back and I said that was too low. So he settled on $120.

I am super excited about this watch since my sister will be getting married and I would love to wear it at her wedding this August.
Plus I haven''t purchased a watch since 2006 so it''s about time I got a "new"one!lol

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
Date: 8/12/2009 9:48:35 PM
Author: glitterata
Ha! I WAS watching that one.

I think you should keep it, get it running, replace the crystal if it needs replacing, but don''t redo the dial. You love it (and so do I), it looks great on you, and that''s not a high price for a beautiful antique made carefully of valuable materials.

That''s assuming you can afford it, of course.

LovingDiamonds, I love yours too!

Glitterata! I didn''t realize you stuck a post in here! lol. Did you get your watch back yet?

butterfly 17

Aug 17, 2005
okay, just an update. I went to a local watch/jewelry store here in Staten Island and dropped off the watch and a new black cord band last week.

The store called me and told me that for a complete overhaul (the spring was damaged) and a new crystal it would cost $150.
The crystal has a big chunk missing from it on the inside between the 10 and 11 o''clock numbers and he said I was better off changing it than worrying about water, etc. getting into it. The crystal itself was only $20.

He also offers a one year guarantee as well, so at least for a year I won''t have to worry.

I asked the seller for the refund of $120 and he gave it back to me right away.

I also dropped off a vintage looking Simon G bracelet and had 4 links removed and had them made into earrings, at the same store.

Once I get all the work done I will post pictures!
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