
advice needed about rough rubies..


Dec 25, 2015
Hi guys, Recently I bought a lot rough rubies from Afghanistan (Jagdalek), which I wanted to sell it in China. before buying I searched the Chinese market for precious gems and found out that after diamonds, rubies are mostly favored in the market here as red color is regarded both lucky and sacred in China. Secondly due to large consumer population the price of precious stones is very high here. The gem markets in China are flooded with synthetics so I thought that natural stones must demand a very high price here.

So with zero experience with precious gems I decided to buy a lot of rubies. I bought a lot of 190 carats for 1200 us-dollars online, but when I received them and opened the box :shock: I realized that all the stones were very small (1-8 carats, only 4 stones about 20 carats), with cracks and inclusion in them. and look more like pink sapphire than ruby :(

so can anyone pls answer me these questions.
1. did I pay the right price or I got conned.
2. how is the color of these stones? does this color comes in the spectrum of rubies or sapphire?
3. If I cut the stones and get some good stones of less than 1 carat can I get good price for that?




Hi Baher,

First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS ! !

I am a gem cutting factory owner from Sri Lanka and we do cut a lot of Sapphires and rubies. Let me get to your questions.

1. did I pay the right price or I got conned.
Well , you did pay a fair price for the rubies $ 1200 / 190 ct is around US $ 6 per carat, seems to be ok what what you bought.
I do have to tell you from the looks of it these are not facet grade stones. These are cab grade rough. I am sorry to break your hopes ,

2. how is the color of these stones? does this color comes in the spectrum of rubies or sapphire?
natural Rubies from some locations do come with a hint of Blue , As you can see from the picture there is a slight bluish tint , this can be sent by heat treating. I would call these Hot pink.

3. If I cut the stones and get some good stones of less than 1 carat can I get good price for that?

If you cut these Stones there will not be lustre from the stone , it will be dull full of milkyness

like this. cab-ruby.jpg

I dont want to break your heart , there may be fine grades stones there.
Take each stone and Shine a strong flash light from behind the stone and see whats inside ...
if the inside is clear and and no inclusions then its a facet grade stone.

I am sorry to break your hopes ,
Crescent gems , Merry Christmas and thank you so much for ur answer.

Here are some more pics of stones in water with back light. what do you think? :think: There are some transparent stones but have inclusions and cracks. here I'm also posting a picture of two facted stones from this lot.
What do you think of the price range of faceted stones? One stone is 3.1 carat and other one is 2.2 carats, :errrr: Both have cracks and inclusions in them. ;( but they haven't been treated in any way.




If you can return them without a restocking fee, I strongly recommend doing so. What you have are cabochon grade and you'll have a tough time selling them. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news on Christmas Day.
Hi Baher,

Answering your questions is like walking on a tight rope , If I post images of untreated rubies that i have an the price range these sell for I will get barred from the group for promoting my own stones.

so let me see how best I can answer this...........

The First stone in water looks better than the rest. there might be some hope for this Stone ( need closer inspection )
the Second and third Stones have no hope , No luster and full of inclusions and color patches.

Best way to get the selling price of these is flee bay Opps ebay ..

I did a search and found this - looks close to your stones

The price depends on your market , you said you can sell these in China for a High price , they have a liking for red Stones .. may be you can sell these for more in china.

hope this helps and good luck.

Ahmed Shareek
( for your info Chinese Buyers are already in Sri Lanka buying rubies and blue Sapphires from us )
Agree with the responses you have received.............unfortunately "unheated" does not make a stone a valuable stone. If they can be returned (always a factor in buying online!) then consider doing so..........
Unless it is just a hobby you enjoy and don't mind not making money on I'd leaving wholesaling of gems to the pros.
Pros spend a long time learning their material, the market and developing connections to buy, polish and sell their goods.
I suspect to have the best connections you must be born to parents who were born to parents who were born to parents with the best connections.

You and I have none of that so we cannot compete with pros in this very specialized field.
Anything offered to you or I will be overpriced and not competitive or profitable if we attempt to resell it.
The best rough goes to the pros at prices only the pros know are appropriate; you and I will never see these rocks till they are polished and offered at retail.

This is not something we civilians are going to make money at.
I'm sorry, but I believe the only person who is going to make money off this transaction has already made it. :(sad

Oh, and gems may photograph better under water and with lights behind them, but that doesn't mean much since back-lit and under water is not how they are graded, sold, or worn.

Still, they are very cool!
Since you already own them I'd turn lemons into lemonade.
I'd have them polished into cabochons and make a necklace or bracelet for you to wear and enjoy, not to sell.
Thanks everyone for replying. At least now I now the quality of these stones :wall: . I'll still try to find some buyer here in China and if nothing works I'll take Kenny's advice and will have them polished into cabochons and make a necklace or bracelet.

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