
Activity Monitor, Fitness Tracker


May 1, 2007
Hi all!

So I have been looking at activity monitors hoping to boost my motivation to get moving more. I have looked at some in stores, and a lot online. Like so many things, there doesn't appear to be one that's perfect (for me, anyway) but rather a couple that I go back and forth between for different pros and cons.

Does anyone have one? Which one, and why do you like it, or hate it?

I am not an athlete, just an average gal with a few pounds to lose. I am not particularly tech savvy so I would prefer one that has the info on my wrist, and having the time and date would be handy too. I got the Garmin Vivofit, and was looking at the FitBit Charge (like the HR not for the HR feature but rather the clasp! Hey, a jewelry freak appreciates those details, right?) and I'm not sure I made the right decision. The more I read, the more confused I become, so I'd love to hear from others out there who have tried these things!
Everyone in my family (husband, in-laws, etc.) uses fitbit - including myself. I like it because it's easy to use. I don't need to lose any weight, but I like to stay active, so I use it too keep track of my steps (anything less then 10,000 steps is a fail for the day). It also keeps track of my water intake, which is something that I need to work on (in terms of drinking more).
I recently started using a Fitbit Charge. I strongly considered the Vivofit but due to band construction (many reviews said it comes off too easily and so they fall off and are lost) and lack of sync with other apps, I ended up with the Fitbit. (I did not buy the Charge HR because heartrate monitors on the wrist are not accurate and it costs more, but yes, that clasp makes it the only one with a truly secure design.) I've read many reviews in the past month and it seems many of these trackers have quality issues, so I'm not sure that there's an ideal product on the market at this time. Maybe when the Apple watch comes out, it will be a decent product that is reliable.

I would get a little band or something to put around the Vivofit wristband so you don't lose it. You can look on Amazon to see these kinds of products. I bought a "Bitbelt" in case I needed that added protection, but so far, my Fitbit has been very secure.

I have the Fitbit app and the My Fitness Pal app and sync those together, so MFP sees the steps I took and the Fitbit app can see the calories and other exercise I logged on MFP. MFP is amazing. You can input whether you want to maintain, lose, or gain weight, and at what rate, and it comes up with a calorie goal. They have an extensive food database with a good search function, and it gives me feedback that I find very useful. I am learning a lot about my diet and how I can tweak it a bit to ensure better nutrition. It also gives daily feedback on calorie intake after I finalize my entries for the day, linking it to a future outcome, which I like.

I think I read somewhere that you can use the Fitbit app with the Vivofit. If so, that may be a good way for you to get better functionality across apps, if that is something you're interested in doing. Best of both worlds, with the long-lasting charge of the Vivofit and the Fitbit app (and MFP app if you want).
I've had fitbit flex for the past 3 years. It does motivate me to move more. I check my steps during the day and I'm short, I either hit the gym or go for a walk outside. Their website is easy to use and you can set up other trackers besides steps like having fitbit buddies to see each other's daily and weekly progress. I also use fitbit as an alarm to wake me in the morning. It vibrates on the wrist to gently wake me instead of everyone in the house. Also, I like that it's water resistant so I can shower with it at the gym or can wear it to the pool or the beach.

Fitbit just came out with the new model that I've been thinking about upgrading to. It has a heart rate monitor and a better clasp. Flex's clasp is a bit of pain at times and can get loose. I almost lost mine a few times because of the clasp opening on its own. That model is not water resistant though.
I have the Fitbit One, and have used it for a couple years. A couple of days ago, I purchased a Fitbit flex at Costco. I wore it to the gym one day and I hated it. I don't like the feel of rubber around my wrist. I felt hot and sweaty, plus it doesn't have a display on it so I have to make sure it syncs with my phone to see my progress. The fitbit one clips to my bra so it is unseen. I am sure a lot of people love it, but it just wasn't for me. I returned it. I like the Fitbit One very much. It is important to me to stay active throughout the day and I had no idea how few steps I was actually doing before I started tracking. I sync it with myfitnesspal app as well.
I have a Fitbit flex and am really happy with it.

I sync it with my fitness pal and monitor activity throughout the day. I also like the silent alarm and the sleep tracking it offers - I have been able to build a picture of my sleep patterns and how work etc is impacting it.

I don't actually notice it around my wrist anymore and like I can wear it 24/7
I have the Fitbit One and it has done nothing to motivate me. At all.
Technology marches on, but ... I can't articulate why but there's something creepy about these things.
If you ask me to present a rational argument, I can't.
It just goes too far.

Consumer electronics planted under the skin must not be far off.
Next they'll connect them to brains, and then ... ??? :errrr:

If you like it, fine, enjoy.
Thanks everyone who responded for sharing your experiences!

I am feeling a little better about the Vivofit after wearing it the whole day today. At first it seemed way inaccurate, but over the course of the day it actually seemed like the numbers made sense. It did get me moving more, which is the whole point so that's good. I like the red bar feature that you have to make go away (not just a buzz that you can ignore and then forget about). And it's comfortable. Sounds like the FitBit could be more accurate and it tracks stairs, but the wearability of the Vivofit is what originally gave it the edge and I'm thinking it could work out after all.

momhappy, that's cool that the Fitbit can help with water intake - I assume that's part of their app? I'm pretty good about water,but kind of like the sleep trackers on these things, it's not bad info to have. A nice perk, albeit not a must (for me).

Wednesday, the Vivofit I got came with a band that slides and secures around the clasp to prevent it from falling off. So it seems they have addressed this, thankfully! Even so, I still like the idea of a true clasp.

I keep reading awesome reviews of MFP. I'll have to check it out. Garmin's Connect has been down all day so I haven't been able to use it or see what it's like with my info. If it's as crummy as so many say, being able to use FitBit's app helps solve one of the drawbacks to the Vivofit. One review said the functionality is limited though, so you're not getting the same feedback as you would using a FitBit device with the FitBit app. Which reminds me that I'm less into the tech aspect of these things and mainly looking for something that gives me instant feedback (on my wrist, since my phone is hardly ever on me) on my activity level and motivates me to do more.

luv2sparkle, I hear you on the feel around your wrist. That's one of the big drawbacks to the FitBit for me, the feel of the band. And if I don't like the feel, I won't want to put it on, and if I don't want to put it on.... The Vivofit, while still rubber, is a more comfortable design.

ame, bummer! Too bad we couldn't get someone to just dangle diamonds in front of us while walking backwards, eh? :P THAT would be guaranteed to work.
I'm considering getting onto the Fitbit bandwagon as well, so I don't have any advice, just wanted to comment. ;) I keep looking back and forth and the one I thought of was the Heart rate monitor one (I have murmur that I'm interested to see what happens), but another poster said the wrist ones weren't all that great. I have to be honest all of these exercise bands look ohmygoshsoUGLY I mean really, I just can't bring myself to wear these things. :rolleyes: Oh the vanity. Ok, so I'm still seriously considering the One because it's clipable, and will do what I think I want. One blog I read said something about making exercise FUN like when we were kids. Right now I run and honestly I loathe it. Hence the reason I've started the same program many times.....maybe this thing would be the motivator...but then it's $100 further than my sparklie goal of a gold bangle....sigh....such problems. :boohoo:
Cozystitches|1420862480|3814420 said:
I'm considering getting onto the Fitbit bandwagon as well, so I don't have any advice, just wanted to comment. ;) I keep looking back and forth and the one I thought of was the Heart rate monitor one (I have murmur that I'm interested to see what happens), but another poster said the wrist ones weren't all that great. I have to be honest all of these exercise bands look ohmygoshsoUGLY I mean really, I just can't bring myself to wear these things. :rolleyes: Oh the vanity. Ok, so I'm still seriously considering the One because it's clipable, and will do what I think I want. One blog I read said something about making exercise FUN like when we were kids. Right now I run and honestly I loathe it. Hence the reason I've started the same program many times.....maybe this thing would be the motivator...but then it's $100 further than my sparklie goal of a gold bangle....sigh....such problems. :boohoo:
So I agree the bands are not the most attractive thing ever but I find my flex sorta blends in and no one really notices it. I have the bands in slate grey and hot pink. Whenever I wear hot pink one, I get ton of questions and comments but never with slate one. This is my everyday look (with varying polish colors of course ;)) )

The other option is the new band design from Tory Burch

I am glad to hear the Vivofit's band issue is fixed!

Couple of things about the Fitbit app and tracker: 1) You manually log your water intake. You can do this through My Fitness Pal instead, if you don't use the Fitbit app. 2) The Fitbit Charge does *not* accurately track stairs. Not at all. There were days I never went up steps and it would count me as having anywhere from 1-14 flights of stairs! Sometimes I thought it was due to slight hills, or going up an escalator or elevator, but sometimes I never left one floor and it would count it. Weird.

I think the Fitbit One is supposed to be more accurate and it does away with the ugly wristband part. Unfortunately, I have no real way of wearing it so I could not see myself using it. I need something that doesn't attach to clothing, because sometimes I wear dresses or hang out in loungewear much of the day. I know some ladies attach it to their bra, but you have to have a large enough bust and proper clothes to conceal that, I'd assume!

The Fitbit Flex and Garmin Vivofit are better looking wristbands, IMO, and the fact you can change them out is a plus.

I like the apps because the Fitbit App allows me to participate in challenges with friends and there is a leaderboard with steps for the week, which is motivating. Even on an individual basis, the app shows how you are doing with meeting step, mileage, active minutes, and water consumption goals, and sends you badges via email. The My Fitness Pal app allows me to see the big picture and whether I am meeting nutritional goals with my diet. If you don't care about apps then there are less expensive options.

If I wore clothes with a waistband all the time I'd probably just get a $10 pedometer, which is definitely accurate, and make entries about steps in the free My Fitness Pal app. Inexpensive and accurate. I do not use Fitbit as a sleep tracker, and there is a free app called Sleep Cycle I have used that is likely better for this. (Some people experience the Fitbit logging them as having steps while they sleep. Maybe they're sleepwalking, but more likely it's due to arm movements.)

Here is a helpful article I read reviewing trackers in December 2014: If you want to monitor heart rate, you need a chest monitor - with a wrist reading only, your readings could be inaccurate in either direction. So it would not help in planning target heart rate in exercise, and you might think you have a heart problem when you don't!
I use the Vivofit now and also have used a Nike Fuel Band. I love the battery on the Vivofit. That's a big selling feature for me. I was concerned about the falling off issue, but as you mentioned it now comes with a band that solves that problem. I was using the Vivofit to motivate me to get up and walk at work. Now that I'm on bedrest, I use it to make sure I'm not walking too it's pretty handy that way. I also really like the sleep tracking, but I've heard the software for that is better on the Fitbit.
Well, I am thinking of returning the Vivofit and getting the FitBit Charge. I still love the Vivofit for a lot of things - battery life, display, comfort, looks and flexibility to change out the bands. But... I suspect it is wildly inaccurate. I could certainly account for some inaccuracy but I think it could be off by thousands of steps. And Garmin Connect, which I didn't think would be too important to me, is very frustrating. It sometimes works, most of the time doesn't, and I am finding that I would like to compare from day to day, week to week.

baby monster, it looks great on you! Of course, your elegant hands and Cartier might help. ;-)

Thanks for the link, Wednesday! That's disappointing about FitBit's stair counting being inaccurate. I was interested in that data. I don't think I"m going to wait for the Charge HR because I only want it for the clasp; I know the HR on the wrist isn't reliable so that's not a big selling feature for me. I can't wear the One either, I need a wristband. My DH jokes that I'll wash it if I were to get it, lol. I didn't think I cared about the apps, but I am discovering that having that competition with myself is motivating. And I have a friend with FitBit that loves the challenges and wants me to get in on it.

So we'll see. If I get the FitBit I'll come back and let you know how they compared.
I am also interested in the FitBit, but am waiting for the Charger. When exercising I use a Polar chest monitor with a wristband that shows my HR and my workout and it is annoying because many times I have to rewet sensors on the band to keep the contact and track my heartrateand workout session. I also have to make sure I wash the chest band regularly so that it works properly. I was just wondering if there could be a similar problem with these wristbands.

I know there is no perfect way to track your heartrate or workout unless you are hooked up to an EKG machine, but I would like the next best thing. If I truly want to check my HR I use an oximeter . I just want to find the best way to let me know that I am moving enough instead of being too sedentary.
I don't care to wear a piece of rubber jewelry, so the Fitbit bracelet is definitely not for me.
FYI, there are tons of sellers on Etsy who make various bracelets, etc to make them more attractive. Tory Burch also sells a line of Fitbit jewelry.
momhappy|1421095686|3815385 said:
I don't care to wear a piece of rubber jewelry, so the Fitbit bracelet is definitely not for me.
FYI, there are tons of sellers on Etsy who make various bracelets, etc to make them more attractive. Tory Burch also sells a line of Fitbit jewelry.

I saw the Tory Burch bracelets and just wondered if there would be any difference in the wrist contact - will it still give you the same reading no matter what kind of band you are wearing?
I like my Fitbit flex. Around the holidays Costco had them with two extra bracelets in other colors which is a good value.
I have a fitbit charge. I like to use it mostly for sleep activity...LOL Hear me out...i work 3rd shift and have a puppy - so i like to see how much sleep I'm getting. My average for the week is 3 hours and 5 minutes! YAY ME>

I also use it for exercise. I like seeing how many stairs and miles i have walked. I do not have it connected to myfitnesspal and I'm not so much of a calorie tracker anyways but i do think it motivates me to an extent. Also doubles as a watch for work. Love it.
I wondered that too about the Tori Burch bracelets - if they interfered with the readings. But it looks like it's for the Flex which doesn't read HR, so I guess there's really nothing to interfere with. They want $195 for them though, which I think is silly. This was another plus to the Vivofit, there were several different band options from other rubber designs to metals to leathers.

LLC, glad to hear you like your Charge! I thought the sleep monitoring would be a perk only, but once I had access to that info I found it interesting. You could use some more sleep, though, girl! :)) :snore:
Ok, wow. So I just got the FitBit Charge and it's already looking good.

Of course everything out there says FitBit's software is waaaaay better, but since I didn't think I cared as much about the software as the device, I ignored it. But within minutes of starting the setup, I was sold just based on their site. It's that good! I don't have anything to sync in yet, but I am really looking forward to it. I was not inspired to log anything additional into Garmin's Connect, on the other hand I find myself already entering info into FitBit and anticipating doing so regularly.

Haven't been able to wear it yet because it is still charging. Hopefully it is comfortable, and more accurate! And that I got one whose charge actually lasts 'up to 7 days' vs the ones that lose their ability to hold a charge quickly.
momhappy|1421095686|3815385 said:
I don't care to wear a piece of rubber jewelry, so the Fitbit bracelet is definitely not for me.
FYI, there are tons of sellers on Etsy who make various bracelets, etc to make them more attractive. Tory Burch also sells a line of Fitbit jewelry.

My friend has a business where she uses swarovski crystals, so I got some in jet hematite. Here is my blinged out swarovski fitbit with a swarovski slake bracelet. I get more comments on my blinged fitbit than I do my real bling. :cheeky:

I've since got the black slake bracelet and it looks better with it.


soocool|1421095377|3815380 said:
I am also interested in the FitBit, but am waiting for the Charger. When exercising I use a Polar chest monitor with a wristband that shows my HR and my workout and it is annoying because many times I have to rewet sensors on the band to keep the contact and track my heartrateand workout session. I also have to make sure I wash the chest band regularly so that it works properly. I was just wondering if there could be a similar problem with these wristbands.

I know there is no perfect way to track your heartrate or workout unless you are hooked up to an EKG machine, but I would like the next best thing. If I truly want to check my HR I use an oximeter . I just want to find the best way to let me know that I am moving enough instead of being too sedentary.

I ended up getting a Mio link optical heart rate monitor based on the reviews at dcrainmaker. I was really looking to get away from chest strap monitors because at some point the chest bands would lose contact and the readings become spiky. I've had no problems with the Mio accuracy on my runs, 5 miles or so and recording heart rate with Runkeeper. I recommend reading the reviews of fitness trackers at the dcrainmaker website. Initially thought about getting a Samsung gear fit, but the bad reviews convinced me to go with the Mio.
TravelingGal said:
My friend has a business where she uses swarovski crystals, so I got some in jet hematite. Here is my blinged out swarovski fitbit with a swarovski slake bracelet. I get more comments on my blinged fitbit than I do my real bling. :cheeky:

I've since got the black slake bracelet and it looks better with it.

Nice job with the crystals! I'd buy something like that. You might be able to open an etsy shop yourself.
I strass. I've done entire pairs of CL shoes (which take several days to complete), phone cases, etc., but I've never thought about strassing Fitbits :think:
TG, that is HOT! I love it! Are the crystals at all pokey or itchy or does it never really rub against anything?

whatmeworry, the MIO did catch my eye. But none of the stores I went to had it on display so that I could try it on. It's a nice looking design, and seems like a great tracker especially if you run and are very active!

So far, so good with the Charge. I think it's more accurate than the Vivofit, and I am loving FitBit's software. The food database is awesome. It's a little annoying to have to tap or push the button for your info, and the info doesn't stay on long (so I can't walk and see how many steps it's counting live).
baby monster|1421159124|3815651 said:
TravelingGal said:
My friend has a business where she uses swarovski crystals, so I got some in jet hematite. Here is my blinged out swarovski fitbit with a swarovski slake bracelet. I get more comments on my blinged fitbit than I do my real bling. :cheeky:

I've since got the black slake bracelet and it looks better with it.

Nice job with the crystals! I'd buy something like that. You might be able to open an etsy shop yourself.

babymonster said that her friend does the strassing, not her:)
I love the blinged out Flex, TG! That is pretty cool. I also like the Tory Burch. I think I could get used to the flex if it has a display that I could look at. I really missed that about the flex versus the One.
luv, I would have liked the Flex if it showed the info on it because it was thinner and you could change out the bands. But I guess showing the info would make the device larger and then... you have the Charge. The Charge sill feels like rubber on the wrist and I felt sweaty under it while on the elliptical. I have been wearing it a little loose to help with the feel, and that seems to be working for me. Once I was off the elliptical I stopped noticing it, and now I just have to remember to wipe it down. I was curious about gals like you who clip the One to their bra, do you feel it? Actually, now that I think about it, are you able check it? I imagine you'd have to be discreet! :shifty: :lol:
rainydaze|1421163010|3815697 said:
TG, that is HOT! I love it! Are the crystals at all pokey or itchy or does it never really rub against anything?

whatmeworry, the MIO did catch my eye. But none of the stores I went to had it on display so that I could try it on. It's a nice looking design, and seems like a great tracker especially if you run and are very active!

So far, so good with the Charge. I think it's more accurate than the Vivofit, and I am loving FitBit's software. The food database is awesome. It's a little annoying to have to tap or push the button for your info, and the info doesn't stay on long (so I can't walk and see how many steps it's counting live).

I wear this one when I go out and it's comfortable...doesn't bother me at all. Pics don't do swarovski justice, as probably you all know.

I got the crystals and did it myself. I wouldn't have bothered with cheesier looking crystals, but these were worth the effort. It took me an afternoon to do it, and no, I wouldn't bother starting a etsy someone else can have at it!